Bruised, Battered, and In Tea...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

26.5K 1.1K 112

An abusive relationship causes Olivia to take matters into her own hands. She will no longer be stuck accepti... More

Thirty-Two: No Longer Bruised


777 36 1
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia was thankful that she was having another little girl. Michaela and Julia were her best friends, and she was praying that this little girl would love her as much as the eldest two did. Olivia and Elliot were beyond excited to meet the newest little girl, but they had weeks to wait. So many weeks.

"Are you excited?" Elliot asked, as he climbed into the driver's seat of Olivia's van after helping her in and shutting the door for her.

"I'm so excited, El." Olivia smiled. She reached over and grabbed Elliot's hand before kissing it several times. 

"Do you have any names picked out for her? Because I know two little girls who are extremely eager to know." Elliot grinned. Olivia shook her head as she released his hand so that they could start heading towards the precinct. 

"I really haven't thought about a name for her yet... I've been scared of names... especially since I didn't think she'd make it this far... I didn't think I'd survive either." Olivia breathed. She swallowed hard as she avoided the eye contact of her boyfriend. Elliot reached out and caressed her hair before smiling softly.

"Olivia, I'm so glad that you decided to push through everything. Because if you hadn't, I would have lost my best friend and the woman I love so much."

"Elliot..." Olivia trailed off, and he smiled.

"I'll drive to the precinct in silence. I don't want to make you cry again, so I'll avoid anything mushy." He chuckled, before stealing a kiss from Olivia's cheek.


That night, Elliot the kids came over for dinner and because he had them during this week because of Kathy being out of town. Olivia and Elliot had moved into a house because there were a lot of kids that needed rooms. And seven kids couldn't fit into a bedroom in the old apartment. No way in hell that would have worked out.

"Alright, does anyone else have dirty laundry that needs to be washed?" Olivia asked as she led Michaela and Julia into the living room.

"Liv, we can help with the laundry. You don't have to do everything for us." Maureen spoke, as Michaela went running to her before climbing onto her lap.

"Well, I just want to help..." Olivia trailed off. She went and sat beside Elliot, before leaning into his side.

"And we appreciate it. We feel at home here, and we know it's mostly because of you." Kathleen smiled. 

Everyone started to talk, and Olivia listened to what she could. She loved having Elliot's kids there, even if she wasn't their Aunt anymore, but instead their father's girlfriend. But these kids meant the world to her no matter what her title was.

"Are you okay, Liv?" Lizzie asked as she noticed that Olivia was quietly staring off at the far wall.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine... amazing actually." Olivia breathed. She moved her hands to her stomach before speaking.

"You had an appointment today, right?" Maureen asked as Julia and Michaela tried to get her to play with them.

"I did... I'm having another girl." Olivia smiled as tears welled in her eyes.

"Another little sister?" Michaela asked, as her green eyes sparkled.

"Yeah, baby girl... uh, she's strong and Elliot and I got to see her face. And she's such a cute baby." Olivia grinned. Elliot looked over at his girlfriend before smiling.

"Are you going to tell us something?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Uh, I am... I decided on her name. That is what I have been trying to figure out all day long. Even when we were supposed to be working." Olivia chuckled. She reached out to her daughters, and they quickly ran to their mother. The other kids gathered around slowly because they all wanted to be involved in at this moment.

"Do you know her name, Daddy?" Eli asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No, Eli... Olivia is keeping this from me too." Elliot spoke.

Olivia closed her eyes tightly as she thought about picking names for Michaela and Julia. Chris had to pick the names. He wanted to make sure they were sturdy, and it was a way to get back at his wife for giving him yet another daughter. But now, Olivia could make the choice.

"Baby, tell us whenever you are ready." Elliot breathed, as he leaned close to his girlfriend. Olivia opened her eyes and several tears ran down her cheeks.

"Cleo Marie Benson... I hate that Michaela and Julia have Chris's last name, but Cleo has to have my last name. I don't want her to even know who her father is."

"Daddy doesn't deserve Cleo," Michaela grumbled, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"He doesn't. And he doesn't deserve you two either. Elliot... even if he isn't your biological father... I'd like him to move forward as your father... You know, if all of you will allow it. Like, not only Elliot and the girls, but also you kids too." Olivia spoke. 

Silence filled the living room, as the kids moved back to their spots. Olivia grew nervous and anxious because if Elliot were to adopt the girls, they would also be siblings to Elliot's biological kids. Olivia knew that Elliot's kids loved her girls, but it would be different if they were all siblings.

"Can we have some time to think?" Maureen breathed, and before Elliot could get angry, Olivia nodded.

"Of course. I'm going to go pick up dinner now. Michaela and Julia, would you like to join me?" Olivia asked, and the girls nodded slowly.


When Olivia and the girls got home, Elliot was standing outside. Olivia slowly got out of her van before looking at him.

"I guess they said no to the idea?" Olivia asked quietly.

"Liv, they were talking about how Cleo is going to be a Stabler and not a Benson," Elliot spoke. Olivia's eyes went wide as she looked at her boyfriend.


"They want me to adopt Cleo, Michaela, and Julia. They want me to be their father." Elliot spoke. Olivia started to sob, as she moved quickly towards him. Elliot hugged Olivia tightly, as he rubbed her back.

"I cannot believe this is really happening." Olivia whimpered.

"They also want me to marry you, but we can address that at a later date." 

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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