Why? (Under Revision)

By aileenvera

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Ever since I was child I've been waiting for my mate. The person who was supposed to make my life better afte... More

Why? (Prologue)
Author's Note
Going Back
Author's note
Who's the Father
She's back
Author's Note

Does He Know

1.3K 40 8
By aileenvera

Grace's POV

As I walked back to the pack house I noticed the fear in the pack members' eyes as they moved away from me leaving a path for me to walk through. I was happy that they knew who the dominant one was as I wanted to make sure that no one would ever treat me horrible again. I could still hear Chloe's loud cries as they tried to move her body for treatment. 

She should've kept her mouth shut and she wouldn't have had this problem. 

That's true. We did give her a chance. I said as I walked through the door. I smiled as I spotted Logan playing with Aiden as I entered the living room. 

"Thanks for watching him Logan." I said as I sat down with them on the floor. 

"No problem Gracie. I kinda heard what was going on outside and I could tell she deserved what she had coming." He smiled. I let out a laugh and watched as my baby played with his toys. I heard multiple footsteps come toward us and I looked up to see my pack coming in with worried faces. 

"What happened Grace I heard a fight going on outside!?" Screamed out Sophia as she threw herself on the floor so that we were at eye level.

"Nothing important I just had to teach that slut a lesson." I said with an innocent smile on my face. 

"Mhmm." Said Ryder with a stern look on his face making me pout knowing that he was about to go Alpha on me. "Grace Winters you know damn well that we are supposed to be here to help this pack not to harm them." 

"I know.." I said looking down.

"Now honey I know she did this for a reason." Said Anna putting a hand on his chest.

"She's right! She was calling Aiden a bastard! I couldn't control myself when someone is talking bad about my pup!" I said. Ryder's face softened at what I had told him as he let out a sigh and squatted down.

"I understand Gracie but next time just come to us if there's a problem with the pack members alright? At least then you'll have more witness than just you and that dipshit Alpha." He said with a smile. I laughed and gave him a hug.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome Grace. Now let's all go out to eat somewhere it's my treat." 

"Great! I'm starving!" Yelled out Ramsey. 

"When aren't you starving Rams." Said May as she bumped her shoulder into him. 

"Hey! That hurt May." He whined as he grabbed onto his shoulder in a dramatic way. 

"Oh suck it up you know it didn't hurt." She argued back. 

"Oh won't you stop it you two. You're worse than Aiden and he's the actual child here!" I said laughing at them. They both looked at me with a slight pout on their faces from being yelled at by me. I shook my head at them and pushed them toward the door so we could leave for some food. 

"Alright you big babies come on let's go get some food before Ryder changes his mind." I say and turn back around to go get Aiden that is still on the floor playing with his toys. 

"Hey there honey." I smile at him as I crouch down to be at his eye level. 

"Hi mama." He replies back with a smile on his face. 

"Are you hungry? Do you want to grab some lunch with your aunties and uncles?" As soon as I mentioned that the whole family was going his blue eyes lit up.

"Yes pwease!" He screamed before jumping into my arms. I laughed and pulled him up with me and walked out to the car where everyone was waiting for Aiden and I. I strapped him into his car seat that was in between me and Logan, making sure that he was comfortable before giving him his toy cars. I relaxed in my seat as I heard Aiden explaining to his Uncle Logan about what cars he has and which were his favorites. I zoned out thinking about how my life has gotten better since I left and how I wished I never came back. Soon enough I was pulled out of my thoughts as Ryder stopped in front of a diner not too far from the pack house. I hopped out of the car and unbuckled Aiden from his carseat and carried him inside. 

"Hello! Welcome to Rick's diner! How many will it be today?" Asked a waitress once we were inside. 

"Table for ten please." Answered Aldrick. She showed us to our table and we all sat down looking over our menu while we waited for her to come back and take our order. 

"So anything to report about what's going on inside this pack?" Asked Ryder as he looked around the table. 

"They are absolutely defenseless if hunters come from them. They have minimal training that won't do much if an actual war were to happen." Responded Damien. 

"Not only that they have poor medical treatments. When I went to check out the pack hospital they only have two doctors and the rest are nurses that also have minimal knowledge on how to treat wounds. If the rogues were to use poison or silver bullets on us they won't know how to treat the pack members." Added in Aldrick. 

"So in conclusion they're useless. How did they get by all these years?" Asked May as she looked over to me for an answer. 

"Things changed after James' parents died. James' hadn't finished hs Alpha training ,so he did what he wanted without any consequences. Since there were so many of us I don't think he would have ever thought he'd have this problem. So he cut back on things he didn't think we needed, hence the minimal training and low medical staff. I also don't know if he had a plan to protect those who weren't fit to fight, like the children and the elderly." I said. 

"What a horrible Alpha." Commented Anna. I nodded my head and saw the waitress heading toward us to take our order. We told her what we wanted and she left before we started our conversation once more.

"So we really need to whip them into shape." Said Logan with a smile on his face. We all nodded In response and moved the conversation on. We all talked about our experiences in the pack since we got here and how James still hadn't figured out that Aiden was his son. Thank goodness. Once we were done eating we headed back to the pack house where pack members were still giving me scared looks as I passed by them. I smiled at myself as I walked into the house with everyone following and Aiden on my hip. 

"Well then I'm going to go take a nap after that meal. Come on babe you're gonna take one with me." Sophia smiled as she pulled Aldrick with her. 

"Damien and I are going to figure out what to do about the whole situation before we talk to James. I'll see you guys later." Ryder says as he gives Anna a kiss and walks away with Damien.

"Well then it's just the five of us. What should we do?" Ramsey asks. 

"Technically it's just the two of you because me and the girls are going to go do our nails." Says May as she grabs both Anna and I. I laugh at the boy's faces.

"Well then I guess we're not wanted here. Let's go Ramsey." Says Logan as he grabs his brother and walks away dramatically. Me and the girls go get our nails done while Aiden accompanies us. I give him some toys as me and the girls talk amongst ourselves. Once we're done we go back home as I carry a sleeping Aiden inside the pack house. I say goodbye to the girls as they go and look for their mates. I head to the kitchen to grab a bottled water and accidentally run into James. 

"Sorry." I say and try to move around him to get inside the kitchen. He blocks my way into the kitchen and I start to get upset. I look up at him about to tell him off but I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I see him staring intensely at Aiden. His eyes looked like they were burning into his small body. I couldn't move from my spot. I couldn't say anything. Did he figure it out? Was he going to take him away from me. Why was he staring at him like this? Why was he not saying anything?

"Hey! Why are you staring at him like that! I told you I don't like the way you look at him." I growled out. This seemed to get him out of his trance like state as he backed away.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to look at him like that. I'm also sorry for what Chloe did earlier." He said apologetically. His eyes bore into mine then moved once again to Aiden's sleeping figure that rested on my chest. 

"Stop looking at my son." I bit out. "And I don't care about Chloe. Whatever you do is not my business. Now leave me alone." I said as I walked away toward the stairs to go to my room. The last thing I thought before walking away from him was, "Does he know that Aiden was his?" 

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