Trafalgar law x OC

By Maxiepoooooooo

56.8K 1.5K 471

Abandoned at the age of 5, you had to fight to live. You were chased by the government but they only knew you... More

My Life
Laws Deal
A Check Up
Plan Set
The Past
Your Health
White Lead Disease
Drunk Law
What Happened
This is not an update
Somethings changed
Reality Or Dream
Will he catch on?
The Fight
I Trust You Guys
My Pain
Merry Christmas

Waking Up

4.5K 104 107
By Maxiepoooooooo

Darkness was all you could see, beeping in the background had started to fade in as you started to gain back you consciousness.

Trying to open your eyes you failed. 'Dammit not even my bodies listening to me'. Hearing everything that was going on around you, clunking of beakers and the moving of feet.

Using your haki you got the feel of the room you were in, it was a fully metal room, the door was right in front of you to the right. There was also a powerful man to the left of you working on some sort of medicine.

He wasn't very observant, he didn't know how to use his haki. Otherwise he would have realised from the moment you had activated yours.

Before realising it you had pried your eyes open. Finally seeing the light after a long time. It was too bright so you raised your hand to your face covering your eyes to help adjust your eyes to the light.

The man had realised you were awake by your movement. 'Dammit natural reactions' you were going to have to fight him.

"You don't have to worry, I saved you. I wouldn't waste my materials on you if I were going to kill ya". He explained. This words were ment to comfort you but did no such thing. This made you more aware of what situation you were in.

"Tch" drawing the attention by making that noise, the man ended up raising his eyebrow. "Are my words not enough, if I wanted I could've let you kill yourself fighting those marines"

Memories of the past event flooded through your head. You were about to fight marines but then you got knocked out. That was him.

"I don't appreciate people getting into my business". These words were literally saying you were itching for a fight. "You really have a lot to say for such a tiny girl"

Nows hes done it, my height had betrayed me, I was 5,3. I was short. "What did you say you stupid mushroom head" veins started to pop up out of your forehead.

Your about to get up and give this stupid man a piece of your mind, pain. It rushed through your body at any small movements. "Fuck"

A smirk seemed to work it's way on to the mans face. 'Dammit'. He made his way over to the bed you were on. Grabbing your face he brought his closer to yours. You could feel his hot breath on your upper lip.

"Its law, you would do well to remember that." He spoke releasing your face as he finished his sentence.

He brought out a needle nearly piercing your skin with it but you quickly activated your haki. He draws back the needle with a surprised look on his face.

"What is it" asking as menacingly as possible. "Its a pain relief medication, you shouldn't use you haki when your in such bad shape." He lectured you on what not to do while you were injured.

"Like hell I'm going to let some random person inject me with a substance." He was brought back by your words. You really didn't trust anything huh?

"Well I've just told you what it is so can I proceed with the injection" he asked politely. 'Why was he being nice, there must be a catch'

"I still don't know what you plan to put in my body, for all I know you could be putting some sort of poison into my bloodstream" He started to get irritated by your stubbornness.

Sighing he brought the needle down to his arm, he slid the needle into his skin and injected some of the liquid into his arm. 'Was this ment to gain my trust'.

"There, I've just put the liquid into my body, need anymore proof" he was really persistent. You really couldn't put any trust in his words but his action may have let you trust him. But only a little.

"Fine, but if anything funny happens I swear I will get revenge in the worst way possible." Narrowing your eyes looking straight into his.

This wasn't a threat but a promise. He matched you, he maintained direct eye contact while injecting you with the so called pain killer.

His eyes darted around the room in search for something. He seemed to have found it, it was a clip board.

After retrieving his clipboard he started writing something down. 'I wonder what hes writing down' your thoughts got pushed out of your head as he started to talk.

"Now you need to answer some of my questions." You sighed in compliance. But anything to out of your comfort zone was going to be shut down.


"Real name or nickname"



"Second name"

"Don't remember, next" of course you remember the pitiful second name. It was given to you by your god forsaking parents.

"Age and birthday"

"18 and 6th of June" you never really wanted to remember that day, it was the day your parents had left you over 13 years ago.

"Now, how did you get all those injuries"

"I was chased" not wanting to get into any details you wanted to get this over and done with already.

"Chased by who"

He just had to ask. "Before I answer I want your word that you'll answer my questions after" sitting up and crossing your hands.

"You have my word I'll answer, questions I deem worth answering" he was good, he wasn't just going to give me the information you needed. Hes quite smart huh.

"By bounty hunters, they wanted to kill me and before you ask your going to have to figure out about the bounty yourself" you didn't want to make yourself a target by giving him the information on your bounty, it was definitely a large sum and you could easily be taken to marines if he wanted to.

"Now my questions, where am I" you needed as much information on your surrounding if you wanted to even make it out alive. You still didn't know his intentions so you couldn't drop your guard not for a second.

"You're on my ship. The ship I had to carry you too" he wasn't going to spare one moment without making you feel like you owe him. 'Bastard'

"Next, who are you"

"I'm trafalgar law, the captain of the heart pirates." Hes a fucking pirate, let alone the fucking captain. Escaping wasn't going to be so easy "fuck"

"Something wrong Luna-ya" did I speak out loud. I guess being without human contact can make you forget how to talk in your head.

"Next, why did you save me" you completely disregarded his smart comment.

"I thought it would be fun, and it seems like I was right." He had a smirk plastered on his face. That fucking bastard.

He did this all for fun, FUN. How is any of this fun. Getting annoyed you clenched your fist so hard that your knuckles started to go white.

"No need to get so worked up Luna-ya, I saved you so it can't be all that bad" his smirk hasn't left his face. He really is an annoying person.

"Doesn't mean I owe you anything" you shot back, catching the man by surprise. His smirk started to falter but it came back within mere seconds.

"I wouldn't dream of it" he really likes to push buttons doesn't he.

"How long have I been out" you had lost track of time from being unconscious, who knew how much time had passed.

"You have been unconscious for around 56 hours. I had to take care of you through out your time you spent asleep". He really wanted to rub it in didn't he.

A vein popped out of your forehead but you had to calm down. You didn't want to kill him while you could still get information out of him.

"You seemed to have calmed down, thinking of revenge" he continued to press buttons. He really doesn't know when to stop does he.

"Before you try and kill me I would like you to take into consideration of your own situation. You have multiple wounds that still haven't healed and I won't be treating them again" he threatened.

'Fuck' You had a lot of injuries before you were knocked out. Maybe even more. You really couldn't do anything even if you wanted to.

A growling was heard. It had come from your stomach. You must be very hungry, usually your stomach won't growl unless you've gone atleast 3 days without food. Healing really does seem to take a toll huh.

"You hungry Luna-ya, I guess I could give you some sustenance but only with an answer to my question" The smug look had returned to his face as he spoke.

"Fine, but if its something I don't want to answer I won't" you couldn't just give up information to a pirate or anyone for that matter.

"Fine but I'm not feeding you if you don't answer it." He was very good at getting his information, no wonder he was captain of a ship.

"How did you get end up getting a bounty"

"I was chased since a child just because of a rumour. My best guess is that the government ended up hearing this and became scared. So they put a bounty on my head" you didn't give much information away but you still gave a satisfying answer.

"Since a child, huh. Anyway let's get you that food I promised ya" he said while getting up and heading towards the door.

Slowly, raising yourself up and off the bed. The pain was definitely noticable but it was bearable, you tried to walk but was stopped by something that was shoved into you. "You can't walk on the ankle yet, use this instead"

Grabbing a hold on the crutch, you placed it beneath your armpit, and started to put your weight on it.

Following out after law you tried to memorize the ships interior. If I need to escape I would need to know the way out of here.

You had made your way down the hallway, the hall started to open out into a big room. You assumed this was the dining room as the smell of delicious food was hitting you.

Drool started to form in the corner of your mouth, but you quickly swallowed it not wanting to show any sort of weakness.

You sat down at one of the bar stolls. Assuming that this is where the food would be placed when you get it.

Law had made his way into the kitchen and come out with two plates, one was filled with rice and some sort of curry. The other had the same but just in a smaller amount.

Law placed the one with the smaller amount in front of me. You looked at the food wondering what it would taste like.

"Why are you not eating, not to your liking" the reason you weren't eating was because you didn't know what was in it. He could have drugged it.

"Never had the opportunity to dislike food, so no" He seemed shocked by you answer, 'how bad had your life been that you couldn't even have dislikes.'

"If your wondering, I haven't poisoned it or anything." These words still didn't reassure you. He ended up sighing and grabbing a his spoon and getting some rice and curry on his spoon and putting it into his mouth, swallowing. "There, see no poison"

You took his action into considerationa and picked up your spoon getting a heap of rice and curry bringing it towards your mouth.

Flavours started to burst inside of your mouth, this was amazing. Obviously you didn't let that show on your face.

After finishing the food in front of you, you were left satisfied. You had a small stomach to begin with. You never knew when you next meal was so your body started to change according to your diet.

"Enjoyed your first meal in 2 days." Of course he would ask this. "It was food, so I can't complain." You kept it short and simple but your really had appreciated your meal.

"If were done here I would like to leave, you can drop me off at the next Isla-" you were quickly cut off by a smack of laws pair of hands making contact to the table. He had spooked you from this action causing you to flinch.

"Who says I'm letting you leave" he wore that stupid grin of his. I knew this was going to happen. 'Fuck I really can't do anything in my condition'

Law ended up grabbing you and lifting you over his shoulder carrying you back to the room you first woke up in.

You knew struggling wasn't going to change anything and it would just add to your humiliation. Taking this into consideration you still couldn't just let him do as he wants.

Without thinking you bit into his arm, hard. A metallic taste entered you mouth within seconds. He flinched but just gripped harder onto you, he made sure to put extra pressure onto your injuries. You grunt with holding the painful scream that wanted to come out.

You released your mouth from his arm, the blood leaked down his arm and dripped onto the floor. You felt achieved at making him bleed. It's what he gets for just randomly picking you up.

He had thrown you on the bed that you woke up in. Before you could even move he had pinned your hands with one of his and was sat on your waist.

This caused some pain but you didn't want to let him know so you kept a stern look on your face. "I've decided your going to join my crew, you have no right to refuse." He smirked again.

"And what are you going to do if I don't" your glared right into laws eyes, he stared right back at you. His smirk only seemed to get bigger with your comment.

"I'll do this" there was a pause he then started to bring his free hand up. "Room". You got enveloped by a blue sphere. "Mes" You couldn't believe your eyes, your heart was now outside of your body.

"" You really had no explanation other than devil fruit powers. "This is our little bargaining chip, until you agree and prove loyalty to me and my crew you won't be getting this back"

You looked down to where he had just held his hand, there was indeed a cube like box where you heart was ment to be.

Law then exclaimed "shambles and he was off of me and what was left was a chain, it looped around the bed I was on, this was going to stop any attempt escapes I would have made. "Bastard"

He headed to the door leaving with you with some parting words. "Its captain to you" and he left.

I can't believe that guy, hes so irritating. "Fuck" you heard a snicker from outside the door. He was still waiting out there.

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