Angel (Daryl Dixion x Reader)

By Mesaandme01

109K 2.7K 615

The Grimes twins were inseparable since birth. Raising hell with Shane Walsh all through grade school till gr... More

~23~ (Lemon)
~27~ (Lemon)
~31~ (Lemon)


3.7K 96 10
By Mesaandme01

You pop your head up over the stairs you'd been hiding behind to see the glass was indeed shattered. Yes freedom! You think as you yank Carl and Sophia up from their crouching positions. "Come on!" You yell to everyone as you rush to Rick on the ground as everyone else takes off climbing out the broken window. "Come on Rick!" You yell yanking your brother off his back and start running to the window jumping out.

Daryl was chopping off a walkers head as he glances back at you dragging your bother out of the building. "Get into the vehicles!" You yell as you run up to Daryl who was still watching for walkers waiting for you to catch up as you release Ricks arm. You grab Daryl's hand running for the truck with him. He throws his bag and the two axes in his hand into the bed of the truck beside his bike as you throw your bag and rifle in there too.

You whip the truck door open ready to jump in when you see Dale and Andrea crawling out of the building. Your heart skips a beat when you hear the familiar sound of the explosives charging. "Dale! Andrea!" You scream trying to run at them but before you can take a step your grabbed by Daryl in the divers side and yanked into the truck. "Get down!" You scream out the still open door at them and see them duck behind a sand bag wall.

You were about to duck when you saw the flames starting to rise up and out of the building making your eyes widen. "Get down!" Daryl yells pushing you down on to the seat and laying over top of you. Your hands shoot up over your ears as you squeezed your eyes shut. You didn't even realize you were yelling out as the explosion shook through out the cab of the truck. The vibrations radiating through your body made you see the images from Afghanistan you wished never to see again.

Just as soon as it started it had ended. It was eerily still and the ear piercing sounds gone leaving an all too familiar ringing in your ears. The pressure of Daryl's body over yours slowly starts to let up and you open your eyes slowly sitting up. Daryl's face is in pure shock and your sight follows his gaze to the burning building. The once large facility was now reduced to nothing but burning rubble. The flames burn high as the ringing in your ears slowly starts to subside only to be replaced with rumble of the fire.

Daryl's eyes tear from the ablaze rubble to see Dale helping Andrea into the RV. He sighs slightly in relief only to turn his gaze back to you staring at the destroyed CDC. Your jaw was clenched tightly, eyes were distant and expression cold while you held your dog tags so tightly it made your knuckles white.

He turns the truck on swiftly yanking it into drive and pulling off with the rest of the group. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the destruction of the CDC and where two people had just died. They were now nothing but a pile of ash, just dust in the wind. "Hey," Daryl says gently making you finally snap out of your staring contest with the passenger side mirror with the flames slowly growing smaller behind you, "ya alright?" He asks you.

Your eyes meet his briefly and you see the worry in them, "Yeah..." you manage to get out despite the hurricane of memories and emotions threaten to tear your chest out, "You okay?" You ask when he notices your tone and slightly glossy eyes. It was soft and sounded like you were about to break which was true, you were fighting tears. The flood of memories you fight every day passed through you like a tsunami when that explosion shook your bones literally and figuratively.

"M'fine darlin." He says gently as he reaches over to taking your left hand down from your dog tags and lacing your fingers together. You hadn't even noticed you still gripped your dog tags tightly until Daryl reached out for your hand taking it. In all honesty it kinda surprised you when he did but you weren't going to complain. Daryl Dixon wasn't someone to do something this but it meant the world to you in this moment. In that moment Daryl's hand in yours was holding you here in the present, he was keeping you from slipping into that abyss of darkness.


A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark fast. You'd kept your eyes on the road not really in the talking mood for most of the ride besides the occasional glance at Daryl. He'd kept his hand in yours all day, only releasing to turn a corner then it was immediately back laced with yours. The sun had started to set and you look up at the quickly dimming sky, it was about time to stop for the night.

You lean over releasing Daryl's hand earning you a confused look as you slide to the middle seat suddenly. You smirk up at him and press the horn once singling for the caravan to stop. "Should stop for the night. Don't need anyone getting separated tonight." You say as he watches you with a slight smirk as he hits the breaks slowing the vehicle.

As the truck stopped you kissed his cheek making his smirk form fully. You smile at him as he puts the truck into park and you open your door hopping out. Shane was the first to meet you at the end of the RV since he was behind you and Daryl. "(Y/n), y'all alright? Was that you?" He asks and you nod at him as Rick walks over followed by just Dale. "What happened?" Your brother asks. "It's getting dark I think we should camp here for tonight. That way we don't lose anyone." You say and Shane shrugs looking to Rick.

"What d'ya think?" Shane asks your brother and he nods thinking. "I think she's right. We don't wanna risk losing a vehicle or a wreck running into a walker, especially at night. We can't risk it." Rick says looking to Dale who nods agreeing with you too. "Great," Shane says slightly sarcastic making Daryl glare at him from behind you as he leaned up against his truck door, "so how do we do this?" Shane adds quickly changing his tone.

"We can take turns taking watch. Just like in the camp someone on the RV at all times." You say smiling internally at Daryl's protectiveness over you. Rick nods again and you can tell he was about to volunteer for first shift, "I got first shift. " you say beating him with a soft smile, "People who drove get to sleep first." You say earning a 'really' look from the four men.

Rick sees your determined smirk and he knew you wouldn't take no for an answer so with a sigh he nods, "Alright sis but someone's gonna sit with you. Double the coverage. Just to be safe." He says and you reluctantly nod. "Glenn or T?" You half ask Rick and Daryl scoffs from behind you making you turn around. "Naw I got it." He says before Rick could agree with you.

"Daryl you-" you start only for him to cut you off. "I ain't takin no for an answer darlin'." He says looking you dead in the eyes. You smile gently at him, "Okay." You say making his lips curve up ever so slightly with soft eyes. Your cheeks heat up ever so slightly as Rick speaks up reminding you of their presence, "Glenn and T will take second shift then. We head out at first light." He says looking at you suspiciously and you roll your eyes at him with a smirk.

Dale shakes his head at you and your brother before walking back towards the RV to tell everyone the plan. Shane sighs slightly before Rick walks off back to his car and you don't miss the eye roll your brother gives Shane. You were about to turn to Daryl when Shane spoke up, "Hey (Y/n)... Can I talk to ya for a second." He asks with a soft voice that catches you off guard.

Shane was a hard ass but his tone of voice right then would suggest otherwise. Your stern eyes meet his soft dark brown ones staring him down for a few seconds. You wanted to tell him no because frankly you were still pissed at him, "Please sis." He practically begs with his eyes desperate. You sigh looking down, "Yeah whatever." You say looking from Shane to Daryl standing behind you protectively as he stares Shane down. "I'll meet you on the RV." You say to him.

Daryls piercing blue eyes meet yours searching your eyes for a second, but he nods reluctantly turning to grab his cross bow from inside drivers side side window. He slings it over his shoulder then proceeds to reach into the bed of the truck and pull out your rifle.

"Go ahead and take that up there with you. I got my pistol on me." You as placing your hand on your pistol attached to your right thigh. He nods at you sliding it over his other shoulder, "Ya holler if ya need me." Daryl says to you in a low voice as he glances from you to Shane his eyes hardening immediately. "I will." You say trying to reassure him, he looks to you one last time with those stunning blue eyes before turning and walking around the RV to the latter on the opposite side. Sighing you spin around to face Shane, "Alright. What is it." You ask crossing you arms ready for the conversation you didn't really want to have.

"(Y/n)... about the other night. I'm so sorry. I-" he started but you roll your eyes and cut him off. "Shane. Just stop. Don't tell me you didn't mean for it to happen or that you were drunk. I was drunk too." You say sternly eyeing Shane who just looks down frustrated. "I-I really am sorry." He says and you scoff at him. "Shane, you need to get it together brother. Whatever happened with you and Lori. It's done. Rick is here. He is Lori's husband and your his best fucking friend." You say to him and you didn't really mean for it to come out so harsh but it was the truth.

Shane's eyes didn't dare meet yours, he knew you were right to be pissed. He also knew you were right in general, he didn't know what he was doing. He sighs running a hand through his dark hair, "You don't think I don't know that (Y/n)? I've been trying but..." he trails off as he looks up at you with glossy eyes. He was trying not to cry and it broke your heart Shane messed up but he was still your bother. This was the second time you'd ever seen him this broken up, the first time was when he picked you up from the air port to take you to the hospital Rick was at.

It kinda took you by surprise because you'd never actually seen him cry before so him being this close to crying made you realize he was hurting something awful inside. "Oh you didn't... you didn't fall in love with her..." you half ask waiting for him to confirm what you were thinking. He only looks at you briefly before looking down unable to meet your gaze as he wipes his teary eyes.

Your eyes soften slightly as you sigh gently, "Dammit Shane..." you whisper to him and he keeps his eyes locked on the ground. "I'm sorry (Y/n)... please don't hate me. When Rick finds out... he's gonna hate me... I cant lose everyone." He chokes out desperately trying not to break down but failing as the tears start to stream down his face. You sigh at him stepping towards him making his eyes snap up at you in confusion and slight fear.

He freezes as you pull him into a tight hug, "It's wrong yes. Am I mad at you yes, but Shane. I'll never hate you. Your my brother and I love you, that will never change." You say and he exhales shakily as he hugs you back tightly. "I don't know what to do... What do I do sis." He asks weakly as his tears soak through your shirt onto your shoulder.

You sigh rubbing his back gently calming him down as he held onto you. "Breath Shane it's okay." You whisper to him as he takes a deep breath trying to compose himself without hyperventilating. Nobody knew this but you and Rick but when Shane was younger he had extreme panic attacks. That's how he sorta knew how to talk you down from your night terrors.

He hadn't had one in a very very long time but he still could have one and that was where he was headed if he didn't calm down. That's why he gets angry when he's stressed or he starts to panic. It's easier to get angry so he doesn't freak out. Once he stopped shaking and was breathing normally he squeezed you tightly one last time pulling back from you, "I don't know what to do sis." He says fear evident in his voice as he looks deep in your eyes hoping you'd know what to do.

You sigh, "Let Lori go. She didn't love you Shane, I know her. She never did. But above all you have to come clean to Rick." You say and he runs a hand down his face frustrated trying to stay calm. "He's never gonna forgive me (Y/n)." He says honestly and you sigh. Rick was gonna be pissed and honestly even you didn't know if he'd forgive Shane for this. "It's not just your fault Shane. Lori is to blame here too." You say and he sighs looking down. "He's still gonna blame me." He says quietly. "You don't know that. Just tell him okay? The only way to move past this is to tell him." You say and he nods at you.

"I will. At the right time." He says and you silently agree with him tonight probably wasn't the best time considering we almost all died today. You nod at him gently and he sighs, "Thank you (Y/n). I don't know what'd I do without you." He says after a second and you sigh as a small smile graces your lips. "Your welcome, and you'd crash and burn. Now go get some sleep." You state with a grin turning around to walk around the RV. Shane only chuckles at you making your smile widen slightly as you climb up the latter to the roof were Daryl was keeping watch and waiting for you.

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