By rara12399

71.7K 3.8K 1K

When high-powered, black lawyer, Stella, is married to her job, she never expects to be shipped away to an id... More

You Need A Break
No Manners
Can't Nobody Be Nice To You For Shit
Coffee and Bagels
Battle Cry
Why Men Great 'Til They Gotta Be Great
Diary of a Mad Black Woman 2.0
Unnecessary Woman
Have Fun and Don't Die
A Piece of Paradise Pt. 1
A Piece of Paradise Pt. 2
Out of Any Bitch, I'm the Hardest in the Litter
That Shit Hurted
Gettin' to the Business
Aye, Aye Captain
I Promise
Mona Lisa
A Pimp Named Slickback Pt. 1
A Pimp Named Slickback Pt. 2
Court is in Session Pt. 1
Court is in Session Pt. 2
I'm So Sorry... It's All My Fault
The Truth Lies Within
The Weeping Shall Overcome the Weak
Home At Last
Bonus Chapter Pt. 1

No Place to Go But Up

1.9K 118 17
By rara12399

"Whew, chile. They really did a winner on my acrylics! Not too short huh?!" I wiggled my fingers in Jason's face. He swatted it away with a light chuckle.

"Put your seat belt on," he said as he turned the key into the ignition. I did what I was told this time, and happily did so. The nail technician was super sweet and took her time in my nail work. Dare I say it, but they were better than the one back at home, and I've been with them ever since I moved to New York. My nails were long, square, and designed with pink powder and flowers.

"Thank you again. They were amazing. You have a nice taste," I nodded towards his own manicure with clear polish. He grunted and accelerated the truck out the parking lot and on to the road.

"You have an excursion tomorrow. Early." I raised my eyebrow at how he emphasized 'early'.

"How early are we talking?"

"5 in the morning." I laughed with my mouth open.

"Where are you taking me in the ass crack of dawn, Jason?!"

"You won't be disappointed. It's one of the favorable excursions given by Paradise Keke. It's a... surprise," He cleared his throat at the end.

"Alright then, that's fine with me. Oh, shoot-" I took out my phone, "I'm supposed to meet with your dad around 1 pm. What time do you think we'll get back?" Jason let out a frustrated sigh.

"Look, Stella. When are you going to quit this, hm? I told you that we're not interested, and yet, you keep on insisting that you can fix all of this. Hell, you're not from here nor do you understand how it's been for my makuakāne. I'm asking you again, to butt out of this." Jason seem to try to get me to understand by calming his tone with me.

"Like I said... What time are we getting back so I can tell Matthew-"

"DAMMIT WOMAN CAN'T YOU LISTEN." I pointed my fresh acrylic up in the air.

"First of all... lower your voice."


"Oh nuh-uh! Don't you ruin this day for me, now. Not like this, you aren't! And I am listening. But, as far as I'm concerned, I'm working for Matthew. So when Matthew wants me to quit, then I will. So, until then, I will continue on forth with my investigation"

"Investigation? You're a LAWYER, Stella! Not the police. Stop digging before you hit something that you can't turn away from. I mean it," He turned his face to me for the first time, "Please."

"Look towards the road, sir. What has got you so spooked? It seems as though you aren't terrified of your family, so what is it? It may help me get somewhere with this case. Whatever you're hiding, I'm sure we can use it to our advantage and work it out."

I was trying to calm him down with my words. His demeanor was tense and his infamous grip on the wheel was deadly. He was hiding something; which also meant that Matthew was hiding something. Whatever they both were holding out on me, I needed to know so that there weren't any surprises that I couldn't get ahead of.

For some time, there was silence. We made it to the grounds of the resort, and then, close to my cabin. Once he drove in front of the lawn, I unbuckled myself and placed my hand on the door handle. But before I opened the door, I turned to Jason again.

"Last shot, Jason. What's going on? Let me help you and father get out of this."

"Can you wipe away the time of money laundering and gang affiliation, hm?" He said all of a sudden with his lips pressed against each other and his eyebrows raised.

Damn. What a plot twist.

I was speechless. My mouth opened to respond, but I was caught on to my words. Jason knew the answer to his question. Of course, I couldn't wipe that away. Especially something that big. That's getting into fraudulent crime. Felony charges, actually.

"Uh-uh. No. I can't. Jason are you telling me that you-"

"Go figures. See you tomorrow. At 5."

"Jason. How long ago were you involved? What money? What-"

"Tomorrow. For 5. Get out." That was when he shut down. I let out a deep sigh and cleared my throat.

"See you tomorrow. For 5," I replied. I open the door and shut it behind me. I walked a few steps forward, yet the best of me turned around to continue the conversation. But, I was met with dust from the gravel, as Jason put the truck in reverse, and rode back to the bungalow. My face was puzzled as I stood in that exact spot for some time.

"Money laundering? What is this, Good "Boys"? What the hell am I suppose to do with that?" I spoke to myself and flailed my arms up, dropping them back down to my side.

So much was going through my mind. What angle was I going to take to make this less extreme than what it really was? Was this what the Momoas were holding against Matthew, too? Jason could've stayed in jail - scratch that - PRISON for way longer if he caught a felony charge of financial fraud and gang affiliation. All the evidence points back to the Momoas with the gang; I've seen them in action too many times. Money laundering was just the icing on top of their criminal empire. It was a miracle that after Jason burned down the fields, Joseph didn't turn him in for more than just arson. But then again turning Jason in for washing money would be snitching on himself and his greasy ass son, Eddie.

I made it through the front door. After closing it behind me, I slid my back against the door and breathed out a lot of air.

"I've got my work cut out for me."


The Next Day


I groggily turned off my alarm clock and opened my eyes to total darkness. My phone read 4:30 AM, plain as day. I had enough time to brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on a pair of green cargo shorts, Timberlands, and a long-sleeve white sweater. It got chilly and windy in the night due to being so close to the water.

I grabbed my backpack and waited on the porch. Sooner at 4:55 AM, the headlights on Jason's truck shown as he traveled up the hill. Once I got into the car, I quietly greeted Jason briefly, then I turned my head, immediately curling up against the seat. Within minutes, I fell back asleep to the loud rumble of the truck's engine. I bet Jason had no complaints of not hearing me for a bit longer.

By 5:20, Jason was shaking me awake by my shoulders.

"Stella. Stella, come on. It's time to get out."

My eyes squinted a bit before fully opening them. It was still pitch-black outside. The only difference was that, along with the truck's noisy engine, there was also a louder, whirring sound.


I opened my eyes to see a small helicopter in front of me.

"Come on we don't have time to stare. We've got to get in the air and beat the sunrise. You ate anything?"

"No," I answered back. That prompted Jason into tossing me a chocolate chip granola bar. I caught it effortlessly and opened the wrapper.


Jason and I finally exited the truck, in which he locked. On side of the helicopter was a man, who sported a toothpick sitting on the side of his lips.

"Jason, my boy! You two ready!" The man greeted us both with a smile.

"Yes, ʻanakē!" Jason hollered over the roaring sounds of the rotor blades, "Stella this is my uncle, Ricky. Uncle Ricky this is Stella, the girl I've been speaking about!"

"Oh yes. He's definitely been speaking about you, my girl!" He winked at me. Jason looked disgustingly at his uncle until Jason pointed at the helicopter.

"Come on, Ricky! Time is of the essence in Hawaii!" Ricky just guffawed and patted Jason on his back.

"Off into the sky, we go then!" He grabbed something from the seat of the helicopter and handed them to Jason, "Here are your headsets."

Jason took them, placed one set on his head, and the other set on mine. I secretly smiled at my feet, as I slightly fixed them onto my ears better.

"Alrighty, let's go!" I took the initiative to walk to the step of the helicopter to get in. I grabbed the support bars on the sides of the entrance and boosted myself in towards the back seats. Jason came in afterward and sat in the front passenger seat.

By 5:40 we were in the air and soaring above the trees of Kailua. My face was glued to the window, witnessing the beauty of Hawaii from this viewpoint. This was absolutely breathtaking.

"Stella. Look ahead." Jason finally caught my attention through the headset. I turned to his direction and saw in front of me the beautiful sun rising from behind the mountain.

"So stunning," I gasped. I giggled a bit in excitement and shook Jason's shoulder a bit.

"Look at it!" The sun's orange hue slowly turned its sunny yellow tint, as it rose to its peak position in the sky. It made me forget about the fistfight I got in with one of Eddie's goons and the bomb Jason dropped on me just yesterday evening. Maybe Matthew was right. I should be focusing on my vacation instead of giving in to my tendency to fixing everything in my sight.

Throughout our time in the sky, we flew over an active volcano and tucked away villages among the trees. A flock of birds passed us by, and people were in the midst of getting ready or doing a morning surf from what I could tell from up here.

"Ya liking the view up here, Ms. Stella!?" Ricky hollered over the headset.

"Yes, sir. Mr. Ricky! It's amazing, Thank you again!" I turned to Jason, "I hate to admit it. But you were right on this one. By far my favorite excursion, yet!"

"Better than almost getting mauled by a boar, eh?" He slyly retorted.

"Har-har-har," I mocked. This hot and cold with Jason, at times, was weird for me because one moment he's like this and the next he's hollering like my mama. I'd hate to self-diagnose him, but bipolar was definitely on my radar when it came to justifying him.

Sooner than I wanted, it was time to land the plan back in the field where we left. We thanked Ricky again for the safe travel and made our way back to the resort. Jason and I didn't talk, because for once we enjoyed the silence between us. The window was cracked down and my head was out of the window, catching the whips of the wind on my face.

I think it's time for me to admit that I'd like to stay here than go back to work.

Once we turned on to the front of the gravel that led to the resort, I felt that it was time to ruin the silence and peace between Jason and me.

"You can drop me off at the bungalow. I'm meeting with Matthew," I shortly said without turning to look him in his eyes. I heard him sigh.

"Whatever," He said under his breath and continued driving. Finally, he was giving up a bit. I wish I felt bold enough to check him and ask to elaborate more on his heinous confession the other day. But I was not in the mood to spoil the day early this morning.

Once Jason parked the truck, I hopped out and made my way to the bungalow door, in an attempt to escape his wrath. But I couldn't be rude. With my hand on the doorknob, I turned to Jason who also got out the truck and was kneeling by the front tire, checking the air.

"Hey Jason," He grunted back in response, "thank you again for the excursion... and always keeping me safe in them."

"It's the least I can do for you. You know what's the least you could do for me?" He raised his head.

Now ya'll already know where my nasty mind quickly went to. Why would he say something so suggestive like that? He must want me to jump him.

I crossed my arms, signaling for him to continue on.

"Go back to your cabin, and leave this alone," He deadly said, "you're going to get me, and my pops killed."

Lord, this drama queen needs a musical to star in because I'm sick of the James Bond theatrics.

"Not unless I shoot the first shot. Goodbye Jason," and with that, I turned around and entered the bungalow.

"MATTHEW! I MADE IT BACK!" I hollered through the bungalow. Matthew quickly popped his head above the front desk. He got up from his worn knees and wiped his hands across each other.

"Mea hoʻoili! I was just organizing these dusty files. How was your morning flight?" Matthew's bright smile seemed to make me copy his.

"It was so gorgeous Matthew! Ugh, I wish we didn't have to come back down!" I placed my backpack on top of the counter and hoisted myself next to it.

"Well if you're satisfied, then so am I. Happy you're back in one piece," Matthew said will patting my back.

"You and Jason both," I joked back. But my light chuckle slowly died off. I cleared my throat, know that what I was about to say next was going to be sudden.

"Speaking of Jason. Matthew, what's this all about Jason being involved in money laundering and the Momoa's gang?" I asked seriously. If anyone knew the full story that Jason refused to tell me, it would be his own father.

Matthew froze with a stack of manila folders in his hands. Cat got his tongue and his eyes were looking everywhere but my face.

"How did you find out about that, dear?"

"Matthew. I need to know everything If I'm going to proceed forward with this case. I've got to be able to save you and Jason before things get ugly and things start to crumble to the ground. Now, why was Jason involved in this?"

"Jason and I"


"Why were Jason and I, involved in this? Better question, why did I let Jason get involved? It's all because of me Stella. It's all my fault," Matthew whimpered and pinched the bridge of his nose.



A/N: Guess who's back?! I hope everyone is safe and healthy during these trying times. On the bright side of this, I have time to write and hopefully finish on with the story. Thank you for the tremendous support and love you all have these past months. It really kept me anxious about getting back to where we left off. I hope I won't disappoint you. So on with the story!

Swipe to reveal Stella's new nails! The song attached is a good outro for this kind of bomb drop lol!

Lots of love to @CoffyIsTheColor @joannasteez @DaniGoncalves55

for their support this past week! After so many months they still showed out for a book they didn't even know was coming back!

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