Protection - Sookai

By TatorTotTati

26.6K 1.3K 682

Huening Kai and his half-brother, Jaehyun are living together while Huening Kai goes to school. After a lifet... More

Flash-Forward: New Year's Eve 💖
Prologue: Childhood 💔
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
(don't) Answer this please
decision made for last 'chapter'
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Epilogue 💝
Soundtrack - One (why do I make it sound like a movie lmao)
Soundtrack - Two (idk what I'm doing)

Chapter I

1.2K 65 28
By TatorTotTati

Just thinking about your name makes me feel nervous
I wonder if I feel safer when I see you in person though
It's always hard to know if I should let someone new in
Especially if I can't offer them anything

❌️‼️❌😶Error - Unknown😶❌‼️❌


"Is it seriously that hard to make dinner!? HUH!?". Jaehyun yelled. He threw the plate of food across the room, breaking glass and making a mess. "YOU'RE SO FUCKING USELESS! DONT YOU KNOW THAT!?". Huening Kai began to cry and he immediately apologized. "I'm sorry Hyung! I'm sorry Jaehyun Hyung! I promise I'll do better next time!". Jaehyun scoffed and then screamed manically. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH! CANT EVEN DO ONE THING RIGHT! NOT EVEN IF IT'S FOR YOUR HYUNG! WHO WORKS AND GIVES YOU EVERYTHING!". Huening Kai sobbed uncontrollably and slowly backed away from Jaehyun. "I'm not fucking done with you!". Jaehyun screamed. He grabbed Huening Kai by his hair and slapped him harshly. "I'm sorry Hyung!". Huening Kai yelled once again. He held his cheek, laying on the floor. "SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT!". "PLEASE HYUNG!". Huening Kai shielded himself from Jaehyun who began to punch and kick him. Huening Kai's cries became louder and harsher each time Jaehyun hit him. "GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!". The older demanded. Huening Kai scrammed upstairs and then slammed his door to lock it quickly. He whimpered afraid and then began to cry again. "I'm sorry Jaehyun Hyung! I'm sorry!". Huening Kai fell down to the floor, back against the door and face in his knees. "I'm sorry.......". He whispered.

Tuesday - October 1, 2020 🌺

Huening Kai's POV

Omg nooooooo. I groaned softly and pulled my sheets over my head to try and block the sound.

If I don't get up and leave soon. I'll have to see Jaehyun Hyung. I sighed mentally and threw myself out of bed. I grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom to wash up. I made sure to do my hair and brush my teeth. After I was done, I went to my closet for clothes. I grabbed something random, changed, and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Opening the fridge, I grabbed a bag of dumplings from leftovers, heated it up and then grabbed my backpack to leave the house. I suddenly heard a door open and footsteps. Oh frick. Gotta run. I quickly rushed out the front door and ran on the route to school. If Jaehyun had saw me, he would kill me. I pulled out my phone and dialed Yeonjun.

"Good morning Ningning!". He exclaimed. I smiled and cleared my throat.

"Morning Hyung! Just wanted to see if you could walk me to school".

"Yeah! Of course! I think I'm pretty close to you. Just walking down the street". Yeonjun explained. I smiled and then hung up. "NINGNING LOOK BEHIND YOU!". I heard a voice yell. I made a confused look and turned my head to see Yeonjun running towards me. He jumped onto me, basically squeezing me.

"Hyungie!". I whined.

"What? I'm just saying hi to my Ningning". Yeonjun said. He squished my cheeks and then pushed me forward. "Let's go to school now". I complied and then intertwined our hands.

"Did you do the math homework?". I asked. Yeonjun laughed and then shook his head.

"Did you?".

"Of course not!". I answered.

We both laughed then began to complain about the class. "The homework did not make sense. It was like this". I said. "Class is 4 x 4 = 16.
Homework is, ariana grande is 100ft tall and she eats 8 apples a year, how much longer is her hair than justin bieber's albums playlist in total?". Yeonjun burst out into laughter.

(I thot it was funny at the time guys stop bullying me about it I'm not changing it lol but seriously I know it's so stupid😭😭🖐️)

"Omg! That's so true though!". He yelled. Yeonjun held his stomach from laughing too hard, almost collapsing. I sighed and then held him tightly.

"Don't die from laughter Hyung. I need you". I said softly. Yeonjun nodded and took deep breaths. "Lets just get to class now. We don't wanna be late".

"Ne! but first! Dumplings!". I exclaimed. Yeonjun gasped dramatically when I pulled out the bag of dumplings and handed him two.

"My Ningning is the best". He complimented before stuffing his face down. I laughed and then ate my own.
📚📝📚💤🙄Class Time🙄💤📚📝📚

"Please write these notes on the board and then we'll discuss with our classmates what the notes are talking about". I grabbed my pencil out and began to write on a sheet of paper. The teacher has always made us write notes that weren't even important but I wouldn't complain if it gave me a good grade. After I was done, I turned around to talk to Taehyun who was finishing up.

"Hi Taehyunnie Sii". I greeted.

"Hi Hyuka, how's your morning going?". Taehyun replied. I hummed softly and answered calmly.

"Good. Just upset from last night".

"Did you and Jaehyun fight again?". Taehyun asked quietly. I nodded with a pout. He reached over and patted my head gently. "It's okay. Don't think about it. Just relax with me for now". Taehyun smiled at me sweetly and then held my hand tightly. "Did he leave any marks?". I nodded my head. "Let me see". Taehyun said quietly. I showed Taehyun the bruises and cuts under my sweater and he frowned. He caressed them gently and then pulled my sleeves down. "What were you guys fighting about?". He asked.

"He got mad that I didn't make the dinner he wanted. He started to throw the food and plates at me too". I explained quietly, looking down. Taehyun caressed my hand with his thumb, listening well.

"You need to move out Hyuka. Maybe go with Jaehyun's friend. He takes care of you". He then insisted. I shook my head.

"He takes care of me and Jaehyun and plus, I can't leave Jaehyun. He'll be alone and won't be able to do anything himself".

"So you're gonna let him repay you with abuse?". Taehyun argued. I shrugged his question off and turned back to the front of the class.

"Now class, please partner up with people not around you and talk about the notes". The teacher said. I groaned softly but then smiled. I immediately ran to Beomgyu who was on the other side of the classroom.

"Hi Hyung!". I exclaimed, startling Beomgyu. I laughed to his reaction and then waited for him to respond.

"You're so loud and tall yet somehow you sneak around and act so cute". Beomgyu said before chucking awkwardly.

"Well anyway, how's your week going". I asked, changing the topic. Beomgyu seemed to be in thought for a bit and then he snapped his fingers with an enthusiastic smile.

"Well actually! I just found out that my best friend from Ansan is moving over here to Seoul! He's already here and I'm gonna see him soon! I'm pretty happy about it". Beomgyu explained before clapping excitedly. I smiled widely.

"That's great Beomgyu Hyung! I'm so happy for you!". Beomgyu chuckled.

"I was actually gonna introduce him to you all tomorrow since he's transferring here". He then said.

"Well I can't wait to meet him. What his name?". I said.

"Soobin". Why do I feel butterflies right now? I feel like I know this person. Why? I've never known a Soobin. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and looked at Beomgyu.

"Well I can't wait to meet this Soobin Hyung". Beomgyu smiled and then clapped again.

"So you'll meet him tomorrow?". He asked.

"Sounds great!".

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