adore you (scott mccall)ยน

By anticosmic

616K 17.3K 12.3K

in which scott slowly finds love again after allison argent (season 2-3) (started: april... More

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By anticosmic

Blair managed to sneak in on time to catch Derek training his betas. Blair sat beside Boyd on the staircase as she watched Isaac and Erica get tossed to the floor.

"How long has this been going on?" Blair grimaced as the two took in how roughed up Isaac and Erica looked even with their werewolf healing.

"Ever since we left the rink. Where'd you go after that?" Boyd asked trying to make conversation with Blair who decided to lie even if Boyd could hear her heartbeat. Blair really needed to figure out a way to stop lying to all these wolves.

"I was hungry," Blair explained as Boyd shook his head, deciding to take her answer anyway even if he knew it was false. Blair had driven around all last night trying to avoid coming home in case she was met with an angry Derek.

"Does anyone want to try not being completely predictable?" Derek asked as Erics jumped on Derek and began making out with him, making Blair curl in disgust.

"Hey, that's a case!" Blair yelled from the spot on the stairs before Derek threw Erica of him and wiped his lips in disgust, making Blair cheer.

"That's the last time you do that." Derek reprimanded as Blair and Boyd walked over to the others. Blair decided to help Isaac up, and Isaac only - still mad at Erica for even trying to get Derek to make out with her. It was like watching your older brother, kissing your friend - disgusting in every way.

"Why, 'cause I'm a Beta?" Erica asked, making Blair's nose scrunch as she made vomiting signals to Isaac beside her who regardless of being in pain cracked a tiny smile at Blair's antics.

"Or cause your underage," Blair whispered under her breath, hoping Erica would hear her nudge towards her.

"No. It's because I have someone else in mind for you." Derek suggested, making Blair roll her eyes as Derek was playing matchmaker with teenagers - Blair was beginning to remember why she and Laura would always tease him, he was very peculiar in his methods of getting things done.

"Are we done? 'Cause I got about 100 bones that need a few hours to heal." Derek walked over, clearly pissed as Blair skidded out of the way. Derek yanked Isaac's arm and twisted it, the audible crunch of his bones breaking making Blair grow uneasy.

"Hundred and one. You think I'm teaching you how to fight, huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive!" Derek yelled, Erica was clearly growing scared on the floor and began flinching during his speech. Something Blair would hope instilled fear in her, Erica was getting too cocky for Blair's taste. There were a time and a place for confidence, and training was not one of them - especially when you haven't fought a day in your life.

"If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now? What are they waiting for?" Isaac asked from his position as he straightened his arm back out.

"I don't know. But they're planning something, and you, especially, know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night. And until I find out what it is, you all need to learn everything I know. As fast as I can teach you." Derek informed them, walking away as Blair's phone began to ring.

Blair jogged up the stairs away from the nosy Betas as she answered the phone call from the unknown caller.

"Blair?" Scott asked through the phone as he woke up, remembering he forgot to call the girl last night to reassure her he was okay after Stiles got attacked in the mechanics' office.

"The one and only. Took you long enough to call me." Blair jokingly scolded through the phone even though she was dead serious, Blair couldn't even convince herself to go to sleep last night as her mind was wracked with worry about the McCall boy.

"Sorry, I got home late last night. The Argents were at my boss's work and the thing that killed Isaac's father, killed someone last night and hurt Stiles. Wait, you're not going to tell Derek I told you all this right?" Scott realized after he finished rambling down the phone which Blair actually found hilarious that Scott couldn't help himself from revealing a bunch of information to someone he considered an enemy.

"Do you want me to tell Derek?" Blair jokingly asked as she began to get ready, well for bed. Blair knew she was probably going to skip school for the day due to her lack of sleep - something Derek probably wouldn't object to. He knew Blair was responsible enough to do her homework and pull up her own grades.

"Really would appreciate it if you didn't," Scott muttered as Blair couldn't help the laugh she let out as his nervousness in talking to her.

"Okay, then I won't tell him. Goodnight, Scott." Blair ended the call after that, decided it was time for her to head the bed as her tiredness finally caught up to her. She checked her phone when it beeped to see a text from Scott telling her it was only 8 am. Blair chuckled before throwing her phone to the side and heading to bed.

Blair felt a pillow smack her over the head and woke up to the one and only Isaac Lahey standing over her grinning. Blair groaned as she grabbed a pair of scissors and threw it at his arm before getting out of the bed.

"Ow! What was that for?" Isaac asked as he pulled the scissors out of his arm even though he would heal in a matter of seconds.

"You woke me up!" Blair defended herself as Derek walked into the room to see Blair and Isaac arguing, as usual, Blair and Isaac were definitely the closest out of his "pack" but they constantly argued like four-year-olds fighting for a toy.

"Blair, get ready. We're going to the lacrosse game. Isaac, come on, I have things for you to do." Derek ordered the two as Blair stuck her tongue out to Isaac as he left, making him respond with the middle finger.

Blair was dropped off along with Boyd to visit the field as Derek and Erica promised they would be nearby - a thought Blair didn't really want to think about, not knowing what they could be getting up to after this morning.

Boyd, went to get the last seat on the top of the bleachers as Blair went to go sit on the other set of bleachers when her name was called.

"Blair Krasikeva! Just the student I was looking, come and join us." Blair turned to see a man with white hair and the one and only Allison Argent sitting beside him, meaning only one thing - Blair was in big trouble.

"Sure, why not." Blair tried her best not to show that this old man gave her the creeps and that she knew he would kill her in five seconds if possible. Blair sat opposite Allison on the other side of Gerard as the two girls shared awkward looks.

"Do you two girls know each other? I think it's time you got acquainted, both being new and all." Gerard asked as Allison and Blair both nodded awkwardly, neither of them liking where this was going but decided to play along with Gerard's charades. Gerard stayed quiet for a while, giving Allison the perfect opportunity to finally get her grandfather's jacket.

"I knew I should have brought a warmer jacket." Allison began to shiver, but Blair could tell it was fake - Allison Argent was not a good actress, which made Blair wonder what this girl was plotting.

"You're cold. Here, take my coat." Gerard began to stand up as he wrapped his coat around Allison as the two sat down beside Blair again. Blair watched from the side of her eye as Allison began to dig her hands through her pockets and pulled out Gerard's keys. Allison turned to see Blair's eyes, practically burning a hole into her.

"Good God, is it always this violent" Gerard asked, turning to both Allison and Blair who shrugged as Allison passed the keys to Stiles.

"You know Krasikeva, is a very unique last name. Do you know what it means?" Gerard asked, his voice sounding interested as Allison became interested in the conversation again - actually wanting to know more about Blair as well.

"Resurrecting the precious tree. It's Slavic." Blair explained boredly, her name wasn't that special to her but apparently, it came to special interest to Gerard who wanted to continue to press Blair for information about her background.

The crowd started cheering when Scott scored, Blair clapping as she stood up but suddenly his leg went in a direction it shouldn't - his leg bending in a weird angle. Allison immediately ran onto the field.

Blair followed her, stopping beside Gerard Argent as Scott finally hobbled up. Allison let go and walked over to Gerard as Scott decided he was going to leave as Blair walked over and hit him on the back of the head.

"You're an idiot." Blair deadpanned, staring at Scott's obnoxious grin that he used to convince everyone that he was okay.

"Blair, Scott, come join us for dinner." Gerard offered, standing in front of the two after the crowd dispersed, with Allison standing awkwardly behind them.

"Sure!" Scott agreed, before excusing himself to get changed as Blair followed - stating she had to inform someone she would be home late tonight.

"McCall, tell me why on Earth you agreed for me to go to this dinner with you?" Blair asked as Scott left the changing room in changed clothes with a guilty face as Blair was clearly pissed.

"Because we're friends?" Scott questioned towards the end as Blair waited for the real reason.

"Okay, he's a hunter and I would prefer it if I had someone to cover for me. Y'know, so I don't get killed for saying something I shouldn't." Scott scratched the back of his neck as he finished and Blair shrugged, taking this as the best answer she could possibly get.

"Okay, I guess if he's going to kill anyone, it's going to be you." Blair patted his shoulder as she led the way to Scott's car.

Blair sat there awkwardly eating her salad, playing with her fork as she and Scott kept sharing looks to see which one of them was going to talk first.

"All right. Why is everyone so quiet? Is it that uncomfortable that they dated?" Gerard asked as Blair decided it was time to break her silence.

"Actually, I don't know anyone here besides Scott." Blair broke the silence as Chris knitted his eyebrows in confusion - having no idea why Gerard invited her, and neither did anyone at the table besides Gerard of course.

"Did you ask them if they'd be uncomfortable? And who even is this girl?" Chris asked, finally pointing to Blair who couldn't help the nervous smile that began to cover her face. Scott could hear Blair's heartbeat more so than anyone else's, it was clear the Argents made her even more nervous than they made him - which was a very high standard to pass.

"Blair Krasikeva. I have no idea why I'm  here either." Blair whispered the last part to herself, however, Scott heard it as he began to feel guilty due to dragging Blair here with him.

"Okay, I know it's been a few centuries since I was a teenager, but even back then, we dated and broke up all the time." Gerard Argent brought up, trying to change the topic as Blair's thoughts went somewhere else.

"Just like Kate and Derek." Blair thought to herself, however, everyone stared at her instead.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" Blair turned to Scott, grimacing as he slowly nodded, now all the Argents were going to be suspicious of her beside Gerard.

"We're fine. Right, Scott?" Allison asked as Scott smiled in response.

"Totally fine." Blair's eyes went wide as it was clear, Scott and Allison both forgot her parents were in the room as they gazed into each other's eyes - and while Chris and Victoria shared suspicious looks.

"Then why did you break up?" Gerard asked as Blair began eating her food again - deciding she might as well enjoy Scott getting grilled.

"She dumped me?" Scott answered as a question, making Blair choke on her salad. Chris went to tap on the back as she reassured everyone she was okay.

"Did we have to piss off the people with an arsenal in their house, Scott?" Blair covered her mouth with a napkin as she whispered so that only Scott could hear her.

"No offense, Scott. But I think maybe Allison felt the two of you were just growing apart." Chris argued as Blair held her head in her hands, hoping this was a nightmare going to end.

"As if the father's opinion isn't biased. How do you know they weren't as passionate as Romeo and Juliet? Blair, what do you think?" Blair's eyes widened as the attention suddenly diverted to her.

"I think Romeo and Juliet committed ritual suicide. Plus, I don't think a dad is going to approve of anyone his daughter dates." Blair awkwardly agreed with Chris who nodded in approval of Blair.

"See, Blair agrees. They could have used a little less passion." Chris tensed up as he bitterly spat out the words, the tensions increasing even more at the dinner table.

"Can we please talk about something else?" Allison asked cheerily as she tried to uplift the mood in the house.

"Brilliant idea." Mrs. Argent remarked, rolling her eyes in the meantime.

"Scott. How about you help me grab dessert from the kitchen?" The rest of the table sat in silence until Scott finally returned to the table. Blair mouthed, "Are you okay?" as he entered the room to which he gave a small nod.

"Do you mind if we are excused? There's actually some notes from English I need to go over with Scott." Blair grew awkward as she realized she was going to be left alone with the Argents.

"I'm not so sure it's appropriate," Chris commented from beside Blair as he clutched onto his glass.

"Okay, I'm the one that's supposed to be old-fashioned here. The two of you, go. Blair, you don't mind staying here, right?" Blair shook her head as Scott and Allison began to bolt upstairs.

"So, Blair tell me, what's it like being known as the girl who runs with the wolves?" Gerard got to the real reason he invited Blair to his house. Chris and Victoria shared a look as Chris began to grow empathy for Blair, considering she wasn't a wolf and they should have no problem with her.

"You live with Derek Hale, correct?" Blair nodded her head as she took a drink of water, slowly drinking it instead of letting her nerves getting to best to her.

"You know Blair Krasikeva, I've done research on you and you have a lot of secrets." Blair's hearts began to pound against her chest as she avoided eye contact with everyone at the table as she clutched her glass.

"Like the fact, the State of Oregon declared you a missing person a month ago. You show up in Beacon Hills, and no one questions it. So, tell me why haven't you taken the bite yet? Unless you already have." Blair sat down her glass as she turned to Gerard, her entire face paling as Gerard continued to grill her.

"Someone close to me died because of the bite. I don't want it. And, I didn't realize I was gone that long. I've only been gone a week." Blair shrugged her shoulders, not believing anything Gerard was telling her.

"Blair, you've been gone from your family for a month. Do you not remember that?" Chris Argent asked from beside Blair, actually concerned about the girl's wellbeing as she shook her head no.

"Blair, what's the last thing you remember?" Victoria asked from across the table as she decided to join in on the interrogation of the Krasikeva girl.

"I remember being worried about Derek, packing a bag and heading in my car and then I arrived on his doorstep last week," Blair explained and then realized she should stop talking in case she accidentally revealed information about the pack.

"Blair, maybe you should come around more often. Have you ever hung out with Allison and Lydia?" Victoria began to offer her to join Allison and Lydia's small friendship group as Chris grew tense, not wanting his wife or Gerard to go after this teenage girl. However, he knew what they both would. They had suspicions that Blair was the Kanima now.

Scott raced down the stairs and grabbed Blair out of her seat as the two stood at the table, Scott beginning to grab his jacket in the meantime.

"Principal Argent. Gerard. Mr. and Mrs. Argent. Uh, thank you for dinner. Uh, I just realized that I have to pick up my mom from work and drop Blair home." Scott excused as him and Blair ran out of the house, jumping into the car.

"Scott, can you please break a law and speed?" Blair begged as the two went at thirty miles per hour despite the fact it was an emergency to get to the school. Scott stepped on the gas, causing Blair to fly backward in her seat as she held on tightly to the side of the car.

"Stiles, where are you? I need Gerard's keys. There's a USB drive on it. That's the bestiary." Scott yelled down at the voicemail as Blair and he began to run into the school. The two stopped at Gerard's door where his keys hung. A loud shrieking noise caught the two by surprise as they shared a look.

"You're the werewolf, go!" Blair yelled as Scott ran ahead of her to attack the kanima. Blair walked slowly after him and crouched at the door as she watched a large lizard animal climb through the roof.

"Derek!" Blair called out as she raced over to Derek as she saw how roughed up he was.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Blair asked turning to Stiles and Derek, who both still looked out of breath. Scott walked over and helped Stiles up as the two soon left afterward.

"Get me a towel." Blair nodded as she raced over to find Derek some towels to clean him up. Erica joined them soon after, stretching as she got over her previous paralyzed state.

"What do we do now?" Erica asked from behind them, wondering where Blair had been this entire time and why she only showed up coincidentally after the Kanima had left.

"Come on, follow me," Derek ordered the two girls as the walked out of the school, following Derek to where Scott and Stiles where.

"It's called the Kanima," Derek informed not just Scott and Stiles but Blair as well, her face written as confusion as it was clear Erica was already informed with Derek's hunch.

"You knew the whole time." Stiles accused Derek.

"No. Only when it was confused by its own reaction." Derek corrected as Blair crossed her arms over her chest, out of everyone here it was only her and Stiles who didn't have supernatural fighting abilities against this thing - kind of unfair if you thought about it.

"It doesn't know what it is." Scott realized, making this process of finding out who the kanima was even more difficult.

"Or who." Derek continued.

"Well, what else do you know?"

"Just stories. Rumors." Derek informed them, he had never come in contact with a Kanima before - it was complete folktale to him by his mother.

"But it's like us?"

"A shapeshifter, yes. But it's not right. It's like a..." Derek searched trying to find the correct word to use to describe what the Kanima was.

"An abomination." Stiles finished as Derek nodded, turning around and leaving Scott and Stiles.

"Derek. We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents." Scott suggested, realizing this problem was much bigger than a simple pack feud over Scott joining Derek's pack.

"You trust them?" Derek accused, pissed Scott would go down this road again.

"Nobody trusts anyone. That's the problem. While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us, and it's killing people! And we still don't even know anything about it!"

For the first time, Blair watched Scott lash out in frustration at someone, his kind demeanor starting to melt away as he got more mad by the situation.

"I know one thing. When I find it, I'm gonna kill it." Derek announced as he walked away from the two, Blair slowly following behind him as she started to realize she might be on the wrong side in this Kanima war.

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