Ch. 16 Hello My Friend

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The wracked world had a sudden appearance of a dark hole. Every individuals could know what that was without a debt. 

That thing is a region of space having a infinite gravitational field so intense that neither matter nor radiation can ever escape. Which was to be said that it would appear as several of worlds collapse together, it seemed to make everyone panic about their, for the sake of the universe.

No one could predict what would happen if anything sucked into the black hole, it's so mysterious that no one would ever try to get to know what's inside. Because they know there will be no return.

As for the first group of individuals to get sucked into it, only they entered without even have the time to feel fear like the rest, were now be the first at the middle of plight which had no light and a single sound in the region.


' Jonghyuk...?Zoe...?'

Kim Dokja tried to speak, but there were no sound coming out from his mouth which made him thought that whether if he had become deaf or dumb. 

The situation was like someone had put a pair of earplug in his ear, used a vibration reduction skill on his throat, and a thick eyes mask on him. This was giving him chills because he couldn't felt everything that whether he was standing or not. It was totally like floating in the poop uncontrollably with nope thing to relay on. 

' The system does not seem to be working, and so does the Midday Conversation...'

Kim Dokja tried to control his nerveless body to grab something even though he couldn't feel his hands nor felt if anything that touched him. But this was the only thing he could do after he tried to use the fable and end up ultimately to no avail.

He had no idea what would happen if he keep remain in the black hole, nor whether if Yoo Jonghyuk and Zoe were fine right now.  However according to his knowledge, he would be digested into particles in a moment after consumed by the black hole. 

Right now, he had an ominous feeling that he can't felt his body was because that he had already broken down into pieces... 

' No, it can't be that easy to....'

This made him struggled even more, somehow he felt that there was a heat coming from his back.

Then, his sight has no longer covered with darkness but slowly be able to see his hands as it lighten the darkness.

" Stop moving your ass! Or do you wish to be broken down into atoms and become ingredients to the black hole?"

A familiar voice raised from behind, and which could be seemed that he was barely said out loud.

Kim Dokja had no strength to turn his head around, but he could still turn his eyeball and discovered the dark expression on Yoo Jonghyuk's face, also that Zoe was still grabbing both Yoo Jonghyuk and his collars tightly since from the beginning they sucked into the black hole.

The most important thing was that he saw Zoe had his whole body glowing like a sun sparkling in the darkness. His lustre eyes, the shining horns, and there were sand-like sparkling atoms flowing out from his wings like gold powders.

' This...' The sight was too beautiful, but the situation was too cold for Zoe to flap his flame wings to fly out from the black hole with them.

However, Dokja could see that three of them were started to breaking down a bit by a bit, so he passed his power of the fables to Zoe and barely said.

" Keep glowing...!"

[[ Se veral  o f fa bl es ha ve aw aken in th e 'Bl ack H ol e']]

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