4. Reunion of family .6

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Sarayu: Revulo chettu periginattu perigav kani yenduku,  sarigga nadavadam radu. Grow up like a tree still don't know how to walk properly.  Don't you have eyes... Where do you keep your eyes while walking. You got hurt and now throwing tantrums like kid... to go hospital. She scolding her friend while driving.

Mahi: Chitti... Scold me as much you want but please don't take me hospital. I don't want to go...  They will inject me again... i'm afraid...  please. Mahi pleaded her.

Sarayu: Maheee...  Don't behave like kid... They won't give you injection. We are going remove your bandage not to get treatment okay...  so sit quite and let me drive. She said focusing on driving.

Mahee tried to get sarayu's attention again but she royally ignored her. Few days back She was going to get her car while checking her mobile and didn't realized the water on floor. Her leg slipped and she fell down there and her leg was sprain. Thankfully... it's nothing serious. Doctor suggested to take rest for four days after treating her.  Now sarayu and mahi along with abhi going to hospital to remove her bandage.

In ten minutes they reached hospital. Doctor removed mahi bandage and said not to strain leg for another two days. For mahi luck he didn't give injection to her.

Sarayu: Abhi... You both wait here. I will bring medicines. She said and went to bought medicines.

Sarayu took medicines and about to go where abhi and mahee was she saw a very familiar girl sobbing at one corner to her left side ward. First she wants ignore it but the name plate of the ward didn't let her ignore.

Sarayu: What she is doing in gynaecology department. She whispered to herself while looking at the girl and the name plate.

The girl  looking at the reports in her hands again and again and crying badly. Sarayu didn't understand anything.. is it happy tears or sad tears. Whatever it is.. i will go and ask her. She decided and tried to go but she frozen at her place seeing a very very known man there. 

The girl immediately got up from her place when she saw him and hugged him tightly crying in his arms. The man raised his hands to hug her but suddenly he pushed her from him and said something angrily. Sarayu couldn't believe her eyes,,  how can he do this. The girl tried to say something but he didn't gave her chance. A heated argument took place  there and he raised his hand to slap her but stopped himself seeing the girls scared face. He held her hand and start walking as fast as he could dragging her with him. Sarayu followed them, He opened his car door and harshly pushed her inside.  He is so much anger Sarayu didn't saw him this much anger till now and at same time she saw few unknown emotions in his eyes.  He went towards driver seat and checked the surroundings  if someone watching them. Sarayu immediately hide herself not to get catch. When she looked for them again they are not there.

Sarayu  searched for the car but couldn't find it. With disappointment she returned back in hospital.  What he is doing here and that too with  girl. What relationship they share. A lot of question popped in her mind and he is the only who can give answers for her questions. Sarayu went to mahi and abhi. deciding to ask him directly when the right time comes.


Mahi: I'm sooooo happy...  finally... i got freedom...  now i can happily go wherever i want. She shouted excitedly sitting on sofa. Since she was injured she staying in warrior's house.

Abhi: Don't expect tooo much shaan... your leg still needs rest.. He said trying to control  his laugh.

Mahi: yeah..  whatever... at least i can eat some tasty food instead of that tasteless soup. She said making disgusting face mentioning soup.

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