Wild Cards [AkiraxAkechi P5]

By InkpenA113

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In a strange turn of events, Goro Akechi managed to avoid death. But how? It seems as if Akira knows more... More

Before You Read...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
A Quick Apology
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Six

985 43 7
By InkpenA113

"The man's name is Takuto Maruki. He's been Usagi's assistant for years, mostly working with her younger patients to help them prepare for surgery. I asked Akechi if he can talk to the guy and he agreed and maybe we can—"

"Wait, back up!"

Ryuji cut Makoto off, not caring about the look her and Ann gave him.

"You're saying Akira could be mentally insane, and you found this out from his ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes, I'm gonna see if Akechi can get us in contact with her so we can talk—"

"It sounds sketchy!" Futaba spoke from a video call on Makoto's laptop, Morgana sitting in her lap. "How does his ex-girlfriend end up being the work partner of his boyfriend?!"

"I didn't catch all that but I agree," Yusuke was on speaker from Ann's phone, "I doubt it's a coincidence. Perhaps she followed Akira out here and has been watching from a distance."

"Yeah, yeah! Maybe she's just lying to make us all not like Akira or something!" Ryuji said.

"Did either of them mention why they broke up?" Haru asked.

"No, it never came up," Makoto shook her head.

Ann shut her eyes and let out a breath. She had a thought and, no matter how much she dreaded it, it had to be brought to attention.

"It doesn't matter if the girl was lying or not. With Akira's suicide attempt and with what Mona heard from the doctors, there's definitely something wrong with him mentally and we shouldn't ignore it because we aren't willing to see him like that,"

A bit of silence fell over the group. She was right.

"Once we find Takuto Maruki we'll hopefully learn more about Akira, his brother, and Usagi. For now let's not let Akira know, in case he... turns on us..." Morgana said.

"Ah geez, don't say it like that..." Ryuji grumbled.

Makoto felt her phone buzz and quickly checked it.

   "It's Akechi," she stood up, "he said him and his partner are going to visit Takuto Maruki and Usagi later tonight, and Akira will go with them to unlock that door that's been stopping us."

   "Remind him that Usagi's gotta see the door unlocked for the cognition to change," Morgana said.

   A bit of noise came from Ann's phone and Yusuke quietly swore.

   "Damn it... I've got to go, farewell!"

   Yusuke hung up the call.

   "I gotta go too, I smell Sojiro cooking something! Bye!"


   Futaba clicked out the video call before Morgana could say anything else. Ryuji pushed himself away from the wall he was leaning on. Haru stood from the couch.

"I guess we've got a plan then?" Haru said.

   "I suppose. I just hope Akira doesn't freak out or something..." says Makoto. "Anyway, lunch period ends soon, let's get back to class. We'll enter the Metaverse whenever Akechi visits Usagi,"

   "Oh by the way," Ryuji grinned awkwardly, "not sure if girls remembered, but it's Valentine's Day. So did any of you wanna—"

   Simultaneously, the girls waded up papers and threw them at him before he could finish.


"Ehhhh... ehhhh..."

Akira knew that sound. He hated it. Pushing himself up from his tummy, he grabbed the remote and turned his cartoons up louder.

"Waaaaah! Waaaaaah! Waaaaaah!"

"Akira! Turn that down please!"

The little boy groaned and did as he was told, throwing the remote in a small fit of anger. He got on his feet and went over to the next room to see what was going on.

Maruki was carrying Ren in his arms, holding the boy's head to his chest and quietly shushing him as he bounced him lightly. Ren's crying only toned down a little.

"Shhh... it's ok, it's ok. Was someone having a bad dream? Yeah?" Maruki sat down with Ren, using one had to grab a pacifier sitting close by and putting it in the little boy's mouth. "It's ok, you're fine now, honey,"

"Maru-senpai tell him stop crying!" Akira said, arms folded.

"Akira, that's not nice. Ren doesn't tell you to stop crying."

"He can't talk!"

Ren had calmed at this point, his pacifier successful in soothing him. He started flapping his little hands and squealing, trying to get Maruki's attention again. It worked, and the older man smiled at the boy before holding him up high.

   "He can talk, he just doesn't have anything to say yet. Isn't that right, cutie?"

   "Eeee!" Ren squealed and reached out to touch Maruki's hair. He liked the way it felt.

   Akira huffed and folded his arms tighter. He didn't like when dumb Maruki talked to Ren like that. He wasn't a baby, his was five years old already! He walks and plays on his own, he doesn't have that stupid tube thing in his nose anymore, why did Maruki have to make it such a big deal?

   "You know what? It's a nice day outside. How about we go for a walk?"

   A walk? That was perfect! Akira loved the trail they always went down, where all the tall grass was. That was were the shrews, birds, and lizards hid.

   "Ok! Outside is ok!"

   The lady passed by the door just then—what was her name, Oso? She grinned upon seeing them.

   "Going out?" she said. "How's my favorite patient been doing this morning?"

   "Just woke up from his nap."

   Maruki stood up so the lady could see Ren. He giggled and squealed happily when she poked his cheek and cooed at him. Akira frowned when she touched his brother. He didn't like her.

   "Such a big, pretty smile! He's like a cute little dolly~"

   "Ren is not a dolly!" Akira snapped. "He's a boy, so don't call him dolly!"

   "Akira, be polite! Usagi, I'm sorry about him," Maruki sighed.

   "Oh, it's alright! I bet he's just jealous that his cute brother gets so much attention~"

   Akira growled. Who does that stupid woman think she is? He stomped out the room and down the hall, not caring about what the adults had to say. He stopped outside the big flower doors. The lady and Maruki were always telling him and Ren they weren't allowed in there. Why not? That wasn't fair to him.

   Akira tugged at the handles. The door needed a key. He thought he saw a necklace with a key in the lady's bedroom on her dresser. He was too short to reach it though.

   "Ah-ah! Ah-ah!"

   Ren was running to him, making a weak sound as if trying to say his brother's name. Akira caught Ren in a hug when he came close, but pushed him away a little. He kept a firm hold on Ren's sleeves.

   "You're really dumb, you know," Akira said. "Oso's a mean lady, she doesn't care about you,"

   "Eeeeeh!" Ren'a face scrunched up and he shook his head. His way of disagreeing.

   "Uh-huh she is! I care about you, nobody else, ok?"

   "Ah ah ah..." Ren was looking at his hands, making grabbing motions with them. He poked out his lips and made a suckling noise between hums. He was thinking about mummy again.

   "Let's put shoes on now, ok?" Akira pulled at Ren's sleeves. "Maru-senpai said we're gonna go outside, so we're gonna play, ok?"

   "Abaaaa!" Ren cried out and started giggling with the biggest smile. He liked playing outside. Sunshine and raindrops felt nice.

   "Come on, lets put on shoes,"

  Akira held one of Ren's tiny hands and dragged him to get their shoes.

   The flowery door left his mind.


    Goro spent most of the day with his cheeks bright pink.

Akira took him for a walk through a big and beautiful flower garden and surprised him with a box of chocolates and a pink plush bunny when his back was turned. Then they went to a small, but lovely, café for tea and cake. Goro felt like a kid again clutching the plush bunny in his lap. He kinda liked that feeling.

"Are you having fun today, babe?" Akira said from across their table.

"I really am... you're so romantic," Goro blushed again, burying his face in his bunny.

"Cutie," Akira grinned and leaned on his hand.

Goro twirled a finger in his hair. They were sitting at the back of the café in a spot where they weren't easily seen, yet he was still anxious. Even with his hair messier than usual and Akira's spare glasses on his face, he still felt like anyone would recognize him. He hoped there wasn't any media around stalking them...

"I wish we didn't have to deal with Usagi tonight. I just want a quiet night and have you all to myself, baby," Akira sighed.

"Maybe another night...?"

"I'd like that~"

Akira winked and Goro had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. He was still nervous about full on sex, but the thought of it made his heart race.

"Hey, baby? Can I say something?" Akira moved his chair so he was a bit closer to Goro. "Look, I know Kasumi probably told you something about me earlier... maybe something you weren't expecting to hear but... trust me, I'm not like that anymore. I mean—I freaked out once or twice but I swear I've gotten better,

"I may be rough and clingy at times but... everything I do is out of love, baby. You mean so much to me, and I would literally do anything for you and do anything to keep you safe and make you feel loved,"

Goro stared wide eyed, face red at this point. Akira chuckled and caressed the brunet's cheek before pressing a kiss to his soft skin. Goro felt conflicted. The detective in him was telling him that this was just another case of the suspect trying to make themself sound like the victim. But the immature high school boy in him was melting from love.


Goro didn't fight when the noiret brought their lips together for a quick, but very sweet, kiss. When they separated he was breathless.

He was in love with him. Goro was in love with the Phantom Thief leader that was supposed to die by his hands. He wanted to be pinned down by Akira, to be kissed and bitten and dominated until he was broken by pain and pleasure. He wanted Akira to know that—I love you, I love you, I love you.

But he just couldn't bring himself to say it out loud...

"Come with me,"

Goro stood up, setting his bunny aside to grab Akira's hand and pull him to his feet.

"What is it—?"

Goro tugged his arm, leading him to the bathrooms. In there, he locked them both in a stall and pinned Akira against the wall. The noiret stared with a red face but a smug look in his eyes.

"I like where this is going~" he grinned.

Goro rolled his eyes and quickly kissed Akira, holding his shirt collar in a death grip. Akira moaned deeply, bringing his hands to Goro's waist and pulling him closer. In the second their lips were separated, both of them panted heavily, stilling holding each other close. Goro's hands found their way to Akira's hair as he left a small kiss on his neck right under his ear.

"You're mine, Akira. Don't ever think about touching anyone else this way... you can only touch me like this..."

Those words went right to the erection slowly growing in Akira's pants. He leaned down and bit Goro's neck, making sure to leave a hickey. The sweet, moan from his lover only drove him more.

"Let's go back to your place... I wanna have some fun before tonight..."

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