Granting You a Second Life

By chaniex24

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OFFLINE PURPOSE ***NOT MINE*** Synopsis Li Xiuying is the youngest surgeon the world has ever seen. Once upo... More

Chapter 1-15
Chapter 16-30
Chapter 36-45
Chapter 46-60
Chapter 61-75
Chapter 76-93
Chap 94-96
Chapter 169- 170


4.4K 106 32
By chaniex24


Jiang Huan adamantly refused: "I'm not going anywhere. I refuse to leave! You can't make me." She jumped up from her chair and threw the papers on the floor. She grabbed her handbag and backed herself into a corner.

Shen Xiaosi sauntered to the door and asked the 2 female security guards outside to remove Jiang Huan.

The 2 security guards approached Jiang Huan with their arms open wide; readying themselves to grab her hands.

Jiang Huan started swinging her bag: "Stay back! Stay Away from me!"

The security guard on Jiang Huan's right grabbed the bag and tugged it causing Jiang Huan to lose her balance and begin to fall forward. The other guard then grabbed Jiang Huan's left arm in a death grip preventing her from falling.

When each guard held one of Jiang Huan's arms; they began to drag her away.

Jiang Huan shouted and screamed:"You can't do this! I have rights! Let me go!! Dr Li please I know my mistakes I won't do them ever again. I can't lose my job; how will I survive in the future?! Don't blacklist me. You can't destroy my life!!!"


Li Xiuying who had closed her eyes when the guards began clutching at Jiang Huan; opened them once again. The scene was to familiar and she couldn't quite stomach it. She knew that her situation and this were completely different; so she calmed herself down with this thought in mind.

Yao Changying: "I feel like the situation is completely wrong. I expected this reaction from the Murong's and I anticipated that Jiang Huan would give up and behave like a meek lamb."

Li Xiuying: "Life is full of surprises."

Yao Changying: "Uh huh. Someeee people like a certain Dr Li, I won't tell you which one, seem to have a knack for seeing the future. Like recruiting sharp eyed theater staff, preparing security guards, having handsome men deliver evidence etc"

Li Xiuying: "Li is a common surname and we have quite a few Dr Li's working at Unity Hospital."

Yao Changying wished at this moment that Li Xiuying would speak less like before; "How can she use the words I said earlier! She's too wily."

Yao Changying changed the subject: "Interesting proverb you used earlier. Do you think that Jiang Huan will even understand what you were hinting at? It's pretty obtuse."

Li Xiuying shrugged a shoulder indifferently: "I have no duty to warn her; I'm not her friend or family member. Regardless of this, I had already given her 2 previous hints that she was stepping on to the wrong path. Besides do you think someone like her would listen to me if I warned her about her boyfriend directly? She would ignore me and may even tell me to stop interfering in her personal life. She'll understand what I've said when the man by her side leaves her."

Yao Changying sighed and leaned back in her chair: "Love can seriously inject you with chicken blood."

Li Xiuying laughed a little.

Yao Changying: "I didn't realize that all of Jiang Huan's previous actions were in the name of love though. I get that Jiang Huan is the flower but who is the babbling brook?"

Li Xiuying: "Tang Tingzhe."

Yao Changying's eyes were sparkling: "Who's that? Does he work here? Why did he get Jiang Huan to do all of that? What are you going to do to him?"

Li Xiuying checked her watch and waited for Shen Xiaosi to return.

Yao Changying: "YingYing my curiosity is killing me! Who is he? Come on, aren't I your best friend? Isn't it a universally accepted unwritten rule you must share everything with your best friend?"

Li Xiuying quirked a brow: "Unfortunately I didn't receive the universal rules handbook and you just like drama."

Yao Changying: "Of course I do. Who doesn't?! I love it especially when the drama doesn't affect me. So tell me who is Tang Tingzhe? I'm dying to know."

Li Xiuying: "Hasn't your heart already stopped beating?"

Yao Changying:"With this valuable piece of information you can make my dead heart beat once more. The adrenaline from hearing this gossi.. ehem... information will course through my veins jerking my heart to life."

Li Xiuying ignored Yao Changying's incessant pleas for gossip.

20 minutes later there was a knock at the door.

Yao Changying stopped trying to persuade Li Xiuying 'You were saved this time."

Li Xiuying: "Come in."

Shen Xiaosi entered the room and closed the door behind him.

Li Xiuying: "Sit."

Shen Xiaosi took a seat: "I'm sorry it took so long, Jiang Huan caused a scene all the way to the exit. I ensured she boarded the taxi, gave her the pay cheque and paid the fare."

Yao Changying: "When did you pick the check up?" She leant back on her chair and looked around Li Xiuying and could see a scrunched up ball on the floor.

Shen Xiaosi: "Dr Li had me prepare a second check."

Yao Changying: "When? Didn't you just start working today?"

Shen Xiaosi looked at Li Xiuying and saw that she did not object: "No I was hired some time ago by Elder Qin and worked behind the scenes. Dr Li had written the 2 checks some time ago and I picked them up when the office was empty. As for the evidence I constantly updated the document with Jiang Huan's deeds and I just printed it when I received Dr Li's message."

Yao Changying was happy that someone was willing to answer her questions: "Why did Elder Qin hire Jiang Huan instead of you in the first place?"

Shen Xiaosi: "I was working for someone else at the time and my contract was still in place. I wanted to wait for it to come to an end."

Yao Changying: "And it coincidentally came to an end when YingYing needed a new assistant?"

Shen Xiaosi: "No I still had six months left. Elder Qin spoke to my former employer and settled everything."

Yao Changying curiosity was ignited once again: "What did Elder Qin say? Who was your former employer?"

Li Xiuying: "Changying."

Yao Changying: "Hmph. Spoilsport."

Li Xiuying: "You start tomorrow at 9."

Shen Xiaosi: "Are there any tasks you would like me to complete?"

Li Xiuying opened her top door and took out a very long list of tasks for Shen Xiaosi to complete.

Shen Xiaosi picked up the A4 sheets and skimmed the content. There were tasks written on both sides. 'Dr Li is testing me."

Shen Xiaosi: "I will finish the tasks by the end of the week."

Li Xiuying: "Tomorrow."

Shen Xiaosi was slightly startled: "Erm Dr Li do you mean you want me to finish all the tasks tomorrow?"

Li Xiuying nodded: "9 to 5. Lunch break is 45 minutes. No overtime pay. Taking confidential files home is not permitted."

Shen Xiaosi: "I'll try my best." He never thought that Li Xiuying would be such a hard taskmaster. There was no way he can finish all the assigned tasks. Some of the tasks were dependent on people such as making important calls; how could one guarantee that someone would pick up and even if they did Shen Xiaosi couldn't predict how they will respond.

Li Xiuying stared quietly at Shen Xiaosi.

Shen Xiaosi who was still looking at the long list realized the room was quiet. He looked up to see Li Xiuying's assessing gaze on him: "I'll take my leave and see you tomorrow. Good bye Dr Li. Goodbye Dr Yao."

Yao Changying waited until Shen Xiaosi had closed the door: "YingYing isn't that task list a little unfair? There's no way he'll be able to complete it."

Li Xiuying: "I know."

Yao Changying: "If you know then why did... Oh I get it your testing him. But what exactly are you testing? Shouldn't it just be if he can do his job and complete tasks without overstepping his boundaries?"

Li Xiuying; "Let's go and meet Daiyu."

Yao Changying: "YingYing you keep cutting our conversations short! Don't think I haven't made a list of my own of all the topics you tried to avoid talking about!"

Li Xiuying ushered Yao Changying out of the office and locked the door behind her.

Li Xiuying: "I'll treat you to dinner."

Yao Changying: "Fine. I know you don't want to talk about the topics from earlier but there's once question I really want to know the answer to. What is this Tang Tingzhe going to do when Jiang Huan goes crying to him?"

Li Xiuying: "I don't know I'm not him."

Yao Changying rolled her eyes: "You can at least brainstorm a few ideas with me."

Li Xiuying: "Don't want to."

Yao Changying: "You have to buy me the most expensive dinner as punishment for withholding valuable information."

Li Xiuying smirked: "Why, is your husband not treating you well?"

Yao Changying giggled: "There's always room for improvement." 


Taxi Journey

Jiang Huan was sitting in a daze. 'What just happened? What am I going to do? I need to call Tingzhe he'll make everything better.'

She began searching in her bag for her phone; she threw some things out of her bag and they were strewn over the seats and the floor. Jiang Huan found her phone at the very bottom of her bag and hurriedly called Tang Tingzhe.

Tang Tingzhe: "Hello beautiful, I was just thinking about you. How are you?"

Jiang Huan sobbed: "Tingzhe. I don't know what to do. I feel so lost."

Tang Tingzhe: "Are you crying? Baby what's wrong? Has something happened?"

Jiang Huan sniffed: "I got fired by Dr Li."

Tang Tingzhe: "What?! Why?"

Jiang Huan continued to sob and sniff her voice catching as she spoke: "There was a big... big incident at the hospital. Some random Murong family came to cause trouble for Dr Li. They accused her of messing up their son's surgery or something. Dr Li got angry at me for letting them wait in her office. I tried to explain... I tried to explain that they had said they were Dr Li's acquaintances. That's the only reason why I let them wait; otherwise why would I let them in? Dr Li just wouldn't listen to my explanation."

Tang Tingzhe: "Murong family? Baby, go home and wait for me. I'll be round as soon as I can okay?"

Jiang Huan: "O...Okay. Please hurry Tingzhe. I really need you right now."

Tang Tingzhe: "I will. Don't worry we'll get to the bottom of this; everything will be fine."

Jiang Huan took a steadying breathe: "Okay. I'll see you soon."

Taxi driver: "Miss we've arrived."

Jiang Huan looked out the window and saw her apartment building. She haphazardly collected her belongings and inelegantly shuffled out of the taxi.

The taxi driver watched as Jiang Huan proceeded to struggle to find her keys and then open the door.

The taxi driver then made a call.

Taxi Driver: "Hello Mr Shen."

Shen Xiaosi: "Hello Lou Manchu. How did it go?"

Lou Manchu: "I've just dropped her off now and she's entered her apartment building. She made one call which I've recorded and will send to you shortly."

Shen Xiaosi: "Thank you Manchu, I can always rely on you."

Lou Manchu laughed modestly: "Of course Mr Shen. I'll always give my 120%."

Shen Xiaosi: "I'll call you when there's another job."

Lou Manchu: "I appreciate it Mr Shen. I'll send the audio file now. Bye."

Shen Xiaosi: "Bye."


Ren Residence

Li Xiuying's was just pulling up outside the steps like last time.

Yao Changying: "Daiyu still isn't picking up. Do you think she's still at work?"

Li Xiuying: "No. She's home." She had called Ren Daiyu's work place and found out she hasn't been at work for a few days.

Yao Changying was tapping away on her phone: "Hmm I've just noticed that she hasn't really been messaging in the group either."

Li Xiuying nodded as she made her way to the front door.

Yao Changying: "Well this is a frosty reception."

Li Xiuying rang the door bell.

Li Xiuying: "Too long."

She rang the door bell twice more.

Yao Changying: "Security told them we're here, why are they taking so long? Is Daiyu avoiding us?" She then stepped forward and began to continuously ring the door bell.

After a while they could finally hear someone on the other side of the door.

Yao Changying quickly returned to Li Xiuying's side and pretended to be an elegant and patient lady.

Butler: "Hello Dr Li and Dr Yao, I apologize for taking so long. I'm afraid the young miss is currently indisposed." He then closed the door with his head slightly bowed and his eyes avoiding the fierce glare before him.

Li Xiuying called Ren Daiyu and it went straight to voicemail; "Daiyu we're waiting at the front door. You have 1 minute."

Yao Changying felt a cold shiver when she heard Li Xiuying.

Li Xiuying looked at her watch and watched the second hand tick away.

After 1 minute had passed Li Xiuying put her rucksack on the floor and took out a leather case from it.

Yao Changying peered over Li Xiuying's shoulder and looked at the row of tools in the leather case.

Li Xiuying took 2 of the instruments out and handed the leather case to a slack jawed Yao Changying.

Li Xiuying inserted the tools to the lock on the front door and concentrated on feeling the mechanisms. She maundered the tools a few times waiting for the door to unlock.


Li Xiuying returned her tools to the leather case and placed everything in her bag. She pushed the door open and leisurely entered the house.

Yao Changying: "Where did you learn that?!"

Li Xiuying shrugged a shoulder: "Internet."

Yao Changying: "The internet is a dangerous tool in your hands."

They casually walked through the hallway and began making their way to the stairs. When they started their ascent a butler was coming down the last few stairs. His mind seemed like it was elsewhere. Li Xiuying and Yao Changying happily passed beside him.

Yao Changying: "Hello."

The butler reflexively replied: "Hello Dr Yao and Dr Li."

The butler took a further 5 steps before he froze and quickly turned around. "Dr Yao, Dr Li. Please hold on a moment. You can't go that way." He began chasing after them.

Li Xiuying and Yao Changying continued upstairs paying no attention to the frantic butler.

The butler had just started working a few weeks ago and he had no idea what to do in this situation. 'Is this considered trespassing? Am I allowed to use force to stop Miss Ren's friends?'

The butler ran upstairs to get Senior Ding who was currently with Ren Guiton. He came across some maids on his way to the study.

The butler panted as he spoke "Jiao, Ah Lam. Dr Li and Dr Yao are coming up the stairs. Stop them. I'm getting senior Dong." He then ran towards the study.

The maids looked around in confusion.

Wu Jiao: "What just happened?"

Chan Ah Lam: "Let's go quickly."

The 2 maids rushed to the stairs and saw that Yao Changying and Li Xiuying had almost reached the top of the staircase.

Wu Jiao: "Dr Li and Dr Yao you are not permitted any further."

Li Xiuying continued forward paying no heed.

Wu Jiao and Chan Ah Lam stood in front of Li Xiuying and Yao Changying and prevented them going further.

Yao Changying: "We've just popped by to see Daiyu, no need to be alarmed."

Wu Jiao and Chan Ah Lam looked at Yao Changying incredulously.

Yao Changying looked over at Li Xiuying: "YingYing, they're just trying to do their jobs."

Li Xiuying rolled her eyes 'what do you think I'm going to do to them?'

Yao Changying: "Don't roll you eyes at me; I've seen you take people out."

Ren Guotin: "What's going on here?"

All 4 of the women watched as Ren Guotin, Ren Longwei, Butler Dong and the other butler made their way towards them.

Ren Longwei was shocked: "Ah Dr Li you're really here?" He hadn't believed it when Han You reported that Li Xiuying had broken into their home.

Yao Changying muttered under her breathe: "Why do I always become invisible in this house?"

Ren Guotin: "Li Xiuying, Yao Changying what's going on?"

Li Xiuying crossed her arms over her chest and coldly looked into Ren Guotin's eyes: "Where's Daiyu?"

Ren Guotin:"Xiuying, Daiyu's not able to receive guests right now. Perhaps you can come back another time.

Li Xiuying and Yao Changying faces clearly displayed 'that's not going to happen.'

Ren Longwei: "Dr Li, Dr Yao, Daiyu's not feeling well right now. She..."

Yao Changying: "It's a good thing that 2 doctors are here to see her then right?"

Ren Longwei: "..."

Ren Guotin sighed in defeat: "Follow me to my study; I'll explain what's going on." 


Ren Guotin addressed the maids: "Thank you both, you may carry on with what you where doing."

The maids obediently stepped aside to allow Li Xiuying and Yao Changying to pass. The group then silently walked to Ren Guiton's study.

When they reached the study everyone took a seat facing Ren Guotin's desk.

Ren Guotin: "I know that both of you have been trying to contact Daiyu and she has not been responding."

Both women stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

Ren Guotin cleared his throat awkwardly when he saw the blank faces of his audience: "Well quite a lot has happened. I'm not able to go into too much detail because it is up to Daiyu what she wants to divulge to you; additionally I'm not clear on the whole situation. Here's what I do know; Daiyu went out a few days ago and she somehow managed to cross paths with Dai Sying and Jin Ah Lam. I don't know what was said exactly but Daiyu came back looking lifeless and clutching something in her hand."

Yao Changying: "Who are Dai Sying and Jin Ah Lam?"

Li Xiuying: "Ex and Ex-Best friend."

Ren Guotin: "That's not all, her employer said that she can have an extended break."

Yao Changying: "Until when?"

Ren Guotin: "For an additional 2 weeks. Her cases have been handed over to someone that Daiyu was previously helping to train. That person has also completed all of Daiyu's outstanding tasks."

Li Xiuying: "Mmm."

Yao Changying: "That doesn't sound so bad. When Daiyu returns she'll be able to start on new cases and not have to worry about tedious tasks right?"

Li Xiuying: "They're phasing her out."

Yao Changying: "Huh?"

Li Xiuying: "It's a technique many companies use. They slowly begin to give you more holidays, share your work load and clients with other staff members, constantly down size your office space, exclude you from social gatherings and relevant meetings and somehow always manage to neglect telling you valuable company news etc."

Yao Changying was shocked: "Are they allowed to do that?"

Li Xiuying shrugged.

Ren Guotin: "They aren't technically doing anything illegal. The employee eventually just agrees to leave amicably."

Yao Changying: "Mr. Ren you're a big shot lawyer can't you do anything to stop this? Sue them may be? Don't you have contacts in the field?"

Ren Guotin looked exhausted: "Like I said earlier they aren't doing anything illegal or breaching their contract. They haven't explicitly told Daiyu that she has to leave and everything that they are and will probably do in the future isn't admissible in court. Can you imagine what it would look like to stand in front of a judge and state that your work had been giving you extended holidays with pay, having someone complete most of your work and that colleagues aren't talking to you? She'll sound like a petulant ingrate. And yes Changying, I do have many contacts and I've made a few calls unbeknownst to Daiyu and I can't change anything. Plus Daiyu had already forbade me from meddling and interfering. Furthermore, I may have powerful friends but I have also made powerful enemies in my line of work who may be behind this whole situation." He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Li Xiuying had a strong inkling about who was behind Ren Daiyu current situation; Mr Chong Honghui. She stood up: "Lead the way."

Ren Longwei also stood up from the edge of the desk: "Dr Li I don't think its wise that you go and see Daiyu right now; she isn't in the best of states and I'm not sure that she would want anyone to see her looking so ah disheveled."

Both Li Xiuying and Yao Changying stood to leave without giving Ren Longwei a second look.

Yao Changying energetically followed behind:"We might as well take a tour while we're here."

Ren Guotin: "I'll show you the way."


Ren Guotin was slightly hesitant as he held the door handle of Ren Daiyu's room: "I warn you to prepare yourself." He then turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Li Xiuying and Yao Changying looked around. The room before them was in complete disarray. The bed was unmade and looked to have use clothes on it. There re were clothes strewn about on every surface, plates and moldy food could be seen in various locations around the room. By the dresser there appeared to be smashed perfume bottles and a gloppy mess of makeup.

As they went further in they were hit with a wall of disgusting smell.

Yao Changying scrunched her face: "What is that smell? Did something die in here?"

Li Xiuying made her way towards a large sofa which which was facing a TV. On the TV there was a random romance film. A lump of blankets was on the sofa and there was an arm poking out from a corner and waving a middle finger at the male lead on the TV.

Li Xiuying grabbed the corned of the blankets and pulled it hard. The lump of a person fell on the floor with a yelp .

Ren Daiyu was sprawled very unladylike on the floor: "What do you think you're..." She trailed off as she met Li Xiuying's gaze.

Yao Changying look at Ren Daiyu from head to toe: "This look is definitely not for you" Ren Daiyu was wearing over-sized jumper with baggy shorts, there was stains all over her clothes, her hair looked like a birds next and she has dark circles under her eyes.

Ren Daiyu had a glazed looked on her face and pulled herself back onto the sofa: "What are you doing here?"

Yao Changying frowned: "I think the most pertinent question is, why the hell didn't you tell us what was going on? Your ex causing trouble, problems at work, why didn't you call us?"

Ren Daiyu replied lifelessly as she stared at the TV: "I'm managing the situation."

Yao Changying: "Has the definition of 'managing' changed recently? Because darling you are managing your way into self sabotage."

Ren Daiyu's replied dismissively: "I'm sorry I'm not able to entertain you today, I think it's best if you both leave."

Yao Changying was about to give Daiyu a piece of her mind when Li Xiuying suddenly stepped forward.

Li Xiuying took off her glove and slapped Ren Daiyu across the face.

Yao Changying stood then slack-jawed. Ren Guiton and Ren Longwei who were standing in the doorway were equally shocked at Li Xiuying's actions.

Ren Daiyu cupped her left cheek and look at Li Xiuying in astonishment.

Li Xiuying spoke with anger in her voice: "Ren Daiyu choose right here and now. Are we friends or not?! I don't want such a superficial friendship."

Ren Daiyu's eyes started watering; she knew Li Xiuying was reminding her that real friends are their for each other, they lean on each other, they are their to enjoy the good and ride out the bad.

Ren Daiyu had tears streaming down her face as she sniffed: "I'm sorry." She was just scared to involve her friends; what if they left her because her life was too troublesome? What if they kick her while she was done? So she did what she had done before when she only had herself to depend on. She buried her head in the sand and hid from the world.

Ren Guotin and Ren Longwei: "..." Why was the person that got slapped apologizing?!

Li Xiuying's face showed warmth and with courage and willpower she used her ungloved hand to pat Ren Daiyu's head a few hands. She then put on her glove again and look satisfied at having comforted her friend.

Li Xiuying sat down on Ren Daiyu's right hand side and Yao Changying pretended to fall back on the sofa on Ren Daiyu's left.

Yao Changying: "I'm probably going to have to bleach these trousers. YingYing you should probably check your hand for wildlife."

Ren Daiyu snorted and elbowed Yao Changying in the ribs.

Yao Changying: "I thought that you had been replaced by an alien."

Li Xiuying quirked a brow: "Capgras syndrome?"

Yao Changying sighed: "YingYing can I not say anything without you diagnosing me with a psychiatric condition?"

Ren Daiyu giggled: "Which condition do you have now?"

Yao Changying sighed: "Believing that a loved one has been replaced by an identical impostor."

Li Xiuying smirked.

Ren Daiyu: "How did you guys even get in?" She turned around and saw her dad and cousin still waiting by the door way.

Ren Guotin and Ren Longwei entered the room now that they saw it was safe. They pulled some Chairs over to the sofa.

Yao Changying: "Someone picked the front door lock and then strutted in like they own the place."

Ren Daiyu frowned and turned to Li Xiuying:" How did you manage to pick the lock?"

Li Xiuying spoke like it was obvious: "Lock picking kit."

Ren Daiyu: "And you just happened to have this kit with you today?"

Li Xiuying shrugged one of her shoulders: "I thought there would be some obstacles."

Ren Daiyu: "Where did you even learn to pick a lock?!"

Yao Changying and Li Xiuying both replied: "Internet."

Ren Guotin: "It seems you can learn anything on the internet now a days."


 Ren Longwei was tapping away on his phone and then placed his search findings in front of his uncle; it was a list of 'lock picking' videos.

Li Xiuying: "Shower, change, disinfect, open some windows. We'll wait in the living room."

Li Xiuying and Yao Changying headed out followed by Ren Longwei and Ren Guiton.

Yao Changying slapped the air in front of her a few times: "Hey YingYing when will you teach me how to slap someone and make them apologize? Is it the angle you used that jolted her brain into submission? Did you slap on an acupuncture point or something?"


45 minutes later a clean Ren Daiyu walked into the room and sat next to Li Xiuying who was sipping on some jasmine tea.

Li Xiuying spoke coldly: "I believe that the person behind this Chong Honghui."

She turned to Ren Daiyu and looked at her with a sad expression; it was her fault that Ren Daiyu was in her current state. She had antagonized Chong Honghui and indirectly instigated Jia Kuai Hua into action. Ren Daiyu grabbed Li Xiuying's gloved hand and subtly shook her head; she didn't need an apology. She knew that even if Li Xiuying hadn't done anything Jia Kuai Hua and Chong Honghui would still try to ruin her life in some way. She also knew that Dai Sying and Jin Ah Lam would want to rub their happiness in her face no matter how hard she tried to avoid them.

Li Xiuying spoke coldly: "I'll have to change the original plan. Jia Kuai Hua, Dai Sying and Jin Ah Lam will need to be taken care of. "

Ren Longwei felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. He brushed his hand on the back of his neck as he spoke: "Taken care of?"

Li Xiuying: "I won't be taking their lives. Death is to easy a escape for some."

Ren Longwei thought to himself 'What will Li Xiuying do that will make them wish for death? Why doesn't anyone else seem disturbed by her words?' He scanned the faces of those in the room.

Yao Changying: "What about Daiyu's work? She worked hard to get where she is today."

Li Xiuying: "Daiyu shouldn't work there anymore."

Ren Longwei: "I want to know who in the company is actually behind this."

Yao Changying nodded: "Me too, just who is Chong Honghui's contact? Wasn't he in America all this time? Maybe its his fathers colleague?"

Ren Guotin: "I agree with Xiuying; Daiyu shouldn't go back. Her peers would treat her badly; once broken nothing will return to the way it was. She would continue to be treated as an outsider and will feel uncomfortable at every turn. They would probably give her cases which no one would want and that she would lose and that may even cause her to make dangerous enemies."

Ren Longwei: "Then what can she do?"

Li Xiuying: "How about a masters?"

Ren Daiyu: "A Masters in what?"

Li Xiuying: "Health care law?"

Yao Changying: "That's perfect! Li Xiuying always attracts trouble she'll definitely need legal representation in the future. Her nickname should be trouble magnet."

Li Xiuying gave Yao Changying a pointed look 'It's not my fault; trouble just follows me wherever I go."

Ren Daiyu: "I'm not sure; I'll have to look into it. " Although the prospect did sound appealing she wanted to make sure that she chose something that made her happy and that she enjoyed. Criminal law had always appealed to her and she didn't want to give that up just yet. .

Li Xiuying nodded, this was a life changing decision that couldn't be rushed.

Ren Daiyu looked slightly defeated: "I'll probably have to give in my resignation regardless of what I decide to do in the future."

Li Xiuying: "Why?"

Ren Daiyu: "What do you mean why? What's the point of me staying there?"

Li Xiuying: "Paid leave, Paid to do nothing at work. The best time to look for a job is when you have one."

Ren Guotin look thoughtful as he rubbed his chin: "They will phase you out slowly so as to not make it obvious; so they won't resort to drastic tactics for a while. So taking advantage of their generosity isn't a bad idea. Besides, there are many areas of law that you can explore during this time."

Ren Daiyu felt more optimistic when she realized that the situation in't as dire as it once seemed. She had many options open to her including working with her dad. Perhaps they could even open a small law firm together.

Yao Changying looked at her imaginary watch on her wrist: "Oh would you look at that; its time for girl talk."

Ren Longwei and Ren Guiton took that as their obvious cue to leave.

When the living room door was closed Ying squared turned their sights on Ren Daiyu.

Yao Changying: "Spill the beans"

Ren Daiyu fidgeted uncomfortably: "Its not even anything big."

Yao Changying: "Yep it was so small it forced you to look like a homeless person and turn your room into a pig pen?"

Ren Daiyu took a deep breathe and steadied herself: "Fine, I can see I'm not getting out of this.It happened a few days. I was out getting lunch at the place I usually go to. I was looking around when I was in the queue and spotted Dai Sying and Jin Ah Lam at one of the tables. They looked so happy together; she was giggling and playing with his fingers and he was lovingly smiling at her. I tried to turn and exit but she managed to spot me before I could reach the door. She shouted my name and then actually got up and grabbed my arm to drag me to their table. I should ave just struggled free and ran out. But I felt like a lifeless doll when she was clutching my arm, I was moving but I felt completely numb inside. The situation felt so surreal I haven't crossed paths with them for so long and now they were sitting in front of me chirping away about dates ad venues etc. I think my brain just shut off. All I remember is them showing off about their engagement; they even had the nerve to invite me to the engagement and the wedding. The wedding is on my birthday, November 26th . I know I shouldn't care but I just can't help it. I couldn't help comparing myself to her, he never treated me so lovingly. He never looked at me the way he looked at her. It's been so long and I thought I was stronger and I had moved past these emotions and thoughts. I just feel so stupid and ashamed all over again."

Yao Changying hugged Ren Daiyu to her side: "You're allowed to feel hurt. I don't know the full story of what happened however I can surmise that he betrayed you. It's not easy to come to terms with losing someone and accepting that a large chunk of your time was all smoke and mirrors. The fact he couldn't see how amazing you are is his loss. I think being with Jin Ah Lam is punishment enough for him though, she sounds nauseating. Plus if he can do this to you, then he can and will certainty do the same thing to her in the future. However, I know that right now it's hard to see the bigger picture an my words may not make it better. In time your wounds will heal and everything will be right in the world once again."

Li Xiuying was in her own little world. She had a look of concentration on her face as she was in deep thought 'Was it really a coincidence that they turned up in a restaurant near Daiyu's work place? And they just happened to have invitations with them? Well looks like Chong Honghui tried to make two moves because he thought she wasn't look at the chess board. They thought that they could mess with Daiyu's love and work life and get away unscathed? Hehehe.'

Yao Changying cleared her throat to get Li Xiuying's attention.

Li Xiuying: "Hmm?"

Yao Changying: "I was just saying that in time everything will become better. I wish we could do something more for Daiyu though."

Li Xiuying: "We can remove parts of his body when he's unconscious?"

Ren Daiyu: "Please tell me you're not serious."

Li Xiuying: "I know some urology."

Yao Changying: "I can probably get my hands on some anesthetic from the black market. Probably Ketamine."

Ren Daiyu: "Why urology?"

Li Xiuying: "Orchidectomy/ies single or plural you decide."

Ren Daiyu: "What?"

Yao Changying: "Removing his balls, Dear."

Ren Daiyu chocked on her saliva and then burst out laughing. 'How could they speak so seriously about castrating someone?!'

The other two Laughed along with Daiyu.

They continued chatting away for about an hour before Li Xiuying checked her watch: "It's getting late we should probably get going." 


Ren Daiyu: "I'll walk you out. Will you both be free tomorrow to grab lunch? I can come by the hospital and bring something if you can't get away."

Yao Changying: "YingYing said she would pay for our next meal! Anything we want regardless of quantity and cost!"

Ren Daiyu led them to the front door and joked: "Really? I'll have to find the most expensive restaurant where even the water costs a fortune because it's spring water that contains trace elements of gold, processed through diamonds and favored by celebrities."

Yao Changying seemed intrigued: "Does that water exist?"

Li Xiuying interrupted the two: "Can I have the two invites they gave you?"

Ren Daiyu was a little confused by the sudden request "Erm sure, I think they're still in my trashcan. I'll go and get them now." She ran upstairs.

Li Xiuying and Yao Changying were waiting outside when Ren Daiyu ran back: "Here. Why do you want them anyway?"

Li Xiuying only let half her intentions be known: "So you don't look at them."

Ren Daiyu waited on the porch and watched her friends leave.

Yao Changying stuck her arm outside the window and waved: "I'll text you later with the details!"

When Ren Daiyu could no longer see Li Xiuying's car she turned to walk back inside. Ren Longwei was waiting in the foyer.

Ren Longwei closed the door behind them: "Yu, you've made some pretty good friends."

Ren Daiyu nodded smugly: "I'm very lucky." They both started making their way upstairs.

Ren Longwei flicked her forehead: "Why are you looking so smug for? They may be good to you but it seems like their thinking is somewhat skewed right? I mean come on, who casually picks a lock to enter a house apart from a burglar?! And who the hell talks about 'taking care of someone' are they mafia hit-men? I think they're a little er.."

Ren Daiyu:"Crazy?"

Ren Longwei smirked: "So you do know that they're bat ... "

Ren Daiyu had a sly look on her face as she interrupted: "Ge, do you know what an orchidectomy is?"

Ren Longwei looked confused: "Is it something to do with maintaining orchids?"

Ren Daiyu sniggered: "Let me tell you what my friends offered to do..."

Ren Longwei paled and slightly clenched his legs together as he listened to Ren Daiyu happily tell him about the most gruesome operation that any male could possibly face.


Jiang Huan's apartment

Jiang Huan was currently in her small living sitting on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around. She was surrounded by tissues, chocolate bars and empty ice cream cartons. She was sipping on a glass of wine and she kept looking over at her wall clock.

Jiang Huan muttered: "It's almost midnight why isn't Tingzhe here yet? What's taking him so long?"

She picked up her phone and called him for the umpteenth time.

Jiang Huan waited until she heard the familiar voicemail voice before hanging up.

She slouched in on herself wondering how she got int her current predicament.

Jiang Huan began musing out loud: "Tingzhe isn't ignoring me right? S*** is he abandoning me? Was he just using me all this time? No it can't be that. It can't be. He wouldn't do that to me. Maybe something's happened to him. Was he in an accident?"

With the thought of Tingzhe being seriously hurt, she picked up her phone and messaged him yet again: [Tingzhe are you okay? Please just message me, I just want to hear from you. I'm really worried about you. Has something happened? Please just send me message, even if it's just one word. Please let me know you're okay].

She poured herself another glass of wine and drained it within 2 breathes time.

Jiang Huan was just in the middle of pouring herself another glass when she heard someone at the door. She put the bottle down and threw the blanket off as she ran to the door.

Jiang Huan looked at the screen of the intercom and saw it was Tang Tingzhe. She immediately pressed the button to open the door downstairs.

She unlocked her front door and anxiously waited for Tang Tingzhe.

It wasn't too long before Jiang Huan spotted Tang Tingzhe walking through the hallway towards her. She finally felt a sense of relief knowing he was safe and that he was here to help her.

Tang Tingzhe: "Baby why are you waiting outside, its freezing. Quick let's go inside."

He wrapped an arm around Jiang Huan's shoulder and led her inside closing the door behind him.

On seeing the state of the living room Tang Tingzhe said: "Oh honey, what's all this? Come on tell me about what happened today." He took his coat off and throw it over the arm of a chair before sitting down and motioning for Jiang Huan to join him.

Jiang Huan immediately crawled into his arms and laid her head on his chest. Her voice was small: "Why didn't you pick up or reply to any of my messages? Did something happen?"

Tang Tingzhe pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed her the screen: "Did you call me? Ah I didn't realize that my phone had completely died. I'm sorry for worrying you. There was a car accident and the the traffic was diverted away to some long winded route. That's why it took me forever to get to you. Forgive me?" He tightly hugged Jiang Huan to him.

Jiang Huan nodded.

Tang Tingzhe: "Do you want to talk about what happened today? We don't have to if you're not feeling up to it. "

Jiang Huan clutched his shirt as she recounted the events of the day. She of course omitted certain details that would cast her in a bad light.

Tang Tingzhe: "I think Li Xiuying was being too harsh. How can she just hire someone behind your back and then humiliate you like that?"

Jiang Huan nodded again: "I felt so ashamed at being manhandled by those 2 security guards. Dr Li didn't even let me tell my side of the story before she threw me out."

Tang Tingzhe frowned: "Why are you even bothering to call her Dr Li? Even after everything she's done to you, you still want to treat her respectfully? She doesn't deserve it."

Jiang Huan: "You're right. It's just habit I guess. Oh Tingzhe what am I going to do now? She blacklisted me as a personal assistant? How will I ever find a job?" She strongly believed that everything was Li Xiuying's fault and she just used Elder Qin's name in order to blacklist her.

Tang Tingzhe: "Don't worry baby. I'm here now aren't I? I'll sort everything out."

Jiang Huan felt reassured by Tang Tingzhe's words. She was glad that she had someone on her side.

Tang Tingzhe: "Okay baby let's go to bed. It's getting late and you've had a rough day. Everything won't look as bad tomorrow, you'll see."

Jiang Huan got up and started walking to her bedroom, she looked over her shoulder: "Aren't you coming?"

Tang Tingzhe: "I'll follow you I just need to wash up first."

Jiang Huan nodded: "Don't take too long."

Tang Tingzhe went into the bathroom and locked the door. He turned on the shower. Before turning his phone on and sending a message [Seems like Japanese imports no longer has a use here. Bridges have been burned and re-entering the territory is not possible].

He received an immediate response [Japanese imports still has its uses. The law may help them with future trade]

Tang Tingzhe [1 month before legal representation can be sought. Prices for middle men may need to increase because of the increase in the level of difficultly].

This time the response was a little slower: [Results are needed before balances can change].

Tang Tingzhe [I will set Japanese imports in motion]. He turned off his phone once again.

He smirked as he took off his clothes and got in the shower. Although he was tiring of Jiang Huan and her clingy nature; he was willing to tolerate her for the right price. Tang Tingzhe felt smug 'Ah Jiang Huan I guess you will have a lengthy legal case ahead of you.'

He snorted as he thought of the nickname he had given her 'Japanese imports'. He chose that name because he had taken her Japan so it was easy to remember. He always spoke in code because his employers were not people who could be trusted, especially his current employer who seemed to score extraordinarily high on the treachery scale.

He stepped out of the shower dried himself off and then made his way to where 'Japanese imports' was laying in wait.

Tang Tingzhe muttered under his breathe: "I have to sacrifice my beautiful body yet again."

Meanwhile across the city someone else was also unhappy at the circumstances they had found themselves in. 

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