Alpha's Prophecy

By hopefaithtrick

8.9K 103 40

What if you found out that the life you were living was a lie? That you were destined to be something much g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

1.9K 7 0
By hopefaithtrick


My eyes were not ready to open, my whole body felt like it had been pulled apart, it ached all over. The smell of bacon hit me and I smiled, a hot breakfast for my birthday. My father was not known for his culinary skills so I had taught myself how to cook just to give us some variety outside of meat and 3 veg every night but it was tradition that he would cook us bacon and eggs for my birthday and I would have to eat all my breakfast before receiving my presents, which he would hide throughout the house and make me hunt down while he would sit on the lounge smirking and telling me if I was hot or cold, that would be the only hints I would get and you would think, after so many years and living in such a small house, that he would eventually run out of new places to hide things but no, he always found a way to surprise me with hiding spots.

Last night's dream, or nightmare really, still fresh in my mind, the red glowing eyes of the vampire, the snapping of my dad's neck and watching him fall lifeless to the ground, the blood pumping through me as I ran through the forrest, the fire inside me as I slammed the stake through the vampires chest and watched as she turned to dust and the strong smell of rain that hit me through the whole dream. If I told Dad about this one he would just laugh and blame it on the sugary snack I had consumed after dinner, that was his usual response to my wild dreams, he dismissed them as my brain reacting to the carbohydrates, causing a chemical imbalance because, as a former chemistry professor everything could be explained away through science, this is why I started keeping a journal, my visions were far to vivid to be just put down to a 'chemical imbalance', not when I could touch and smell what was being played out.

With my eyes still closed I slipped my hand under my pillow to grab my journal but it wasn't there. My eyes shot open, taking in my surroundings, the large, dark bedroom, the bathroom off to the side, blockout blinds pulled down to prevent any light getting in, the dark, mahogany chest of drawers and the walls that were painted black. This isn't my room, this isn't even my house.I hear the bedroom door handle turning, I sit up in the bed, pulling my knees to my chest and try to get my heartbeat to slow back down as the door swings open and standing there is a man, around my age, maybe older, dark brown thick hair, cut short, olive skin, sea blue eyes, dressed in a dark grey t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He stares at me with annoyance before opening his mouth to speak.

"Oh good, you're awake" He greets me coldly, walking over to the window and raising the blind half way, letting sunlight cascade into the dark room before turning his gaze back to me, eyeing me cautiously, "I've had Louisa fix us some breakfast, I'm sure you're starving after last night"

My mind was spinning, throwing out questions at me as my heart pounded loudly in my chest. I couldn't take my eyes off the man as he stood next to the bed, muscly arms folded across his broad chest, he was intimidating yet captivating all in one as he stared me down.

"Who are you?" I asked him, my voice small, scared.

"I think you know exactly who I am, you've been keeping tabs on me for years" He says to me sternly, his voice low.

"I have?" I ask him, confused, I've never even stepped foot outside my own home and yet this guy thinks I've been watching him?

"Where's Hannah?" He asks me, standing over me, making me crawl back further against the wall. This guy is truely frightening, he's ready to just snap me in two and I have no idea why.

"Who's Hannah?" I whisper, my voice is ready to leave me, I can feel the tears pin pricking my eyes, I wanna go home, I want my Dad.

"Don't give me that fucking bullshit, you know exactly who Hannah is, just like you know who I am. What I don't understand is how you know about private conversations that happened between Hannah and I? You wrote all about us, right up until the last day I saw her" He comes in closer, placing a knee on the bed and one arm to the side of me he pulls his face close to mine, I can feel his breath, hot and heavy on me, his own heart pounding as his sea blue eyes look deep into mine, they begin to change colour, becoming a darker shade of blue as the anger builds inside him. I know those eyes, where have I seen them before? Think Emma, think hard.

Reach your hand out and put it around his throat and tell him you will rip his spine out if he doesn't get the fuck away from you. Mate or not, we can kill him.

I could feel a fire burning inside me, whatever was in me wanted to take over, she spoke to me in my head, in my own voice but I knew she wasn't me, I could feel her anger, she despised this man, she wanted revenge. I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate, trying to push her down, I didn't want to hurt him, even though he frightening me I still didn't want to bring him harm.

"You brought a vampire to my boundary line last night and you were able to kill it without much of a fight, I don't know who you are...or what you are but I will find out" He whispers to me coldly

"Are you planning on seducing it out of her Jake?" I hear a deep male voice ask, laughing from the doorway, breaking the tension in the room, the man who was hovering over me now turns his gaze to the door frame but still keeps his arm by the side of me and his knee on the bed, as if holding his prey in place.

"What are you doing here Sebastian?" My captivator demands, like he's been caught out

"I'm here to take Louisa to the pack hospital, she has a check up this morning and we are going to find out the sex of the pup" The man in the door way explains, watching us intently, a smile forming on his face, "She also said to tell you that your breakfast is getting cold so if you're done playing with....I'm sorry miss, I don't think I got your name"

"Emma" I tell the man in the doorway while the one sitting over me turns his head to study me.

"I'm Sebastian, the Beta of the pack, it's nice to meet you Emma" He says warmly, "Isn't it nice to finally meet Emma, Jake?" Sebastian asks Jake but Jake just grunts and storms out of the room.

"He's not much of a morning person, or a night person, or a people person really" Sebastian explains as he walks me to the kitchen, there, on the table are two plates, filled with bacon, eggs and toast.

"I'll be back after 11 Alpha, I had Serena run to town to pick up some things for your guest..."

"She's not a guest"

"For your visitor" The woman corrects herself

"The boys and I will check out the house when I get back too" Sebastian tell Jake, taking Louisa's hand, "Have fun" He adds in with a smirk before they leave.

"You should take an umbrella, it smells like rain is coming" I yell out to them but all I hear back is a loud laugh.

A/N hit the star to vote and thank you

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