Omniscient reader's viewpoint...

By JynXlore

28K 968 262

Kim Dokja failed the scenario and stucked on the horizon between the other world side. He thought he would be... More

Ch.1 Failure
Ch. 2 Dead
Ch.3 The Owner
Ch. 5 Don't Mess Up With The Guardians
Ch. 6 Spirit Of Flame
Ch. 7 Hidden Horizon
Ch. 8 The Protest Of The Human
Ch. 9 Our Story
Ch. 10 It's An Order
Ch. 11 Follow The Path
Ch. 12 Heaven
Ch. 13 Fallen God
Ch. 14 Hell
Ch. 15 Drag Into The Darkness
Ch. 16 Hello My Friend
Ch. 17 Star Stream vs Ancient Age
Ch. 18 Be The Last To Stand

Ch. 4 Guardians of Laws

2.2K 91 28
By JynXlore


[The unknown, ??? has applied "Fire" in ???]

[The unknown, ??? has applied food "Pillow" in ???]

[The unknown, ??? has applied "Blanket" in ???]

Warm emerged and made me comfortable, I can felt there's something soft covered on my body. Sore still sticking around my head, but I can tell my injured body is not that hurt anymore especially the long scar on my chest, looks like someone has help me to wrap them...


[Warning! You have against the rules! All the materials and abilities are forbidden in this area!]

[For amercement, confiscated total 300,000 of your coins!]

"......"Those things are forbidden in here? Well, after all this is the place for dead people...

[The unknown, ??? has applied "water" in ???]

[You are against the rules! Confiscated total 800,000 of you coins!]

......Hey...where did you get so much coins....


[Confiscated total 1,000,000 of your coins!]



"Tf!! Are you insane?!!" I sat up immediately. 

There was a person sitting in front of me. Around us ,there're some water bottle, food cans, camp fire and other unnecessary sundries ,and I realized there's a blanket with small pillows on my body... 

"You awake?" The person said, as I narrowed my eyes ,I can clearly saw that he was actually the one who just killed me with a mere slash last time.

"Come, I had made some bacons for you." He glance at me and waved his hand, while turning the stick where bacons placed. 

["Bacon" is forbidden in this area!]

[Confiscated total 700,000 of you coins!]


"Hey, why do you have so much coins???Where am I? "I frowned in confused. 

The person glanced at me, and made a innocent face like he's confused too.

"I don't know why I have so much coins,  it's quite annoying too, but I don't know how to switch it off... and now we are at the parallel world."


"...Pardon me to take a look at your coin storage."I sighed. I must know how much coins do he have now, in fact all my coins were confiscated so that I can borrow some coins from him to buy vital skills instead before he used up all his coins ...

I approached him, my index finger pressed on his chest like a he is a robot. Without a second, a small screen pop up in front of us.



[Character Information]

[Name: ???

Age: ????

Constellation Support: None 

Private Attribute: ???(Currently estimated have Light & Darkness attribute)

Exclusive Skills: Slash Lv. ???, Infinity Fighting Lv. ???, Blackening Lv. ???, Eyes of Ruptars Lv. ???, Hell hostility Lv. ???,Laws of Reincarnation Lv. ????, Hell Punishment Lv.???.....?????

Overall Stats: Stamina Lv. ????, Strength Lv. ????, Agility Lv. ???, Magic Power Lv. ???? Damage Lv. ???, .......???

Overall Rating: An unknown character who's not suppose to be in this world. A dangerous man, please be aware!.....(Information can't be summaries,error.)



......OH MY GOD. I can't believe what I just saw although I had expected. Well, It's okay that all the information are unknown ,because this is what I expected for and I have seen this many times. However, the most essential thing is his coins storage...

[Character's Storage]


[Coins storage:  Unlimited ]


It's UNLIMITED!!! But...h...HOW???......Is this allowed?? Crazy, this is the first time that I saw coins can be unlimited! What is he actually??? Even the gods have their limit coins but this person's coins storage just put an "unlimited"???

"......I didn't set those..." he spoke up while I'm still surprising.

"What are you?"I frowned and face to him. As I look into his eyes , I can slightly see a faint gorgeous night sky in his eyes ball, and it's also like a dark hole...



"Guardian of every laws. Anyway, I'm Karles, Karles Griffon. My job is to protect the every laws of the universe, which you are origin not belongs to this world...and my brother is a guardian too."

"You have a brother?"

"Yes, and his name is Laszlo. As you see, we are not belong to this world, we were came from the other side ,which is the original earth to find you."

"Wait, original earth?" I widen my eyes. Isn't the original earth already vanished? The novel I knew had come to reality and covered the earth, now the original earth is gone...but why...

"Kim Dokja, I know you are confusing but I have the method to send you back..."

"Send me back??" It's unreasonable, I have gone so far and right now you say you can send me back to that damn earth where I was belong? I was not being good in my life before this whole novel came to reality. Because of the novel, my life was getting better. I made a lot of companions ,instead in the original earth I don't have any...

I have so many vital things in this world, I'm not a mere staff who is weak and alone ,repeating his horrible life everyday anymore. My life have change because of this novel appeared.As he said that, right now I was thought as if all of the thing that I had been through were just a lie...

I hold up my tears, forming a fist to endure my sadness in my mind.

"...I did not say you have to choose this way, it's just a chance that we gladly sponsor to you,Kim Dokja. It depends on what will you choose." he glanced at me like studied my mind without a second.

"Before that, you have to aware that you only have one chance. If you choose to leave this world, you will never ever come back again, and this world will be like a mere dream to you."He said in serious manner.

"As if you choose to stay, you will be in this world forever, with many dangerous scenarios, you've known that those are quite challenging right? In fact, not all of your companions will survive..."

"But I'm dead right now, isn't I?" The point is here, I'm dead right now, so which means I have no choice but only to leave this world or stay in hell, am I right?  

"...Well, emm...sorry about that. I was thought you had became stronger when you get Lore's sword...but don't worry, I have a way."

"Lore's sword...?" somehow I grabbed the bake bacon which given by Karles, I took a bite...It's delicious...

"Oh, I mean the Sword of Godless."he continued.

"So you are..."before I finished my words ,he spoke up.

"I was the owner of the sword before, but I had given it to Laszlo, so he is the owner right now." he said before me like he had read what I would said next.

...Which means the sword is not belongs to this world instead they were the one who left it deliberately right? That's why we can't estimate it's risks...

"Yes, we left it there deliberately, just to let you get it." he replied.


...And you do know how to read other's mind did you?

"Not really, I just estimate."he replied and raise his eyebrow like just to make him innocent.

"..."I glanced at him then focus on my baked bacon.

He chuckled, both of us enjoyed the baked bacon like we were having a picnic, in fact he is really good at cooking, just like Yoo Jonghyuk...

Looks like I had forgotten something vital...... Nah, doesn't matter anymore... I am already dead...Just hope that right now Yoo Jonghyuk is doing well, although somehow I felt reluctant...


"Anyway, where did you bought those sundries?"I asked with my mouth which full of bacons.

"I made them by myself." He said ,and the next second, an apple pop out from his hand...





Spark appeared, a man who wearing a black coat and holding a black sword stepped out from it as it closed up. He frowned, glanced at his surrounding like he was finding someone.

There's nothing here but still can't see the end of this area, the ground under him was like a huge mirror, as if like he was standing on a lake... 

[All the devices and connections are forbidden in this region.]

[Shutting down all the connections and devices...]

"Means I can't use any midday conversation huh?" Yoo Jonghyuk frowned.


"Kim Dokja !" he shouted.

What he can heard is only the echo, no one there, and no one replied but his own sound.



He started to move forward, he don't care where he is right now but he can tell he is on the way.

"Kim Dokja! Where are you!!!"

Only echos replied...

Out of a sudden, he shocked because he saw there's a man who looked like him, standing very front of him, he was thought the person is Kim Dokja, but he can certain he is not...

The person was also shocked as he saw Yoo Jonghyuk As Yoo Jonghyuk narrowed his eyes, he can saw the person's face was actually looked like him ,but the different is ,there was a scar on his face...



["Who are you !?"] they both yelled at the same time.

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