Protection - Sookai

By TatorTotTati

26.6K 1.3K 682

Huening Kai and his half-brother, Jaehyun are living together while Huening Kai goes to school. After a lifet... More

Flash-Forward: New Year's Eve 💖
Prologue: Childhood 💔
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
(don't) Answer this please
decision made for last 'chapter'
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Epilogue 💝
Soundtrack - One (why do I make it sound like a movie lmao)
Soundtrack - Two (idk what I'm doing)

Chapter III

1.1K 56 39
By TatorTotTati

Maybe it was too fast
But I really didn't know how to make it stop
My feelings grew stronger
Hoping yours would've grown the same
But maybe it'll take a while
For us to be together
What if it's not meant to be?
How do I know if you want me?

❌‼️❌😶Error - Unknown 😶❌‼️❌

I immediately ran downstairs when I heard the screaming. "Jaehyun Hyung! Wake up!". I yelled, shaking Jaehyun as hard as I could. He continued to scream and tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'm sorry Eomma! I'm sorry!". "Jaehyun Hyung! Wake up please! It's just a dream!". I desperately yelled over and over. "Appa! Help me! Please! AHHH!". "WAKE UP HYUNG! PLEASE!". I begged. Jaehyun burst up from the couch, breathing heavily. "Are you okay Hyung!? Do you need anything!?". I asked frantically. Jaehyun shook his head and sighed in relief. "Was I screaming loud?". He asked. I nodded with a small pout. "Do you think you could get me some water?". I nodded to Jaehyun's request and immediately went inside the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and poured some fresh water. I went back out and saw Jaehyun sitting on the dining table and placed the cup on the table. "Here Hyung". I said. "Thank you Kai". He replied.

Jaehyun carefully grabbed the cup with shaking hands, murmuring to himself to calm down. "Do you need help hyu-". I gasped when Jaehyun dropped the cup, glass shattering all over the floor. Jaehyun began to breath heavily and backed away from me. "No no Jaehyun Hyung, it's okay. Calm down". I reached out to hold his hand but he swatted it away. "Don't touch me!". Jaehyun yelled. I furrowed my eyebrows, unsure of what to do. "I don't deserve your help! I'm such a fucked up person!". Jaehyun yelled, tears streaming down his face. "That's not true Hyung!". I tried to pull him into a hug but he pushed me harshly. "LEAVE ME ALONE!". I groaned loudly when my head hit the wall.

"JUST LET ME BE! I DESERVE TO BE ALONE! EVERYONE WILL ABANDON ME ANYWAY!". Jaehyun began to knock things around, sobbing uncontrollably. "I should just fucking kill myself already!". My eyes widened when I saw Jaehyun grabbing a knife from one of the drawers. I quickly got up and ran to Jaehyun, grabbing his wrists tightly. "JAEHYUN HYUNG! DON'T!". I demanded. Jaehyun struggled in my grip, desperately trying hard to hurt himself with the knife. "LET ME GO KAI! I DESERVE THIS! YOU KNOW I DO!". Jaehyun cried out. I shook my head. "You don't deserve anything bad Hyung! Just stop it!". I shouted, tears forming in my eyes. "EOMMA WAS RIGHT! SHE WAS RIGHT! I SHOULD'VE JUST KILLED MYSELF EARLIER! EVERYTHING WOULD BE BETTER!". I knocked the knife out of Jaehyun's hands and then pulled him away from the kitchen. "Stop resisting Hyung". I said softly, holding Jaehyun's waist tightly. I fell to my knees, exhausted and cradled Jaehyun in my arms. He cried into my shirt, harsher as I hugged him tighter. "Don't leave me Ningning! I'm sorry!". "Sh sh. I won't Hyung". I whispered. Jaehyun continued to cry and I only waited until he would fall asleep.

Thursday - October 3, 2019 🌺

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. It was kinda weird.
"Huening Kai? Jagi (babe) wake up. Come on". I groaned softly and struggled to open my eyes. I someone caress my head and tell me to wake up again.

"Who are you?". I asked quietly. The voice chuckled. I knew it was familiar but I couldn't see clearly. I rubbed my eyes, getting use to the light and then finally saw who was by my bed. I gasped and hugged the figure.

"Jungkook Hyung! You're back!". I exclaimed, hugging Jungkook as tight as I could.

"Calm down Jagi! You're gonna suffocate me!". Jungkook warned before laughing. I giggled and then pulled away.

"Now, you should get ready for school. I'm making breakfast downstairs". Jungkook then said, getting up. I nodded and then waited for him to leave the room.

I walked to the bathroom to wash up and brush my hair. Then I walked to my closet to choose some clothes. I didn't want to wear my uniform today so I would just wear the name tag. I chose blue ripped jeans, a yellow sweater with a white shirt underneath and my black converse. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked decent and that was enough. I skipped downstairs to the kitchen where Jaehyun and Jungkook were.

"Morning Jaehyun Hyung!". I greeted. Jaehyun smiled and waved at me. I sat down at the table and watched as Jungkook made scrambled eggs.

"How have you been Jaehyun?". Jungkook asked, placing a plate of food in front of him.

"Good I guess. Just working and all. Nothing new". Jaehyun replied.

"How about you Kai?". Jungkook handed me a plate of breakfast and looked at me with a small smile. I lifted my head to face him and smiled back.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired from school at times". I picked up my fork and began to eat breakfast. Jungkook sat between me and Jaehyun, waiting. After a few more minutes of us eating, I put the dishes away and grabbed my stuff for school. I waited by the door for Jungkook.

"Here, take this for lunch". He handed Jaehyun a bag of food and then caressed his head. "I'll pick you up when you're done with work".

"Ne. See you". Jaehyun said. Jungkook waved bye, walking me out to his car.

"Bye Hyung!". I climbed into the passenger seat, buckling myself in. Jungkook started the car and we drove off to the school building.

"Has Jaehyun taken any medicine?". Jungkook suddenly asked.

"No. I haven't been able to get it. He's been more sensitive but once he gets it, he should feel a bit better". I explained. Jungkook hummed and then spoke.

"I'll get the medicine once I drop you off".

"Kasahamnida". Jungkook reached over and grabbed my hand affectionately. "Hey, anything for you and Jaehyun".

We arrived at the school and Jungkook parked his car in the front. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked with Jungkook to the doors. "I'll pick you up okay? Make sure to eat lunch as well".

"Ne. I will Jungkook Hyung". I said.

"Huening Ah!". I then heard a voice yell. I looked to see Beomgyu with Yeonjun. I waved and smiled back.

"Okay, I gotta get going now. See ya later Jagi". Jungkook said softly. He pulled me into a hug and then kissed my forehead. I kissed his cheek and then waved bye at him, running to Beomgyu and Yeonjun.

"Hey! Our maknae is here!". Beomgyu exclaimed, hugging me. I chuckled and then hugged Yeonjun with a smile.

"Who was that?". Yeonjun then asked curiously.

"Ah, it was just one my hyung's freinds. Hes like my fake boyfriend". I explained before awkwardly smiling.

" he's not your actual boyfriend...?". Beomgyu asked with a surprised expression. I nodded.

"Well, that's good to know but we should head to class now". Yeonjun said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Ne! Let's go!". We walked to our classes together, talking about homework or the teachers. Beomgyu separated first to history and then Yeonjun dropped me off at English where Taehyun was waiting. Taehyun and I looked at each other with blank expressions. He approached me and spoke first with a soft tone.


"Hi..". I murmured.

"I didn't mean to offend you last night. I had no right to say anything about you or Jaehyun. I just wanted to help you but I only made you upset". Taehyun apologized before gesturing for a hug.

"'s okay. I shouldn't get mad. I know you only mean well.......".

"Will you forgive me?". Taehyun asked hesitantantly. I nodded with watery eyes.

"Always!". I cried before hugging Taehyun tightly. I sobbed into his shoulder, my hands gripping his shirt tightly. He rubbed my back affectionately and let me cry.

"Shh shh. It's okay Hyuka". He comforted. Taehyun cupped my face gently and wiped the remaining tears in my eyes. "Don't cry anymore. It breaks my heart". He whispered. I nodded and hugged him once again. "Let's go to class now Ningning".
🍱😁🍱😁🍴Lunch Time🍴😁🍱😁🍱

"May I please get a small order of Bulgogi?". I asked politely. The waitress nodded and picked up a bento from the small oven and handed it to me.

"That'll be 15₩". I grabbed my wallet and handed the woman the money.

"Kasahamnida!". I said before walking back to my lunch table. I sat down next to Taehyun and began to eat my lunch.


"Oh hi Taehyunnie!".

"Hi Ningning!". Yeonjun exclaimed.

"Hi Hyungie!". I greeted back. I used my chopsticks to pick up some food and then I fed it to Taehyun.

"Oh!". He ate it with a smile and then patted my head gently.

"You always feed me Hyuka. Only me. I wonder why".

"It's so you can get taller". I said before laughing. Taehyun smacked his lips and made a pouty lip.

"I'm kidding Taehyun Sii". I fed him another piece of beef.

"Hey guys!". I turned my head to see Beomgyu and Soobin. I immediately felt butterflies when I saw Soobin. Oh God. No. No no. I smiled awkwardly and waved. It got even worse when Soobin sat next to me so Beomgyu could be with his crush. Gosh dang it Hyung!

"So how are you Huening Kai?". Soobin asked, making me internally scream.

"Um.....uh....I....I'm f-fine....what a-about y-you?". I said, stuttering pathetically.

"I'm good but, are you actually okay?". Heat rushed to my cheeks as Soobin smiled at me, amused.

"I-I sorry. I don't know what's w-wrong today". I stammered.

"It's okay". I nervously laughed and then mentally face palmed myself. Stop being a little baby! I cleared my throat and then smiled at Soobin.

"So what do you think of this school so far?". I asked, starting conversation.

"It's pretty good actually. Most people are nice and I have you guys already". Soobin said.

"That's good, did you get your classes yet?". Soobin nodded and reached into his backpack to hand me his schedule.

"Hey! We have like 2 classes together! And the ones I'm lonely in, nice call!". I exclaimed. Soobin laughed, somehow looking like a bunny. It made my heart pound into my chest. Why is he so cute? How?

"Do you wanna walk to class together after lunch?". Soobin then asked. I nodded. "Always wanted to be part of a music class".

"Well, you are now and I'll make sure it's the best!".
📚📝📚💤🙄Class Time🙄💤📚📝📚

"Hello class! Hope you're all ready for today's session. But first, let me introduce a new student!". The teacher brought up Soobin to the front and smiled as he faced us.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Choi Soobin. I really like bread and love all things about music! Please treat me well". Soobin bowed and smiled to everyone as he walked towards me. "Mind if I sit here?". He asked, pointing to the empty seat next to me. I smiled and shook my head.

"Thank you Soobin! Now let's get today started! We're going to be starting a new project for the upcoming music festival!". The teacher said making most of the class cheer and clap. "And not only you get to do whatever you want but! You can have up to one partner for part of the project!". Oh. Wow. Kinda hope I can partner up with Soobin.

"Wow! My first day here and I'm already doing a project!". Soobin commented. I nodded.

"Yeah, we do that here alot. But don't worry, you'll get it I'm sure". I said. Soobin smiled and then patted my head. I blushed pretty noticably.

"Wanna be partners?". Soobin asked. I smiled embarrassed and nodded. "Yay!". Soobin clapped and cheered cutely. It made me want to giggle and just hug him but I can't. God. I'm so whipped and I've barely met him. Dang it!

"You have almost 2 months to prepare this! You each will be choosing any art related project to present for yourselves and then do your partner work that is optional! You can do anything you want as long as it's in the art industry and is appropriate. We can start now by picking partners, deciding on your duets and brainstorming your ideas for yourself. The festival is on December 24th so Christmas eve! You will have your Christmas break before and after that though! So don't feel too worried about time constraint! Remember to plan everything before consulting with me!". 

"So, what do you want to do?". Soobin asked.

"Well first of all, we need to know our talents. So, whatchu you got?".

"Well I can sing. I can rap, dance. I can also play a bit of piano". I looked at Soobin with a shocked expression.

"Uh wow....". Soobin's cheeks turned slightly red making me smile and look away. "That's a pretty good start. I can sing, rap, dance, and play piano pretty well". I said.

"We could do a duet then. We'll sing a soft song. Unless you don't want to of course". Soobin suggested nervously. I shook my head.

"No no, don't be upset. I love that idea". I assured Soobin.

"That's good to know. Guess we'll be seeing each other more often too. Do you wanna do the projects at my house or yours?".

"I would prefer your house if you don't mind". I said. Soobin smiled and nodded.

"We have a plan now!".
😶🏠☹️🏠🔪 Home🔪🏠☹️🏠😶

"Hey Ningning, Wanna walk home together?". Yeonjun asked, putting his arm around me casually.

"Sorry, I'm getting picked up by Jungkook Hyung". I answered. Yeonjun pouted.

"But I'm gonna be so lonely!". He yelled.

"Just come with me then. Hyung wouldn't mind". I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh really!? I definitely will now!". Yeonjun exclaimed. I rolled my eyes once again and we walked to the parking lot to meet with Jungkook. He was standing by his car, looking good as always, especially since girls were giggling at him while he winked.

"You know, you're kind of cheating of me and.....I don't appreciate it". I said, startling him.

"Oh hey Jagi!". He greeted. Jungkook pulled me into a hug.

"Who's this?". Yeonjun stepped up and introduced himself politely.

"Hi! I'm Choi Yeonjun! I'm basically Huening Kai's mother. He had offered me a ride home with your car so I hope you don't mind". Jungkook smiled and shook his head.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Yeonjun. I'm Huening Kai's fake boyfriend and guardian. Both of you can come inside the car now".

"So, got any jobs Yeonjun?". Jungkook asked. Yeonjun shrugged.

"Not much at the moment but I'm trying to work at this cafe I like".

"How was school for you both?". Jungkook then asked, looking at me with a smile.

"It was good. Same old, same old". I answered, leaning back into my seat.

"Can't say the same". Yeonjun then commented making me chuckle.

"Did you eat lunch Jagi?". I nodded. "Did you actually eat it?". I smacked my lips and looked at Jungkook.

"Of course I did. I had bulgogi. Of course I shared with Taehyun Sii though". I explained.

"Oh, your boyfriend". Jungkook teased.

"We've been over this Jungkook Hyung. I don't like Taehyun Sii that way. He just a close friend".

"It's such bullcrap though. You two would look good together". Jungkook said.

"How about we don't discuss this while Yeonjun Hyung is here". I then insisted.

"Oh no. You can continue all you want. I'm enjoying this honestly". Yeonjun said. I smacked my lips and reached back to slap Yeonjun's hand. He and Jungkook laughed making me turn red.

"Such teasers...". I mumbled before smiling.

"Alright Yeonjun, were here". Yeonjun climbed out of the car and then approached my window with a smile. I rolled it down and then kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye Hyung".

"Bye Ningning! Thanks for the ride as well Jungkook Hyung!".

"Yeah! Anytime Yeonjun!".

"Bye Hyung!". I exclaimed, waving until Yeonjun got inside the house.

"Eomma my ass. Bet he's got a crush on you too". Jungkook said, driving off. I sighed and threw him off. He had always thought that any boy I met had a crush on me. It was a nice fantasy. "So the medicine is in the little compartment in front of you as well as some money for rent or food". Jungkook then said. I opened the compartment, grabbing all the things promised. Jungkook pulled up on my driveway and then we both got out to the front door. I unlocked it and let Jungkook in. We took our shoes off and I walked towards my room.
"Woah woah woah! What about my goodbye kiss!?".

"Oops!". I turned around and then hugged Jungkook tightly. He kissed my forehead and then pointed at his cheek, waiting. I rolled my eyes amused and then kissed his cheek.
"Bye Hyung".

"See you in a bit Jagi". He responded before leaving.

Third Person POV

Huening Kai laid on his bed, thinking about Soobin. He wondered why he was so attracted to the older so suddenly. It was so early in their relationship. They were barely becoming just friends. Huening Kai sighed and then got out of bed. He decided to go find something to do. He walked out to the living room and saw how a mess it was. He murmured to himself and then proceeded to clean up. Huening Kai picked up all the trash, wiped down most of the surfaces, reorganized the furniture and decor, and then he made sure to do any dishes and put away laundry. After at least an hour, he was done. And he was no longer bored. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Jungkook and Jaehyun. "Hi Hyungs!". Huening Kai greeted.

"Hey Kai, how was school?". Jaehyun asked quietly.

"It was okay. Same as always". Huening Kai answered. "How was work?". He then asked. Jaehyun shrugged and then walked past Huening Kai to his room. "Is he okay?". The younger asked. Jungkook sighed and shrugged.

"I'm not sure honestly. He's been a bit moody. He won't take his medicine".

"I'll try to get him to take it in a bit".

"Okay. Well I brought take out so we can eat". Jungkook said. Huening Kai nodded.

"I'll go wash my hands and then get Jaehyun Hyung out of his room".

Huening Kai went to the bathroom, washed his hands and then headed upstairs to get Jaehyun. He knocked on the door. "Jaehyun Hyung? It's time for dinner. Wash your hands".

"I'll be out in a bit!". Jaehyun yelled through the other door. Huening Kai walked downstairs and then looked through the cabinets for Jaehyun's medicine.

"Here's your food Jagi".

"Oh thanks Kookie Hyung". Huening Kai grabbed his plate and Jaehyun's and then placed them on the table. Jungkook sat down and smiled as Jaehyun sat down next to him. "Take your medicine Hyung. Please". Huening Kai placed the medicine in front of Jaehyun, who rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine Kai".

"No. You're not. You need to take the medicine". Huening Kai replied.

"I don't need it".

"Yes you do Hyung".

"No!". Jaehyun took a deep breath when Jungkook put a hand on his shoulder. "I don't need the medicine. Both of you need to stop. Please". Jaehyun demanded. Huening Kai scoffed.

"What makes you think you don't need it!?". He yelled.

Jaehyun slammed his fist on the table. "Don't fucking yell at me!". He stood up and slapped Huening Kai in the face.

"JAEHYUN!". Jungkook yelled. He immediately got up and stood between the two brothers.

"Who do you think you are!? HUH!?". Huening Kai faced Jaehyun, holding his red cheeks.

"I don't care who I am! I'm trying to take care of you!". He yelled. Jaehyun growled and pushed Jungkook into the counter. He grabbed Huening Kai by his hair and then dragged him out of the kitchen.

"YOU DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!". Jaehyun punched Huening Kai in the face and then threw him onto the floor. "THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE! UNDERSTAND!?". Jaehyun started to kick Huening Kai in the stomach, screaming at him over and over.

"H-hyung! Please s-stop! I'm s-sorry!". The younger began to cry out. He had tears streaming down his face and he yelled out in pain everytime Jaehyun hit him.

"JAEHYUN! LEAVE HIM ALONE!". Jungkook rushed to the scene and pushed Jaehyun off of Huening Kai.

"WHY!? HE DESERVES TO BE BEATEN! JUST LIKE EOMMA DID TO ME!". Jaehyun spat. Jungkook held Huening Kai in his chest and began to argue with Jaehyun.

"No he doesn't! He's never done anything to you to deserve it!".


"HE HELPED YOU ALL THE TIME! AND YOU KNOW IT! HUENING KAI HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR YOU AND YOU PAY HIM BACK WITH THIS!". Jaehyun screamed into his hands and then stomped upstairs to his room. Jungkook sighed frustrated and helped Huening Kai up. "Are you okay Jagi? Did he make you bleed at all?". Jungkook asked. Huening Kai shook his head and sat down on his table seat.

"I'm fine...". Jungkook smacked his lips to the lie and pulled Huening Kai into a tight hug.

"You're not Jagi". He whispered. The younger began to sob in Jungkook's chest, his hands gripping the older's shirt tightly. "It'll be okay Jagi. I promise". Jungkook heard as the younger cried harder and harder, releasing all his stress. "It's okay......".

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