The Unforgettable

By intotheblue22

24K 1.2K 539

Nothing ever felt quite right...nothing but her... Her lips fit perfectly with mine, as if God were an artist... More

New Beginnings
We just "clicked"
The Secret Garden
I felt it
Roti with Curry
To the moon
What now?
Whenever she's around
Hot and Bothered
Clean up Woman
Sweet tooth
Ain't no way
The "L" bomb
Liquid Lava Love
Aint nothin but a thing
Unfinished business
Anger Management
Promise me
Birthday Girl (P.1)
Birthday Girl (P.2)
Pandora's Box

It'll be alright

890 50 12
By intotheblue22

Sorry I've been taking forever to update! I gave y'all two chapters this time tho so you can't be that mad at me 😂


I woke up shortly after to the feeling of someone caressing my face. I smiled on the inside knowing it was Janet, but I kept my eyes closed. Her fingers traced above my eyebrow coming down to my cheek and finally tracing the outline of my bottom lip. Her touch made me hot and I was trying my best to hold it together. I felt her lean in and kiss the corner of my mouth and I couldn't hold in my smile any longer.

I opened my eyes to see her staring back at me with a wide grin on her face. "Hey there sleepy" she spoke.

"Hi" I said. Rubbing my eyes still keeping the smile on my face.

She reached out and moved a curl away from my face. "I guess I wasn't the only one warn out huh?"

"Sorry I've just been really tired lately, I needed that little boost" I replied, her hand still resting on my cheek.

She giggled "yeah I can tell, you were out for a while."

My eyes got wide "Wait. What time is it?" I shot straight up reaching for my phone in my apron checking the time. The time read 9:00 pm. Shit.

I missed my bus and the next one doesn't come until eleven. I checked my notifications to see that my aunty had left a couple of messages wondering where I was. I quickly replied letting her know I would be home late telling her not to wait up for me.

"Everything alright?" Janet was sitting up now stretching.

"Uh yeah I just have to go, I missed my bus." I told her, getting up and walking out of her room quickly.

She followed me out into the hallway "Wait the bus? You don't drive?" She asked in disbelief.

"No I don't have a car" I said simply. Walking down the stairs making my way toward the back kitchen for my things.

"Davina it's late and it's dark outside, I don't feel comfortable with you catching the bus." She was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed watching me get my stuff together.

I turned around for a second to respond to her. "Jan I'm a big girl, I'll be fine I swear." I smiled my best smile in an attempt to reassure her.

She squinted at me "Davina."

"Janet." I replied with the same tone.

"Why are you so stubborn? Well at least let me take you to the bus stop."

I was about to tell her no until she cut her eyes at me making me stop mid thought.

I gave up holding my hands up "Okay fine."

She was putting on a pair of shoes that were sitting by the door. "Good" she gave me a cheeky smile and stood up walking out after grabbing a set of car keys.

We walked outside together and I felt the crisp autumn air creep up my exposed skin making me shiver. Janet caught me as she looked me over and put her arm around me rubbing my shoulder.

She shook her head. "And you don't even have a jacket? Davina seriously?" I felt like a child being scolded like this. But instead of responding I just shrugged shoulders.

We made it to a black 2019 Cadillac Escalade and she unlocked it opening my door for me, letting me inside before closing it. She made her way to the drivers side and hopped in.

"Okay" she said as she started the car up.
"Where is this bus stop?"

We started to make our way down the long driveway onto the Main Street. I hesitated for a second before responding "uh, it's on the corner of Council and Essex."

She pressed on the breaks hard, causing me to launch forward but thankfully my seatbelt caught me.

"WHAT?!" She yelled looking at me like I was absolutely crazy. I didn't know her voice could get so loud, it honestly took me by surprise.

"Davina that is over three miles away! You're kidding right?!" I could tell she was mad and I couldn't even bring myself to look her in the eyes. I just kept silent.

"You walk to and from there every single day for work?" She questioned. I just nodded my head, not trusting my voice enough to respond.

Shaking her head she spoke again "Okay no. Nope. Absolutely not, we are not doing that today. Where do you live? I'm taking you all the way there."

My eyes got wide as I started to shake my head. I lived almost an hour away and I did not want her driving that far just to come all the way back by herself. "No, I live really far Jan it's fine. Really just take me to the bus stop" I told her reaching for her hand on the steering wheel squeezing it softly.

She just looked at me unamused. "That's an even bigger reason why I am not about to let you catch the bus Davina."
I pressed my lips together as she continued. "And I really don't give a damn, either you give me your address or you're not going home at all. Make your choice."

And she says I'm the stubborn one.

Finally I gave up and told her my address, I wasn't in the mood to go back and forth with her. I know she wasn't about to budge so I just let her have her way.

We eventually made it onto the freeway and soon a comfortable silence fell over us.


I cannot believe she was about to walk to that bus stop by herself at this time of night and not even tell me about it. And then on top of that spend almost two hours on a bus with complete strangers. I didn't want her to do that every single day, so I made it up in my mind that I would have her picked up and dropped off every day.

I had this overwhelming urge to protect her. Just the thought of a beautiful girl like her walking the streets of Los Angeles alone made me feel uneasy. I wanted to keep her safe and close.

The entire time I was in London I couldn't keep my mind off of her, but that's how it always was these days. I wish I could've said goodbye to her but things just happened so fast. I admit I could've easily gotten in touch with her but I didn't know if that's what she wanted. God knows that's definitely what I needed. To hear her voice at least once, but I didn't want to push any boundaries since we aren't anything serious. Yet.

When I saw her in my room my heart lept. It had been too long and quite honestly I missed her terribly. Just her presence was enough to calm me and help me sleep, I haven't slept so soundly in months.

Davina was just looking out the window watching the buildings pass by. god she's gorgeous. And I don't think she even realizes it. Everything she did left me mesmerized.

She broke the silence after about twenty minutes.

"What happened on your trip? I don't mean to pry, but you just seem off."

Well someone is very observant, I didn't think she picked up on that earlier.

I just sighed thinking back on the past two months.
"I had meetings with lawyers and I took Eissa to stay with his father. I didn't want to leave him there so I stayed for those two months just to be close."

Davina just sat there quietly listening to me vent.

"My ex husband Wissam, is trying to get full custody of Eissa hence the lawyers. It's all so infuriating. I mean he couldn't care less about our son, and I know he's only doing all of this to spite me." I stated, feeling myself get hot as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

Davina took one of my hands in hers rubbing up and down my forearm. I took a deep breath before continuing. "The thing is, he might actually have a chance at getting Eissa. This whole time my son stayed with him, they monitored Wissam to see if he would be a better fit. And my lawyers told me things weren't looking so good for me because of my career."

I scoffed. "As if a woman can't be a mother and work at the same time just like any man can. So what? He can do it but I can't?" I wanted to get angry and cry just like I had done the previous weeks, but Davinas comforting hand kept me calm. She was giving me her full unwavering attention, her eyes held all the understanding that I so desperately needed. She made me feel seen and valid just by listening to me. I was grateful for her.

We finally made it to her neighborhood and I pulled up next to her house. It was a cute two story home that was painted a warm yellow color, it reminded me of a sunset. The garden in the front yard was cute and well kept. The house was modest and a little dated, it reminded me of the house I lived in as a child.

We stayed in silence for a little while longer, my mind still heavy with thoughts of Wissam and Eissa.

"For once I just want things to go right. No controlling exes, no secret vendettas, I just want to be happy." I sighed closing my eyes and letting a tear escape from them.

I felt Davina wipe the tear away and when I opened my eyes she pulled me into a tight hug. She was squeezing me so hard while rubbing my back, it felt safe and right.

She pulled away and I immediately wanted to go back to how we were. But she held my arms just looking into my eyes like she was searching for something. She reached up and wiped a few stray tears away and held my chin to face directly toward her.

"It's going to be alright Jan." She said sternly.

Even though I felt like my whole world was going to crumble, just those few words put my mind at ease. It wasn't the words themselves but it was the way she said it that had me convinced. She sounded so sure like she had already peeked into the future and saw the outcome or something. But I believed her regardless. Everything was going to be alright.

This woman was amazing. I felt a pang in my chest thinking about how I could have avoided so many tears, and lonely nights had I just reached out to her. She didn't deserve me just disappearing like that on her.

"I'm sorry, I just left the way I did. Everything just happened so fast I—"

"Shh. None of that" she said cutting me off.
"I completely understand. I admit I was a little hurt that you didn't say anything to me. But given your circumstances I'll let you slide this one time." She gave me sly grin.

I chuckled and kissed her hands. "Okay thank you. But still I am really sorry. I missed you ya'know" I told her, rubbing my thumb against the back of her hand.

She looked down at our joined hands smiling. "I missed you too. So much."

"Yeah I could tell by the way you were sniffing my sheets earlier."

Her mouth hung open and she shoved my shoulder playfully. "No I wasn't!"

"Yes you were, I saw you!" I laughed

She rolled her eyes and turned reaching for the handle. "Goodbye Janet."

"Wait! No goodbye kiss?" I asked.

She turned back around with her eyebrow raised and her head tilted slightly looking me up and down. "Say please."

The way she said it made my knees go weak and my pulse quicken. Her voice was so low and sultry I don't think I could ever say no to her.

I felt my hands get hot as I took a glance at her lips before I spoke again.

"Please?" I asked, just above a whisper.

She leaned in slowly grabbing my face and planting a sweet kiss on my lips. She tried to pull away but I pulled her back into me deepening the kiss. Her lips were so soft I had almost forgotten how good it made me feel. Our mouths danced and I pulled away slightly, only to run my tongue across her top lip slowly. She opened her mouth allowing my tongue to slip inside. This caused a moan to escape her mouth making a pool form between my legs.

Our kissing was becoming more intense and I was feeling uncomfortable the way I was positioned. I decided to pick Davina up and set her on my lap so she was straddling me. She didn't miss a beat and her lips never left mine. My hands rested on her ass and I squeezed it making her grip on my hair tighten causing me to moan in response. My mouth left hers only to leave a trail of kisses from her jaw to her neck. I loved the way her skin tasted, I could never get enough of it.

Just then the porch lights flickered on making Davina jump out of my lap. Her eyes got so big and she was breathing pretty hard, she looked like she'd seen a ghost. I started laughing at her and she just shoved my shoulder and rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's my cue." She said grabbing her things. And getting out of the car.

I rolled down my window as she got out and called after her. "Wait before I forget, someone's going to come by tomorrow morning to pick you up so be ready. You're not catching the bus." I told her. She furrowed her eyebrows and I knew she was about to go against it but I stopped her before she could.

"If whatever is about to come out of your mouth anything but a 'thank you' I don't wanna hear it." I said pointing my index finger at her.

She huffed and turned back around heading toward the front door.

"Goodnight Davina" I called out after her.

She turned around batting her eyelashes dramatically and giving me the biggest fake smile she could muster up.

"Goodnight Janet Jackson"

This girl is going to kill me I swear.


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