- CapeBoy The Hedgehog - The...

By CapeBoy357

2.4K 66 66

Some Years after the events of Shadow The Hedgehog some Strange Things will Happen in the Sonic Universe Turn... More

After The Fight (Remastered)
Chaos Energy
a look into the Past (Remastered)
New Universes
Alternate Characters (Encore)
The Sword of Chaos
the Other Rivals of Team Sonic
Training for The World Cup
Training for the World Cup Part 2
Practice Race (Remastered)
Start and Explanation of The World Cup
the Second Race
The Truth about the World Cup
No Profit
achieving heights on own (Remastered)
Doing Something out of Metal
New Team Mate
Visiting a New Universe
The SMG4 Crew
a little Race
Metting Alternativ Selfs
The Fight between two Hedgehog's
After the Battle
Playing a little Prank
a diffrent Universe
An Interessting Fight
Godly hights
a trick in the Back Hand
An evil Couple
Knowing More About the Thives
The Plan of the Thieves
Making Progress
Tracking Down SMG3 and Desti
Finding Clues
Finding SMG3's and Desti's Base
Looking Threw The Lab
What Desti and SMG3 Are planning
Further Evolution (Remastered)
Day in Peace [who believes it at least]
The First Chaos Emerald
A New Rival (Encore)
CapeBoy joins Smash Bros
From a happy day to the Worst Nightmare
Taiming a Lion
Violet's Backstory
Power of the Sun and Moon
Laying and using a Bait
Showdown! Hyperstyle!
New Upgrades
Exploring Mobius (part 1)
Sol City
Saving Lives
a new opponent
New allies
Display of Power
Pure Strength
Running instead of Fighting
Theory Explanation
Race against Time
Fighting till the Last Breath
The Beginning of the Finally
A Turn of Tabels
Final Showdown
New Ability's
Demonic Appearances [Encore]
The Lord Of The Exe's [Encore]
A Different Type of Demon
Growing Darkness
Parted Paths
The Chaos Errupts
Rival Battle Takeing Further
Time Of Judgement
The Verdict

How it Started (Remastered)

291 5 0
By CapeBoy357

*It was another Day on Mobius, in a Lab far far away from Civilization, which was shut down a while a go, in that lab Androids of  Shadow The Hedgehog were Stored there*

*but one day something very Strange happend there, one of the Tanks was starting to lose the Healing Liquid and the Android woke up and was freed from the tank*

Android:  W-where am I?!  W-who am I?!?  *the android looks at it self and then looks around the place seeing nothing else than just the same being, in tank over and over again and all over the place* what is this place ?!

*the Android beginns to walk threw the hall, getting faster as they walk and eventually he begins to hover and even to glide buuuuut into a wall*  

Android:  *holds his head* Ouch... what are those shoes ??  *he gets up again and walks slower to not aktivate the shoes again*  - I need to get out of here!  I dont want to be here at all! I am not one of those beings! I need to change my look! - 

*he eventually finds a room with diffrent materials, like paint and old fabrics. With the Paint he colored his Highlights to a purpleish Color, he even found Contacts in a green color and put them on,  the hovershoes did he paint in red and blue color so they look diffrent from the Original*  

Android:  *looks at himself again*That should do it... time to get out of here! -  *he walks out of the lab after finding the Exit, he finds himself in Chemical Planet; he looks around at all the pipes and tanks that are around him*  - I could have come out way worse than this, but I dont like it lets hope i find population soon! -

*the Android tried to Glide again but slowly enough to get some practice in it, after a good while he got the hang of it and was abel to speed threw the Zone with no big problems, he also finds some golden glowing rings in the and stoped before them*

Android:  *New Skill Unlocked :   "Speed"    Level 1    *Allows to tap into Highspeed** 

Android:  *looks up at the rings* What are those things ?  *he jumps and colects on of the rings and it dissapears in his hand*  *he now feels a slightly Stronger*  Wow!  picking those up seems to be good!  

*he begann gliding again and collcected more Rings on his way*

*after a while of gliding he found a Little Village, in this very Village he went among the people to listen for some infromations in order to get to know where he is and found out that he is in a Vilalge called "Emerald Village", after finding out as much as he could he walked around a bit more till he heard someone screaming* 

Female Villager:  *runs near a pack* EVERYONE!  Scram!  Dr.Eggman is back again! *she runs away as fast as she can* 

*All Villagers are Running away now, but the Android isnt*

   Android:  *Without thinking he moves his feet to move to the place where Eggman is makeing his move* 

Dr.Eggman: *spots the Android and stops moveing forward*  Oh ho!  someone really dares to stand in my way ?  How brave! 

Android:  It doesnt take a lot of Bravery to stand against someone with a big mustache like you! 

Dr.Eggman: You show a lot of guts for someone who pretends to be Shadow  Ha ha ha ha! 

Android:  - Shadow huh ?  I hope I dont forget that name i need to ask someone about that person later on now i got to focouse on this! - 

Dr.Eggman: what is your name  Hedgehog ? i want to know who i pulverize to dust! 

Android:  I dont have a name! but when I would have one then I would beat it in you so you wont forget it again!  So lets dance to finaly finish this! *he takes of his Cape and throws it aside* 

Dr.Eggman:  I like the sound of that!  *he smiles big and now he is coverd in a glass sphere in his Eggmobil* 

*the Eggmobil is flying around and shots at the Andriod, but it is dodging with fast movements and when there is an opening then he counters with a jump at it*

*a Little Hedgehog girl is watching the fight from behind a building* 

Dr.Eggman: *notices the the Little girl and shots a laser at her to get the Android out of Rhytm* 

Android:  *notices fast enought and taps into a new Level speed and dashes over to the little girl and saves her from it by takeing her away from the battlefield to savety*  Stay here kid!  *he dashes back to Eggman*

Android: *Skill Level up:  "Speed"  Level 2 *Allows to tap into Higher speed now**

Little Girl:  *mutters* Thank you...  *she watches with big eyes as the Android dashes away*

[Back by the Battlefield]

Android:  *smiles furiously as he returned*

Dr.Eggman: whats the Matter Hedgehog! Getting angry ? 

Android:  *he starts to glow a bright red* That you really play low by attacking a little girl! thats where you really crossed the line! *his Energy raises slowly*

Dr.Eggman:  *looks at the Android and then at his radars*  Oho!  Thats not good! 

Android:  *Without thinking and with rage he automaticly warps to Eggmans mobil*

Dr.Eggman:  No!  Dont! 

Android:  *his fist burns in same red Energy he glowed as and punches at the Eggmobil* Haaa!!! 

*form the Impact a big explosion happens and the Android gets thrown off and Eggman gets blown away into the far disstance,  the Android passes out from it and everything goes black for him*

(That is the first Remaster Chapter    Have good dayyyyy!  Cya!)

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