Harry Potters twin sister: or...

By Mia_Ackerman

42.9K 862 207

Hope Potter the twin sister of Harry Potter , she is not some cliche sister like most of the Harry Potter twi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 24

837 23 1
By Mia_Ackerman

Harry took in a deep breath as he pushed away the curtain,  and there Hope was. Looking almost dead like as he came by her side, staring down at her unconscious body. 

He felt his heart ache, and his throat become suddenly sore. Dumbledores words echoing through out his head, 'keep the twins apart'. Harry didn't think he could, he could remember of the longest time they had been apart from each other. 

Slowly placing himself on the chair beside her bed, he hesitantly reached his hand out gently holding onto her icy cold hand. Her head had suddenly shifted, tightly holding her eyes together, a whimper escaping her throat. 

Something had told Harry that Hope knew it was him, or maybe it was a lie he was telling himself just to make himself feel better. Weather it a lie or the truth it made his heart ache even more. 

Hesitatly he slowly let go of her hand, he didn't know how long he could stay next to her. Getting up off the chair, turning away from her. When her head had began to shake side to side, her whimpers growing louder and louder almost as if she wanted to scream. He made his way back to the chair placing him self down again, his fingers wrapping around her hand. The shaking of her head had finally stopped, and her whimpers had silenced. 

Sighing to himself he decided to stay in the chair. 


The next thing Harry knew sun rays were appearing through the windows, his back was achy from sleeping in a chair, his hand still connected with Hopes. He sighed to himself, he didn't know the next time he would see Hope again, as he removed his hand away form hers, standing up from the chair.   

With his cloak wrapped around him he made his way back to his dorm. Ron was awake by the time he arrived, and he the look on Harrys face told it him all. 

Harry had went on with the day his head hung low it was almost touching the floor. 

Last Period Mcgongall had pulled him into her office. 

"I believe you are aware of the sate that Hope is in at the moment." Mcgongall had uttered holding her lips together. 

Harry just gave a similar nod back to her. He didn't want to say anything, he didn't feel like saying anything. 

"So we have decided to send her to live with Sirus." Mcgongall explained. "And the thing is, we don't know when she shall be coming back. It could be months." 

"Will I be able to visit her?" Harry asked, not too sure if he should be hopeful or not. 

Mcgongall sighed, "Im afraid not. What she has, a dark magic memory curse, it messes with their minds. The memory goses to their head and messes with them. And it's such a rare type of magic we don't know memory caused it, and we don't know how she will be afterwards." 

Harry nodded once more. "I understand." He sated, when in fact he didn't. "I'll be going then."

 He got up from his chair almost out of the door when Mcgongall spoke, "Potter, she will be fine I can promise you that." 

Harry gave her a nod, wanting to believe her. 

He soon found Ron and Hermione, "she's been sent to live with Sirus." Harry sated as soon as he reached them. 

"Did Mcgongall say anything else?" Hermione asked eager to know more. 

Harry took in a deep sigh. "She said it was a, dark magic memory curse. I believe." Harry explained. 

Hermione tilted her head to the side. "I've never heard of it before." 

"I'm guessing it's in the restricted section then, if it's dark magic." Ron huffed. 

"How about we all go tonight." Hermione sated. "If I've never heard of it then it must be bad." 

"Oh Thanks Hermione." Harry snapped. 


As the three agreed they all meet in the common room gone midnight, the moon was out and bright, lighting there way through the corridors.

"Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to find." Hermione hushed as they entered then restricted section of the library.  "We should stay close and don't wonder too far apart." 

The trio got to work straight away, no small talk involved. It had felt weird to them, like  a pice of their jigsaw missing. 

"What about this?" Ron asked his voice low and quiet. Hermione snapped her head round, snatching the book out of his hand. Her eyes scanning the title. Dark magic : the dark side. "Possibly." She uttered placing the book back in Rons hands. "Have a look through." 

It was a few minutes before one of them spoke up again, "I've found something." Harry hushed, waving a book around, The unknown parts of dark magic. 

"Have a look through I'll keep on looking." Hermione wispered back. 

"Hang on, it says something here about it here." Ron uttered calling them over to him, as they all surrounded him, following him word to word. "'The dark magic memory curse, is a curse so rare it has not been given a proper name. It happens when a memory involves dark tortures the person so much; they go into to a coma state for ever, a state were the person has complete memory loss, a state where they can not communicate with anyone, or where they wake up from the said coma Although it is to be noted that they all start off in a coma like state it is where that state then leads to them having very bad mental health. The last one, (bad mental health), is is the best possible outcome for this curse." Ron had looked up from the book to look at Harry and Hermione. 

Harry had stared down at the book, as if there where more words to the page, something hidden that would give him hope. Something that would make him believe that part of him that was just telling him it was a joke a trick that was being played on him. 


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