Angel (Daryl Dixion x Reader)

By Mesaandme01

110K 2.7K 622

The Grimes twins were inseparable since birth. Raising hell with Shane Walsh all through grade school till gr... More

~23~ (Lemon)
~27~ (Lemon)
~31~ (Lemon)


4.9K 158 40
By Mesaandme01

   Within thirty minutes of Rick leaving Amy, Andrea, Carol, and Jacqui wanted to head down to the quarry to do some more laundry. Even after Ed said he was going down too you still offered to go help and they greatly accepted. Knowing Ed he wasn't gonna do anything, god you couldn't stand him. Since there was only two wash boards Amy soaked the dirty cloths and put soap on them while Carol and Andrea scrubbed the cloths handing them to Jacqui and you to rinse.

Now you stood beside Jacqui wringing out another piece of clothing that she handed you as it came down the line of laundry you all had going. As predicted Ed was sitting on his ass just smoking his cigarettes like he had all the time in the world. You placed another pair of someone's jeans neatly in a basket after squeezing as much water as possible out. Shane had taken Carl down there a few minutes after the laundry line had started to catch frogs.

You knew there were frogs out there, you heard them every night. From the sounds of some of them there were some monster frogs down here. Since the quarry was abandoned a long time ago you figured that they probably would be able to get pretty big. Big enough to eat you reckon, your snapped from your thoughts as Shane pops out of the water from falling in while starting to splash around noisily. "Alright little man they're comin' your way! They're comin' your way! Get em, Get em! Get em!" He says loudly making Carl laugh.

"Catch some frogs! Catch some frogs!" Shane says only increasing the boys laughter. It felt nice to see your nephew smile and laughing. Finding your self smiling at him as they start talking and laughing some more. Probably didn't catch anything but it was nice to see them smile and relax for a few minutes. Times like that were precious now a days.

"I'm beginning to question the division of labor here..." Jacqui says as she walks back up with Andrea, more cloths in their hands ready to be washed. You hadn't even noticed them walk back to the trucks. Oops. "Me too." Someone says making you roll your eyes and rinse a shirt Andrea handed your way. "What'd ya got bad boy? What'd ya got?" Shane asks Carl with amusement as you rinse the shirt. "Dirt." You hear him say a little disappointed.

You giggle a little at them rolling your eyes, figures that wasn't exactly the way to catch frogs effectively. Carl laughs some more with a chuckling Shane but you cant hear what their saying so you just continue what your doing. "Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doin' all the Hattie McDaniel work?" Jacqui asks as she shakes out a shirt making you smile at her. "The world ended. Didn't you get the memo?" Amy asks sarcastically as you smirk silently at her sly comment.

Carol looks back worried at her husband who just sits on his ass still, "It's just the way it is." She says relived he didn't hear them talking like that. Stifling a groan at this, damn Ed really is an ass hole... you think, as Carol hands you a yellow shirt to wring out. "I do miss my Maytag." Carol adds after a few minutes of silence. A washing machine... man you did miss those. "I miss my Benz, my sat nav..." Andrea adds. "I miss my coffee maker with that dual-drip filter and built in grinder, honey." Jacqui adds as well, you couldn't remember the last cup of coffee you had.

"My computer, and texting." Amy says as you shake your head at the teenager with a smile. "Hot water." You add making everyone nod at you. "I miss my vibrator." Andrea says suddenly making you pause and look up at her shocked slightly while Amy just gasped at her sister. She had a point, you thought, "me too." Carol suddenly adds making you stare at her in shock but a giggle soon escapes your lips when Jacqui oos at her.

"What's so funny?" Ed asks hatefully and you look up at him as he walks up to you girls laughing and you did not liking the dangerous look he was giving Carol at all. "Just swapping war stories Ed." Andrea says nonchalantly even though her expression was getting more aggravating at him the closer he got. You stand up shaking your hands partly dry of the water as you stare him down.

"Problem Ed?" Andrea asks after looking at you standing and staring at him. "Nothin' that concerns you. Outa focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." He says and you cut your eyes at him. He needed to be knocked down to size you think angered by his comment. You were about to snap back at him before Andrea started up towards him with aggression in her body language.

"Tell ya what Ed. You don't like how your laundry's done, you can pitch in and help. Here." She says hatefully as she throws a half washed shirt at him. He caught it as it flopped against his chest, "Ain't my job missy." He says throwing it back at her harder making her gasp. She clearly was getting mad at him even though him throwing it back scared her, "What is you job Ed? Sitting around on your ass smoking cigarettes all day?" She snaps back while you start to walk forward.

This wasn't gonna end well by the look of his face. "Well it sure as hell ain't listenin' to some uppity smart mouthed bitch." He says looking to Carol, "Come on. Let's go." He says dangerously as his eyes cut at her daring her to say no to him. "Back off Ed." You say just as dangerously as you step in front of Carol who was already standing about to walk off with him. "I said ain't none of your business! Come on now, ya heard me." He says staring you and her down as Andrea begs her not to go.

"Hey don't think I won't knock you on your ass just cause' your some collage educated cooze alright?" He threatens Andrea and you ball your fists gritting your teeth refraining from knocking his ass out, "Now you come on or you'll regret it later." He yells at carol pointing to her but you stand your ground not letting him past you. "So she can show up with fresh bruises tomorrow Ed? Yeah. We've seen them." Jacqui comments making Ed chuckle as dangerously as his eyes looked.

"Stay outta this. Ain't none of y'alls business. You don't wanna keep prodding the bull here okay? Now I'm done talkin'. Come on!" He demands as he reaches past your body to forcefully grab Carols arm as everyone try's to protest. You snap hitting his hand off her and shoving Carol back behind you into the girls who catch her pulling her to them. "Back off!" You yell shoving his chest hard, harder than he thought you could because he stumbles back barley catching himself.

"The hell you think your doin' bitch!?" He questions angrily about to step back towards you but you beat him taking at strong step. Your stern face makes him stop for a second, "Touch her again like that. I dare ya." You growl at him which only fuels his rage farther not liking you threatening him. He chuckles darkly before stepping towards you quickly attempting to throw a sloppy punch at you.

Dogging it was easy allowing you to dig your feet into the ground as you grab his shoulders nailing him in the stomach with your right knee knocking the wind out of him before you land a punch to his right cheek harshly. He stumbles back coughing as you step uneasily back to stand in front of the women protecting them and a already crying Carol. Your right leg wasn't healed still and the running earlier today definitely didn't help definitely now that you slammed it into this bastard. Gritting your teeth you ignored the shooting pain in your right femur as you stand strong watching him cough trying to regain his breath you'd knocked out of his lungs.

He growled spitting the blood from his mouth before he went to run at you even though you never took your eyes from him. You brace ready to take his hit and when he tackled you, you easily rolled him over you tossing him flat onto his back but not before he elbowed your jaw on the left side. Rolling up you didn't even see Shane start to drag Ed away from you and the other woman. Amy helped you up and you patted her hand as Shane started beating Ed's face in.

You started towards him ignoring your leg that was throbbing, "Walsh! He's had enough!" You yell as he hit an already gasping Ed three more times. If he kept it up he'd beat him to death. "You put your hand on your wife, your little girl or anyone else in this camp again I will not stop next time! You hear me? I'll beat you to death Ed!" He yells in his face giving one final harsh blow, "I'll beat ya to death!" He says again forcing himself up off the bloody gurgling man on the ground and Carol rushes to him sobbing out apologizes.

Shane walks immediately over to you, "(Y/n), ya alright lemme look at ya." He says his brotherly protectiveness kicking in as soon as he sees the already slight forming bruise on your left jaw. You knew it wouldn't stay so you weren't worried about it. He lifts your chin staring at it, "M'fine." You say shrugging him off taking a step back. He noticed you limp back a step, "Your limpin'?" He asks and you shake your head. "M'fine Shane." You insist and he shakes his head still before walking back up to his Jeep obviously still pissed off.

"We got the laundry (Y/n). Go back up to camp we'll clean up this mess." Andrea says to you nodding to you with respect and you walk up the hill following after Shane. He jumps in his Jeep still angry and you open the door climbing in. "Where's Carl?" You suddenly ask him as he starts it up. "Lori came n got him. You sure your alright sis?" He asks putting the Jeep in drive. "Yeah, Ed ain't nothin. Taken on guys twice his size." You say with a smirk but he didn't smile back his eyes still worried as he looks at you right leg. "Broke it while back. M'fine Shane. Relax." You say and he looks to you in awe but quickly shakes it off before nodding and starting up the hill.


It had been hours now since they left and it was late. The jingling of your dog tags quite as you paced back and forth trying to keep your mind souly on keeping watch but couldn't stop your mind from making up the absolute worst possibilities. Jim has already gone off the rails with heat stroke earlier today and your sure the worry of everything didn't help. Your gun was in your arms just in case you saw anything.

"You hungry (Y/n)? Still have some fish left." Dale called out to you shifting your attention to him sitting around the fire with everyone. "M'good Dale, thank you though!" You yelled back down and he nodes acknowledging you before he turned back around in his chair to listen to whoever asked him about his watch. Even though you wanted to listen to what Dale had to say about his watch that he winded religiously every day your focus was needed else where. You paced trying to fight the bad feeling in your stomach, as you watch Amy walk away from the fire into the RV below you.

You hear her open the bathroom door and a few minutes later exit it again grumbling about toilet paper. You'd almost smiled before you heard her scream. Fuck. You rushed to the latter kneeling down to see under the sun sheet, looking down at her getting bit in the neck by a walker who had already taken a chunk out of her arm. You quickly shot it in the head just in time for a sobbing Andrea to skid to her now dying sisters side. Quickly you stand up to see more of them stumbling into camp a few dozen at least. "Fuck!" You yelled as everyone started screaming and running and you raised your assault rifle again popping off rounds in the walkers skulls.

The fifth walker that you shot fell with a thud and you spot Lori and Carl backing up towards you with Shane in front of them. "Shit! I'm out!" Shane suddenly yells clicking his now empty clip at a walker getting closer. "Shane!" You yelled and threw your assault rifle down at him. He catches it firing off more rounds and you see the three walkers that were groaning and reaching for you at the latter turn their attention to Lori and Carl. You reach for your pistol only for your eyes to go wide, missing? Oh shit. Daryl has it. You quickly grab your army knife from your belt looking at them stumbling towards your family but Shane was to focused on the walkers in front of them.

They were surrounded and you didn't have time to climb down the latter, especially with another walker that has seen you reaching mindlessly up at you. Fuck this was gonna hurt. You thought as you jumped down off the RV roof landing hard on your right leg and rolling so it didn't break again even though with the metal rod in it, it probably wasn't gonna beak again. Surprisingly it didn't hurt... in that moment.

Adrenaline was coursing though you. You jump up and take a stab at the first walkers skull, blood flying everywhere, making it drop dead. While the other was about to grab Carl but you beat it. You grabbed the collar of its filthy ripped t-shirt and threw it behind you then jumping on it stabbing it in the skull. Panting you stand back up taking a shaky step back to be in front of Carl and Lori who still clung to Shane. Good they were between you guys.

You see the walker who was at the latter stumble towards you and you ran at it ready to stab it but and arrow flew into its head suddenly. You looked up at where it came from to see Daryl panting reloading his crossbow. Relief washes over you at the sight of him and your bother with a huge bag of guns on his back. Finally some back up, "(Y/n)!" Daryl yells as you look back at him he tosses your pistol at you.

Oh yeah that's better. You think feeling the cool metal in your hands, aiming and taking down two more walkers immediately with perfect shots through the skull. The gun fire started to subside after what felt like forever and you looked for any more walkers to see only a few who were being taken down. Suddenly your grabbed by your dog tags and you drop preventing the walker from biting your neck but causing it to fall on top of you. It had knocked your gun out of your grasp as your held on to its shoulders grunting, struggling not to let the over weight walker bite into you. It was easily twice your size maybe more.

"(Y/n)!" Daryl and Rick yell at the same time. Rick runs towards you out of instinct and Daryl aims carefully shooting it in the head as Rick kicks it off you. You lay there for a second panting looking up at your brother who was panting too staring at you in complete fear. "Y-you Okay?" He asks yanking you up checking you over. "M'fine..." you pant and he nods starting to scan for his family who tackles him in a hug. Daryl walks to the walker yanking his arrow out of it and he sees your dog tags laying on the ground beside it.

He picks them up as you, still panting, limp over to pick up your gun. You now felt that old break in your right leg that hadn't healed all the way. "Shit (Y/n), ya alright? Didn't hit ch'ya did I?" Daryl then asks walking towards you. You shake your head leaning over, keeping your right leg bent, squeezing your eyes shut trying to ease the pain in your leg. "M'fine.." you barley get out as he leans down checking you over anyway.

Once he's sure your alright he holds out your dog tags looking at them, "Dropped somthin'." He says and you stand fully leaning mainly on your left leg. You look down then feel on your chest, shit did you drop them? "Thanks." You say taking them and readjusting them so you can put them back on. He nods and you look up at Shane and Rick starting to argue. You sigh as you start over to them unable to hide your limp now.

"Stop." You say before you stop in front of them, "Now is not the time." You say through gritted teeth motioning towards Andrea who is still sobbing over her sister. "Your limpin' again..." Shane comments nodding towards you and Rick steps towards you again worried. "What happened you okay?" He asks looking at your right leg that you weren't leaning on. Rolling your eyes fighting a scoff, "Again not the time. Sun will be up soon." You say sternly looking away.

"(Y/n). Are you okay." Rick says putting his hands on your shoulders and moving his head so you had to look him in his eyes. "Old wound. Happened in Afghanistan. I'm fine." You say sternly making him look at you in shock but reluctantly nod at you. Limping past him out of his grip you make it to the stairs of the RV and sit down hard unable to sit smoothly. You grab your right leg and grit your teeth as you force it out in front of you straight.

You watch as Rick and Shane start trying to figure out what to do before shifting your eyes to Andrea leaning over Amy. "Sure it's fine?" Daryl's voice asks from right beside you and you realize he's squatting in front of you with worried eyes. You look down at your leg and nod sighing, "M'fine Dixion. Honest." You say looking back into his blue eyes you could get lost in easily but he didn't believe you.

"Lemme see." He looked down at your leg before looking back at you as if asking it was alright. You nod and he starts at your ankle gently feeling up it making sure nothing was broken. You hiss a little as he makes it some past your knee making him jump looking worriedly at you. "S'alright." You say quickly to him and he continues stopping at your mid thigh, "Nothin' broken n no scratches." He says and you nod.

His eyes don't leave yours before you finally say, "Broke it a while back. My femur, a metal rod holds it together so if it's broken again I wouldn't be surprised." You say gesturing to your leg. "I jumped off the RV." You say after he looked back up at you. "Thought that was you. Crazy. Ya know ya can't fly right." He asks trying to lighten the mood which makes you smile and nod at him. "Are you okay?" You ask looking him over when he stands. "M'fine girl. Don't worry bout me." He says gently and you nod before he walks off to figure out what to do next.

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