Strange Marriage

By anushkashettyfan

105K 4.6K 765

He is handsome, She is beautiful He is class, She is mass, He is kind and calm, She is kind but wild... More

Sarayu laxmi
Sarayu and Swapna
His promise and Her pain
She is my Wife
His view
His care
His Family or Her new Family
New characters
Vivek chandra Warrior
Her outburst And family comfort
Her decision
New start
Family Time
wedding night
First night Talks
Friends time
They need some privacy
Little moments
Brother in law
Nervous sarayu,Caring vicky
My childish wife
The truth
3. The shock .1
3. Journey .2
3. Mother's birthday .3
3. Munna .4
3. Birthday celebration .5
3. Love letter? .6
Not an update
3. Outing with diamond .7
3. Exhibition .8
3. Midnight dinner . 9
4. The race .0
4. Return of siblings .2
4. Vicky the chef .3
4. Problem .4
4. Fight and compromise .5
4. Reunion of family .6
4. Something.... Something .7
4. Sweet warning .8
4. Drinks party .9
5. Drunken Chitti .0
About update
5. Small glimpse .1
5. Prank .1

4. His wonder women .1

1.2K 70 9
By anushkashettyfan

The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting it's petals to the world. A heavenly smiles appeared on their face. Their smiling face glowing as the sun rays falling on them. It's very rare view to see the busy city this calm. They are on top of a hill now, watching the whole city waking up from sleep.

Vicky: It's beautiful. Said vicky sitting on near rock.

Sarayu nodded looking at him as she sat opposite to him. A comfortable silent spread over there.

They came here directly after sarayu's trophy presentation. Her friends asked her to give party but she said next time and took him here saying she will show something special. And now they are here enjoying the morning beauty of nature. Not everyone know about this place as it's forest area and it's far from city.

Vicky: So except mahee no one know that you are racer. He said after sometime breaking the silence.

Sarayu: Vicky sir. I told you right, i'm not a professional. I just comes here for money and my enjoyment that's it. Said sarayu making a annoyed face.

In this one hour At least fifty times she would ask him not to call her racer but he didn't listening her.

Vicky: But Why did not you say that anyone?. He asked not minding her annoyed face.

Sarayu: Because i don't want. She said simply.

Vicky: But why. He asked fully confused.

As per vivky know sarayu won't hide anything from with her friends. Who is her brothers and swapna but she hide about the racing thing from them. Only mahee know about and now vicky. So he was curious to know the reason why she didn't tell them.

Sarayu: Why means. It's my wish. Is there is any rule to tell everything to everyone. She asked him casually. He mouthed no.

She wants this to keep it as secret for herself. So she didn't tell anyone. Even if she told them that she is participating in night race for money. They won't stop her but in some way they will inform her mother. Even her mother too won't say no to her but she will get worried for her daughter and sarayu don't want that so she didn't told anyone of her friends. Actually mahee also don't know first but some how she find out and from that day she will go will with sarayu.

The night race is always special to her because this helped her to gain what she want. When sarayu wants to start her own garage she does not have enough money with her. If she ask her family they would differently give her as much as she needs. But sarayu wants to start her own garage with own money. That time she came to know about the night race through one of her known friend. With the help of her friend she take part in the race and even won the race and two lakhs price money.

From more than four years she is participating in this race. In these four years a lot of times Sponsors tried to make a deal with her but she softly denied saying this is not my career. She would participate in race at least once as the race will conduct for three days. Not only for money for her enjoyment too She gained a lot of respect and love from race club making few changes in better way with her thoughts and with help of others.

Sarayu: I just want to keep this two secrets for myself but mahee. That idiot ruined my idea knowing about one secret. She said.

Vicky: Okay Then why me. He asked all of sudden.

Sarayu: I didn't get you. She asked confusedly.

Vicky: If You don't want tell anyone about these secrets, then why are you saying to me now. He asked.

Sarayu: Because i thought you deserve to know. She said directly looking in his eyes.


Vicky: You know what chitti. Our pumpkins made correct name for you. Wonder women. You are a real wonder women. He said looking at sarayu.

Sarayu: Oh come on sir, They are kids.
I don't know why they calls me wonder women but please you don't start like them. I'm not wonder women. I don't have any super powers to call wonder women. Said sarayu smiling at her husband's childish comments on her.

Vicky: Chitti, You don't need to have super powers to be call wonder women. All you need is a stamina and a big heart and you have that. In my point you are a wonder women a real wonder women. If not, Who on the earth will manage these many things. A Vehicle Modifying business and a racer and a software developer and now working as Graphic designer one of the top company..... And Most importantly taking care of each and every person in the family.

Sarayu: Owowhh. Owohh. Take a break sir. Take a break. Sarayu interrupted him. In middle of his speech.

Sarayu: Why are praising me now. What i did. Vehicle modifying business is not my own okay...., it's rafi bhai's too. And racing i already told you it's just my enjoyment. Graphic designer.... it's my dream, my passion. I want it. About family... it's my responsibility that's it. She said

Vicky: Just a responsibility. He asked her.

Sarayu: Just a responsibility which i took when i don't know the meaning of responsibility. Said sarayu not meeting his eyes.

A lonely tear escaped from her eye which she wiped it immediately. Vicky saw this but didn't said anything. Everyone could tell how much she loves her family and how much she missing them just seeing her face when she talks about them. And her mother. She loves her mother beyond everything. When she was in school her classmates used to make fun her saying what's so special in you mother that you love her so much what she did to you. Do you know what she said " There is nothing special in my mother. She loves me like every mother does to her kid but i want to be special daughter to my mother. She gave birth to me and that's enough for me to love her and give my whole life to her"


Vicky: I'm hell tired. I just want to go home and sleep. Said vicky changing the gare.

Sarayu: Me too. Replied sarayu yawning behind him. Vicky smiled seeing it in rear mirror.

They are going to their home. Vicky riding the bike as sarayu is not mood to ride.

Vicky: Chitti, What will you do with the money. He asked her to kill the time.

Sarayu received three lakhs price money as the first winner in race. Then she transferred fifty thousand to a orphanage from race club like she always does. Vicky was very proud of his wife's kind heart. This not new to him as he saw her giving money orphanages before too.

Sarayu: Mm... I have to pay shashi and siddu next semester's fee so first i will pay their college fee's which is nearly one lakh. And rafi bhai said he want few things in garage so i will give some money to him and.... She took break thinking.

Vicky: And...

Sarayu: And... and... nothing. I will buy something to my brothers. It's been long time since i gifted them something. She said happily. Vicky nodded.

Vicky: But Chitti... You did not tell me how that ring works. He said.

Sarayu: Which.. ring. She asked in sleepy tone.

Vicky: Your safety ring. He said stopping the bike.

Sarayu: Oh... that. Here this is my safety ring. She said showing her ring.

Sarayu has special ring with her. She designed the ring and it's very useful in emergency. Do you how. She installed a gps tracking chip in that ring. For this she developed a software and connected her phone and ring to this software. If you are in problem or there is any emergency. You have to double press the ring and next minutes your current location will sent to selected phone number from your mobile along with "help" word. Sarayu contacted a lot of company to publish this idea but no one gave her chance saying it's not useful.

Vicky: It's looking just like normal ring. How it works. He asked.

Sarayu: If you want. I can show a demo to you. But don't ask me later why my brother hit you. She said simply making vicky shock.

Sarayu: May i. She asked his permission to press the ring.

Vicky: No.... no... i don't want any demo. Leave it. He said horrified expression on his face.

Sarayu: Okay... Then let's go... i'm sleepy. She said pushing him.

Vicky: Sleepyhead. Murmured vicky under his breath.

Sarayu: Look who saying. Said sarayu. Vicky looked at her with shock.

Sarayu: I'm not deaf. Said saryu glaring at him.

Vicky gulped his saliva seeing her glare and silently start the bike and they drove off. After thirty minutes they reach their home.

Vicky: By the way. You gifted similar ring to angel too right. He asked her entering inside their home.

Sarayu: Yes... She is too innocent for this world. I don't want my sister face any problem. So i gave her the ring. She said with a small smile one her face.

Sarayu: She's really intelligent and didn't asked me how it works like her dumb brother. Said sarayu annoyingly entering into their bedroom.

Vicky: I'm not du.... He stopped his words in middle When his eyes landed on bed.

He wants to argue with her for calling him dumb but  Seeing the bed The sleep lover in him woke up. He forget about argument and immediately jumped on bed bouncing. Sarayu stood at her place in shock.

Vicky: I missed you so much. He said hugging his pillow wiping his unshade tears.

Sarayu: Sir get up.. go and take shower first. She said making disgusting face

Vicky: No... i won't... i want to sleep. Good night. He said covering himself with blanket.

Sarayu: What the hell. You roam whole night and now directly went on bed. Look at you self once how sweaty you are.

Vicky: My sweat smells good like perfume. He answered inside.

Sarayu: Stop your nonsense. Go and take shower. Said sarayu trying to take off blanket but vicky held it tightly.

Sarayu: Idiot. She Cursed him and went into washroom to take shower.

Vicky peeped when he didn't hear any sound and found whole room empty. He heard water sound from bathroom and conform that she is inside. He smiled and closed his eyes. When sarayu returned from bathroom after shower vicky was fast asleep.

Sarayu: This man. Did someone kidnap him and his sleep if he sleeps after removing his shoes. Said sarayu Sighing looking at her sleeping husband.

Sarayu took a wet towel and went near him and sat there. She placed his legs on her lap and removed his shoes and threw them away. She placed wet towel on his legs. She thought he would wake up feeling cold but didn't. He is sleeping like kumbakarna.

Sarayu: I'm damm sure. If Olympic held sleeping compilation he will won gold medal for india. World number one sleepyhead. Said Sarayu smiling wiping his legs with wet towel.

After completing her work. Sarayu went bathroom and dumped the towel in landry. She came back and saw the time it's showing eight in the morning. Her eyes getting heavy, she don't have any to do now as vicky also sleeping. She joined him in bed. I will wake up after one she thought and closed his eyes.

I'm sorry....

I know...  i know just a simply sorry won't help me to seek your forgiveness. But please forgive me yaar. Situation is not in my control.  I'm sorry...  i'm really really sorry. I will try to update regularly. Please don't loss you interest.

I'm waiting for your comments.

Thank you...❤❤❤❤

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