Bruised, Battered, and In Tea...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

27.3K 1.1K 112

An abusive relationship causes Olivia to take matters into her own hands. She will no longer be stuck accepti... More

Thirty-Two: No Longer Bruised


773 32 2
By GirlandHerKeyboard

"They want us to get married?" Olivia asked as Elliot moved towards the van to get dinner. She tried her hardest to not freak out, but it was a little crazy to think that she and Elliot could actually be married. That Olivia could take his last name. That they may be able to have kids together, even if their family was already huge. But all of these things were running through her head and making her dizzy.

"Liv, I said we don't have to talk about it for a while. Let's just focus on me adopting your littles." Elliot smiled softly. 

Olivia nodded hesitantly as she took a slow breath.

"It's a big thing to even bring up casually..." Olivia breathed, as she moved back to her van and opened the door for Michaela.

"What took you so long, Momma? Forget about us?!" Michaela smirked, and Olivia rolled her eyes grabbing her daughter's hand and helped her jump down before doing the same for Julia.

"I could never forget you two... never."


That night, Olivia shut everything down before heading upstairs slowly. As she moved up the stairs, she saw pictures of Elliot's kids. And then she also saw pictures of her children. Even if it was her idea, she was still shocked that Elliot and his children were more than willing to adopt Michaela, Julia, and Cleo.

"Liv, are you okay?" Maureen asked, and Olivia looked up at the top of the stairs and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired... what are you still doing up?" Olivia asked, as she slowly climbed the last few stairs before gently tucking a few blonde curls behind Maureen's ear.

"I heard you walking up the stairs and it took you longer than usual. So I just wanted to come out and check on you. Make sure my little sister isn't causing you any problems." Maureen smiled. Olivia smiled softly as she gently ran her hand over her belly.

"Are you up to talk?" Olivia asked nervously, and Maureen nodded slowly.

"Would you hate me if I asked you to go downstairs? Kathleen is a light sleeper."

"Oh, of course. It's easier to go downstairs than climb up them." Olivia said with a weak laugh.

Once downstairs and the softest blanket had been brought from the closet and draped over their legs they began to talk.

"So what do you need to talk about?" Maureen asked quietly.

"Are you sure that you want your father to adopt my girls?" Olivia asked, and Maureen was quick to nod.

"Of course I'm sure. I have loved you my whole life, and I guess it's kinda awesome that your daughters are going to be my sisters. And that you are kinda like a mom to me... a little less crazy than my real mom and still chill like an aunt." Maureen spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before sighing softly.

"I'm still worried that maybe this won't all work out. That your father will realize I'm nothing special... that dating me is just a waste of time. I'm worried that maybe if things get messy... he'll take our daughters. Especially since he will be their father once the adoption goes through."

"I wish that you could truly see the way he looks at you." Maureen breathed.

"What?" Olivia asked nervously.

"The way he looks at you. Olivia, he looks at you in a way that he has never looked at my mother. His eyes are bright and we all know that you are the only woman in the world for him. I don't think that this relationship will ever end. I think that this will last until he's old."

"I'll be old too..." Olivia whispered, as her cheeks grew hot.

"I doubt that Liv... but in the end, I don't think there is anything for you to worry about. Just put your trust into the love you have for each other and everything will be okay."

"You are wise for just a teenager," Olivia spoke, as she grabbed Maureen's hand and squeezed it.

"I try."


Olivia got the adoption process started a week later, and without Elliot knowing. He thought that it would take more time for her to get things going, but Olivia knew that it had to happen now. She needed to get those girls' last names changed.

"Okay, this is your job for this weekend." Olivia smiled softly, as she sat a large binder on Elliot's desk. He looked up from his laptop before eyeing his girlfriend.

"What the hell is this? Are you planning on taking everything I have?" Elliot laughed, and Olivia shook her head as she opened the binder.

"These are the adoption papers. You have so many things to sign, but I'll help. I'll put in all of the information about my girls and about myself, and you can do the rest about yourself."

"You should probably know some things about me." Elliot laughed.

"I know a lot about you, Elliot... but I still think you should fill out the things about yourself. Now, I have to go get the girls from gymnastics." Olivia spoke. She kissed her boyfriend before leaving the office. As she moved towards the front door, the bell rang. Olivia sighed as she moved to it and opened it slowly.

"Yes?" Olivia asked before a thick orange envelope was held out to her.

"Olivia Benson?"


"You've been served." The man spoke as he shoved the envelope to Olivia before walking off quickly. She shook as she looked down at it before flipping it over and struggling to open it.

"Liv? What's wrong?" Elliot asked. And Olivia started to cry as she finally opened the envelope and read over the papers.

"My mother-in-law is suing for custody of the girls..." Olivia sobbed. She turned into her boyfriend and clung to him tightly as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Liv, she can sue you all she wants... but she won't be getting these girls. We will file for the adoption as soon as possible. Just go get the girls-"

"No. You go get the girls. I'll work on the paperwork... all I want is to get this over with so I can keep my babies."

Hey guys, thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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