Naofumi of the Sharingan

By Striker777

55.3K 1.1K 581

Naofumi Uchiha, current acting clan leader of the Uchiha Clan and Jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village, is thrust... More

Chapter 1 - Ninja in the New World
Chapter 3 - The Rescue of a Weasel Genin
Chapter 4 - Summon and Return
Chapter 5 - The Mines and the Ninja
Chapter 6 - The Wave is Here
Chapter 7 - Aftermath
Chapter 8 - The Duel to End it All
Chapter 9 - Plot Heavy
Chapter 10 - Naofumi's Home and Past
Chapter 11 - What Next?
Chapter 12 - Return to Lute Village
Chapter 13 - The Races in Different Worlds
Chapter 14 - Naofumi's New Children
Chapter 15 - Keeping Up With the Shinobi World
Chapter 16 - The Trader's Spirit
Chapter 17 - The Nue and the Magic Gemstone
Chapter 18 - Jinpachi Munashi
Chapter 19 - Iron Sand
Chapter 20 - Blockades
Chapter 21 - Violence of the Vines
Chapter 22 - Shenanigans in the Hot Springs
Chapter 23 - Plauge of Mirso Village
Chapter 24 - Curse of Hatred
Chapter 25 - Investigation and Turning Point
Just a placeholder

Chapter 2 - The Raccoon and Wanui Genin

5.3K 116 43
By Striker777

Hey guys. Striker777 here with the next chapter of Naofumi of the Sharingan. Be sure to vote and follow me for regular updates. Now, onto the story.


Naofumi looked down at the girl. Even at level 1, he knew she would be strong. All she needed was a little training.

He could sense it. She had a Kekkei Genkai, but what was it? She didn't seem to have a dojutsu, but she could be hiding it. He assumed one of the nature Kekkei Genkai, like the wood release of the first Hokage. But he had no way of knowing. He knew he had to have her.
"How much for this one?" he asked.
"She's sicks as a dog and not long for this world. I suggest something else." replied the slave trader.
"How much for this one?" he repeated.
"I'll cut you a deal. 30 silvers for her." offered the slave trader.
"Done." said Naofumi. The girl backed away in fear. "You have nothing to fear, young one. I will not hurt you." said Naofumi. This brought her no comfort, believing it to be a lie. The slave trader grabbed her, leading her away. Naofumi began to follow.
"R-Raphtalia." said a weak voice. Naofumi turned to another cage, seeing another demi-human. He couldn't tell what gender they were, like he could with the other one, Raphtalia, he imagined. This one had dog like appendixes, with dead blue eyes and white and dark grey hair. They had a weak body, and also a Kekkei Genkai Naofumi was familiar with.
'Wood style? She had the Kekkei Genkai of the first Hokage?' he thought. "Hey, how about this one as well?" asked Naofumi.
"Those two came as a pair. If you're interested, I'll do a deal, both for 50 silver."
"Perfect." said Naofumi. "I'll take them both then."


Naofumi soon realised that he hated getting slaves, only due to the face that they were in excruciating pain at the moment. "Is this really necessary?"
"Worry not, my boy, for the pain will subside soon. This is just a taste of what they will get if they disobey you. They should be use to it by now."
"What do you mean?" asked Naofumi.
"There previous owner, a man named Idol, loved his torture. You can expect the two of them to face night terrors."
"Huh, and tell me, did these ones scream for someone else when they were being taken away?" inquired Naofumi.
"Oh yes. But alas, he wanted one to keep, so I could do nothing."
"50 silver."

"50 silver, for where I can find this guy." said Naofumi, looking down at him, his eyes changed to the sharingan.

"Very well, you can find him in the Rabier territory, but be warned, he is not one to be messed with."
"Thanks for that." said Naofumi, handing him a pouch with 102 silver.
After quickly counting the money, the man said "Sir, you gave me 102 silver."
"Those two are your commission, right?" asked Naofumi.
"Oh, you are good." said the slave trader. "I just know that you will become one of my best patrons. I can feel it now." said the man.

Naofumi also placed the remaining ink in the shield, unlocking another one.

{Requirements Met - Slave Master Shield I}
{+3 Defense}
{Equip Bonus - Slave Maturation Adjustment (small)}
{Required to Acquire Slave Master Shield II - 50mL Slave Ink}
{Required to Acquire Slave Master Shield III - 300mL Slave Ink}

"Now then, I need to know your names." said Naofumi. The wolf hugged the raccoon.
"I-I'm K-Keel, master, and t-this is Ra-Raphtalia."
"Alright then, Keel, Raphtalia. I want you to know, that this will be nothing like your last ownership. I will not torture you, I will not hurt you, I promise. I will be training you two to become ninja." The two looked on in fear. "I know you don't trust me right now, but I made a promise that I wouldn't, and a ninja never goes back on their promises. Because that's my Nindo, my Ninja way. Now, come along. The first thing to do is get you some clothes." said Naofumi, who stood up, holding his hand out to them with a warm smile. The two of them looked at each other, Keel reaching over and taking his hand, and Naofumi helped her up. He then helped up Raphtalia, and they made for the exit.

"Do feel free to come back anytime you wish, good sir." said the slave merchant, waving goodbye to the trio.
"Very well then, I wish you a good day."
"And to you as well, Sir Shield Hero."


Naofumi walked out of the tent with his two new slaves, as well as the other slave master shields. They were only dressed in rags that looked like potato bags, so he was going to get them some clothes. 'Since they are employed by an Uchiha, I should probably give them some clothes with our clan symbol on it.' thought Naofumi. He pondered this all the way to the first clothes store. He saw a huge sign with a roll of thread, and entered.
"Master..." muttered Raphtalia.
"What is it?" asked Naofumi. Raphtalia pointed at a sign at the end of the door, one which Naofumi couldn't read. "Is there something up with the sign? I can't read so, what does it say?"
"They... don't serve demi-humans here." said Raphtalia. Naofumi looked at her in surprise.
"Racism... that's no good then. Alright, I can't read so I'll be relying on you to point me in the right direction. Is that okay with you?" asked Naofumi.
"It's not an order?" asked Raphtalia.
"No. I don't think I'll be ordering you to do anything. I just need your help." said Naofumi.
"Well, I'll do my best, master." said Raphtalia.
"Oh, and one more thing, both of you." said Naofumi. The two looked at him. "It's Naofumi, not master."
"But master, if we're disrespectful in any way..." began Raphtalia. Naofumi looked down on her, as it was obvious what happened.
"Oh you poor girls, just what did that bastard do to you?" he asked, enveloping them both in a hug. "You don't have to fear me. I'm going to take good care of you, and you'll be fine. I won't ever hurt you, and I'll make sure you grow up to live happy and healthy lives."
"R-really?" asked Keel.
"Really. I promised you, didn't I? Well, I never go back on my word, that's my Nindo, my ninja way." said Naofumi.

Raphtalia and Keel broke down, and started crying. Naofumi held them tighter, protectively. He remembered a similar hug to this, when his squad leader, Ibiki Morino, found him mourning his dead teammates, his eyes burning with his new Mangenkyou Sharingan.

A single tear rolled down his cheek.


"Here, master Naofumi. This one says 'demi-humans welcome'." said Raphtalia.
"Alright, let's go then." said Naofumi, leading the two of them into the store. They were met with a middle aged woman with light brown hair in a pony tail greeted them. She had brown eyes and a green hairband, with a brown apron with green ties and a pink shirt.
"Oh, what cute demi-humans! Aren't you both just the cutest!" she commented, enveloping them both in a hug. Raphtalia and Keel look extremely uncomfortable.
"Hello. I'm Naofumi, and this is Raphtalia and Keel. We were wondering if you had any clothes that they would fit in." explained Naofumi.
The tailor nodded her head. "Ah, yes, we have a selection for demi-humans, so please, follow me." she said, leading them to the left of the store. She leads them towards some remade clothes. "Unfortunately, since not a lot of demi-humans come in, the selection isn't overly large, especially since the people who bring them in only ask for the nasty and cheap stuff. But please, look around." said the tailor, as she returned to her desk to do some paperwork.

"Okay, pick out anything you want, and I'll buy it for you, but it needs to be easy to move in and flexible." said Naofumi. The two nodded, and began to look for some clothes. In the meantime, Naofumi went over to the tailor to ask for some underwear for the two. She explained that she'd need sizes for them, and Naofumi agreed that it was for the best.

Keel returned first, with a single outfit. It was a white tunic with brown covering the upper hole and button that stopped about halfway down the stomach, with a white undershirt and black pants with a blue sash. Naofumi nodded, and told Keel that the tailor would sort out some new underwear.
"Yay! I haven't had fresh panties in forever!" squealed Keel in delight.
'Guess that answers that question.' thought Naofumi.

Raphtalia came back shortly after, holding up a striped, cream undershirt with a black and red dress. Naofumi, in his best judgement, added on a pair of what looked like bike shorts. "You'll want these to go with it." he said. Raphtalia nodded, and went off to change into them, as well as get her underwear.

This felt Naofumi to think. 'I want to make them ninja, but I also need to keep up my appearance as the shield hero. I should get them some kind of weapon, but what? Maybe I should ask Erhard what he thinks when I go to pick up those weapons in three days.'

Naofumi then is snapped out of his thoughts when the three of them return. The tailor is holding a bag of what he assumes is underwear, with Keel and Raphtalia in their new outfits. "You two look great. Thanks so much. How much?" asked Naofumi.
"25 silvers please." responded the tailor. Naofumi nodded, giving her the money and handing it to her. "Thanks for your business." she said.
"No problem. Have a great day." said Naofumi.


"Not a single place?" asked Naofumi.
"I'm so sorry master Naofumi." said Raphtalia, apologising.
"It's fine. It's not your fault." he said. "Let's... camp outside for tonight." said Naofumi. The two demi-humans nodded, following their master. But then, just on the outskirts of the town.
"Master Naofumi, over there!" said Raphtalia. She was pointing at another building. "Demi-humans welcome!"
"Great job Raphtalia." said Naofumi, giving her a head-pat. "Now, lets go."

Naofumi, with his cloth shield equipped, walked into the inn. There, a gentleman with a red beard and a foreboding figure looked down at him. "They your slaves?" he asked.
"Yeah. I just got them today, and they're a great help. I promised them a treat today, so what would you recommend for dinner?" asked Naofumi. The man looked at him in shock.
"Wait, you're giving them fresh food?"
"Is it not a curtesy?" asked the confused Jonin.
"No." said the man, looking down solemnly. "Most owners treat their slaves like crap, always beating them and putting them to work. They usually leave them out in the streets and go to the good inns and leave them to freeze in the night."
"It's actually how he met me." said a voice. Naofumi looked behind him to see a women, around her early thirties, and heavily pregnant. She had scarlet red hair and blue eyes and fox ears and a tail as well. "He found me on the streets as a child, found my master, beat him and ran away with me. Got the slave crest removed and he made me move in with him. Wouldn't take no for an answer."
"She was shivering like no tomorrow out there. I had to do something." he said. "It's rare to find people like us, willing to help the poor slaves. Some people offer pity. I say fuck that. I offer action. Name's Edward by the way. This is my wife, Belle. She's pregnant with our second."
"I'm Naofumi. This is Raphtalia and Keel." introduced Naofumi, as the two bowed their heads in a greeting. "We were wondering if we could have a room tonight."
"Of course. I have a room for you, two beds."
"You two okay sleeping together, or do you want me to take the floor?" asked Naofumi.
"No, master Naofumi. We'll sleep with each other." said Keel.
"Alright then, and also, what food would be best?" asked Naofumi, ignoring the 'master' comment.
"My sister, Libby, makes a wonderful child's dish." said Edward. "It's a real hit."
"Awesome. I'll take the room, two child dishes and, something cheap." said Naofumi.

"Wait. That gem... are you possibly... the Shield Hero?" asked Belle.
Naofumi sighed. He changed his shield back to it's original state from the much more discrete cloth shield. "I am. I know the rumours, but I can guarantee that they're false."
"It's fine kid, I believe ya. Anyone who treats the demi-humans so well can't possibly be a rapist." said Edward. "Besides, I wouldn't put it past the king to try something like this with the queen away."
"Huh? What does the queen have to do with this?" asked Naofumi.
"Melromarc is a matriarchy, and the queen went away on a mission to a global conference to discuss the impending waves with the other countries. However, whilst she was away, the King performed the summoning ritual and summoned all 4 heroes. Now, they say the queen is trying to defuse a war that is threatening to break out over this." said Belle.
"Damn, I figured the king was bad but I didn't think he was this bad." said Naofumi. "But that doesn't matter right now. Anyway, how much do I owe you."
"It'll be 1 silver a night, and with all the other food, another 9 copper."
"Oh thank the Hokage. I only have 25 silver left." said Naofumi, handing over two silvers, getting one copper in return. "Thanks so much."
"Not a problem. Have a good night, Shield Hero."
"You as well." said Naofumi, leading the two children towards the dining area.

Naofumi sat down at one of the tables in the corner. Just because the inn was friendly to demi-humans didn't mean the people staying there were. They had received some glances as they made their way over, but Naofumi glared right back in the Uchiha fashion. He also was thankful that the tailor had included some sleeping clothes, just a little appreciation for giving her some business. Naofumi and the two girls sat down and waited for their food, with Naofumi giving them a debriefing on what they were going to be doing for him. Raphtalia was petrified at the thought of fighting monsters, but Naofumi promised to keep her and Keel safe.

"So are you really the Shield Hero?" asked Keel.
"I am. I am Naofumi Uchiha, the Shield Hero, and Jonin of the Leaf Village."
"Jonin?" muttered Raphtalia, unfamiliar with the word
"It's a ninja rank."
"Ninja?" asked Keel.
"Yes. A ninja is one who specialises in using the natural energy flowing around us as well as tools to fight and heal others."
"Like mages?" inquired Raphtalia.
"Kinda. A ninja will use chakra and have a lot more freedom than a mage, whilst a mage uses mana and cannot fight in armed combat. Ninja will use weapons and ninjutsu, our version of spells, to fight against our opponents." explained Naofumi.
"They sound cool!" said Keel, very excited.
"We are, and I'm training you two to become ninja."
"Really?" exclaimed Keel, extremely excited at the prospect of being a ninja.
"Yeah. The second I felt your auras, I knew that you two would be perfect for the job. After all, you both have Kekkei Genkai." said Naofumi.

"Kekkei... Genkai?" asked Raphtalia.
"Yeah. A Kekkei Genkai is a bloodline ability that allows the user to command a special type of chakra. I have a Kekkei Genkai, and so do the two of you." explained Naofumi.
"What's your Kekkei-whatever master?!"
"It's Naofumi, Naofumi-sensei is as far as I'll go. But my Kekkei Genkai is a dojutsu, or eye technique, called the Sharingan." said Naofumi, who activated his 3 tomoe sharingan. "This ability lets me copy any technique, combat or ninjutsu, that I see with almost perfect mimicry, but I can change it up if needed to suite my style. I can also use it to plant suggestions in my opponents mind, making them predictable. I have other abilities, but thats as much as I'll tell you for now."
"What about us master, do we have that Sharin-whatsit?" asked Keel.
"No, you have different abilities, and I don't think they're dojutsu, but I want to verify what they are before I begin to train you." said Naofumi. "So, I'll be taking you to a magic shop to get your affinities tested."

"Hey there guys!" said a voice. Naofumi looked up to see a girl with bright red hair and blue eyes, just like Edward. She had a nice figure, and Naofumi guessed mid 20's at most, maybe 27 or 26.
"Libby, I assume." said Naofumi. The girl nodded. "Naofumi Iwatani, nice to meet you. This is Raphtalia and Keel."
"Hello there. So I guess the two kids meals are for them, meaning you had the serpent steak."
"Serpent steak? I guess so, since I asked for something good and cheap."
"Well, in the hands of a novice, this would be difficult to work with, and even harder to get right, but I am the master chef of Melromarc, Libby Galale the wonderful!"
"I look forward to eating this then." said Naofumi.

"Mum!" said a high pitched voice. The group of three plus Libby turned to see a small girl in a red dress that looked like Libby looking up at them. "Mr Fuzzy broke again." Mr Fuzzy appeared to be a small rabbit toy. It's ear had fallen off, and his back was torn open with what looked like hands and strength.
"Who broke it sweetie?"
"It was an accident." said the kid. Naofumi immediately knew it was a lie, and Libby did to. Naofumi performed a quick sweep of the room, seeing a boy around the girl's age snickering as his parents paid him no mind.

"Here, I'll fix it." offered Naofumi.
"Oh no, it's fine. I may not be the best, but I can at least do-"
"Don't worry about it. I know my way around a senbon." said Naofumi, picking up the toy. He switched to his cloth shield and got to work, using a needle and fabric that Libby provided him with. The bunny wasn't the best quality, but it was decent enough.

Naofumi only asked for a small piece of thread in return, which he put into his shield.

{Acquired - Thread x1}
{Required to Acquire Sewing Shield - Fabric x2/Thread x1/Needle x1}

Naofumi asked if there were any of the items that he could have, and Libby gladly gave them to him. He placed each one into his shield until it unlocked. It was a circle of thread with a needle going through it.

{Requirements Met - Sewing Shield}
{+5 Defense}
{Equip Bonus - Textiles Crafting (Novice)}
{Equip Bonus - Embroidery (Novice)}

It would be useful if someone's clothes tore and needed to be fixed. And the embroidery bonus would help him later that night. Naofumi thanked Libby and she thanked him in return.
"Not many people would do that. She was born out of wedlock, you see. Her father used some kind of hypnotism on me and next thing I know, a year passed and I have a daughter. My brother helped me, took me in and I helped him by learning how to cook. Now I help around the business and get a room for me and my daughter Chloe." said Libby. "She acts like the big sister to Harry, my nephew, and is always wanting to help. Little angel she is."
"Yeah, I really don't care." said Naofumi. "She can be the offspring of a devil for all I care, but I still would have helped her." He then turned to Raphtalia and Keel. "Are you two finished?"
"Yes master Naofumi." said Raphtalia.
"Yes master." corresponded Keel.
"You two. Let's go to bed then. Thank you for the meal Libby, it was delightful."


As the two slaves changed into their sleeping attire, Keel in a long white shirt and underwear, and Raphtalia in the same but in brown, Naofumi took their clothes and began to embroider the Uchiha clan symbol into their clothes.
"What's that, master Naofumi?" asked Raphtalia.
"It's the symbol of my clan, the Uchiha clan." explained Naofumi. "Since you two are becoming like surrogate daughters, you will wear this symbol with honour and pride. This means you are now family, not my slaves."
"Family..." muttered Raphtalia.
"We're just missing one more Raphtalia, and we can be a family together." said Keel, hugging Raphtalia.
"Who are we missing?" asked Naofumi.
"Her name is Rifana. She's a weasel demi-human, and our old master kept her."
"Why did he keep her?"
"She screamed the loudest."

"I'll kill that bastard." said Naofumi. "I'll make you both a deal. If, by two days time, you have mastered calling out your chakra, I will go and get Rifana, but if you don't then you will need to go get her, but only when I say you can." offered Naofumi.

Raphtalia and Keel looked at him with wide eyes. This was a no loss situation, with either their master saving Rifana, or them doing it themselves. But if they did it, then she would be saved faster.

The pressure was on.

"Alright." said Raphtalia. "I will call out my chakra!"
"So will I! I promise it!" said Keel.
"We promise it! And we don't go back on our word."
"That's out Nindo, our ninja way!" said the two of them.

Naofumi was impressed by their determination to save their friend. "Very well then. Well make sure you do. Now get some rest. Tomorrow will be a big day."


Naofumi greeted the night with a groan. 'It must be around 2am, what's going on?'
"Mother... Father..." murmured Raphtalia in her sleep. Naofumi looked over to them, noticing that Raphtalia was shivering in fear and clearly uncomfortable.
"Nightmare." muttered Naofumi. He mustered up his strength, and made his way over to her. He placed a hand on her head, running it through her hair as he whispered, "It's alright Raphtalia. I won't let you get hurt anymore. Thats-"
"Nindo... ninja way." murmured Raphtalia in her sleep.
"That's right. And I never go back on my word."

He stayed there, rubbing her head, until she jolted awake. She screamed, turned to see Naofumi, and cried into his chest. She let out more water from her eyes that a water bullet jutsu, as she cried and cried into him. He continued to rub her head, making her feel welcome and warm, whispering "It's going to be alright now, I promise." and other things like that. When Raphtalia calmed down, she continued to hold onto Naofumi like he was her life line. He let her go, went over to his bed, and dragged it across the floor towards her bed, setting it down next to the other bed. He climbed into the middle, giving Raphtalia his left side and Keel his right. He wrapped them both in a hug, with Keel snuggling closer for warmth. Raphtalia continued her life hold on him, not once in the night letting go of her master. Naofumi held her close the whole time, promising to burn that bastard Idol with a fireball jutsu.


"I see." muttered the witch. She was more than happy to accept Naofumi's business, on account of her seeing him leaving and entering the town before and after the incident from her shop. She had given him one look before ushering him inside for some tea, apologising on behalf of the kingdom that worshipped the Four Heroes Church, since they had a knack of 'disappearing' whenever the Shield Hero got involved. She also said she'd discover the affinities of his slaves for free. She was currently studying Raphtalia. "She has a gift for light and dark magic, but there is something else."
"Can you tell what it is?" asked Naofumi.
"My best guess is that it's a fusion of two elements. It seems like... wind and earth."
"Wind and earth huh? Magnet style, has to be. Thank you so much." said Naofumi.
"It's not a problem dear, now what about your other one? Come on dearie, step up." said the witch, inviting the dog girl to step up. When she placed he hands on the crystal ball, the witch studied it carefully.

"She seems to have exceptional affinities for reinforcement and strength magic, and two of what the other one had." she discovered.
"Really? What elements?"
"Well, they seem incredibly similar to each other, but there is a distinctive difference. Yes, both have earth and water affinities."
"Earth and water for both huh? Well, one is certainly wood style, but what is the other one? I never heard of a Kekkei Genkai other that wood that uses- wait!" suddenly said Naofumi, remembering something from the Ninja academy.

"Funeno-sensei, I have a question." said the boy next to Naofumi.
"What is it? Is it about Kekkei Genkai?"
"Yeah. I heard that the first Hokage had the wood style."
"Yes, he had the wood style Kekkei Genkai."
"Yeah, and that uses earth and water style, right?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"But sensei, what about mud style?"
"Oh, I forgot about that. You see, mud style is a legend, and is said that mud style is the reason for the clay we find in the Valley of Lies. It is said to be a combination of earth and water styles as well, but as the wood style uses earth style in the right hand and water in the left, mud style would use water in the right hand and earth in the left."
"Oh, okay Funeno-sensei!"

"Mud style. I thought it was a myth." said Naofumi. He turned to Keel, looking at her with wide eyes. "You're really one of a kind. Wood and mud styles, a dual Kekkei Genkai wielder. You're amazing, both of you."
"Sir Shield Hero, what did you mean by magnet, wood and mud style?" asked the witch.
"Raphtalia and Keel here have abilities from my world, Kekkei Genkai, which give them rare abilities. Raphtalia and Keel have some of these abilities, giving them access to special abilities, unique to them and their families. Raphtalia has the magnet style, whilst Keel has the wood and mud styles."
"I see. Well, I won't be telling the city guard or anyone else about this then."
"Much appreciated. Have a good day."
"You too, my boy, you too."


"Master Naofumi, where to now?" asked Raphtalia.
"We're off to a little location I found yesterday outside the castle walls. We'll be training your chakra there. Are you both ready for this?"
"We made you a promise, and we will be there for Rifana when she gets back." said Keel, enticing Raphtalia to nod as well.
"Very well then." said Naofumi. He lead the two out of the room, making his way to the castle gate.

"Let's get training."


Hey guys. Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this chapter, leave a vote or follow me for updates. 

Also yes, I know that Keel isn't at the slave trader's in canon, but welcome to my fan fiction. Keep reading, I assure you that you won't regret it.

But for now, Striker777, over and out.

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