Family Is Family 2

By AmiraEgyptian95

6.8K 321 69

It is about a family that faces many problems in their life, but what ever happens they stand by each other a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (1)
Chapter 30 (2)

Chapter 5

250 12 3
By AmiraEgyptian95

'those streets right before your house never failed to scare me' Abhishik said to Shahrukh when they both stepped down from their cars

'you should be getting used to it' Shahrukh said jokingly

Abhishik laughed then said 'I don't know why Saif didn't come with us!'

'leave him alone, he is a few days away from his marriage party. He must be nervous' Shahrukh said sarcastically when they were on their way towards the house

'it is his loss he is missing the celebration'

Shahrukh stopped and so did Abhishik 'Abhishik can I trust you?' Shahrukh asked

'of course, what is the matter?'

'I know that now you are no stranger. But Poja .. Auntie Poja doesn't know about the new position. We aren't scared of her, but that will lead to some problems and we don't want any problems especially these days... you know Preity's wedding and all' Shahrukh said to Abhishik who seemed not to understand why Poja will be angry or what problems may happen. That's because Amira told him the story from her side, she talked only about herself, Shahrukh and their parents. Before he opened his mouth Shahrukh talked again 'I know that everything isn't clear, it is a long story, but trust me sooner or later you will find out about everything' Shahrukh said and Abhishik nodded silently then they walked again.

'Anarkali' Shahrukh called when he entered the house

'yes sahb' Anarkali said and came towards Shahrukh

'where is everyone?'

'they are at the living room upstairs, Preity ma'am came back and is showing them what she bought' Anarkali said then talked again happily 'Do you know that she bought me a dress to wear at her wedding?'

'oh that's sweet of her' Shahrukh said giving her a big smile

'Abhishik sahb, do you want me to get you anything?'

'no thank you'

'okay let's go upstairs' Shahrukh said. When they were heading upstairs they saw Poja coming down

'oh Abhishik, what a pleasant surprise!' Poja said happily

'hello auntie' Abhishik replied with a big smile

'I am happy to see you more often at our house; after all you are one of the family' Poja said challengingly looking at Shahrukh who kept looking coldly back at her

'of course auntie, you are a sweet family, you just really need to party a little bit more'

'sure my dear, a lot of celebrations are on the way. Don't leave before you take the invitations' Poja said patting over Abhishik's cheek gently, before Poja walks away; Shahrukh saw a look in her eyes to him that he didn't understand, it wasn't a challenging look, nor hatred. It was a look that he didn't understand only at that very time and didn't expect to understand it later.

Shahrukh flinched when Kajol snapped her fingers in front of his face, he was sitting with everyone in the living room but fully absent minded, he didn't know for how long he remained like this before Kajol grabbed his attention.

'are you okay?' Kajol asked and seemed worried

'yeah, don't worry' Shahrukh said smiling, but Kajol didn't feel like and kept looking at him silently 'where are the photos?' Shahrukh asked suddenly

'you are changing the topic' Kajol said rolling her eyes

'yes I am, where are they?' Shahrukh said with a big smile

'come on' Kajol shook her head, she stood up and so did he. They left the room with no one noticing as everyone was busy talking with Preity who kept talking about how her day was and the things she bought.

Kajol opened the two doors of the study then she and Shahrukh came in 'here they are, I prepared them for you when you texted me' Kajol said grabbing the two photo albums that were over her father's desk. They sat on a couch at the corner of the study and she handed Shahrukh the albums who started flipping the pages.

'slowly, I want to watch too' Kajol said

'okay sorry' Shahrukh said and started the photos from the beginning

'you don't seem okay since morning' Kajol said but Shahrukh didn't reply and acted busy looking at the photos 'what's with the photos thing anyway?' Kajol asked

'these festive days makes me nostalgic' Shahrukh said calmly fixing his eyes on the photos

'that one is my favorite, it is your photo when you were small, sitting in a bucket and laughing to the camera' Kajol said happily pointing at one of the photos, then Shahrukh's eyes moved to a very old photo of his parents, him, Amira as a baby and some of his mother's friends which he doesn't recognize any of them.

Kajol looked sadly at him and held his hand 'you really miss them, right?'

Shahrukh leaned his head over her shoulder 'I do' he said sadly

'does it mean that you finally forgave them?'

Shahrukh gave a big sigh 'well I think I did' he said touching the photo with the tip of his fingers

'that's great Shahrukh' Kajol said in excitement, he sat up and looked away. Kajol gently moved his face towards her, he looked down with his teary eyes 'that's the right thing Shahrukh' she said placing her palms over his cheeks. Shahrukh suddenly hugged her

'thanks for being here with me Kajol, I don't know what I would do without your presence in my life' Shahrukh said with broken voice

Kajol hugged him back 'I am always by your side' Kajol said reassuring while patting over his back

"I can assure you that my brother might die without you'' Amira's words echoed in her ears which made her smile. After few seconds they pulled back.

Shahrukh cleared his throat 'I think we should be joining the others'

'yeah, I agree, it is not nice to leave them all this time and Abhishik is there too. I think we should go back' Kajol said, but before she took the album Shahrukh stopped her when he was looking at one of the photos.

'who did this?' Shahrukh said pointing at a cut in one of the photos, it was his father, Poja, his mother and there was someone else in that photo but he was cropped except for his hand which was over his mother's left shoulder.

'I don't know, maybe Meera or Shivan did this; that's why we keep these albums away' Kajol said and Shahrukh shrugged his shoulders then Kajol took the photo albums from Shahrukh, she stood up and placed them back at their place in the big library in her father's study. The she looked back at Shahrukh who was stretching his hand to her, she held his hand happily and they went out of the study.

'where were you?' Amira asked when Shahrukh and Kajol sat back next to her on the couch

'I thought no one noticed our absence' Kajol said

'no one did, except me a few seconds ago'

'I was showing your brother the photo albums'

'oh, I have seen these photos thousands of times' Amira said with pride

'what photos?' Abhishik asked as he was sitting right next to Amira on the same couch

'the family photos' Shahrukh told him

'the photos that I really want to see are Abhishik's' Amira said happily

'on one condition' Abhishik said


'you all come to my house'

'well that's an easy condition' Shahrukh said

'well then, all of you are invited to our house tomorrow' Abhishik said out loud

'tomorrow? That is too soon, will your mother be ready to have us as guests so suddenly?' Poja asked in surprise

'you all are always welcome' Abhishik replied to her 'I am sure mom won't have any kind of objection' Abhishik said moving his gaze to Amira and then he winked to her, she gave him a big smile and looked down shyly. Poja's smile faded at this view and Shahrukh was the only one to notice. It was the first time to have so much fear in his life, he looked back at his sister who is laughing with Abhishik, Shahrukh won't care if Poja ever hurt him but he won't allow Poja to even think of hurting his sister. All this happened in a part of a second that Shahrukh was thankful to god that Kajol didn't notice his worried face and when she looked back at him he just put a big smile on his face like nothing happened.

It was the morning of a Sunday, where it was everyone's day-off. After the breakfast the family started to get ready to go to the Bachchans house to spend the day with them. The Bachchans house was a big fancy one, not as luxurious as Arjit's house but it tells you how rich are the people living inside.

The door bell rang and a maid went to open it, she asked everyone to come in and that Jaya is coming to welcome them. A few seconds and Abhishik appeared and guided them to the sitting room.

'the next time you come in to this house you will be in the bride clothes' Abhishik leaned to Amira and said and she blushed

'your house is great Abhishik' Shahrukh said sweetly to Abhishik

'I hope your sister likes it too' Abhishik whispered to Shahrukh

'who said that I will let her leave me? You are living with us after marriage' Shahrukh whispered back

'I can't hear what you are saying' Amira said to Abhishik and Shahrukh

'me neither' Kajol said giggling. Then she looked back at Rani, everyone came into the sitting room except Kajol and Rani 'are you okay?' Kajol asked kindly and Rani nodded silently

'come on Rani, I know you are still worried about Preity and the more the wedding days are closer the more you are worried'

'I am scared, I want everything to go as we planned' Rani said sadly

'everything will go as we planned. It is all about Preity now. Is it what she wants? Yes. Is she happy? A big yes' Kajol said and placed her palms over Rani's shoulder 'try to think of yourself a little bit and enjoy the life, one Shahrukh is enough Rani' Kajol said jokingly and Rani chuckled then both came in and joined everyone.

Few seconds then Jaya and Amitabh entered the sitting room to welcome everyone. When Jaya appeared Amira ran towards her at once and hugged her 'I missed you so much' she said happily

'I missed you too sweetheart' Jaya said happily hugging her back, then Amira looked up at Amitabh who just stood there looking at her blankly, Amira pulled back slowly and folded her palms politely 'namaste' she said shyly after realizing how she behaved

'namaste' Amitabh replied back and then Amira went back to stand in between Shahrukh and Kajol shyly pouting, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

'she is a big fan of you' Shahrukh said to Jaya smiling

'she is so dear to my heart too Shahrukh' Jaya replied back sweetly, Shahrukh wondered thousands of times that how a delicate and sweet woman ended to be Amitabh's wife. All then sat down after the welcoming phase.

'you have a very beautiful house Amitabh' Arjit said looking around admiring the house

'thank you Arjit, its Jaya's taste of beauty' Amitabh replied smiling

'she has a great taste actually' Poja commented

'thank you Poja, I am really glad that you accepted Abhishik's invitation' Jaya said sweetly

'I hope we aren't annoying you, he just invited us yesterday at night' Kajol said quickly

'don't say that, you are always welcome darling. I am afraid that Abhishik is the one annoying you' Jaya said

'no auntie, we really enjoy his company' Shahrukh said

'thanks yaar' Abhishik said to Shahrukh then looked at his mother 'see they don't mind at all'

'just checking' Jaya said and giggled

'Don't say that Jaya, Abhishik can visit us at anytime, I would love to see you and Amitabh more often at our house. It is not just the friendship that connects me and Amitabh but we are becoming one family soon' Poja said confidently with pride. Jaya and Abhishik exchanged looks silently.

'so how are the preparations for the celebrations going?' Amitabh asked

'great' Preity replied at once 'it is only few days away and I am really excited yet nervous'

'well great honey, congratulations' Amitabh said and gave a strange look as if this wasn't the answer he was waiting for

'don't worry, everything will go as planned' Poja said to Amitabh reassuring

'what do you mean Poja?' Arjit asked unable to guess what is going on

'excuse me auntie, but why would Mr Bachchan be worried when it is "My Day"?' Preity asked in wonder

'because my dear at the same day, we will be announcing Abhishik and Kajol's engagement' Amitabh explained

'what!' Jaya, Abhishik, Shahrukh and Arjit said at once

'mom please explain what is going on' Kajol said in anger

'what? Don't act surprised, I have prepared you for a day like this and you always knew that you and Abhishik are meant to be. It is only a couple of months until you finish your studies. So this was the suitable time for engagement, actually we were just announcing, but you will have an engagement party someday else' Poja replied at once

'when did you plan this? And why didn't you tell me first?' Arjit asked Poja angrily

'would you object something like this? I thought you would never stand in your daughter's way and waste a great opportunity to marry a decent man, not any helpless beggar under the name of love' Poja replied coldly and sarcastically

'so that's why you invited us? That's what you wanted us to hear?' Amira stood up shouting at Abhishik

'Thank you so much Abhishik' Shahrukh stood up and said angrily in disgust through his teeth, then he grabbed Amira's hand and was on his way out of the room

'Shahrukh!' Kajol called and followed him

'I swear I am as surprised as all of you' Abhishik stood up, ran and blocked their way, he said trying to calm Amira down then he looked at Shahrukh 'Shahrukh please make her believe me'

'What is this nonsense Abhishik?, why are they talking to you like this?' Amitabh asked furiously and stood up too

Abhishik replied but still looking at Shahrukh and Amira 'it is right that I invited you, but it is not about the photos, I was going to tell him about our relationship but then all of this happened' then Abhishik looked at his father 'I know from the beginning that it was me and Kajol who were supposed to be the ones meant to be. But I know that Kajol loves someone else' Abhishik said looking back at Shahrukh and Kajol 'and so do I, I love Amira and I am marrying her' he said and held Amira's hand and pulled her towards his side and both went near to Amitabh

Amitabh suddenly slapped Abhishik in front of everyone 'how dare you! Did I die so you take decisions on your own?'

'I love her' Abhishik said in a broken voice, still holding Amira's hand tightly

'this is childish! We don't get married just for love; there are other important things, social level, family and reputation. From all the girls you have ever met you chose to have a relation with this girl and her brother, this very girl! I am shocked!'

'how dare you talk about them like this?' Rani asked angrily, at the same time Shahrukh grabbed Amira's hand furiously and they went out. Kajol just looked at him going away silently

'Shahrukh and Amira are part of the family and will always be even if you didn't accept it, when you insult them you insult me, and by the way I don't want any partnership between you and me. I will call the lawyers and end everything'

Amitabh just started laughing when Arjit finished his words, he was about to say something but Poja talked 'Arjit we can't'

'yes you are right' Amitabh said to Poja then talked to Arjit 'ask the genius accountant of yours how much you will lose, you may bankrupt...just like your brother'

'dad let's just leave' Kajol said sadly

'come on uncle, Kajol is right, this is just so humiliating' Rani said and all went out to leave

'Anarkali!' Shahrukh shouted when he entered the house, Anarkali came running to him 'help Amira pack her bags' he shouted again heading towards the stairs. Amira just stood still crying out loud so Shahrukh went back to her, kneeled in front of her and placed his palms over her elbows strongly 'we have to leave, no one accepts us' he said nearly whispering to her, she nodded silently and followed him when he started running up the stairs.

It took them fifteen minutes to pack the bags. When everything was ready Shahrukh called Anarkali again to take the bags with him downstairs, the house door was opened at the same time Shahrukh, Anarkali and Amira arrived downstairs and were on their way to the door. Everyone came in and looked silently at Shahrukh and Amira. Except Poja who gave a big smile.

'Anarkali, what is this?' Arjit asked

'Shahrukh sahb asked me to help him pack the bags' Anarkali replied politely

'and where do you think your self going with these bags Shahrukh?' Arjit asked coldly

Shahrukh looked down 'we were leaving'

'and who did you take permission from? Hmm? Did you ask me first?' Arjit asked raising his voice

'no I didn't' Shahrukh said still looking down

'Anarkali please take their bags upstairs' Arjit said coldly trying to calm himself down

'no uncle... please we need to leave' Shahrukh said suddenly

'hmm? So you finally made your decision?' Arjit asked sarcastically then clapped 'bravo my son'

'uncle please you don't need to make fun of me' Shahrukh said sadly

'why are you forcing him to stay, if he wants to go just leave him. I am glad that he finally realized that he has no place here between us anymore'

'mom!' Kajol finally broke her silence

'auntie, why are you saying this?' Rani asked angrily

'Shahrukh you can't leave, damn it!' Preity said angrily

'have you all finished?' Arjit asked wrapping his arms before his chest looking at them

'for god's sake Arjit! why do you insist on keeping him with us? he wants to leave so let him go' Poja said coldly

'I am the one here who gives orders and I am the only one who says who leaves and who stays!' Arjit shouted at Poja

'you are taking wrong decisions' Poja replied angrily

'I am the man of this house, I will do whatever I like and you have just to follow me Poja. And for your information there will be no engagement between Kajol and Abhishik, that's my final word!'

'this is nonsense Arjit!'

'no mom, I don't want to marry Abhishik' Kajol said confidently

'why not?' Poja asked in boredom

'because she knows that I love her' Shahrukh said suddenly 'and she loves me too' he added leaving Kajol in a shock

'wow' Preity said happily

'finally' Amira said rolling her eyes

'what do you even have to offer her you filth!' Poja shouted in disgust

'I gave Shahrukh my position at the company' Arjit said coldly

'tell me that you are joking!' Poja said in a shock looking at Arjit

'no I am not' Arjit said and sat down to a chair

'so that was the surprise!' Amira said raising her eyebrows in shock looking at Kajol then back at Shahrukh who just nodded silently

Poja nearly dropped her jaw 'how could you do this Arjit!'

'you aren't going to control how I manage my things' Arjit said coldly

'go to your rooms all of you' Poja suddenly shouted as they have seen and heard enough 'even you' Poja said looking at Shahrukh. When everyone left she talked again 'why are you doing this? Do you want us to lose everything? Why are you standing by his side?'

'you still didn't forget him, right? That's why you hate Shahrukh' Arjit said wisely

'that was a long time ago Arjit' Poja kneeled towards him 'I married you in the end, I have a beautiful daughter from you. We have gone through many things together. Don't let us lose all this!'

'I can't promise that I will do what you are asking me'

'okay...fine, I know that Shahrukh is a good guy, he saved us and you think you owe him so you rewarded him, but this is our daughter Arjit. We can't give her to him as a reward, she is not a trophy!'

'they love each other'

'Kajol is my only daughter Arjit. Don't you see what you are doing and what am I doing? I am trying to save my family, our daughter, our reputation and our money while you are running after some childish feelings' Poja shouted while Arjit remained silent, she took a deep breath 'I warn you Arjit, if Shahrukh married my daughter, this will be the end of our marriage!' Poja said coldly and confidently folding her palms behind her back. 

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