3. Love letter? .6

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Hello friends.... how are you all.....

I know... i know you all waiting for update... and i'm sorry being late ... thank you for loving my story.... okay... okay... i won't irritate you more.

Here the chapter

It's been one week since they came home after meeting sarayu brothers. After coming home they again became busy in their work mostly sarayu because of her new project and she coming home late now a days and today also she didn't come home. Vicky is waiting for her to come.

"Chitti you late today" Asked vicky seeing sarayu entering inside home

Sarayu: Sorry sir... actually.. we have a important meeting regarding our new project that's why. She said happiness clearly visible in her voice.

Vicky: Seems like good news. Asked vicky with small smile.

Sarayu: Yes... sir the project was ok and also they signed a contract for ten years with our company.... it's very big thing to us. She said excitedly.

Vicky felt happy hearing and asked her to go freshup she agreed and went inside their room, he followed her.

Sarayu placed her bag on glass table and went in bathroom with her clothes to take shower. Vicky took his laptop and about to go he saw something falling from sarayu's bag. He went there and took it from floor it's look like a letter, seeing that he remembered about laxmi's letter and hurriedly check his purse but it there in his purse safely, than where this letter come from maybe some of her friends write this for her he thought.

Vicky kept looking at the letter in his hand he wants to put it back in her bag but something inside him wanting him to read it. After few seconds of his inner battle he finally decided to read, after all it's belongs to his wife and his wife belongs to him so logically it's belongs to him tooo. He opened the letter... whom write this they has good handwriting he thought and start to read.


Saryu came out and found room empty, she directly went in kitchen and start preparing dinner for them. After completing her kitchen task she went to vicky study to call him for dinner.... but he nowhere to see... she searched for him their bed room, music room, gym everywhere in house but didn't find him in house, she became worried and took her mobile to call him. She about dial his number she heard hunter sounds from out side she went out side and saw him in garden, seeing him there she released her breath which she also don't know that she hold it till now.

Vicky sat on chair and lost in his own thoughts hunter is trying to get his attention but he failing badly, Seeing sarayu there hunter ran to her and complaint on vicky with sarayu in his own language she giggled at his antics. Hearing someone's giggles vicky came back to reality and saw his wife with smiling face. She asked him to have dinner, he nodded and went in home silently without uttering any word.


Sarayu: What happened sir... why are you so disturbed. She asked him

Seeing him lost in his own thoughts. After dinner they settled in living area. It's daily routine for them to talk sometime about their day and all.

Vicky: Nothing chitti. He said looking at somewhere.

Sarayu: Nothing than why u became dull suddenly.. you all okay when i came now what happened suddenly. She said

Vicky: Nothing... i was just thinking about business issue. He lied.

Sarayu: About business.... i never saw, you became sad thinking about business. She said

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