Princess, you had me at come...

Від _-321Y33TY33T123-_

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Idk anymore might come. Up with one. Fem! Alex Punk! Jack Lit. Більше

5 years later catch up


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Від _-321Y33TY33T123-_

Alex's POV
Their dad says "you look great guys. Lawyers gonna be here in 10." Jack says "I owe myself coffee because I woke up this morning." I laugh and their dad says "you've really changed him ya know?" I say "so I've been told" smiling lightly. He says "you're a good kid Alex he really cares about you. I hope you aren't around just to break him." I say "I'm not sir. I will say that." The man across from me says "you seem nervous." I say "anyone would be nervous talking to their boyfriends father that could definitely kick my ass." He laughs and says "true. Wait? Boyfriend? When did that happen?" I mile remembering it and I say "last night." Jack says "I'm back" sitting next to me. I say "you ok?" He says "mmhm think so." I kiss his cheek and I feel my phone go off.
Zack: I hope your thing goes great today! Good luck x

Rian: tell May she's strong and if she needs me or Zack just let us know. Good luck you might need it xx

I say "awww" out loud. I show jack my phone then I show May. She says "I might need a hug from Rian later." I say "we might all need one." Rian gives the nicest hugs. Jack says "I think they are small child whipped." I laugh and say "they definitely are." May says "I'm 2 years younger then you guys!" Their dad say "umm who's whipped for my kid?" I say "Rian and Zack they're child whipped not like whipped whipped but they're definitely whipped for each other. Rian and Zack are honestly goals." May says "they are Rian gives the best hugs." I laugh and we all hear the bell above the door go off. Dad mumbles "that's him." Jack places his hand on my thigh sending shivers down my spine. I play with his fingers below the table as the lawyer sits down. He says "my names Chris" sticking his hand out to Jack. Jack looks up and shakes his hand firmly saying "Jack." The lawyer sticks his hand out to me and I shake it saying "Alex" making brief eye contact because it polite he has nice pale blue eyes. Too bad May isn't of age or there's a giant age gap I'd hook them up. Chris shakes May's hand maybe a little too long. I can tell she doesn't shake hands with people too much because she didn't see a difference. I can tell he thinks she cute but that's about it. Chris says "so what are we talking about first?" Dad says "their thing first so they can go home or to Alex's house if they want." Chris says "ok so we're filing for physical abuse?" Jack briefly nods. (Idk what they do in court when it comes to anything so I'm kinda making it up as I go. Sorry if it annoys you) Chris says "ok. Cool awesome so do you have the pictures anything of proof that she in fact did something?" May takes out her phone and says "here's an album Jack and I put together of them." She shows him and I briefly see a bruise in the shape of a hand. I place my hand on Jack's on his hand on the table. He looks at me and I smile and put my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head and mumbles "hi." I chuckle and say "hi." May leans on my shoulder saying "I'm tired." I say "me too. Time to sit up." I sit up knocking Jack's chin and May's head sliding off my shoulder. I laugh and I say "I said time to sit up." They shake their heads. Chris says "ok these are certainly not makeup or photoshop any audio proof?" May says "no." Chris says "ok any motives on her end that you know of?" Jack says "not that we know of." Chris says "any proof that's not in the pictures?" Jack says "there's one thing if it's still there." May says "the fridge?" Jack says "yup." May shivers. Chris says "what do you mean?" Jack says "she bashed my head off the fridge then covered a supposed blood stain or dent with a magnet. I don't know what's there but there's been the same magnet in the same spot for a few months or so" looking down. Chris says "gotcha" writing more on his notepad then he says "alright I think I have it all send me that picture your dad has my number. Pleasure meeting you guys. Have a good" checks his watch "afternoon." He hands a few papers to dad. Jack mutters "I think that made it real for May. It did for me too but I feel like it's gonna hit me later." May gets up and suddenly hugs her dad. I say "poor thing I'm gonna call the boys."Jack says "they'll take stuff off her mind." Dad silently nods his head towards the door I give him a thumbs up and I grab Jack's hand. We walk out and I hug him. I say "you did well today." He pulls away from the hug and kisses me. I play with his hair he says "so did you." I say "you're cute" kissing him gently. He squeezes my hips and I place my hands on his chest. I pull away and he says "you're beautiful." I blush and he kisses my cheeks. Jack says "your blush is cute." Of course made me blush more. I take my phone out and lean on Jack's chest, letting him hug me. I say "hey Siri, call sexy beast." Siri says "ok" and the phone starts ringing. Then I hear Rian say "sup lex. Babe s-stop it I'm talking to Alex." I shake my head and say "I think May will want to see you in a little bit. If you want to meet at my house in half an hour?" Rian says "o-ok." I say "struggling?" Laughing lightly. Rian says "yes 'cause he k-keeps annoying me. I-If you know what- fuck- I'm saying." I say "bye have fun with your blowjob Rian" and hung up. Jack laughs saying "what did I just hear." I say "it's called me calling Rian while he struggles 'cause Zack teasing him. It happens a lot they're cute but Rian is a horny fuck and Zack likes to torture him so." Jack laughs and says "poor Rian just let a man have a damn blowjob." I say "who knows Rian's probably into it in some way."

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