Master of Death

By Mother0fMischief

412K 11.6K 18.2K

COMPLETE! How much can be changed simply by removing a few elements and changing a few things? Well come find... More

Death is a Troll
A Wizard and Four Hobbits walk into a bar
One does not tell Harry he cannot simply walk into Mordor
Into the belly of the Beast and out of the Demon's ass
The Fellowship breaks up; Let's Hunt Some Orc
To Helm's Deep we go
Battle in the Deep
A Wizard to Manage; To the Honored Dead
We Fight
The Final Battle of Arda; Welcome home.
Setting plans into motion
Exploring and meeting new Friends
Exploring and meeting Friends Pt. 2
The Interview
A look into Madness
Happy Birthday Harry!
To Hogwarts we go and the Sorting!
Getting settled at Hogwarts; Halloween
Debut and the Will Reading
Kicking the Beehive to piss off the Old Bumblebee
The NEWT Mocks
Yule Ball; Let it be War
The Aftermath: a History Lesson
A Bond is Forged; Harry does what he wants!
The Beginning of the End
Preparing for the Final Battle
The start of the Final Battle
The End of the Final Battle; He was only a Man
The Aftermath; The Marriage

You had ONE JOB!!

7.7K 276 303
By Mother0fMischief

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER XXIII *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Dumbledore curses as another nasty Stinging Hex is thrown his way by yet another guard. He is chained in place in a maximum security Holding Cell in the Ministry of Magic awaiting his trail! Him, the Lord of Light, being tried!! So he was a bit hasty in executing his plan, but it was the brat's fault for not being what he wanted him to be, for not doing what he wanted him to do! How dare that brat defy him!

'But' a dark twisted corner of his mind coos suddenly, 'we finally know that he is in fact an Omega... did you smell that virgin sweet scent, tinged in fear? Oooh, we can easily work around this...'

Indeed, he can. All he has to do is get Trelawney's Aunt to do the Purification ritual which will banish the sliver of Tom's soul from Harry's scar. Then he will redo the Xerxes Bridal Binding and once he moulds Harry into his ideal Omega... Oh yes...! He shivers with ecstasy as it means that not only will he have Potter has his perfect bitch, he will be the Lord of all his houses, and that includes Peverell! He can force those blasted Goblins to give him everything! He only needs to find the Wand again(he still hasn't figured who, when or how the Elder wand had went missing), the brat has the Cloak and he knows where the Stone is. Soon he will be the Master of Death as he should be!

And then, nothing will stand in his way...

“Avada Kedavra!” He jolts at the sound of the curse, fear he was going to be killed before he could enact his revenge, but he needn't have worried.

Mundungus Fletcher kills the two Aurors on duty, grabbing the keys to the cage and quickly gets it open and gets him free before handing him his favorite maroon and periwinkle robes, they are woven from Acromantula silk and lined with dragon hide, the seemingly silly swirls dancing around every inch were carefully disguised enchantments and seals to make him near impossible to harm. Nothing short of the Killing Curse and the Cruciatus Curse can penetrate the armor and magic protecting him!

He quickly uses a Switching charm to get his robes on. His old deadwood wand, 12 inches with Dragon Heartstring, while a comforting weight in his hand, was not the one he wanted. The pair rush out of the cell and runs into Emilia Vance and good old Elphias Doge around the bend, between the four of them, they drop several more Aurors, either knocked out or killed. Dung is leading them towards the Department of Mysteries, where there are no anti Apparation wards. By now the alarms had sounded and the air was growing rapidly freezing cold and the wheezing breaths of the Dementors chasing them echos behind them.

“Expecto Patronum!” Vance shouts, shooting out a fog of white light that hardly impedes the horde of Soul Suckers.

They dive through a door and as soon as Dung gets a few feet in, he grabs Dumbledore and Apparates away with Doge and Vance not even a beat behind them. Needless to say, Amelia Bones is beyond furious...

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Fudge was not happy with the news that Dumbledore had managed to escape and was even more upset because now he was writing to Harry Potter about the threat to his life! So far they kept this out of the media, but it will not be long before the public hears and then his headache will be 1000 fold. He was barely keeping his position as is and now with this, he is sure to be kicked permanently from office! As if he was still not cleaning up Umbridge's mess! The woman could not even keep her racist views and beliefs at bay long enough to get in good with the most elite of society even the Creature Society! If she had waited until they were in a favorable position where they can easily threaten the filthy beasts and have no repercussions due to their actions, then they would have made out like bandits!

Creatures, due to their much longer lifespans and their deeper connection with magic and Lady Magic herself, they were incredibly rich, powerful and had access to magics that that the human Magicals either banned or forgotten. Magics that could make the Ministry the dominating force in the war! It doesn't help that the Unspeakables of the DoM won't do as he says or share their secrets with him, their dedication is strictly to Magic and educating the masses of the proper purposes of many of the old magics that are being reviewed and revived.

Fudge wanted and needed Harry Potter his side, or destroyed because the young man was had this unparalleled charisma. It was awe inspiring and yet frightening how he manages to get almost unanimous votes from the entire Wizengamont with maybe less then 10 people voting against him every time. Not to mention his knowledge was frighteningly insightful! The Unspeakables have actually been complaining because they would like to get Lord Potter to join their ranks if only to find out where and how he gets his information!

Shaking his head, Fudge finishes the letter and seals it tight before he hands it to his owl, it was an above average Great Horned owl, but still of the 'common' breeds. Unlike Potter's Snowy, a rarity for not only the breed but the fact she was one of the few females to be almost purely white like the males of the species. They say that only a truly powerful wizard could tame or bond with some of the rarest of creatures. Dumbledore's familiar was a Fire Phoenix, which was one of only 13 in the world! Which makes the news of his escape even harder to swallow because that means the old coot was not only very powerful, but extremely dangerous if he was willing to use the Xerxes Bridal Binding...

But how could he know it? It was one the Darkest forms of magic and not even You Know Who would dare to use it! At least, he's assuming he never would, but since the madman has thankfully stayed out of the limelight since the attack on the Department of Mysteries. And he's pretty sure he's been keeping an eye on the new feeds and knows that Potter is looking to speak on neutral grounds. As far as he knows they have yet to do so. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. On one hand, he can stop worrying about Death Eaters running amok and causing havoc everywhere they went, but what if Potter joins up with them and helps them take over Wizarding Britain? Clearly Potter wasn't siding with Dumbledore after what he did, but how to woo the powerful Lord into his corner?

Sighing, the balding man sends his owl off, hoping that at the least he can curry a bit of favor, maybe enough to earn a bit of coin or maybe a small trinket?

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Potter Manor was a lively affair with the comings and goings of many different Creatures, their leaders and representatives. The Ardans have refused to return home because like hell were they allowing Harry and Legolas to face this war alone. Harry was both moved and annoyed with them. Legolas took the time to teach magic to his fellow Elves, even the “small” battalion his father, Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond requested Gringotts to summon for them, offering them priceless weapons and tomes as compensation and Elrond was pleased when his sons arrived with their best tools and and set to work on commissioning a sword for the Goblin King as thanks and a sign of friendship. Gimli helped the pair, combining both Elvin and Dworrow smithing skills.

Severus was happily brewing away in the lab, being supplied by Harry's House Elves while Tom took one of the many offices for his own and was carefully looking over not only resumes for the new teachers to be coming in in for the second half of the school year onwards, but also for a new Headmaster or Headmistress for Hogwarts. Whatever chance the old codger could have remained in power as Headmaster was shot to complete shit now. Lucius did his job as the Second in command and kept the Death Eaters abreast of the situation, their tasks and their orders while getting the reports and passing them onto Tom. Harry himself was flitting back and forth between helping Tom pick new staff for the school, helping to hammer our his Death Eaters movements, helping the Ardans learn about his world and their magic better, sitting with the deligations of the Creatures and generally running everything else, but somehow making it seem as if he were following the others' leads.

So when the larger Great Horn swooped into his meeting with Count Tepes, he was a bit surprised. He did not recognize the animal and it clearly was not carrying anything that meant any shape or form of harm. It gave an imperious hoot, almost sneering at him as it shook the letter tied to its leg. Harry cocked a brow at the animal's rudeness and as soon as he took the letter, Hedwig was on the bird, screeching up a storm, pecking and clawing at it. She would not take such rudeness! He ignores the two fighting birds, trusting Hedwig to educate the rude puffball as he breaks the seal and reads the message from Fudge.


Everything glass in the room suddenly shattered into fine dust.

“Hadrian?” Vladimir asks, curious, as he sips from his goblet, thankfully metal, of virgin blood, willingly donated. It was simply delicious.

“It seems I will need to replace more than simply staff at the school. I mean I knew that I was going to slowly bully corrupt idiots out of the Ministry, but to be so utterly incompetent to keep a high risk prisoner from escaping?!” Harry was screaming by now, enraged.

“... Are you saying that Dumbledore's escaped?!” Vladimir chokes out, looking gobsmacked. “My god, what bunch of bumbling babbling baboons are they hiring!?”

“Apparently, only the finest slop that even pigs will not dare to eat...” Harry sneers as he calms down and begins pacing. A sharp flick of his hand has the damages reversed. “It seems I need to get those idiots out now or I will have more on my plate than is already there and I refuse to endanger innocents more than they already are... I trust you will spread the word to our Brethren?”

“Of course, my lord.” He stands, drains the last of his drink and bows. “After all, I have not seen a Devi in some years and I swore every Devi to ever come my way was to be guarded and aided. You will bring back balance to not only magic, but to all peoples. I look forward to raising my children in a time of peace. Maybe we could plan a few play dates for them when they are old enough to be able to play?”

“Of course! Thank you, Count Tepes. Here, a Sun Charm to keep you from harm.” He hands him a golden sun shaped pendant and the Count proudly puts it around his neck before he turns into a large bat and flies out the window as Harry then hurries to Tom's office.

“Hadrian?” Tom blinks as Lucius pauses in his reports, Rudo and Bastan instantly alert as Bella looks up from her sewing.

“Dumbledore escaped Ministry Custody. Fudge just told me...” He hands over the letter. “He is practically ordering me to see him so I can be placed in 'Protective custody.' If you cannot keep a barmy, old man prisoner, how can I be sure they will keep me safe? Not to mention that the Ministry gets broken into at least five times a week and that's your people's doing!”

“Indeed.... Best to send out a mass emergency summons of the Wizengamont, but first, I am sending a copy to Rita... she's been behaving herself so well, I think we should reward her with her favorite targets!” Tom smiles almost evilly.

“Very well, you get to unleash the hound. I've got letters to write and a future husband to inform and then calm down least he go and hunt down several idiots.... On second thought, I might just let him do it. It will reduce my headaches.” Harry says as he turns on heel and pauses when the world fades and suddenly he is looking at Death in His Throne room. “Papa? Why have been summoned?”



“Besides you not telling me what that old bastard almost did to me?” Harry asks, eyes narrowing as he crosses his arms, an angry frown (ie: Pout) forming on his face. “The Ministry somehow lost the old fucker and are practically demanding that I show up to placed in 'protective custody' until he is captured again.”












“Exactly! Now I'm going to have to speed up several of my plans to try and minimize the fallout of this war. I am hoping to keep it as short lived as possible. I do not want to give you more work than needed, nor do I want to risk losing what is left of certain Magical bloodlines that are on the verge of being snuffed out.”

Death nods, leaning back in His throne a moment before a golden book appears in a flash of black flames. Harry takes it with careful reverence and opens it, gasping as it flips to a page on its own and he can see what his Papa was willing to allow him to do to 'cheat' Him for now for many bloodlines.

“Thank you, Papa...”




The world comes back and Harry blinks as he is suddenly looking into the worried brown eyes of Lord Elrond, the Elf was using some of his magic to scan Harry. He pulls back and Harry looks around to see he laying on the sofa in Tom's office, Legolas is pacing back and forth, muttering darkly under his breath as Severus and Narcissa are waving their wands around him with every medical spell they can think of.

“Hadrian?” Elrond asks, making him look back at him. “Are you alright? You suddenly collapsed and nothing we did could wake you, but nothing in our examinations showed a cause either...”

“I'm fine, Papa Mors does this every now and again. Normally he waits until everyone is asleep so as not to panic you. But it was a bit of an emergency.” Harry assures him, sitting up with his help and is soon being hugged by the pregnant Lady Malfoy as Severus sits back on his heels, looking relieved, if a little annoyed. Legolas had heard and was now standing beside the Nodolin Lord, calming down, but Harry can see his nerves were fraying.

“What did he say?” Legolas asks, curious, but his voice is a bit of a growl, the Alpha still trying to force its way to the surface.

“I scolded him for withholding some information about the Binding, but I know he did it, because like hell was he going to allow anyone to have me.” Harry tells them and it seems to break the tension as they laugh at the image of The Death being scolded like a naughty child or pet! “I also told him what he missed and he much like the rest of us are wondering how stupid people can be. I voiced my irritations and concerns, to which Papa has given me not only a way to keep the death toll to a minimum, but to also help cheat him a little.”

“Cheating Death never ends well...” Severus says. “But the fact he is allowing, us to do it...” his mind was running a million miles a minute, thinking of possibilities. The limitless chances, opportunities and possibilities was imply mind boggling.

“I am going to need a meeting with the Heads of the Dark families, the few Light families on our side and those few in the Neutral as well. I have an idea and a plan...” Harry smiles brightly and everyone cannot help but smile along too, it seems they were about to create a bit of mischief....

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Hermione looked up when a Hogwarts Owl, a Quibbler Owl and a third she did not recognize, tapped on her bedroom window. She quickly got up and opened it, to let them in. The one from the Quibbler only stayed long enough to accept the 5 Knuts for the delivery fee and was back out. The Hogwarts Owl flew out, once its burden was removed, and perched on a tree branch near by to rest, pecking at some bugs crawling up the trunk. The third one remained sitting on her bed post even after she took the canister off its leg.

“Lemme see if there is any cold turkey left from lunch and I will bring a bowl of water so you can have a drink.” She tells it, it just blinks.

She hurries downstairs, asking her mum if there was any cold meats left over. Jeanne asked her why and after hearing that a few delivery owls had arrived, quickly pulled some cold turkey, chick and roast beef out, she cut them up into cubes and got out an older bowl, plastic, that they rarely use and filled it with fresh water. The two Granger women carried the food and drink up and set them on the window sill. The two Owls moved to them and began to eat and drink, resting for now.

“What's all this then? I know you get the news every now and again...” Jeanne says, pointing at the Quibbler. She's been reading it and found it both illogical and yet very fascinating. It was also informative, if a bit quirky. She was a very factual woman and her daughter was almost like her carbon copy, only much paler than her own bronze tone.

“I don't really know... One is from Hogwarts, the last is unknown.” Hermione admits and her mum tenses.

“We'll look over the Unknown one next, but first Hogwarts.” She says. She will admit that when Professor McGonagall came to their house almost 7 years ago and explained to them that their daughter was a Witch, she felt like her world suddenly turned on its head.

However, as they researched and asked every question that came to mind, they felt better, if still a bit scared for their daughter. However, the granduer of the school feels a bit overplayed, or maybe in the time between when Professor McGonagall was a student and now, the school has changed. The letters her daughter sends out complained about the lack of some classes, the almost severe level of outdated information in most and the utter abysmal accuracy of the rest. However Hermione was adept at self study and remained, not only out of a desire to be all she can, but to prove to all the naysayers at her new school, that just because her parents were Muggles, didn't make her any less of a Witch.

Jeanne had her reservations because many a time she learned important details from her daughter after the fact or because one of the Magical Parents felt it was their duty to pass on the info to the Muggle Parents. Things were rather frightening at that school and the fact her daughter was put into danger many times, almost made her say 'fuck it all' and pull her out, but Hermione was stubborn and remained steadfast because she finally had friends and a boyfriend, whom she refused to admit was her boyfriend. Funny how he bullied her until she punched him. Almost like herself and her darling David.

“Mum!!” Hermione's sudden shout startles her and the two raptors on the sill. “The Headmaster has been kicked out of the school! We are getting a new Headmaster! According to this, the Founding Lords have managed to correct years of damage, abuse and negligence! Parts of the school that were once in accessable or in disrepair have been brought back to their former glory, many classes that had been removed or banned due to prejudice and misinformation, are being brought back. They are also offering additional years to study for the students who have graduated in the last five years and are going to be graduating this year to make up for the lack. Starting this coming term we will have more classes, new professors and much better quality lessons as well as security! We can go with a legal Magical representative to Gringotts to arrange to pay for the additional schooling since the Ministry only covers the standard Seven Years.”

“What!?” She takes the letter and begins to read it.

Dear Students and Parents:

We are writing to inform you of some recent and rather radical changes in the school over this Winter Holiday. We the Founding Lords have spoken with Hogwarts, viewed the centuries of memories she has stored within her Heart and have found that much of which our Ancestors stood for, strove for, has been all but twisted beyond recognition. It saddens not only us, but Hogwarts herself to see the suffering and the slow tarnishing of not only her reputation, but the reputations of her fathers and mothers, especially Lord Salazar Slytherin.

So we have cleansed the wards, finding that many of the original wards have fallen either dormant or have been twisted to suit the needs of the many Headmasters that came after. We have found as well wards added in. Most of which were thankfully removed by Hogwarts herself, but in the last 50 years, new ones were added and have all but strangled the life out of Hogwarts. These wards allowed the Headmaster to not only spy on several children at all times, but allowed for Creatures of dangerous natures to enter the school grounds, allowed for dangerous artifacts to be brought into the school and even be used on the children in at least one case.

We have found wards that allow the Headmaster to manipulate the minds and wills of the students as well as allowing him to manipulate them into doing his will. The most distressing wards we have found allowed him to siphon off magic from every student, adding that to his own true power. With this discovery, we have asked the Goblins of Gringotts to kindly examine and fortify the wards. They will be ready by the time the Second term begins, however we understand if the parents feel that they do not wish to send their children back to Hogwarts.

The New Headmaster, Professor Amun'dei Anubis, will be taking over and has signed a contract with the Goblins stating he will remain neutral and unbias in these trying times. He has also been inducted under the eyes of the four of Us and knows that should he violate any of the clauses, not only will he be terminated, but risks the loss of both his magic and his life. With that we would like to share some good news:

We have noticed the severe lack in many classes, having been dropped or banned in the past for frankly stupid reasons, will be returning. And because of this, we felt we should include what the Muggles call, 'college' courses to the ciriculm. However these additional years will need to be paid for by the parents and families of the students since the Hogwarts tuition is handled by the Ministry and only pays for the standard 7 years. We understand that not everyone can pay for these, plus the materials, so we strongly urge parents, especially of those Muggle raised or Muggleborn, to please speak with the Goblins to have your child tested.

The tests are not harmful in anyway, but will help you find any surviving Magical relatives, or possibly a vault or two that can be used to help pay for your schooling and materials. We recommend that you take an identity test first and foremost to ensure you are who you claim to be, then ask for an Inheritance Test, which will go back three generations coupled with an Indepth Family History test, which goes back 10 generations. 10 Galleons (roughly £100-120) total since both are 5 Galleons a piece.

Now then starting this term, the following classes will be introduced in combination with the preexisting ones:

Core Courses:





History of Magic

Wizarding Travel Methods

Muggle Studies for the Magical raised students

Wizard Studies for the Muggle raised students

Politics and Etiquette

Ballroom Dancing

Dueling: Both Magical and Muggle

Defense: Magical and Muggle

Light Arts

Dark Arts

Care of Magical Creatures

Creature Culture: What to expect and taboos

Art and Music

Studying the Old Ways and their Practices

Physical Education

A/B/O Sex Ed and Etiquette

Elective courses:

Advanced Potions, Herbology and Introduction to Alchemy 101

Divination(for the students who test positive for Seer blood or abilities)

Arithmancy, Magical Theory and Spell Smithing 101

Advance Spell Smithing

Warding: Intermediate and Advanced

Advance Dueling and Defense: Magical and Muggle


Ancient Runes and Introduction to Warding 101

Ancient Rituals

International Cultures: History, Practices and Rituals


Prep for Real Life: Apprenticeship and Mastery Introduction

As you can see, the children will be given a much more filled learning schedule as well as having part time tutors coming in weekly to aid the students. We kindly ask the Parents and students to read the attached information packets on all the lessons being offered and to fill out the desired electives, permission slips for field trips and the contact list in the event of emergencies.

Students are allowed to bring their True Familiars with them, however the animal's information must be sent in advance so we may prepare to accommodate their needs and to ensure every student is protected.

We look forward to your response and hope to see you at the Welcome Back Feast this coming term!


Lord Enperadorea Slytherin

Lord Verasev Ravenclaw

Lord Neville Hufflepuff

Lord Hadrian Gryffindor

Professor Amun'dei Anubis, Headmaster of Hogwarts

Jeanne could not believe what she had just read, every fiber of her being was raging at the danger her child had been in for nearly seven years, the completely assinine methods the previous Headmaster had used to run the school and the sheer horror of the What Ifs that were now conjuring up in her mind. But one look at Hermione's delighted smile as she read the in-depth information packet, already ticking off all the classes she wanted to attend. The girl was so excited, a cat like tail and ears suddenly appeared and Jeanne gasped.

“Mum?” Her daughter asks.

“Mione, dear, you have cat ears and tail!”

“Oh... right... um, surprise?” She asked nervously, afraid that this might be the straw that breaks the camal's back.

“... That explains why Crookshanks keeps running out of catnip!” She cries, pointing accusingly at her daughter, who has the decency to blush and look abashed. “When your father gets home, we are going to Gringotts!”

“Yes mum! Does this mean I'm still going to Hogwarts for the next few years?”

“Only if, and that is a very big IF, these Founding Lord blokes can actually back up their words! However if there is one more incident, and I have to find out after the fact, young lady, I do not care if you are an adult, you are out of that school and going to Oxford!” Jeanne declares and Hermione agrees, before they both go over the packet together.

By the time they had finished, David had come home and found his wife and daughter in her room reading the papers from the canister that the third Owl had brought, turns out it was a Ministry Owl. He barely got his mouth open before Hermione's screech of indignation and her mother's slip into her native tongue of Arabic had him pausing.

“How could he do that!?” Mione demands as she paces back and forth for a moment before she is grabbing paper and a pen and quickly scrawling out a letter to Harry.

“What happened?”

“There is an Emergency Vote taking place that is going to affect the future of the Wizarding World. This is in light of Former Headmaster Dumbledore attacking Mione's friend, Harry at the Yule Ball, openly declaring war with House Potter. They are Voting to remove many of the corrupt officials, Dumbledore Supporters and the like out of office and are requiring everyone who has Presented and older to Vote! There is also a number of new Laws that are being put up next week to be either added or left to hang. They are asking that all of Age Magicals read them over, plus the information packets and to fill out the ballet. It is a Blind Vote, meaning no one in Office will see the results until the Wizengamont Meeting next week. Mione is worried for her friend.”

“What?!” David bellows and takes the missive as his wife quickly gets their things ready, they were leaving for Gringotts now....

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