No More


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After winning the Building Competition without her, her friends Petra, Axel, and Olivia no longer acknowledge... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3, It's not fair.
Prologue Part 4, The end of the beginning.
Chapter 1: A Dark Rebirth
Chapter 2: Companions
Chapter 3: Mercy
Chapter 4: King and Peace
Chapter 5: Birthdays
Chapter 6: Countdown Part 1
Chapter 7: Countdown Part 2
Chapter 8: Countdown Part 3
Chapter 9: Countdown Part 4
Chapter 10: Interlude Part 1
Chapter 11: Interlude Part 2
Chapter 12: End Part 1
Chapter 13: End Part 2
Chapter 14: End Part 3
Important... Again!
Chapter 15: End Part 4
Chapter 16: End Part 5
Chapter 17: Reunion
Chapter 18: Update
Chapter 19: Boom Part 1
Chapter 20: Boom Part 2
Chapter 21: Boom Part 3
Chapter 22: Boom Part 4
Chapter 23: Boom Part 5
Chapter 24: Boom Part 6
Chapter 25: Boom Part 7
Chapter 26: Boom Part 8
Chapter 27: A deal
Chapter 28: Twilight Part 1
Chapter 29: Twilight Part 2
Chapter 30: Twilight Part 3
Chapter 31: Twilight Part 4
Chapter 32: Twilight Part 5
Chapter 33: Twilight Part 6
Chapter 34: Conclusion
Chapter 35: Aftermath
Chapter 36: Realization
Chapter 37: Explanation
Chapter 38: Demand
Chapter 39: Crime
Chapter 40: Punishment
Chapter 41: Deception
Chapter 42: Start
Chapter 43: Order
Chapter 44: Lesson Part 1
Chapter 45: Lesson Part 2
Chapter 46: Conflicting
Chapter 47: Appearance
Chapter 48: Puppets Part 1
Chapter 49: Puppets Part 2
Chapter 50: Puppets Part 3
Chapter 51: Puppets Part 4
Chapter 52: Puppets Part 5
Chapter 53: Exposure Part 1
Chapter 54: Exposure Part 2
Chapter 55: Exposure Part 3
Chapter 56: Consequences Part 1
Chapter 57: Consequences Part 2
Chapter 58: Redstone Part 1
Chapter 59: Redstone Part 2
Chapter 60: Redstone Part 3
Chapter 61: Redstone Part 4
Chapter 62: Redstone Part 5
Chapter 63: Redstone Part 6
Chapter 64: Redstone Part 7
Chapter 65: Redstone Part 8
Chapter 66: Damnation Part 1
Chapter 67: Damnation Part 2
Chapter 68: Damnation Part 3
Chapter 69: Damnation Part 4
Chapter 70: Damnation Part 5
Chapter 71: Damnation Part 6
Chapter 72: Damnation Part 7
Chapter 73: Revealing
Chapter 74: Explaining
Chapter 75: Demonstrating
Chapter 76: Clockwork Part 1
A/N again
Chapter 77: Clockwork Part 2
Chapter 78: Clockwork Part 3
Chapter 79: Clockwork Part 4
Chapter 80: Clockwork Part 5
Chapter 81: Clockwork Part 6
Chapter 82: Clockwork Part 7
Chapter 83: Clockwork Part 8 (With Q&A)
Chapter 84: Clockwork Part 9
Chapter 85: Clockwork Part 10
Chapter 86: Clockwork Part 11
Chapter 87: Clockwork Part 12
Chapter 88: Clockwork Part 13
Chapter 89: Clockwork Part 14
Chapter 90: Clockwork Part 15
Chapter 91: Revelations Part 1
Chapter 92: Revelations Part 2
Chapter 93: Revelations Part 3
Chapter 94: Revelations Part 4
Chapter 95: Revelations Part 5
Chapter 96: Deicide Part 1
Chapter 97: Deicide Part 2
Chapter 98: Deicide Part 3
Chapter 99: Retain
Chapter 100: Deicide Part 4
Chapter 101: Deicide Part 5
Chapter 102: Deicide Part 6
Chapter 103: Deicide Part 7
Chapter 104: Deicide Part 8
Chapter 105: Confession
Chapter 106: Correlation
Chapter 107: Causation
Chapter 108: Fallacy
Chapter 109: Gone
Chapter 110: Neglect
Chapter 111: Used
Chapter 112: Damage Control

Chapter 113: Startling News

554 20 28

Meanwhile in the City; a week later

"You really screwed up this time, Aiden," Paige shook her head. The Illusionist sat on the other end of the interrogation table, her kaleidoscope eyes shifted to emotional colors of a caution yellow and a shocking white. Others had been impressed by the use of magic, others before the war who knew her would see her as a freak of genetics. It would explain why she was - and remained as into her later years - an orphan her whole life. "You said we were fighting for change in the City, but this is terrorism!"

Aiden had changed over the many weeks since the Tournament. While he kept his body relatively the same, his skin took on a paler hue while his arms were covered in mystic tattoos; his green eyes had a desire for more power similar to a pack of starving man-eating wolves. It seemed like an insight into his true megalomaniac personality.

"It's not terrorism," Aiden denied, although his smug attitude and faint smile exposed a brief reveal of satisfaction. "I prefer to call it: an extreme complaint about the unsatisfied societal norms."

That last statement is the only thing he is being honest about, and Paige would have called him out on it for he has an infamous reputation in the City, and it only got worse after the events of the Tournament.

Because Aiden did not keep it secret that he hated the Templars.

In his mind, after he was imprisoned he felt he was wronged and blamed everyone but himself. When Jess framed him as the abductor of Jennifer, he was an easy target to hate considering his group's hubris. After he was released when Lukas bailed him out, arrogance and rage had started fueling his justification to lash out at everyone who refused to help him.

With no other choice, he ventured outside the City into the war-torn world. Paige didn't know what happened – Gill seemed to be the only one in on it – but when Aiden returned, his confidence had skyrocketed: a dangerous combination for someone so emotionally volatile.

Suddenly Aiden was more reclusive to go outside – not outside the City, but his own house - investing his time into what he discovered when he ventured outside, only letting Gill in on it. When Aiden emerged from his home with a higher level and newfound magic, he felt unstoppable; he felt he was owed, and would go through extreme lengths to get what he felt was deserved.

After the events of the Tournament, after the bodies were identified and buried, and more would leave the City to seek vengeance against Jess, Aiden publicly blamed Lisa and the Templars who worked under her, openly causing a nuisance ever since she left with her husband and his friends.

He blamed them for Lukas' death, yet it was this loss he realized if the Templars couldn't stop one woman from terrorizing the City, or prevent the murder of a dear friend, then why should he be afraid? To Aiden, the Templars' strength was exaggerated, and with his newfound power, he planned to prove to everyone he is right.

So with a lack of respect for the protectors of the City, combined with his pride and ambition, a dark plan started to form.

"It doesn't matter what you call it, Aiden," Paige stressed, her eyes shifting to a frustrated red and stressed grey hue. "The Templars could lock you up for good for what you did!"

"There is no way they can prove what I did," Aiden rolled his eyes at her concern, a rarity someone of his personality will ever experience. "They have no way to prove that I did it – the Templars are useless when it comes to bringing justice!" He shouted, making Paige flinch. "They should have done something when Lukas was killed, and they didn't do a thing! So I'm taking matters into my own hands!"

At that moment the tattoos on his arms crackle with chaotic energy and Paige then Scribed him to confirm her suspicions.

[Aiden] Level 400

Class: Occultist

Title: Megalomaniac for the Old Gods.

"I remember your Class being 'Warrior'," Paige recalled, looking at the smug male across from him as if he knows something that she doesn't; which would probably be true. "Did your Class change?"

"It did when I perfected my demonic magic, the City was a perfect training ground. It will all be worth it-"

"Then why are we setting buildings on fire?" Paige interrupted. "Why are we causing so much chaos?"

His eyes narrowed at her. "...You're not doubting me, are you?"

"Well, no, I-"

"You think you can do better without me, huh?" Aiden sneered, preying on Paige's flaw of self-doubt. It was how he kept her in line. "Well, do you?"

"N-No," She stuttered. "I just need to know why are we doing all of this-?"

"It's because we lack power!" Aiden snapped, slamming his fist on the table, and making Paige flinch. "The Templars were supposed to protect us and they failed; I couldn't stop Jess from killing Lukas, Gill couldn't prevent what happened to Maya and his sister, and..." Aiden took in a deep breath to stop his ranting. "Just get ready, Kai and Gill will meet you at the location."

"Is this really going to work? Summoning and enslaving an angel from another plane of existence?"

"It'll work." Aiden's smug grin returned. "We're going to open the way to Naraka and become gods-!"

A Templar entered the room, opening the door with such force that the sound interrupted Aiden's sentence. "Time's up."

"She has five more minutes, Timothy!" Aiden yelled at the Templar. Normally, one would be humble in their presence for their ability to negate magic except for themselves, but Aiden felt confident that he could take them on. "So scram!"

"Not anymore," Even though his entire body was covered by his detailed Templar armor, Paige could feel Timothy's gaze on her. "Out. Now!"

Paige ran out of the room before Aiden could say anything. The door to the room closed with a slam.

"Do you know why you're in here, Aiden?" Timothy asked, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table where Aiden is, who is giving the Templar his signature smile that always irritated the man. "You tried to break into Jesse's house, and tried to vandalize the property."

"And I am paying my dues to society, like the well-behaved citizen I am."

"Is that supposed to be sarcasm?" Timothy questioned dangerously, his tone having no room for amusement. "Ever since you came back from your adventure from the Twilight Forest – I have no idea why you would go back after your encounter with Jess – there has a rapid increase in violence and destruction here in the City."

"If you're implying that I have something to do with any of that, then you Templars aren't as smart as you think you are."

"Which is why it very, very suspicious that you keep getting arrested, and then something happens to the City." Timothy accused, recalling the explosions, the collapsed buildings, the supernatural warps found at each scene; so many people were injured. "It's almost as if you want to be here when the destruction outside happens... and it does after you are arrested."

"I guess you Templar's aren't very good at your job," Aiden insulted. "Especially since Lisa isn't here to guide you, like the mindless drones you are."

"She trained us to act as a single unit in her absence," Timothy retorted, as if he and the rest of the Templars were a pack of wolves, and were fine without their leader. "Which is why we were able to notice one key detail, Aiden."


"You would always have a visitor who comes to see you soon after you are locked up, and it's not even Gill. So let me tell you what I think."

Aiden snorted. "As if you Templars have a brain."

Timothy ignored the verbal jab. "I think you are responsible for the violent affairs in the City, you place yourself in jail to have an alibi, but you send your instructions to the people who visit you to carry out the deed. Am I wrong?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," He slouched in his seat, hands behind his head. "In fact, I am offended that you would even think I would do such a thing!"

"Keep playing dumb Aiden," Timothy warned. "It'll just make it more satisfying when we do collect hard evidence of your acts here in the City-"

"But you don't," He shouted with a sneer. "So do something useful and get out of my sight!"

"...That mouth of yours is going to get you in big trouble Aiden."

"You don't scare me," Aiden sneered, his bullying nature surfacing. "I know your rank Timothy; you're just a secretary for Lisa!"

"Oh, I am a secretary." Timothy stood up, making his way to leave. "But I'm also a Templar."

Timothy's eyes flashed into a white inferno.


Aiden's head was forcibly collided against the table, pinned to its surface as he convulsed in agony; his Mana was forcibly surfaced and submerged in and out of his skin, constantly folding and bending, twisting and stretching before snapping back into place.


The sudden force made Aiden fell onto the floor. "Y-You can't do this to me! Do you know who I am?! I'll make you pay for violating my human rights!"

"There is no such thing," Timothy recalled a lesson from the First Templar before he left the mountain the City was built on. "Human 'rights' are nothing more than privileges that can be granted and taken away - and it is the job of the Templars to take those rights away when people like you show up!"

A swift kick to Aiden's gut was all it took to shut him up, but with Timothy's enhancements through his Templar Class, he did much more damage than expected as the leader of the Ocelots was sent flying into the wall of the room.


Aiden collapsed onto the ground, groaning in pain.

Like Aiden's acts of terrorism and anarchy, what Timothy did was completely intentional. He was considered the less-extreme Templars among the rest, but he is human. And just like the first Templar told them, they will succumb to their mistakes and show their true personality when facing danger and stress, as he said there is no way to avoid it, for it is only human.

Timothy, just like the rest of the Templars, never forgot how cold and disgusted his words were. But he found sadness in how truthful the first Templar was, for when Aiden realized how easily he is being beaten, his arrogant attitude of believing to be unstoppable has been quickly replaced with cowardice.

"Wait-wait-wait!" Aiden crawled back in fear, blood trickling down the corners of his mouth from the injuries to his organs. "Don't...don't hurt me...!" he begged.

Immediately Timothy pitied Aiden. "I never planned to," He lied, he wanted to kick the arrogant Ocelot leader more, but seeing Aiden in a pathetic state made him hesitate. "I needed to show you what is going to happen if you don't start to shape up! My fellow Templars are not going to hold back if you start trouble again."

Timothy made his way to leave. "You're going to be placed in holding for the rest of the night; you'll be let out in the morning." As he stood outside the room, he placed his hand on the metal door, looking back to give Aiden a warning glare. "Don't give us a reason to bring you back in here."


Timothy closed the door with such force it caused vibrations to travel through Aiden's body. It didn't stop his smirk from forming; using pity as a weapon always worked. " missed notifications."


Quest: Rising-Chaos, has been completed! You have received the Passive skill: [Rend for the Old Gods]!

[Rend for the Old Gods] (Passive) Level 1

A skill created when one loses faith in Notch and Herobrine, channeling frustration and pain into physical prowess upon discovering forbidden knowledge; those who desperately deny the existence and power of the New God made this skill, as a futile attempt to preserve their sanity.

*This skill increases the user's ability to swiftly travel on foot at frightening speeds, directing their power into a single hit.

*Passively increases all physical damage and movement speed by 100%!

*10% to cause {Bleeding} on hit!


Bonus Objective has been completed! A Flask of Acceleration has been added to your Inventory!

[Potion Flask: Flask of Acceleration]

The New God has been taught how to make potion flasks from a Harbinger of personified starvation. The only other person he taught to make this was his one-armed apprentice.

The content of this flask causes those who drink it to be moved into a faster frame of time.


Bonus Objective has been completed! You have gotten away with your terrorist crimes and will only stay in holding for a lack of evidence! +10 stat point has been added to the following stats: Bloodlust! Revenge! Sadistic! Rage! Charisma! Violence!

Aiden felt the power surge in him as his stats increased. A red aura faintly coiled around his body, surging it with euphoric strength that allowed him to laugh, despite his current situation.

'I can do it!' He thought to himself like a madman. 'I can beat them! I can beat the Templars! I can defeat Jesse! I can kill Jess!'

Aiden's insane laugher echoed throughout the room.


Meanwhile in the ruins of the Clockwork Fortress; a week earlier

"Ah-!" PAMA screamed the red eyes of possessing its host flickering out before collapsing face-first into the snowy ground.

"PAMA, what's wrong?" Isa asked.

"It's Slab – I'm trying to calm him down, but he won't-!" PAMA's possessed body visibly jerked as if being struck. "Slab is attacking my main body!"

"Why is he angry? He barely has enough motivation to breathe, let alone move!"

"Someone raided his home in the Twilight Forest – I think... wait, he's talking to me..." PAMA started to relay the information. "Slab said they got a head start, he was asleep when it happened... but they managed to take some of his artifacts."

"How do you know all this?"

"I'm linked to my other slaves... he's really mad."

"What is he going to do? Where is he going?"

"He's heading towards the City! At the rate he's going, he'll be there in a week..."

"...PAMA?" Isa asked as the AI was silent for an uncomfortable amount of time.

It stood shakingly on its feet. "I'm taking too much damage; I need to divert remaining power for repairs...  do you know about the prison?"

"Briefly," Isa admitted. "It's where Jess sends those she doesn't kill for later use."

"Cassie can take you when she gets back. I'm losing control over the prisoners." Its voices started to sound slow, as processing the words made it difficult with each passing second.

"What do we do about the bodies?" Isa asked, looking over at the disgusting pool of liquid flesh and brittle bones. The monoliths that had fallen from Limbo expertly did their job in aiding the transferring Reginald into his new body.

"My master will know what to do. She always doessssss..." PAMA's red eyes flickered and faded as it lost control, stumbling forward.


And collapsed onto the ground.

A crimson portal opened behind her, and Isa saw Cassie and her calico cat exit it, having returned after visiting Jess.

"Well?" Isa questioned them. "What did Jess say – what do we do?"


Isa didn't think she heard that right. "I beg your pardon?"

"Nothing," Cassie repeated. "She doesn't want us to do anything, and just let Slab have his rampage!"

"But he is going after the City!" She asked with concern. "What if the Templars hurt him?"

"What if Slab does more damage? At how much effort he is putting in, there may not be home for Jennifer to return to."

"If we are not doing anything, then why are you dressing in your..." Isa saw that Cassie was wearing her grey jumpsuit; all she is missing is her white pumpkin that deepens her voice while making her eyes yellow. Isa tried to find the right words for the serial killer in front of her. "...Sadistic attire?"

"Work," Cassie said. "Jess is going to experiment with her new skills and try to progress in her secret project. Spent too much time causing chaos, now it is time to get back on track. She is will need your blood magic later; apparently, she is going to implant monster DNA into the people in the prison; she is going to need your blood magic."

Isa wondered if the timing of PAMA warning her about losing control of the prisoners, and Jess wanting to experiment on them, was a coincidence. She decided to as later, he had another concern. "Putting monster DNA in humans? Is that safe?"

"Do you remember that one girl with Jesse's group? Raven? Since Jess got her new eye from killing Veritas, and from studying Raven as she brutally mutilated the poor girl, Jess now has an idea of where to start."

"But what are you going to do? You've only explained what Jess is doing, and what she needs from me."

"I got to make preparations for a certain blonde archer. Jess wanted me to set up his new isolated home, far from everyone, and Maya will join him later." Although if it was up to Cassie, she would keep the girl as a pet. She then remembered something important. "Oh, and Jess wants to know if Reginald remains as a cannibalistic man-child. If he is, then keep him away from the Far Lands. We don't need Reginald confusing Lukas for Milo when I escort blondie to a highly populated village; I don't want to clean up that idiot's mess."

Isa wanted to retort about Cassie's statement of Reginald but was suddenly confused. "How is Lukas going to live alone if the village is occupied?"

Cassie pulled out her signature axe. "Exactly." She said, remembering the conversation.

...' Here,' Jess pointed a spot on the map on the wall. 'It's the ideal spot.'...

... 'What are these numbers?' Cassie pointed to the bold figures under the name of the locations. ...

...' It's the village's current population. I had my monsters observe locations all over the world, and had them record what they found.'...

...' Your monsters can do that?'...

...'They've leveled up and evolved far enough to do so. Although I did have to use some witchcraft and runic magic to teach them.'...

...'That sounds a little scary.'...

...' Your cat can transfer his consciousness into others, possessing and mutating them into abominations with the energy of a Chaos Sorcerer. So don't waste my time with saying something stupid Cassie, or I will-!'...

Cassie shuddered at the reminder, retrieving her modified white pumpkin before placing it on her head. Cassie's eyes turned into a sinister yellow, her voice deep and full of static. "I'll be back to take you and Reginald to the prison. It'll be at least a week before I'm done."

"You expect us to stay here alone for that long?"

"You don't have to specifically stay here; you can go find shelter anywhere after Reginald wakes up. Jess doesn't want him while Lukas is recovering at the Far Lands. Besides, you can handle yourselves. Jess wouldn't keep you alive if you couldn't."

A/N: Hello everyone!

I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded, but here I am! (Everything to why I took a break is explained my Update book.)

So Aiden now has similar powers to Jess, with notifications, skills, quests, and so on. He somehow angered Slab in the process, and is planning something insane with Gill, and got some new recruits to help them. Things are about to get crazy.

I also want to give a big thanks to LoveBug515 - a long-time fan - for their OC Paige, someone I had stored away for a long time. So thank you.

I've mentioned another OC, but have not yet introduced her properly yet. This chapter was originally going to be longer, but it's already over 3.5k words which are way over the standard length I set for myself. I was going to introduce Slab - he's one of my favorite characters; he's like the near opposite of the Dumb Muscle trope. He's strong, but he's actually smart, he just lacks a moral compass and a small desire for independence.

As for previous OCs mentioned, who are still alive - which isn't many - I'm holding off on mentioning their involvement in the story. As I've said in my Update book, most reads/Oc submitters, have moved on. If they don't really read this story anymore, or respond to my messages, then I have no reason to keep them in. It's a damn shame too, since some of these people gave me encouraging messages to continue, spot mistakes and plot holes, and have sent me fan art. 


But there is no point in holding on to the past; it's time to move on. So thank you to all who have read this story! Have a cookie! (::)

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