Lestrade Academy

By LeahKillem

4.7K 253 7

Lestrade Academy consists of two parts with a high fence in between that seperates girls from boys. Each part... More

1. News
2. Last Week
3. Lestrade High
4. Distraction
5. Bruises
6. One More Day
7. Another Strange Event
8. Hospital
9. Unbruised
10. Mpuah
11. Cling
12. Possessive
13. Lovebirds
14. Family
15. Realization
16. Daters
18. Talks
19. Sabrina
20. Lucid
21. Troubles
22. Reunion
23. What They Told Sabrina
24. Moderny
25. Paradise
26. Unexpected
27. Mess
28. Wanted
29. Unlocked
31. Numby
33. Upcoming
34. Storm
36. Hidden
37. Lost 'n Gone
38. NewsMan
39. End of Some
40. End of All

30. I Love You

64 5 0
By LeahKillem

Chapter 30 :

I Love You



A key to Thella. We've actually found it. But there's the problem, who knew how to use it? Principals did - at least, probably. But where were the principals? Two days went by after that night and they were nowhere to be found. We've asked Matthew a couple of times, but he knew nothing. He kept calling them, but no answer. Should we worry? Probably. Did we? Not even close.

On 14th of December my morning couldn't be worse. Not mentioning the fact that it was freezing and I woke up feeling as if my blood had temperature -100°, I didn't even wake up by myself.

I pincked up my ringing phone from the bedside table and stuck it to my ear, covering my shoulders with soft blanket, "What?" I mumbled.

"Hey, what's up?"

Lucy. I will always love you, but I'll pretend you fell from the window by accident.

"Lucy, I slept!"

"Oh, sorry," she quickly apologized, "A party tonight at my place and you will be there."

Sounded good. After all the Silva crap I needed a break.

"You didn't deserve it," I told her, quietly scolding her for waking me up, "But I'll be there."

"7PM. See ya, bud. And bring six people woth you, or I'm not letting you in!" she said cheerily and I hung up on her, not even saying goodbye. She woke me up, had to excpect moody me.

After school I called Nick, telling him about the party.

"I don't know," he replied, "A party?"

I rolled my eyes, "Come on! I need six people to drag with me! Nina already said she couldn't, she has those exams. I have Clary and Ellie. Now you and you'll bring some people. We could invite Terry and Thomas. And that boy... Logan, yea? So we're six!"

He chuckled, "You've thought about it a lot. Fine, we'll be there."

"Okay, love you!"

"Love you, too, Zoe."

I hung up on him, the way he let my name slip off his tongue banging in my ears.

I still had a couple of free hours before the party, but I still had to tell plans to Terry. She wasn't the most caring and likable person to me, but if she was going to help me to go to Thella, we had to get along. I remembered Nina telling me they were in the same ballet class, so my first stop would be there. I left the warmth of my house for the chilly, biting wind and the grey sky. I quickly ran in the school building, avoiding getting cold and feeling my nose go red from the unexpected warmth.

I walked to the ballet class and slowly opened the door, peaking in. Everyone was resting in the corner, chatting amd laughing. Right in the centre of everyone I noticed Terry. Her hair was up in a tight bun and she wore short ballet dress in light pink.

"Terry!" I called out. Her eyes immediately met mine and she stood up irritatedly, walking towards me with her back a little too straight.

"What?" she said, standing before me with her one hip crooked out.

"A party tonight at my friend's. 7PM. Clary, Ellie, Thomas, Logan and Nick will be there, too."

"Sounds fun," she said, "But I don't want to find out it's one of those lame nerdy parties."

I snorted, "Please! My friend will come wwith his car and I also have mine, so all the seven of us will go together."

"Fine, I hope I'll have fun."

I nodded at her, turning around and leaving.

I got ready quickly and at 6PM Billy was outside my gates.

I gave him a huge bear hug, "Hey," I said, "We found our Escorts."

He immediately pulled out, alarmed, "Who is it?"

I motioned towards Terry next to me and Thomas who was leaving the boys' side with Nick and Logan.

"How?" he asked Nick and I as soon as the boys approached us.

"Meditation and telepathy."

"Okay, I'll pretend that's not strange."

"I'm Terry," she said to Billy, stepping a little too close to him, "I'm Zoe's Escort."

"Um," Billy said, glancung at me, "I'm Billy."

Normally, he'd flirt with her, but I guess Sophia Grant from our old school still has his heart.

"Nice to meet you," she said, her hand on his shoulder.

From the corner of my eye I saw Thomas shift uncomfortingly. He had to like Terry already; but why didn't she like him? Weren't they soulmates? I had a crush on Nick since the first tine we met - when I ran against him in McDonald's.

Whatever, it was Terry.

"Who's coming with me?" I asked, breaking the awkwardness, "Three with me and three with Billy."

"I'm going with Billy," Terry chirped.

"So do I," said Thomas immediately.

I smirked, looking at others for an answer.

"Ellie and I are coming with you," Clary told me, standing next to me.

"Nick and Logan," I said, "One place in each car. Choose."

I actually told them to choose, but what I really meant was, if Nick didn't come with me he wouldn't live long enough to visit Thella.

Nick smirked at me with knowing expression.

Don't you dare, I thought, Don't you dare.

Nick grinned and suddenly, I heard his voice inside my head, Don't I dare what?

We weren't holding hands or even stood close to each other, so why did telepathy work? Maybe he was thinking about contacting me, too.

I crossed my arms, Nick, I said.

He laughed, not only in my head. Each and every head turned to his direction as he realized his mistake, but kept grinning at me.

"What's happening here?" Ellie asked.

We ignored her as his voice sounded in my head, Wasn't even going to.

"I'm with Zoe," he said loudly and I smiled at him. Wouldn't want a drive with two girls and one extremely uncomfortable guy.

Logan nodded, "Then I'm with Billy."

"I'll lead the way," Billy said, unlocking his car with automatic keys.

"No," I said, "I will lead."

He snorted, "No way."

I unlocked my car behind my shoulder, "Way."

I sat in the driver seat with Nick next to me in the passenger seat and girls in the back. I turned the keys into the ignition the second everyone was settled and buckled up. Billy and I started moving our cars in unison, but somehow, his car decided to pull up in front of mine. I gripped the steering wheel with such strenght, my knuckles went white. Speed limit here was 70 and both of us were driving with 60, the nose of my car almost touching his back.

I thought about the ways of going around him, but I couldn't do that without getting on the second side of the road, which was meant for the cars that drove to the opposite direction.

"Just drive safely, Zoe," Nick said from beside me.

"Yea, sure," I said, brushing him off and seeing him roll his eyes from the corner of mine.

There was no one except for us on this highway, anyways. I looked back and forth all the time before finally deciding to pull up on the second side of the road, next to Billy. I waved at him from Nick's window as his eyes widen. I sped up and so did he, now we were driving with 70. I had to speed up just a little more and I'd be in front of him.

Suddenly, I noticed a black truck heading our way. I recognized it from the academy, it was bringing some groceries. It was still far, but if I didn't hurry, all of us would die.

"Zoe, get out of there!" Ellie shouted from behind.

"Zoe," Nick said, "We'll die, Zoe. Slow down and go to our side, now."

But I could do this. I pushed harder, just a few seconds and we'd crash, but I made it in front of Billy quicker and immediately went on my side. The truck flew next to us the second I went away from his way, it's goodog blasting in our ears.

"Zoe, you could get us killed!" Clary said.

"And you have the courage to call me brainless," Nick said.

I laughed, speeding down since I was driving with 80 already. Happily, it was legal to speed up to 10 over the speed limit. All of a sudden, my phone went off in my pocket and I pulled it out, pressing it to my ear.

"Yes?" I said, not even looking at the number.

"You're really not a safe driver," Nick said from beside me, covering the voice of the caller.

"Shh," I told Nick before turning back to the person on the second sids of the call, "Yes?"

"I'd speed up and pull up next to you," Billy's voice said, "But I'm scared you'll get youself in an accident, so I'll let you lead."

"Ha ha," I said humourlessly, "You're just scared to repeat my action."

"I don't think scared is the right word. More like smarter than that."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I told him, rolling my eyes.

I practically saw him rolling his eyes as well in my head, "Zoe, don't make me remind you last holidays."

I cringed at the memory. We were in the same situation and Billy kept swiping from one side of the road to another to keep me back so I wouldn't be able to sneak forwards, but I'd decided I'd be able to sneak in and sped up. We ended in hospital, our hands broken and our cars useless.

"Whatever," I said, hanging up on him and sliding the phone back in my pocket.

The rest of the road went peacly and I managed to park right in front of Lucy's house. Her house was far enough from the academy to keep us in the road trip for the whole hour. It was already 7 and music was heard on the full street.

Lucy ran out evem before all of left the cars. "Zoe!" she shouted, hugging me with such force I lost my breath, "I missed you, you pig! Could've visited me!"

"Sorry," I said, pulling out, "Busy days."

"Whatever, did you bring six people?"

"Yea," I said, gesturing towards everyone, "This is Nick, my boyfriend. This is Clary, Ellie, Thomas, Terry and Logan," with each name I'd reach my finger towards the owner of the name, "Guys, this is Lucy, we're on her party."

"Nice to meet you," everyone beamed at the same time. "Cone inside," said Clary, "It's already started."

Going inside, we noticed everyone already holding one of the different-colored plastic cups. Some of them danced and some of them just spoke. Two of them were already walking upstairs. Geez, what a stupidness. The party itself was good. "Smoke On The Water" blaring in the whole house. I didn't remember the artist, but I liked the song.

I was always starting such parties with kitchen, drinking some to have fun. Clary came along with me and we took some beverage from the fridge, sitting on the opposite counters, while others were already on the dance floor.

"You know everyone here?" Clary asked, taking a sip of her beer.

I pursed my lips, "Basically. Some of them I have never seen, but I know the most part."

She nodded, "I think we should make a party once at Lestrade Academy."

My eyes widen, "Yes! While principals are absent!"

"Why are they absent?" she asked, furrowing her brows.

Oh, right. She didn't know.

"You know, when Nick amd I were searching for Escorts they got a call from owners of the academy, some powerful guys. Matthew - from the boys' side - said they left to talk about the academy and all. We could use the time, but they're already gone for three days, so we should expect them coming back soon."

"I was thinking more about making an uncovered party, without secrets for once."

"Who will let us?"

She shrugged, "Whatever. Crappy idea. We could make it outside, though. Grant a restaurant somewhere and invite everyone, both sides."

I smiled at her proudly, "Wow, Clary, you got brave. Yea, we could definitely do that."

She grinned at me, "Let's go dance."

I nodded at her and we joined guys. Clary, Nick, Ellie, Thomas, Logan and I were all dancing together, but no sign of Terry. Probably found some hottie. My eyes widen at the realization that it might be Billy and I looked around, finding him on the couch in the corner with Sophia. I definitely wouldn't want someone like Terry for Billy.

"Babe," Nick said in my ear from behind me so I'd hear in a noise so bad, "I'll go to have a drink."

I nodded, "Okay."

Next second I was drawn into the 'Truth or Dare' in the basement. Clary, Lucy, Thomas, Billy and a few more guys sat in the circle with me. We were spinning the bottle one after another and asked to whoever it pointed to. When Logan spinned the bottle, it landed on me.

"Truth or dare?" he asked me.

"Truth," I said, not feeling like standing up.

He chuckled, thinking, "It's hard to ask you something when you're dating my best friend."

I laughed, "Go on, ask anything."

He glanced around the room in search for ideas before his eyes finally landed on me, "On what base are you?"

I seriously burst out laughing, partly because of the beer amd partly because of the question, "First," I said when I finally stopped.

"Are you sure?"

I laughed a short laugh, "You're only supposed to ask one question. But yes, completely sure. Give me the bottle."

I took the bottle and spinned it. After a tense period of waiting, it finally slowed down and landed on Billy.

"Yes!" I cried out while he rolled his eyes, "I've been waiting for this my whole life! You will-"

"Stop," Billy cut me off, "First you should ask me truth or dare."

I rolled my eyes, "Truth or dare?"


"Darn it. Fine. You've never answered me who was the first one."

"First... Girlfriend?" he asked, confused.

I frowned at him, "No, moron. That first one that I asked you on the last game and you never answered. Who did you lose your virginity to?"

He rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine," he then mumbled something that I didn't hear.

"Who?" I asked, leaning closer.

"Linda Grant," he repeated louder, "Sophia's older sister."

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open, "No!" I said, "That's- that's why she didn't like you anymore?"

He nodded.

"Geez," I said, "I'm sorry. And why for heaven's sake didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Just give me the bottle."

I passed him the bottle, saying, "Sorry for the kick under your belt, you know I don't think when I drink."

He chuckled, "Yea."

So, Sophia used to like Billy a long while ago, but he never told me the reason why she didn't anymore. Now it's clear: she saw him with Linda that was 2 years older than us. Billy likes her for a long, long while by now, so I guess he was drunk while with Linda. Damn, that's complicated.

Billy's bottle landed on Clary that sat next to me. Suddenly, I remembered Nick, wondering where he was. Maybe he tried searching for me, but didn't find me in the basement.

"Guys," I said, standing up, "I'll go find Nick. Keep playing without me."

All of their heads nodded in understanding and I left the poorly-lit, yet greatly comfortable and nicely decorated basement.

Nick left to have a drink 30 minutes ago, so he could be anywhere. First, I stood in front of the dance floor, searching for him with my eyes. Everyone was here, but Nick was nowhere to be seen. I entered the kitchen, seeing there three girls from my old school chat. Without acknowledging them, I moved to the door that led to the backyard. Lucy had the big pool on the roof of her house, so the backyard was totally covered in low grass. It was very, very poorly-lit, but I could still notice two bodies a bit too close to each other. Her hands gripped his neck and his was on her shoulders.

My head spinned, but I wasn't sure was it because of the alcohol or the fact that my boyfriend, that was supposed to be my soulmate, was kissing thr girl that was supposed to be my Escort. My eyes became blurry and started burning, as if I've been crying whole day. I barely held myself on my feet as my knees seemed to dissapear. I was still in the state of denial until Nick pulled out, as if sensing me and turning my way.

"Zoe!" he called out, guilt amd worry in his voice.

It was him. His face seemed all messed up because of the tears in my eyes, but I knew it was him. They way he voiced my name and the way his eyes were shining made me believe it was him. Every part of me wished it wasn't him, but I knew it was. I felt a huge weigh on my chest and my left side felt as if someone was gripping my heart with all the force in the world.

Betreyal, disappointment, pain. Betreyal, disappointment, pain. Betreyal, disappointment, pain.

I shook my head, turning around, not wanting to keep looking at the scene before me. This couldn't be happening. I covered my mouth with my right hand, securing it from the wails that urged to crawl out. My hand immediately got wet from the tears that streamed dowm my face like a river. I had a feeling of water standing in my ears and my body was just about to fall down.

What do you call a pain so huge? Not a heartbreak and not a simple pain. It was death on the inside. I wanted to scream at the top of my lunges, but I couldn't convince my body that I could move. I knew a male voice was talking behind me, but my ears couldn't function enough to register at least one word. I wasn't sure if hearing voice would alive me, or kill me to the rest. Suddenly, a hand touched my spine and, as if on instinct, my legs moved and I ran in the house. I felt eyes of everyone on me, but I ignored them, running out and into my car. I sat in the driver seat and gripped the steering wheel the tightest I could, a loud sob escaping my lips.

"Zoe!" I heard Nick shout, he looked at me from the window of the passenger seat. His lips moved, but not a word was heard for me in the painful state that I was in currently. He was trying to open the door, but I locked it. He was sayng something, but I couldn't stand looking at him, so I turned the keys in the ignition. Looking at him for the last time with teary eyes, I drove away. I was drunk and my eyes were blurry, but I couldn't stop just now. I'd pull up somewhere where Nick wouldn't find me and would stop until I was depressed enough to not be able to cry anymore and then would drive away.

I was just leaving Lucy's street when a few cars flew next to me.

Careful, Zoe, I told myself, Don't let the slut be happy by your death tonight.

Sobbing uncontrollably, I wasn't even paying attention to the street signs and speed limits. There, I'll pass that street and stop. That's it.

Just why did he have to do this to me?

I remembered the way he told me he loved me for uncountable amount of times. Was it all a lie? Was the Silva soulmating thing a crap? I loved him. I loved him stronger than I've ever loved anyone.

Horn sounds. Lot's or horns. I didn't pay attention to it, it couldn't be meant for me. More horns. I felt the strongest pain I've ever experienced on my left side. Too many noises. My vision was disappearing and appearing randomly. The last thing I saw was someone run out from the Jeep. The worst thing was, he seemed to be upside down.

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