Don't Regret

By YukimuraShuusukeGrl

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At sweet sixteen, Sakuno is still shy and timid. However, she is now beginning her first year in senior high... More

Chapter One(Arc One)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen ( Arc Two)
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
twenty-eight (Arc Three)
Thirty Four
Thirty Five

twenty-seven (End Arc Two)

154 5 0
By YukimuraShuusukeGrl

Inui and Yanagi put the trays down onto the coffee table and started to pour the tea into the cups.

Oishi and Yagyuu were staying away from the coffee table. They could see that the 'tea' that came out was actually normal green-tea-looking and they were impressed. However, nothing would induce them to try the stuff.

The four waited with bated breath for someone to drink the 'tea'.

Sanada, Fuji and Tezuka all took a cup. Fuji took a sip and smiled, "You guys make great tea." He took another sip. Inui and Yanagi were pleased and they both had their notebooks ready.

Oishi and Yagyuu were the only ones who noticed; all the others were too distracted by their own thoughts to pay attention. Oishi was not surprised that Fuji would drink it and say that it was good but Yagyuu was impressed.

He thought that maybe it actually tasted quite good. He still waited for second 'opinion' before trying to drink it but before Tezuka and Sanada could drink their tea, the door bell rang and Sanada went to answer it because he was closer to the door than Yukimura.

Tezuka, thinking that it was the food Yukimura ordered, went to help Sanada and put down his cup. They put the food in the kitchen and went back to the living room. Yukimura said, "If anyone's hungry, they can help themselves. I will get some cutlery and plates ready."

He went into the kitchen to get chopsticks, plates, knives and forks. Momo wanted to follow but after Tezuka's words, did not dare. Tezuka saw his woebegone face, sighed and said, "Go and eat, Momo."

Momo leapt up and hurried to the kitchen, Eiji and Jackal after him. It was strange that Bunta did not move at the mention of food but he was really worried so his appetite had gone to sleep.

Niou decided that he might as well have some food; anything was better than not being able to do what he wanted.

Kaidou also went into the kitchen; he had run a race with Momo after all.

Inui and Yanagi were still by the coffee table, waiting patiently for someone else to try their tea. Fuji was pouring himself another cup.

Yagyuu made a move as if he wanted to brave the tea but Oishi shook his head at him in warning. They were standing between Inui and Yanagi so they could not see but Yagyuu and Oishi retreated to the kitchen.

Sanada and Tezuka decided that they had better help Yukimura in the kitchen so they also left the living room.

The ones left were mostly spaced out. The spaced out ones were Bunta and Ryoma. Akaya was also keeping himself to himself. Fuji was already drinking the tea and Inui and Yanagi thought that maybe they could wait until everyone's finished eating and then serve the tea.


Upstairs, in Miyu's room, Sakuno was tossing and turning. She was remembering the things that were lost.

In her sleep, she remembered meeting Ryoma in the train when they were twelve.

She remembered seeing him at her school; she was so surprised and happy.

She remembered that Tomo-chan and she talked about Ryoma together.

She remembered watching him play against all those opponents and that Tomo-chan had cheered loudly, while she was too shy to do the same.

She saw them in different classes when they were in the second year and she was so disappointed she almost cried.

She remembered and remembered and her memories flowed back until she remembered that day when he said to her to become his girlfriend and she had cried.

She remembered the initial happiness; then the gradual insecurity; then she was ill and she saw them kissing, the two most precious people to her, kissing on the rooftop.

She remembered running away and the car coming towards and… and she woke up.


Sakuno opened her eyes tiredly; she felt as if she had raced all the way from when she was twelve to when she was sixteen, now in the present. She looked blankly at the ceiling, not knowing where she was.

Then she noticed that someone was beside her. It was Miyu, lovely Miyu who listened to her and took care of her and stayed by her side.

Miyu had seen Sakuno open her eyes and when Sakuno turned towards her, she was afraid that Sakuno might have forgotten her that she did not speak.

Sakuno smiled and said hoarsely, "M-Miyu-chan…" Miyu did something she had not done in ages, she burst into tears.

Sakuno was shocked and distressed. She tried to get up but found her body to be too weak. She settled for saying softly, "Miyu-chan, don't cry; I'm alright, don't cry, ne? You won't be pretty if you cry, Miyu-chan?"

Miyu stopped her tears and sniffled, "That's words for a child, Sakuno." She was only crying because she was so relieved that Sakuno sounded fine and that she remembered her.

She was never one to cry for long. She got a tissue and blew her noise noisily.

Miyu said to Sakuno, "Do… do you remember who you saw before you collapsed?"

She was hesitant because she was scared that Sakuno would have a headache again but she had to ask.

Sakuno smiled sadly and nodded, "I remember. I remember all of it. Where is he, Miyu-chan? I need to speak to him." Miyu did not really want her to but she answered anyway, "We are in my house. Everyone's downstairs." Sakuno was puzzled, "Everyone?"

Miyu looked down for a second and looked at Sakuno, "Well… Sakuno… it was like this…" She explained everything, again leaving the matchmaking bit out.

Sakuno listened quietly and when Miyu was finished, she held out a hand to Miyu and her eyes glittered with tears, "Miyu-chan, thank you so much for all that you did and was willing to do for me… no one's ever cared enough to find out what had happened. Obaa-chan cared but it was different for her. She was too careful of me to do more, so she just sent me away. Thank you, Miyu-chan."

Sakuno's mind was clear now and she knew what she had to say. She was glad that the Seigaku regulars were here because they were part of her life for so long and she was not a part of theirs. She knew that Ryoma was part of their lives though and they would be there for him. They needed to know as well.

Miyu was touched by Sakuno's simple forgiveness. She could have been so angry at Miyu for poking her nose where it did not belong and yet she did not.


She understood why Miyu and the Rikkai regulars did what they did and was thankful for it.

Sakuno wanted to go downstairs and she asked Miyu to help her. Miyu told her to wait a second and she dashed down to get someone from the living room.

She did not expect to find it nearly empty though and annoyed, she kicked the spaced-out Bunta and told Akaya to follow her.

Bunta was startled and his bubble-gum burst and plastered itself over his face.

Akaya went with Miyu, not liking it that she could just order him around but having no choice about it. He put it down to a natural reaction because his older sister would order him around at home. Besides, they were going upstairs and he wanted to see his Saku-no-bunny.

They went into Miyu's room and he saw Sakuno. He rushed over to her and pulled her up into a tight hug. He had been so worried.

Sakuno laughed a little at this blatant display of affection, "Ittai yo, Akaya-senpai."

Akaya let go of her and looked at her, smiling affectionately, his smirk gone and he said, "I'm glad you're alright, Saku-no-bunny. Do you want me to beat Echizen for you?"

Sakuno looked alarmed and Miyu knocked Akaya on the head lightly, "Don't be silly, Akaya-senpai. Sakuno wants to go downstairs. I can't carry her and be sure not to fall down. You're stronger so you do it."

Akaya did not even mind at her rude authoritative tone this time. He just grinned and pecked Sakuno on the cheek, saying, "As you wish, Saku-no-bunny."

Sakuno blushed and protested, as usual that she was not a bunny. Akaya laughed out loud to hear her say these familiar words; she was still herself and all was fine in Akaya's world.

Well, it could be better if he could have a go at Echizen now but since she did not seem to like it, he could wait until they were facing each other across the court.

He descended the stairs carefully, telling Miyu to walk in front of him. She did so and asked why.

Akaya answered cheekily, "If I unfortunately lose my step and fall, you could be my cushion." For that, Miyu vowed to give him a good kick later.


They went into the living room. Bunta had already gotten the bubble-gum off his face, having had a lot of practice.

He saw Sakuno in Akaya's arms and bounced up, saying loudly enough for the people in the kitchen to hear, "Sakuno-chan! Sakuno-chan!" He wanted to hold her as well but Akaya was not letting go of her easily.

Ryoma was out of his 'space' and was staring at Sakuno. He had never seen such a care-free expression on her face and he was shocked, wondering if this was the same girl he knew.

Fuji had put down his 'tea' and smiled genuinely at the sight of Bunta and Akaya going around in circles. They continued to do so until Sanada appeared and caught Bunta by his collar.

He would have done the same to Akaya except he was carrying precious cargo. Seeing Sanada, Akaya decided he had better not push his luck and gently placed Sakuno on the couch. She said softly that she wanted to sit up and he complied.

Miyu had wanted to pour some tea for her but Fuji had stopped her, saying that all the 'tea' in the pot was gone.

Miyu shrugged and went to get her a cup of water instead.

Niou had come into the living room immediately after he heard Bunta and he went over and gave Sakuno a hug. He was pleased when Sakuno hugged him back. He then released her and rested his forehead against hers, asking, "Are you sure you're up to this, Sakuno?"

Sakuno looked up into his eyes and smiled, "Hai, Niou-senpai." He stood up and let Jackal have his turn.

Jackal also gave her a bear hug, saying, "Boy, am I glad that you seem okay, next time you have to treat me to another bento for scaring me like that."

Sakuno laughed softly and agreed. She knew that Jackal was joking but she would be pleased to cook for him anyway.

Yagyuu was too reserved to hug her but he did say, "Ryuzaki-san, I hope that you regain your health quickly because there are more books that I want to introduce you to."

Sakuno smiled up at him and said, "Thank you, Yagyuu-senpai." He nodded pleased at her answer.

Sanada knelt in front of her and said in a soft voice, "You are really fine, Sakuno?"

She looked at Sanada and saw the concern in his eyes. She held out her arms to hug him; to reassure him that she was fine and to thank him for caring and carrying her. She knew because Miyu had told her.

Sanada was stunned by her honest display of affection.

The Seigaku regulars were also stunned; they now understood; really understood what Fuji had been telling them; they had missed the chance and now the Rikkai regulars were taking it and receiving it with open arms.

Sakuno released him and she smiled shyly at Sanada. He gruffly patted her head and got up, a bit embarrassed but mostly pleased.

Yanagi sat by one side with Inui, observing it all and leaving the hugging and patting to his friends. He was glad that Sakuno was alright and at ease with his team-mates.

Yukimura came up to Sakuno and smiled such a warm smile that everyone marveled at the change from his earlier cold self to this totally different one.

Yukimura hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, saying without words how happy he was and how much he cared.

Sakuno blushed at him for kissing her in front of everyone, even if it was only on the cheek but she understood what he was trying to convey and hugged him back.

Miyu came back and gave Sakuno a glass of water which Sakuno drank.


She sat back and now that her friends had gathered around her, she looked at her past.

She saw Tezuka, stoic as ever.

She saw Inui sitting with Yanagi with their notebooks and thought that some things never changed.

She looked at Kaidou who gave her a quick nod.

She looked at Oishi who smiled in his open, friendly way.

She saw Eiji who winked at her mischievously.

She looked at Momo who gave her a thumbs-up.

She saw Fuji who was smiling one of his rare smiles, a genuinely happy smile and not an amused one.

At last, she looked at Ryoma who had been silent and had been looking at her.

Sakuno took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was not alone and she had to do it.

She had to say goodbye, "Gomen ne, Ryoma-kun." Ryoma started at her words and his eyes widened.

Sakuno went on, "Gomen ne, I didn't mean to forget you, Ryoma-kun but I'm glad that I did. I was unhappy at Seigaku."

She paused and Fuji took the chance to say, "Maybe we should leave…"

Sakuno said quickly, "No, I need everyone to hear because I-I don't think I can say it again. Please, stay."

Fuji nodded. He already had some idea of her resolve and he regretted it.

She continued, "I-I was really happy to be your girlfriend, Ryoma-kun. You were like a dream prince to me and when you chose me to be your princess, I was so happy. However it wasn't enough. I needed more than a dream and the reality was more than I could take. Our feelings did not reach each other."

Ryoma protested, "No, Ryuzaki, I knew that you liked me, I knew that!"

Sakuno smiled sadly, "Ryoma-kun, you knew but you didn't feel my heart and I couldn't feel your heart. You were a dream from the beginning and to the end, you did not get any closer. You were always elusive and I am glad that I forgot you because I needed the rest. You were my dream for three years and more.

I couldn't forget you and I was never happy because there's a limit to how much I could give without receiving. Forgive me but I needed more than what you were willing to give. Do you understand, Ryoma-kun?"

Ryoma nodded, unwillingly but he understood.

He was realizing his earlier fears now, "Can't you give me another chance? Ryuzaki, come back and give me another chance!"

Sakuno looked pained but she was determined and she shook her head, "I'm sorry but I can't go back to Seigaku because it was not only you. I was not happy at Seigaku. Everything there was stifling me. Everyone was stifling me.

I was never just me – Ryuzaki Sakuno. In the beginning, I was Obaa-chan granddaughter; then I became Tomo-chan's friend; in the end, I was Echizen's girlfriend.

Everyone was too bright and I couldn't see myself anymore so no one could see me.

I was never as confident as Tomo-chan or as sporty or clever; she was my friend but at the same time she was also crushing me with her presence.

I was not strong enough to stand up and become Ryuzaki Sakuno by myself and would never have become Ryuzaki Sakuno if I hadn't come to Rikkai Dai.

Seigaku is a lovely school and I loved it; I had happy memories there but I was also incomplete.

At Rikkai Dai, I met people who made me complete because they saw me, as myself and not anybody's granddaughter or friend or girlfriend.

They saw me! Just plain, clumsy Sakuno and still they held out their hands to me.

They listened to me when I wanted to talk and they did not just take but they also gave me their care and love.

Miyu-chan took care of me when I was new and became my friend.

Niou-senpai, Bunta-senpai, Akaya-senpai and Jackal-senpai would talk to me and tease me and make me laugh. They made me happy.

Yukimura-senpai, Sanada-senpai and Yanagi-senpai protected me like a sister and I felt safe.

Yagyuu-senpai shared his knowledge and his interests with me.

I feel complete here and I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave!"

Sakuno's voice was shaking but she went on, knowing that if she stopped, she would break down and would not be able to continue, "G-gomen ne, minna.

Gomen ne, Tezuka-san, Fuji-san, Kikumaru-san, Oishi-san, Inui-san, Kaidou-san, Momoshiro-san.

Gomen ne, Ryoma-kun. You are all part of my past and I have had so many good memories of everyone but I want to be with my present now.

I am not going back to Seigaku because I belong at Rikkai Dai now. I will see everyone at games, ne, so sayonara, Seigaku."

Sakuno forced a smile onto her face and seeing that forced smile, Ryoma's face crumpled and he dashed out before he cried in front of her, no longer his girlfriend.

Momo and Eiji ran after him, worried and Tezuka let them.


He was impressed with Sakuno; he knew it took courage for her to say all that. He was also impressed with her generous heart because not once, did she blame anyone. She just accepted and apologized for everything.

Not everyone could do that and he knew that, as Fuji had said, they had let a treasure go. Perhaps she was never their treasure to hold because they had chances aplenty but no one took it.

He saw her looking at him and he softened his expression as much as he could.

She swallowed and said, "T-Tezuka-san, can you do two things for me, please?"

Tezuka nodded, feeling a pang of regret that he was no longer her senpai, and she said, "Can you tell Obaa-chan my decision and tell her that I miss her and love her very much. Tell her that I will call her." Tezuka nodded; that was easy.

Sakuno bit her lip before saying, "Can you also tell Tomo-chan that I will call her when I am ready?"

It still hurt to think of her friend and she was not sure she could face her just yet. Tezuka said, "It will be done, Ryuzaki."

He got up and made ready to leave. The others followed suit.

Fuji looked at Sakuno before he got up; he did not say anything but he was determined that if he had the chance to see her again he would definitely take it.

Inui had been scribbling every word and he was so pleased that he did not mind that no one other than Fuji had tried the 'tea'.

The Seigaku regulars took their leave and Yukimura saw them off.


He shut the door after making sure that they had the right directions to the station.

When he went back into the living room, he saw Miyu holding Sakuno. The others were gathered around them; all of them touched by the girl's speech.

Sakuno was still tense and he saw Sanada tap Miyu on the shoulder and when Miyu let go of Sakuno, he held out his arms.

Sakuno bit her lip and flung her arms around Sanada, comforted by the steady presence that so many were afraid of.

She relaxed and started crying loudly, sobbing out her sorrow in these people's presence.

She cried and cried until she fell into a dreamless, restful sleep.

She did not know when Sanada put her in Miyu's bed.

She did not know when the regulars left unwillingly.

She did not know when Yukimura called her relatives and told them that Miyu and she had been so into their schoolwork that she had forgotten to call and that she was asleep with Miyu because they were tired out.

She did not know when Miyu went to sleep in the guest room, knowing that Sakuno would feel guilty if she slept on the floor.

She did not know that Yukimura had come in and gave her a goodnight kiss, on the cheek, of course.

She only knew that she was secure and she was safe with these people at Rikkai Dai.

The End of Part Two

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