Trafalgar law x OC

By Maxiepoooooooo

56.8K 1.5K 471

Abandoned at the age of 5, you had to fight to live. You were chased by the government but they only knew you... More

My Life
Waking Up
Laws Deal
A Check Up
The Past
Your Health
White Lead Disease
Drunk Law
What Happened
This is not an update
Somethings changed
Reality Or Dream
Will he catch on?
The Fight
I Trust You Guys
My Pain
Merry Christmas

Plan Set

3.2K 86 30
By Maxiepoooooooo

Slowly, waking up out of your sleeping trance, you had found yourself in a more comfortable place. You opened your eyes and took in your surroundings. You were in a bed.

How had you gotten into the bed. You remember sleeping on the chair in the corner of the room. You had a slight stiffness in your back so you definitely did fall asleep in the chair.

Had you sleep walked to the bed. No, that's stupid, 'I've never sleep walked before. Was I moved?'.

It hit you. Law had moved you. You scanned the room for his stupid hat and you didn't find him. You let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding in and decided to get out of the bed as soon as possible.

You knew that you had slept for around 3 to 4 hours at most. Your sleeping habits have been bad ever since you can remember. You always end up waking up around 4 hours in.

You thought you had insomnia. You couldn't fall asleep to easily unless your body was healing. It became a big pain especially when you have to do everything yourself.

You stand up feeling a little dizzy from the sudden movement. You stood still for a few seconds so that the blood could go round your body without any problems. You walked over to the desk taking interest in what papers were there.

You had hit the jackpot. It was maps of islands and where they were going. They were all laid out in front of you, you could swear luck was on your side today. You scanned the path that had been mapped out and took notice of where you were.

You were going to arrive at an island within 5 days. This is going to be great. This island could not have been in a better place. You could easily recover in those 5 days and you would be able to get out.

Sadly that was all that was on the desk. You looked around the room for anything that may prove to be helpful but you found nothing. You sighed in disappointment.

Walking to the door, you prepared yourself. You were going to have to see who was out and what the crew was like. You needed to gather as much information as possible if you were going to fight against these guys.

You hadn't really thought of a escape plan yet, you needed as much information as you could get. You opened the door and walked out nonchalantly. You eyes had first met a pair of people walking down the hall with there backs to you.

They were wearing a weird looking jumpsuit. They looked very funny, you hold back a laugh. They really had a weird dress code. Then you had a horrible thought cross your mind. What if law wanted you to wear one. A shiver went down you spine and you had made a deal with yourself.

You would never and I mean never wear anything that law wanted you to wear. The only exception would be clothes that looked normal but a jumpsuit was off the table.

You followed the two crew members out into the dinner hall. There were so many people in the hall, how big was this ship. You had thought that it was tiny by what you had seen but apparently not.

You walked into the room and all eyes were on you. This was a great opportunity to sense who would cause trouble. By this you mean you would be able to weed out the cautious ones and the clever ones.

They all seemed to have a slight pink tint to there cheeks. Had they not seen a women in a oversized jumper. You were wearing a pair of Jeans so you saw no problem with it. Must be a weird kink.

You scanned all of the eyes that were on you and you begun to pick out the people that would cause the most trouble. There was a bear that looked as though he was a skilled fighter. Atleast that what his aura gave off.

There was a guy next to him that had a hat on that had penguin written on top of it. He didn't seem so dangerous but you definitely had to be cautious.

Next to him there was a guy with a with a lot of hair hidden under a hat. Once again he didn't seem to dangerous but you needed to be cautious.

The room had gone deadly silent. You could feel the uneasiness that came off this crew. Maybe law hadn't told them about you.

"I'm Luna, I'm a part of your crew." You introduced yourself and sat down on the closest chair to you. They all seemed shocked by your words and looked at each other for confirmation as to who you were.

A smirk formed on your face, they were scared of you. You could feel it. You had power of the unknown on your side.

Law had walked into the room without you noticing and had walked over to you without you realising. "Luna-ya who told you, you could leave my room." You got snapped out of your sense of pride and got hit with cold reality.

"I did." You simple stated. You didn't need his permission to walk around and do stuff. He didn't have that control over you. You wouldn't let him have that control.

You gave a meaningful glare to law, just waiting for his reply.

"I didn't give you permission to do so." He was trying to act as the high and mighty captain. This had made you boil. How dare he try act as your captain when you didn't even want to join his crew.

"And I don't need it." This was a war over who had the biggest ego. Who would let it go first. You sure as hell weren't going to let it go. You were stubborn down to your little red blood cells that floated around your body.

You had survived just because of your stubborn personality and like hell you would ditch it.

"Tch" Law had looked away from a little dual and had drawn his attention to his crew who were stunned.

"Luna-ya is part of our crew even if she doesn't act like it" Then once again all eyes were on you.

"I didn't have a choice" You would keep using your snarky remarks till you died. Like hell you would stop just because he wanted you too.

"Now everyone, go back to doing what ever you were doing" Everyone had gone back to eating. He really did have a tight hold on these guys. You couldn't bare to see how controlling law was.

You never liked the thought of someone having more power over you than yourself. That's probably why you survived for so long. Never letting someone taking hold on your life.

Law then diverted his attention back to you. 'Here we go'. "I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly, you seemed as though you could sleep for days a few hours ago" and here he was trying to get under your skin.

"I would have slept alot better had someone not moved me." You gained the control of the situation. His face twisted with annoyance. For all he knew is that he was the reason you hadn't slept long.

You were going to use every card you had, you weren't going to drop your defence and you weren't going to trust anyone!. "So next time please refrain from moving me"

Smart comments were even better than you had anticipated. You could practically see the steam coming out his ears. You begin to chuckle to yourself.

You felt glad you had gotten under his skin. He had barely scratched the surface. He was oblivious as to what you were capable of, how strong you were and what knowledge you held.

A twisted grin was plastered on your face. "I guess next time I'm just going to have to chain you to bed. Then we won't have the problem of you exploring without permission." Law gained his composure and tried to come back with the remark he could. But it only favoured you.

"And you'd like that wouldn't you." Then crew, kept an ear out listening to our conversation and they all had a light pink on there cheeks. It was both due to your comment and the fact that you were putting there 'captain' in his place.

Law just leaned closer grabbing a hold of you cheeks. He made you keep eye contact. He was trying to gain the upper hand in the situation and it was working.

You knew you weren't strong enough to get his hand off of your face. He had a death grip. He brought his mouth to your ear and spoke barely above a whisper so only you could hear.

"Keep talking like that and there won't be much holding me back." You repeated the words in your head. You face started to heat up, you could feel the blush spreading itself across your cheeks.

Just before law pulled away he licked the outer shell of your ear. Then he just casually walks away, as if nothing had happened.

You on the other hand were trying to grip to what little composure you had lost. How was he able to recover that quickly with those types of situations.

Everyone had there eye on you, waiting for your next move. You didn't move. You had to take a moment to once again gain control of yourself. You had come to the dining hall for food but you had completely lost your appetite. You knew that even if you did eat anything you would surely puke it up.

You decided on the best plan of action, milk his sorry ass crew of all the information they had. You put on your best smile you could. You were going to have to act, luckily you were a great actress.

You lifted yourself off of the chair and made your way to the crew and pulled a chair up. The chair was facing towards you with the back facing the table. You straddled the chair.

The guys at the table seemed to be confused as to why you would sit with them. Time to work your magic.

"Hey, I'm Luna. I...I wanted to ask you guys something." You had you innocent face on. You had lured them all in. "And that is" you turned your head over your shoulder and you were face to face with the guy with penguin written on his hat.

"I..I wanted to ask if we could be friends." Now time to strike. "I've never really had friends before and law is quite scary." You had forced yourself to cry. But you didn't let your tears fall, they would well in your eyes giving you more of an advantage.

They all went silent. "I guess we can't then..." you lowered your voice to make it seem like you were sad. "Now do go saying that Luna. We were just surprised that such a pretty lady would ask us to be friends." They had bought it.

You thanked them over and over again to make it look like you were grateful to them. On the inside you were just hoping that you would get this over with quickly and get the information your needed.

"Since were friends, could I ask you something?" Now time to test the waters. How much were they willing to give away.

"Yeah, sure anything for you luna" the guy to your left spoke. "Can I know your names." This was the best way to gain there trust. If you didn't ask that they would have definitely caught on to what you were planning.

(I'm just going to make up some names for this part)

The guy with penguin on his hat had relaxed around you now. He wasn't so tense. He had wormed a chair in next to you. "Well, I'm penguin. This is Don. That's Tanaka, that's Tom and finally that's Alfie." He pointed to each one of them as he spoke there names.

You got a tiny group of guys you could now use to get information out of.

Within a few hours you had learnt that you were in fact not on a ship but and submarine. They had showed you around the sub. You had basic knowledge of the lay out of the sub.

They would asked you questions here and there but you would always give simple answers or lies, not like they would know the difference.

You had wore yourself out with all this talking. You had decided you would go and try and find your heart. Your best guess was in laws room.

You had a great excuse as to why you may be in there and that would be to sleep. You had a plan planned out if law was in there, you would pretend to fall asleep and wait for him to leave.

You walked in to laws room and found him in the corner getting changed. He was pulling his t-shirt over his head, you got a quick glimpse at his muscles. He was ripped. If you got into hand to hand combat he would 100% win.

You didn't realise that you had been caught looking. He snapped you out of thought. "You like what you see~" he purred.

"Actually I was looking at you without a hat. I now see why you keep it on." He wasn't pleased about your comment. This made you happy. He was annoyed while once again trying to tease you.

"Anyway, I'd like to change into something other than your hoodie and go to sleep." The crew had asked you why you were wearing laws hoodie. If you had known it was his you wouldn't have worn it.

"Tch" He turned around and went into his closet. You were going to have to wear something of his for the time being you knew that but the thought still disgusts you.

He pulled out a pair of boxers, a pair of jogging bottoms and a plain black t-shirt with that weird yellow logo on it. He had shoved all the items towards you.

"Go take a shower as well, it can't be hygienic to not wash for over a week" Those words surprised you. Was he being caring or was he just looking after you as a patient. He pointed you towards the bathroom that was connected to your room.

You walked in, clothes in hands. You didn't know how to feel. You hadn't used hot water in years. Your showers have always been quick and from a running source like a river.

You placed your clothes on to the side and started to strip down. You hadn't seen what you looked like in a long while so you examined yourself intently.

The whites of your eyes had gone red, with a glimpse of white every once in a while. Your red eye was the better one of the two.

You had taken the hoodie off and you had bared witness to all your scars. Your had bandages covering some part of your body but the parts without them was littered with scars.

You traced the one that run along your stomach in a diagonal line. It was jagged and rough. The scar had healed but it wasn't like the rest it was red.

Memories had flushed into your mind at how you got your scars, one remaining in your head.

You had torn yourself away from the mirror not wanting to look at yourself anymore. The scars that littered your skin were the gate way to your memory.

Everything you had hidden away in deep parts within you brain had all surfaced at once. You couldn't control your emotions.

You quickly turned the shower on. This drowned out your rapid breathing and panic. The reason all these memories had been sealed away was because you couldn't live with them constantly on your mind.

Tears joined in with the dirted water. The water would run off of you and into the bottom getting drained out. Your tears soon joined them.

You could feel your pulse in your ears and it only worsened. You needed to calm down.

Without even thinking you dug your nails into your wrist, drawing blood.

Watching the blood slowly seep out of your arm and mix with the water had calmed you down. You had gained control of your breathing but tears still continued to fall.

You wipped the tears away but you only realised that you weren't just crying tears, your left eye had been crying blood.

Your blue eye was crying blood, the only normal thing about you couldn't even cry normally. You looked at your hand as your blood ran through your fingers. If you were sane you would have screamed, freaked out.

But you, you just looked at it. Not in disbelief, but in amazement. You didn't have anything to be surprised about, it was amazing.

A smile grew on your face. You weren't crazy, you just found the situation funny.

For your body to not even produce tears and replace it with blood, it was amazing. You cupped your hands together collecting some of the water and splashing it on your face.

It was refreshing. For once you didn't have to worry about getting found and running. Getting chased. Getting hunted.

You weren't safe you knew that much, but you had no one to chase you. You were in a submarine, 4000m below sea level. All you had to worry about was escaping.

You hummed the melody you had learnt from your old friend while you cleaned yourself. Your hair was beyond saving, so you just left it till after you got out of the shower.

You grabbed the body wash that was there, it was mint. You smothered your hands in it creating bubbles that would travel around your body cleaning all the dirt, blood and sweat from your skin.

You had stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around yourself and looked into the mirror.

You eyes weren't red anymore they were as white as pearls. Your attention was then drawn to your hair. It was knotted to God knows what and you weren't able to save most of it.

You searched the room for anything that could be used. You eyes came across and razor. You picked up the razor and slammed it against the top as hard as you could breaking it.

You took the blade out and it fit nicely in your hand. With blade in hand you started to cut your hair.

By the end most of your hair had ended up being cut off but you were left with shoulder length hair.

It was a messy cut but it looked a whole lot better than what you had before. Your hair was now a shiny black with highlights as dark as rubies, it looked a lot healthier than it had for quite a long time.

After cleaning up the sides and getting all the hair off your skin. You looked into the mirror once again staring at your scars, you were littered with them. After the shower there looked like there was more than you had first seen.

The one place that you never had any scars was on one wrist. The other had a horrible ragged scar that only reminded you of your life turning upside down.

You pulled yourself away from your thoughts, you didn't want to cry again. You splashed your face with cold water and slipped on the t-shirt along with the boxers and jogging bottoms.

The boxers seemed to somewhat fit, but the rest was going to slide right off. You tied the string to your pants as tight as you could to try and stop it from sliding off.

You let the t-shirt hang loosely, you looked into the mirror and were satisfied with your look. You felt refreshed.

You looked yourself one more time in the eyes through the mirror. You started rebuilding your face.

You needed you mask back on. While you were getting your thoughts back in check. You had one thought run through your head. 'Should I stay'. You shock that ridiculous idea out of your head. But you still had your doubts.

You had to many emotions released all at once today so you needed time for your brain to fix itself. You blamed the whole wanting to stay thing on that but you knew it wasn't the whole truth.

You made your way out of the bathroom, you looked out for any sign that law may be in the room with you. He wasn't, you let out a sigh of relief and made your way to the middle of the room.

You contemplating on sleeping or finding your heart, but drowsiness had taken over your thoughts. You had decided you were going to get some rest.

You contemplated on sleeping on the bed but that thought was quickly pushed out your head as you thought of laws smirking face. He would definitely make sure to rub it in, if you slept in his bed.

You retired to the small looking chair, the blanket you had before was no where to be seen. This annoyed you as you couldn't sleep peacefully without something covering your body.

You had gotten up and went to grab something out of laws closet. He had a lot of jumpers, then a hoodie had caught your eye. It was long enough to cover you if you were to curl up on the chair.

You grabbed the jumper and made you way back over to the chair. You had sat down and made yourself comfortable. You placed the jumper over yourself.

You used your hands as a way to support your head and you slowly started to drift off.

One memory kept wondering around your mind, it was one that will always haunt you.

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