- CapeBoy The Hedgehog - The...

By CapeBoy357

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Some Years after the events of Shadow The Hedgehog some Strange Things will Happen in the Sonic Universe Turn... More

How it Started (Remastered)
After The Fight (Remastered)
Chaos Energy
a look into the Past (Remastered)
New Universes
Alternate Characters (Encore)
The Sword of Chaos
the Other Rivals of Team Sonic
Training for The World Cup
Training for the World Cup Part 2
Start and Explanation of The World Cup
the Second Race
The Truth about the World Cup
No Profit
achieving heights on own (Remastered)
Doing Something out of Metal
New Team Mate
Visiting a New Universe
The SMG4 Crew
a little Race
Metting Alternativ Selfs
The Fight between two Hedgehog's
After the Battle
Playing a little Prank
a diffrent Universe
An Interessting Fight
Godly hights
a trick in the Back Hand
An evil Couple
Knowing More About the Thives
The Plan of the Thieves
Making Progress
Tracking Down SMG3 and Desti
Finding Clues
Finding SMG3's and Desti's Base
Looking Threw The Lab
What Desti and SMG3 Are planning
Further Evolution (Remastered)
Day in Peace [who believes it at least]
The First Chaos Emerald
A New Rival (Encore)
CapeBoy joins Smash Bros
From a happy day to the Worst Nightmare
Taiming a Lion
Violet's Backstory
Power of the Sun and Moon
Laying and using a Bait
Showdown! Hyperstyle!
New Upgrades
Exploring Mobius (part 1)
Sol City
Saving Lives
a new opponent
New allies
Display of Power
Pure Strength
Running instead of Fighting
Theory Explanation
Race against Time
Fighting till the Last Breath
The Beginning of the Finally
A Turn of Tabels
Final Showdown
New Ability's
Demonic Appearances [Encore]
The Lord Of The Exe's [Encore]
A Different Type of Demon
Growing Darkness
Parted Paths
The Chaos Errupts
Rival Battle Takeing Further
Time Of Judgement
The Verdict

Practice Race (Remastered)

36 2 0
By CapeBoy357

*Shadow, CapeBoy and Rouge got in there Postions for The Race*

Shadow: Ready everybody ??

CapeBoy: i was born ready

Rouge: ready when you are

Shadow: allright 3 2 1 GO!

*Shadow threw Chaos Spear in the air and has let it Explode at the same time all three speeded on their Boards all three were drifting and speeding throuth the whole course and finished the First Lap at the same time*

Rouge: not bad for a first timer

CapeBoy: thank you and i only practiced for half an hour

*Shadow started to use a Railway and Rouge started to fly a other way while CapeBoy speeded through the Course Normaly*

CapeBoy: - damit i am slower than both of them maybe i can use the Sword to increase my Speed -

*CapeBoy Focused on absorbing energy of the Sword of Chaos and Transformes into a new Form where his fur got a Golden Color glow*

CapeBoy The Hedgehog: *Unlocked the Power of the Super Form and is now at Level 1 with it, He can boost his Abilitys greatly for as Long as he can hold the Form*

Super CapeBoy: WOW this power is amazing

*Shadow felt immense Energy and got stunned by it and felt from the Board while*

Shadow: what the Hell is that Energy *he doesnt get back on his board instead he glides to the Finish line and waits there*

*CapeBoy flew at the Speed of sound and saw Shadow on the Finish line and stoped at once*

Super CapeBoy: Shadow why did you stop ?

Shadow: i felt an immense Energy and fell from my board and as i see you Turned into the Super Form

Super CapeBoy: that is the Super Form ?

Shadow: Mhm

Super CapeBoy: wow it feels amazing

Shadow: how did you turn Super Anyway?

Super CapeBoy: i saw you using railway and Rouge flying a other route soo I though I try to absorb a little Bit Energy from the Sword to get atleast a little Speed boost and Turned into this

Shadow: Interessting

Super CapeBoy: is it allowed to use such a power ?

Shadow: well Sonic back then used Super Aswell but I would't do it there might be some rules which are for things that incresses Speed like the Super Form

Super CapeBoy: allright then, how do i turn back to Normal now ?

Shadow: just Relase the Energy you absorbed

*Super CapeBoy cloesd his Eyes and relased all the Energy and went back to his base form, Rouge flew by and landed near Shadow and CapeBoy*

Rouge: boys what happend ?

Shadow: just a little accident, thats all

*Shadow winked CapeBoy and smiled*

Rouge: allright thats it for today huh ?

CapeBoy: yep lets go home

Shadow: Change of plans, I take Rouge back to her home, and you head to the Ark yourself we will see each other later

CapeBoy: Got it, see you soon then

*All three said their Goodbyes and separated with CapeBoy Teleporting himself with Chaos Control to the Ark and Shadow warping himself with rouge to the headquarters of G.U.N*

CapeBoy: - well what do I do now ? maybe I should practice a bit with the new Moves, but first time to move The Sword in the Pocket dimension CHAOS ALTERNET -

*The Sword of Chaos disappeard from his hands*

CapeBoy: - I still can feel the presence of the Sword that is a good sign but I need the Book with Chaos Moves CHAOS ALTERNET -

*The Book of Chaos Moves appeard in CapeBoys hands and he started to read threw it*

CapeBoy: - lets see Chaos Spear, Control, Blast wait a minute Chaos Blast that must be the move i somehow activated when Eggman attacked Emerald Village *he keeps reading about Chaos Blast* "its a powerful move which transfroms the Energy of the User into a Destructive Wave" that sure is usefull, but lets see what other things are in here *his eyes land on one Move he is Interessted in* - this one is Interessting "Chaos Breaker a powerful blast which cleans the Soul from the Victim from alll evil maybe" i should keep that in mind for the future I think I should work on Moves on my own -

*CapeBoy went to the Training Room and charged his Energy in his Hands*

CapeBoy: - lets see, this time I try to create a Energy Ball -

*CapeBoy Raised his hand in the Air and formed a Ball out of the Energy, CapeBoy spended more Energy into the ball which made it bigger and Stronger*


The Ball flow at the Target and Exploded

CapeBoy: - Thats a strong move not bad, maybe since i got time on my hands I can keep training; Maybe I get more Results! -

[Many Hours pass by and Its not 2 A.M]

*CapeBoy Felt Shadow's Energy on the Bridge and warped there and Saw Shadow tiptoeing through the Room, CapeBoy standed still on the and watched with the his Arms crossed*

CapeBoy: - Should I ? definitely I should -

*CapeBoy Concentrated on the Energy that he felt from the Sword of Chaos and Snaped his Fingers to Stop time, CapeBoy took Shadow and Placed him towards the Glass where both could watch the Earth CapeBoy Resumed Time by snaping again*

Shadow: What the Heck

CapeBoy: well did we had some fun huh?

Shadow: why couldnt i feel your Energy?

CapeBoy: I lowerd it

Shadow: and how did you took me to this spot ?

CapeBoy: i focoused on the Energy of the Sword and used Chaos Control, So what happend ?

Shadow: ok fine we had some fun but thats it

CapeBoy: fine if you Say so good night then

Shadow: good night

(well someone achieved a new Form spicy cya guys)

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