Trouble Maker in Hogwarts

By super_shipper_fanfic

414K 8K 1.5K

After seeing Sirius die and going through a tough breakup over the holidays because the STUPID "girl" didn't... More

The Break-up over summer explanation
Off to Hogwarts
Off to Hogwarts Pt 2
Hogwarts again!
Sorting and re-sorting
Sorting and re-sorting Pt 2
First Day
My knight in shiny armour!
Next two days(Short fill-in chapter)
Hermione's Summer
HELLA Inheritance and Date
Hella Inheritance and date Pt2
Hella Inheritance and date Pt3
Are you alright?
The difference between being clingy and just wanting to hug someone you love.
The new US!
When will you learn!
The Parent Talk
Let's talk!
We talked
We Talked Pt 2
Gone Days
Train Wrecked Days
What's your deal?!

Dorm Rooms

22.6K 470 95
By super_shipper_fanfic

Harry POV

I didn't need to follow everyone to know the password. Well, I didn't even need to know the bloody password because I could open it using parseltongue.

Instead, I was following Draconis Lucius Malfoy and from the looks of it, he knew he was going to be in trouble if he got caught. As he continued up the dark hallway he turned a corner and stopped so suddenly that I nearly bumped into him but stopped just barely. He turned around and sneered."So...Pottah how long are you gonna follow me around, cause I know that you're there. Oh, are you gonna stay quiet and make me seem like a fool sorry then cause I'm not a pea-brain? Come on Pottah tell me why you're following me."

I came into view and he blushed for a split second and tried to cover it up but I'd already seen."OMG! A Malfoy blushing at the sight of Harry James Potter? Well, that was definitely a sight... if you must know I was following you because I don't want you to be in any trouble plus I'm in your house now aren't I?," I said the last part trying to look innocent, but honestly, I followed him because I felt like I had to protect him for some reason.

"Well, Pot-Head, if you must know I wasn't gonna be caught plus if I did my father, would hear about it! And if you must know I was going to take a pit stop at the owlery and then go to the astronomy tower....I wasn't going to pull pranks on anyone I just wanted alone-time. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, why am I even telling you this?"

"Hey Malfoy can I say something?"

"Yea I guess go ahead"

"I'm really sorry that I didn't accept your friendship in first year. I was really stupid and even though I knew I wanted to be you friend...I just felt like my body was forcing me know to be mean. I would like it if we could be friends or at least more like this, civil with each other." As I said this I stretched out my hand to him and waited for his response.

Draco POV

Omg! My dream finally come true! Although it sounds like he had compulsions on him. I can be friends with my long time love...YAY.

It took all my will-power to not scream at the top of my lungs like a schoolgirl.

"I accept your apology...I have a suspicion that someone compelled you from the way you described it. And yea I'd like to restart... that sounds nice!"I said taking his hand and shaking it.

We reconciled and we went to the owlery together and on the way back from the astronomy tower is when the chaos began. You might wonder what it was or what happened...well Mr Filch and Miss Norris were wondering around the school and we hadn't heard them.NO wait correction I hadn't heard them Harry had though and when I was talking he was trying to tell me but when I realized Harry's hand had flown over my mouth and he had somehow turned us invisible even though Mr Filch had spells preventing that.

As soon as we got back to the Slytherin common room I wanted to ask Harry what just happened though I was pretty sure that was his creature inheritance, but alas he seemed like he really didn't want to talk about it so I didn't ask him anything.It took a lot of will-power to not get on the floor and beg him but I bearly managed.


hey, readers sorry if this was short I wrote this in the middle of English class so this was pretty okay in my opinion. Hope you like it so far. I'll try publish something on the weekend again.

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