Strange One (Bleach Fanfic)

By Debbekham

80.8K 2.6K 188

*Editing in progress* Everyone in Karakura Town and the soul society are happy. Doing there job. Especially t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 43

524 19 2
By Debbekham

~Ikkakus POV~

I was walking back towards Captain Zaraks room. I know all captains were reported to the main hall but there were some mails, messages, and maybe some missions. The breeze was picking up. It was more like wind that breeze. I looked towards a near by tree swaying back and forth. The bright blew sky started to turn a merky gray. Whats going on?

I sense someones spiritual pressure rising. It wasnt just someone. It was Kaias.

"Damn it." I cursed under my breath. I jump and ran/flash step to where she was. The wind started to get faster and stronger. I jumped off the roof and it turns out I was running straight towards the main hall where the meeting was being held. Dark clouds started to form.

"Kaia where the hell are you?!" I shouted as I stood near a tree. I heard someone scream. I look to the right and flash step there. I saw Kaia on the ground, a fist full of her hair in her hand and black ora spinning around her.

"Kaia!" I shouted at her. I started ranning towards her but then the force of the wind was hard to push through. It feels like your walking into a tornado.

"Kaia listen to me! Dont give in! Find why your happy! Find that spot that makes you relax!" I shouted over the sound of breaking wind. I finally was close enough to put my hands on her.

"You bastard killed my mother. Why didnt I see it before. Im an idiot!" She screamed louder making the wind turn into a storm. I grabbed Kaia and hugged her.

"KAIA OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES! LOOK AT ME!" I shouted at her. She opened her eyes and stare into my brown eyes.

"Im s-so sorry I-Ikkaku." She closed her eyes and passed out into my arms. The wind started to evanescence. The clouds started to disappear. The bright ocean blue sky peeked through the thick gray clouds.

"Aizen is still alive?!" Said a girl in the maid hall. I turned around and saw that the windows were shattered, doors were broken down.

"Such powers you have Kaia." I whispered looking at her. She had those big perfect round eyes closed. Her long soft blonde fell over her shoulder.

"No wonder why Shi and Hikari want you." I said so softly I didnt think she would here.

"I'll take her back. She wasted so much energy one what just happened." I looked up and saw Hikari. His silver shinny suit glistened with the sun. I hesitated for a second and handed her limp body to Hikari. He looked at her with a sad impression. I got up and dusted off the dirt from my pants. Hikari already left. I ran into the main and saw Momo.

"You just said Aizen is alive. He isnt dead!" Momo said so happily.

"Momo." Captain Hitsugaya said. Ichigo looked at me.

"Was that k-" I cut him off with a simply yes.

"What happened?" Captain Ukitake asked with a worried expression.

"Captain! Captain! Are you alright?! We felt that beasts spiritual pressure. I tho-" I cut Kiyone off.

"She isnt a beast." I made a fist. I felt something touch my shoulder. I relaxed and look behind me. I saw a pink hair freak smiling at me.

"Awe does Baldy have a sweet spot." Yachiru asked with that baby voice.

"Shut up!" I shouted at her swatter her away.

"You dont hit me!" She started chewing on my bald head.

"Ugh!" I started pulling her off but she wouldnt let go.

"Enough." Lieutenant Sasakibe raising his hand. "That 'beast' you call is a beast. She is a threat to us. She must be sent back to where she came from."

"She isnt like that!" Ichigo and I shouted.

"What cause her to spread such tremendous power?" Mayuri asked taking out a pen and paper. Everyone looked at me.

"Aizen." I said. Momo turned facing me.

"What about him?" She asked a little harshly.

"Her mother died because of him." I looked at her.

"Thats a mistake! Captain Sousake would never do that!" Momo yelled at me. She started walking towards me while yelling other things I wasnt paying attention to. But the next thing that I heard surprised me.

"Espadas took Orihime, you once said that espadas was owned by him. She could help us find her." Ichigo said. Kaia could find him?

~Kaias POV~

"Dont disturb her. She lost so much engery she needs sleep." Someone who was whispering wasnt a very good job at it.

"Your really saying no to me." A girls voice said. She sounded a little irritated.

"Shes better off sleeping then awake." Another girl voice argued back at her. I wanted to open my eyes and see what was going on. But I felt so....weak. My head was pounding. My throat was burning. I raised my arm and touched my head. My hand was cold and it touched my warm forehead, yeah that made the headache much worst.

"Would you both shut up! your making the situation worst!" A guy shouted at both of them. Toshiro.

"You shut up!" A girl said with a slapping sound.

"Ouch!" The other girl shouted.

"Kai." I fluttered opened my eyes. I groaned. I didnt feel good. I felt like vomoting any minute. I looked to my left and saw Shi, Hikari, and Ikkaku looking down at me. Once I met Ikkakus eyes I felt sorry for him. Memoried flooded my mind of what happened last night which made my headache 10 times worst.

"Are you alright?" Hikari light touched my arm. His warm touch made me shiver. With just little touch made me feel a little lighter. I looked into his piercing blue eyes. His silver hair fell down covering a little of his forehead.

"I-Im ok." Once I said those words my throat burned even more. The burning sensation rubbed against each other making my voice crack at the end.

"Your burning up." I felt a hand touch my forehead. With his touch made me feel like I was home. I was surrounded with darkness. I felt...happy.

"I told you...Im o-ok." My voice cracked more. My throat felt so dry. My fangs were slowly coming out. They were begging to sink into soft and delicate flesh. My mouth watered at I thought about how warm and metallic taste in my mouth and how it would smoothly slide down my throat reviving my parched throat.

"Kaia." Ikkaku touched my hand. I jumped with a small sudden movement. I looked at his eyes. They were full with sorrow. I looked at his neck. I could heart his steady heart beat. I swallowed. My ears were getting hot. I could hear every movement. I could heart my own heart beat racing. I could hear Hikaris blood rush to every organ in his body, since he was the one close to me.

"You need it." Shi said. I shook my head making the splitting head ache worst.

"You look like your gonna pass out on us." Ikkaku said.

"I dont need it." I closed my eyes and swallowed. I held my breathe making my fangs retreat. I slowly sat up.

"Ms. Nightmare." I turn towards the door. My eyes slowly opened and saw a girl with a high bun and her bangs on the side of her face held back by her glasses. She doesnt sound so please by saying my name.

"Captain Kyouraku would like to see you." She bowed.

"P-please dont bow nor call me 'M-Ms'." I said looking at her neck. Her neck was exposed. Her pulse was racing. With what? Fear.

"Nightmare." I looked at Shi. He turned his arm making his fore arm facing me. I looked down as he trace the delicate part of his wrist telling me to drink. My fangs slide out hungerly. I shook my head.

"No Im f-fine." I hissed. I stood up. My knees felt so weak. Why did I waist so much engery? Oh yeah, its because of that bastard.

"Yes M-Nightmare we should get going." She stood up and fixed her glasses.

"Kai your not stable." Hikari grabbed my wrist.

"I'll be fine. You'll be there anyways." I closed my eyes and sighed. My fangs disappeared. Ikkaku handed me my cloak. I thanked him.

"Again. Im sorry. I hugged him. My face was so close to his neck. I was so threated to drink his blood. But once I would taste it, I would regret it instantly. I grip his kamoto trying to telly myself to stop. My fangs slide down as fast as ever. I leaned towards his neck and inhaled his scent. I licked the soft and delicate skin.

"Go ahead. You need it." He whispered in my head hugging my tightly. He was shaking lightly in my embrace. I was so close to drink but I retreated.

"Im s-sorry I scared you." I pulled away walking out the door with the girl. My head was pounding. My throat felt like a desert not receiving water for a thousand years.

"Whats y-your name?" I asked swallowing. I really need to stop shuttereing. People might or are gonna think Im crazy and think Im ill.

"Why should I tell you?" She asked a little harshly.

"You go from calling me 'Ms' and now feeling uneasy when your with me." I smirked. I held my breath so I wouldnt smell her blood.

"Pin Nanao." She said turning right. We were on this bridge houses that they have here.

"Well Pin, be honest, do you hate me?" I asked. She stopped and turn around.

"I just met you, I know you can do things with your eyes, you have power no one knows about except people close to you, and we know you are dangerous and its our job to kill you." She said looking me in the eyes quickly before looking away.

"Believe it or not I cant use powers with my eyes..." I looked down.

"Whatever, were here." She slide open a door revealing a guy with a bamboo hat with a pink with flowers kamoto.

"Welcome Ms. Nightmare." He said with his eyes closed.

"Please, call me Ni-Nightmare." I said sitting downon a mat in front of him. The thirst became stronger.

"You need to drink." Hikari said worriedly.

'No I cant. I got it under control.' I said in my head.

"May I asked whats your name?" I aske him looking at his face. He opened his eyes revealing his dull hazel eyes.

"Nanao please get us some sake." He said waving his hand in the air. Pin walked away for about a minute and came back with a glass bottle and 2 small cups.

"Oh um I-I dont drink sake..." I said quietly.

"Mhm? You dont drink sake? For a girl like you, you must drink sake." He said already fnishing his first cup.

"Urahara drinks sake. I dont." I looked at him face once I said my fathers name. His face lightened up.

"Urahara Kisuke. How is he doing?" He said drinking more sake.

"First whats your name?" I watch as he tilt his head back as he drink with delight. I could hear the drink run down his neck as he swallowed.

"Kyouraku Shunshui." He smiled. He was nice. I remember him treating like his own when I was a little kid running around.

"Dont you communicate with him?" I asked.

"After he left no. What how would you know Urahara?" He opened one eye. I scuffed.

"You dont remember? What a shame." I crossed my arms.

"Oh wait? K-Kaia? Baby Kaia?" He asked sitting up straight. I smiled.

"But call me Nightmare." I looked him directly in the eyes. He nodded.

"Bur really how is he?"

"My father is good. Happiler when I returned home. Still act the same as always. The clingy, dense, happy guy." I described my father. I rather be with him than here. I want him here because I always get into trouble and he gets me out of it.

"Sounds like him."

"Shunshui do you have a minute?" A guy with white hair and a long white anhd black kamoto walked in.

"Hello Ukitake." He looked at me. He scaned my face.

"Long time no see....Kaia." He said. I smiled.

"How are you feeling Ukitake?" He I asked. My throat started burning. I covered my mouth and started coughing.

"Nightmare are you alrig-" Ukitake asked then started coughing. His cough was way worst than mine.

"Im ok. Just chocked on my own spit." I swallowed.

"Stop lying to yourself you need blood now and fast." Shi stated.

'Im fine!' I yelled.

"Ukitake." I stood up and walked to him. "Your getting worst." I bent down next to him. He started coughing again, but this time with blood. I closed my eyes at the sight of blood. My fangs beggings to feel his skin. My throat wanted blood more than ever.

I brought my wrist to my mouth and nipped on a small skin making it bleed. I inhaled my scent of blood.

"Drink. Trust me." I brought my hand to his mouth and pressed it on his lips. He tried resisting but it wasnt any good. He gave up and drink my blood. I removed my wrist from his mouth and took a step back. My wrist healed fast.

"Nightmare what was that about?" Kyouraku asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"My blood can h-heal him." Ukitake whipped his mouth.

"You idiot." Hikari said. I looked at him.

"Sorry I had to." Black dots starting dancing everywhere I look.

"You need it." I looked at Hikari.

"Im tired." And everything went black.


Hey my little vampires!! This was a long chapter. 2 chapters in one day! But I just had to state my point. If you watch 'Vampire Knight' like OMFG! I love that anime so much!! In my opinion Kaname and Byakuya look and act so much alike! Please comment and vote which anime characters you like from bleach or any other anime!

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