By Jeon_Taehyungie143

950K 40.5K 6.2K

A boy who was locked in a basement along with his mother for 19 years. A Ruthless Mafia happened to encounter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank you💜💜💜💜

Chapter 4

32.9K 1.4K 283
By Jeon_Taehyungie143

Sorry for the mistakes🙏🙏🙏🙏

They all are in the car and Kim Taehyung is on the lap of Yoongi.

All of them are silent. What can they say after events that took place today?

Namjoon is driving.

Hoseok is sitting beside him.

Jimin, Jin and Yoongi is in the middle.

Kim Taehyung slowly rest his head on Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi looked down at him when he felt movement and saw Taehyung slowly relaxing in his hold, his stiff body slowly softening in his hold.

Setting free his once tensed body, slowly closing his eyes.

Yoongi gently tighten his hold, afraid he would fall down.

After sometime, Taehyung fell asleep in his hold.

They drive a car silently in their mansion and Yoongi carried Taehyung in particular room, putting him down in a soft, mushy bed.

Which Kim Taehyung is not familiar within his whole damn 19 years old life.

For the first time he is outside that cage, outside in the air, in the luxurious mansion but no, he didn't realize or feel anything.

He is not himself from the moment he was born.

He can see but cannot decipher what is it.

God, he doesn't even know his name, why?

In his entire life he is in the effect of drug.

so, what are we expecting from him?

He doesn't know even the basic human gesture, words, or anything.

"Jin Hyung, you should treat your wounds first." Jimin said to reluctant Jin.

The moment Jin enter their mansion, he is searching through his medical books and instrument in the search of Taehyung's treatment.

"I will, don't worry, did you see that child's eyes? They are emotionless. They are tired. I need to do something " he panicked, searching like a madman.

"Get a hold of yourself. If you want to help that child. You need to be stable first, but at this rate you will die first." Hoseok said, annoyed by his action.

Jin treat himself after realizing he is acting insane.

That wound is just a normal cut for him.

That human have been through even worse.


All of them gather in the hall discussing Taehyung's conditions.

Jin said he will clean Taehyung first.

"Fine, you do that." Namjoon softly said.

"We have to hide Taehyung for the time being." Hoseok inform.

"We will talk to HIM first, then we will tell about Taehyung." Jimin agreed.

"He will stay with us no matter what." Yoongi state.

"Of course he will. I am going to Taehyung." Jin said.

Jin opened the door where Taehyung is sleeping.

He heard the calming breath of this human.

He smiled softly.

wait, what?

Reaching upon the bed he slowly sat on the edge admiring broken Human's swollen face, his cheeks, his nose, his moles, his lips.

He slowly caressed Taehyung's cheeks.

Surprisingly, this wounded human leaned towards it.

Jin's eyes filled with water.


Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, exhausted from the beating and rough treatment for his whole life.

He didn't look in Jin's eyes.

He didn't make eye contact to anyone in his life.

Likewise, he stares into nothing.

Jin is still caressing his cheeks.

He whispered unbelievable soft. "Bub, I will clean you ookie?"

Jin slowly retract his hands from Taehyung's cheeks and lifted him bridal style and went to the bathroom.

Jin slowly put Taehyung in the bathtub and opened the faucet from where lukewarm water is pouring.

Water started to soak Taehyung and Jin put a lot of scented body wash in the water.

Bubble filled the water and fragrance surround the bathroom.

"Let's take out your clothes, ookie?" Jin whispers afraid he will hurt this fragile baby.


He pulled his clothes which is dirty and worn out.

He suddenly got angry, remembering what this human had gone through his entire life.

Taehyung is all naked in the tub but nor Taehyung neither Jin care.

Taehyung is living dead and Jin is already a softie for this human, considering him his baby brother without realizing himself.

Jin washed his body gently, afraid he will hurt his wound which is still fresh.

He cleaned his hair, which is long and natural silver color.

He cleaned his legs, hands, back, ears everywhere.

Making Taehyung close his eyes after one and half hour, finally Jin finished his bathing.

He carried Taehyung in his arms like a baby.

And placed him in the bed. He went towards closet and take out new boxer and sweater. He grabbed a towel and went to dry Taehyung's hair.

Not only that, but he put lotions in his body and put clothes on him.

Again he carried him in front of the mirror.

He took out the pair of scissors and started to cut his hair.

After his liking, he stopped cutting and style Taehyung's hair.

He cut his nails and cleaned them and put creams in his face and lip balm in his dry lips.

And he kissed his baby human's forehead.

"No one is going to hurt you again bub, we will protect you ookie?"

Jin carried Taehyung again, going downstairs in the kitchen.

This whole time, Taehyung didn't react to anything.

Jin put him in the chair and went to cook light soup.

He doesn't know what they would give Taehyung to eat there, but he is sure, not enough to fill his tummy.

For his entire life he didn't eat full meal, so he needs to be familiar with food first, so Jin is starting with very light soup with is healthy and light.

Namjoon went to kitchen first,, others following behind.

They stopped in their tracks, wide eyes and shocked when they saw Taehyung.

Taehyung is staring at nothing.

"J-Jin, who is h-he?" Namjoon asked confused.

"Who is this angel here?" Jimin said smirking coming in front of Taehyung, but Taehyung didn't even blink.

"For such a beauty, you are pretty ignorant." Hoseok said through gritted teeth not like the beauty's attitude for acting rude to the mafias in front of him. They demand respect, so yeah.

"Hobi are you in love again? With every beauty, you meet, you say that." Yoongi said, bored but curious about beauty in front of him.

"What the hell is wrong with you. He is Taehyung. Go away, he needs to be feed." Jin spat coldly, pushing Jimin aside and replacing his spot in front of Taehyung.

All of them zipped their mouth instantly.

All of them sitting in their sit awkwardly.

Maids served their meals as they eat meals silently.

Glancing at Taehyung once and more.

They made the fool out of themselves by acting like that in front of Taehyung.

First time they felt embarrassed in their lifetime and that's because of Taehyung. This made them angry on themselves.

Taehyung didn't eat his food, so Jin went to Taehyung.

"Bub, why are you not eating?"

No response

"Don't you like it?"

No response

Jin lifts the bowl and stir the soup with spoon.

He lifted the spoon and blew it few times and reach in front of Taehyung's mouth.

After 1 minute, Taehyung opened his mouth slowly and took a sip.

This made everyone in the table sigh a breath of relief.

But yes, they will not act emotional or soft in front of each other.

They watched Taehyung drinking soup and this made them happy without realizing it.

They didn't know until now that the sight of someone drinking soup makes them this happy, genuinely.

After dinner, they all went to deal with their mafia business.

Jin went with Taehyung in the room and put him in the bed.

He massaged Taehyung's scalp until he fell asleep soundly.

In the next chapter, Taekook will meet.😉😉

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