Bruised, Battered, and In Tea...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

27.3K 1.1K 112

An abusive relationship causes Olivia to take matters into her own hands. She will no longer be stuck accepti... More

Thirty-Two: No Longer Bruised


927 41 4
By GirlandHerKeyboard

After the pregnancy was confirmed, Olivia and Elliot left the doctor's office. Elliot was thinking about having more time with Olivia, while all she wanted to do was go back to the hotel and sleep. She wanted to sleep until she had to get the girls and then sleep some more.

"Hey, so do you want to go get some lunch?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head as she looked down as they walked towards her vehicle.

"No... I need to avoid eating out as much as possible. I picked up some easy things for the kids to eat... like microwave meals..." Olivia sighed softly.

"Liv, it's my treat." Elliot smiled softly, as he leaned against the driver's side door and looked at Olivia. She looked at him for a moment before frowning.

"What do you really want to do? Did Dr. Murr say something while I was out of the room?" Olivia asked.

"Olivia, when did you have a miscarriage?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip as she shoved her hands into the pocket of her sweatshirt.

"Elliot, it was a while ago. It doesn't matter." Olivia spoke quietly.

"It does matter, Liv. Because you lost a baby. Liv-"

"Get in the car," Olivia spoke, as she grabbed the keys from Elliot before shoving him to the side. They got in and they sat in silence for a while before Olivia spoke.

"I was pregnant early last year. Chris and I were in our usual horrible place, and we got into a huge fight. He started to beat me one night and I fell down the stairs." Olivia whispered.


"I was 20 weeks pregnant... I didn't tell anyone and didn't plan on telling anyone that I was pregnant until closer to the end. And then I lost my little girl." Olivia whimpered. Elliot reached out and gently caressed her cheek as tears ran down them.

"Did you know that it was a girl before or after?" Elliot breathed, as Olivia sniffled.

"Before. That was one of the reasons why Chris was so angry. He was tired of having girls. All he wanted was a son. Or only sons. And then we were expecting our third daughter." Olivia whispered, as she looked forward and tried to not full-on sob at this moment.

"Olivia... I'm so sorry." Elliot whispered.

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything to me. It was all Chris and I probably asked for it." Olivia sighed softly. 

"You didn't ask for that, Olivia. Never say that again." Elliot growled. Olivia shook a bit before nodding.

"I need to get back to the hotel. I need to try and make tonight seem normal for my girls. Like seeing if I can get a cot so they don't have to share a bed." Olivia sighed.

"Let me stay with you, Liv." Elliot breathed, as he went to place his hand on her knee.

"Elliot, do you realize that you are still married? I'm the godmother to all of your children... so please just figure out what you are doing before coming back around." Olivia frowned before pulling out of the spot and ignoring her friend.


Olivia took the girls home after school and she helped them with their homework before letting them play with their toys on both beds. She sat at the small table and flipped through the girls' folders but stopped when she saw two notes from the principal. She opened the first one and read it with tears running down her cheeks.

Mrs. Morris,

I regret to inform you, but due to the situation with your husband's death, we will not be allowing Michaela to come back to school. She is a distraction to the other children and at the other parents' requests, we will be removing Michaela from her class.

Principal Stevens

Both letters said the same thing and Olivia felt like the worse mother on the face of the Earth. Not only did she kill her husband, but now her daughters were getting kicked out of their school.

Olivia stood from the table before moving out of the door as she made a call.


"Captain... I was wondering if you got any closer to getting me into the bank accounts?" Olivia sniffled, as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Benson, are you crying?" Cragen asked.

"I am...uh, it doesn't matter though."

"Olivia, do I need to come over there? Sit with you and the girls?" Cragen questioned.

"Sir, did someone unlock my accounts? Because I need to get the hell out of here." Olivia whispered as she started to break.

"They are close. Chris's mother is fighting us, but that money is yours. They were joint accounts... but what happened? Are you and the girls okay? The baby?"

"Captain, my daughters just got kicked out of their school for being distractions. The other parents decided to just kick my girls out... so we aren't fine. And now I need to find them a new school. I need to start working again so we can get a house. I'm tired of everything just falling apart." Olivia sobbed. 

"I'm coming over right now," Cragen spoke, and Olivia went to object but then the call ended.


Cragen ended up talking to Olivia for a few hours before packing up her and the girls to take them to his place. It was too big for just himself, so he decided that Olivia and the girls could stay there until they are on their feet again.

The girls settled into the guest room and slept on the bed with all of their stuffed animals, as Olivia crashed on the couch. She felt more comfortable there because small rooms creeped her out.

"Do you want to come to work today?" Cragen asked the morning after Olivia's family settled in.

"Don't I have to get Huang to clear me or something?" Olivia breathed.

"Yeah, but you won't be going out of the precinct."

"So I'll just sit at my desk all day?" Olivia asked.

"You'll be around your family, and the girls can stay with Lucy."

"I haven't talked to Lucy in months... she hasn't watched the girls since they were little." Olivia breathed.

"I got in contact with her. She's on her way over and will be here before we leave. So go get dressed and we can try and get you back into a normal routine." Cragen spoke. Olivia bit her lip before nodding slowly.

"Okay... God do I hope this helps."

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