Black Butler x Modern Reader

By Witch-chan28

317K 5.1K 1.5K

[DISCONTINUED] Y/n was a shy teenager who loves Black Butler and singing. The problem was that she never sang... More

After school
An odd dinner
on hold
An attempt to cook dinner
Sleeping Arrangements
Authors note
Something Random
Story time
Movie Night
Oh my!
Sick day
omgggggggg!!! 😱
It's coming..... Part 1
It's coming..... part 2
Nani/New book?
His new look
60K WHO?!?!
A distraction
Dance Dance
Challange #2
Light_in_Nightingale's ending
Smol update
They find out.. Part 1
They find out.. Part 2
I'm bored... Hit me up?
They find out... Part 3
100k special
Finally done + news
News + Schedule
A new start? Part 1
A new start? Part 2
4th Year Anniversary!!

Old friends new faces

1.1K 15 4
By Witch-chan28

Alois's PoV

My butler and I made our way to Ciel's manor, apparently when we jumped through the portal it brought us to our world. My mind kept racing with thoughts and questions of what exactly happened that day, so much though that it was all I could think about. For what seemed like forever we finally pulled up to Ciel's home. Claude opened the door for me and I rushed to the entrance, I knocked and a few moments later Sebastian opened the wooden doors for me. I pushed passed him and made my way inside the manor. One way or another I will find Y/N and make sure she is okay! I ignored Sebastian's words as he followed me through the halls, eventually I ran into Ceil's office and entered. I didn't care about the fancy looking male and his butler that were with Ciel, I had better priorities.

"Phantomhive, where is she?!" I demanded, slamming my hands on his desk. He only sighed in response, he glared at me briefly before turning to his fancy dressed visitor.

"I'm sorry for the interruption Soma, it seems Trancy is worried about the guest I was telling you about earlier." Ciel explained, I rolled my eyes again and asked him once more where he was having Y/N rest. His uncovered eye twitched in annoyance, opening his mouth to retaliate the male named Soma spoke for him.

"She is recovering in a room nearby, if I were you I'd give the lady some space until she has recoverd." Soma said in a low voice, if his accent wasn't present in his words I would have assumed he was trying to intimidate me. I chuckled and glared daggers at the taller male in front of me, and soon I began to tell him off.

Y/N's PoV

I awoke in a daze, my eyes adjusting to the blinding light that graced itself into my room. My body ached and felt sore, I sat up slowly and let out a small hiss of pain.

"Could be worse.." My throat was raspy and sore. I decided not to speak much until I made contact with some water. I slowly inched my way out of the warm beds sheets and shuffled slowly out of the room. I looked around in awe as I shuffled down the long, decorative hallway. Admiring the paintings and fancy walls I didn't notice a wooden door that was slightly ajar. I bumped into it and mumbled a low 'Ow', I studied the door and peered inside the room it was attached to. Inside was everyone; Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, and..

"Soma, Agni?" I questioned allowed, not realising that the same people I listed in my mind actually heard me. They grew silent as Claude opened the door to reveal my small form. I looked curiously at the six males, not paying mind to the fact that Soma was red in the face. A few silent moments passed and not wanting to be stared at in silence I spoke up.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I questioned jokingly, they didn't say anything. 'Great, more staring then.' More silence graced my ears, my ears felt like they were gonna start ringing if they didn't talk soon. Eventually Sebastian spoke up,

"Excuse me Lady Y/N but," he paused, his eyes locked onto mine.

"My dear, your nightgown." he finished. I gave a confused look towards him and looked down, I froze as I noticed very small streams of blood soaked through my nightgown. 'Did something rip when I tried to get out of bed?!' I mentally panicked at the sight of my blood, I almost collapsed onto the floor if it wasn't for Soma placing gentle hands on my shoulders. With some help Soma and the others led me back to my room so that Sebastian could tend to my wounds. Sebastian gave me some tea to relax and I soon drifted off to sleep.

Soma's PoV

Once we laid Y/N to rest we headed back to Ciel's office to continue our discussion. The rude blonde boy and his creepy butler were in the room as well. My hands tingled a bit from when I touched the frail girls shoulders, I brushed the feeling off and focused on the discussion at hand.

"Whatever you need Ciel, me and Agni will be happy to help!" I spoke confidently, in truth I wanted to both help Ciel and get to know Y/N a bit more. Agni nodded confirming my statement and eventually we discussed my trip up north and I got properly introduced to the rude blonde who's name was Alois, and his golden eyed butler Claude. Some time passes and we decide to have dinner before heading to bed, I always enjoyed the fancy meals both Agni and Sebastian makes. Then it was time to rest, I "accidentally" wandered into the h/c haired maidens room and checked up on her. Her silky h/c was sprawled over the pillow that rested underneath her. Her soft skin shone under the pale moons light, I turned pink upon feeling a presence behind me. I turned around but no one was there, I closed Y/N's door gently and rushed to my room. I changed into my nightly ware and drifted to sleep, still feeling as if I am being watched.

Hello my Lil Biscuits! Sorry for taking so long to update, due to the virus that has been going around I have been trying my best to stay safe, and so should you! Please remember to wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your arm and AWAY from others, keep hands away from you face and other people, and if you feel sick STAY HOME! We can fight this virus together and we CAN get through these tough times. Love you all and good bai!!~~~

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