All's Fair In Love and War (D...

Por DoloresUmbridgeDE

16.8K 932 215

When Draco Malfoy watched Charity die in front of him, he decided no more. Joining Harry on the search for Ho... Mais

What now?
The Death Of Charity
Kreature And The Locket
The Snakes A Rat
Pulsating Mark
Just A Kiss
I Lied
The Quibbler
Sex On The Beach
The Vault
Sex In A Tent
Truth Or Dare
Bad Ass Bitch
The Deed

Doe (A Deer)

862 57 24
Por DoloresUmbridgeDE

Harry gasped as his body hit the leafy ground. The roaring noise of a clustered group, substituted with the delightful singing of woodland birds. One moment they were in the ministry, running for their life, and now they were in a forest. What about Grimuald Place? Hadn't that been the plan? Grimmauld Place would be their base?

"Hermione!" Harry gasped, bouncing to his feet. He looked around to see the brunette girl bowed next to Ron, the boy having a wide slice down the stretch of his arm. Harry felt himself gasp, the wound looked pretty repulsive. "What happened?"

"I tried to take us back to Grimuald place." Hermione sobbed, as she quickly rummaged through her bag. From it, she pulled a flask, which she started to splash over Ron's cuts. The injuries quickly started to heal, skin coming back together as if being invisibly sutured. "Greyback took hold of me, he saw Grimuald place. I had to get us out of there, so I apparated to the first place I could think of. Ron got splinched!"

Harry walked closer, looking down upon his friend's squirming body. He groaned, he knew this was going to set them back several days. "Are we on foot?"

"Until Ron's better." Hermione agreed, turning towards her best friend with affliction in her eyes. They had just found a Horcrux, now they had hit another wall. "We can't risk additional injury, he has to sleep. We need to build a camp. Will you build the tent while I put up protecting wards?"

"Tent?" Harry murmured to himself more than anyone else. "Where am I meant to get a ten..."

Hermione didn't wait for the reply and just wandered a fair distance before she started muttering charms. His eyes darted to Hermione's bag.


"Goodbye, mum," Draco said, pulling out of the hug they shared. He turned to look at Snape with a small inclination. They had determined it better to do their goodbyes in an isolated place, they couldn't risk their exposure. Walking halfway along the manor's long plot was sure to give them the silence they required. "Are you sure about all of this Severus? Will this bring an end to the pain?"

"No doubt." The professor agreed, placing a hand on Narcissa's shoulder as a tear made its way down her cheek. "Draco, you do know once you leave, your mum and I must declare our distaste for you? You may overhear things, learn about things we say about you. Bella will also be on the warpath, that reminds me; her vault..."

"I'm a big boy Severus." Draco smiled, eyes trailing back on his mother for a few seconds. He let his godfather's last words glide over him, not wanting to discuss any more details in front of his mother. "Anything you have to say, you must. I'll be okay."

"But know we love you," Narcissa assured, receiving a kind-hearted eye-roll from her son. She sighed, turning away with tears in her eyes. Snape matched.

"Of course," Draco declared in a whisper. He watched as they walked away from him, knowing they couldn't chance being seen with him any longer. Turning away, he commenced walking further from the house and towards the front gate; although he wouldn't go all the way. He would apparate before the guards at the gate would see him.


The blonde winced slightly, peeping back to see Lysander stood against a shrub. The boy was crimsoned, a cigarette hanging from his lips. Draco swallowed, turning to face him. Had he seen what had just happened, heard the conversation? The brunette was glimpsing at his backpack, eyebrows high on his face.

"Hey." The blonde smiled warmly. "Hiding from my aunt?"

"Yes." The boy uttered, looking around to see if anyone was observing them. Once he was sure no one was there, he walked closer to Draco with a low murmur. Draco couldn't help but take a breath when the boy ended up within 2 centimetres from him. "Where are you going? Are you running away?"

"Yes," Draco conceded. What was the worst the boy could do? Lysander could run for back up, but by the time he got back Draco would be gone; unable to be located. He didn't seem to know about Snape, so all was safe. "Are you going to try and stop me?"

"I should," Lysander muttered, biting his bottom lip. He sighed, glancing at the ground. "I mean...I would be honoured."

"You would," Draco acknowledged.

"If I brought you in..."

"I'd break you, without magic." Draco shrugged, pulling the straps of his bag tighter around his shoulder. He couldn't imagine there was any real malice behind the threat. He would protect himself if he had to, but something told him he wouldn't. "So, can I go?"

"I..." Lysander cried. He looked towards the manor, then back to Draco. The blonde could see the struggle. "If anyone found out I knew; they have ways. Draco, I...."

The boy took a deep breath, running a hand through his lush hair. Draco followed it with his eyes, it was a mess. He knew exactly what the man was feeling, and the blonde wanted nothing more than to take him with him; it was too dangerous.

"I..." Lysander proceeded. "You have one hour, then I'm reporting. You'll getaway, I gain admiration. Deal?"

"Deal." Draco beamed. He leaned in, placing his lips gently against the boy's own; a gentle peck. He pulled back to see the boys' cheeks had turned bright red. Draco couldn't pretend that it hadn't affected him either. Without another word, Draco turned away and started walking along the lawn of the manor, towards some shrubbery.

Once he was well hidden, only glancing back to see Lysander smile at him, he turned on the spot, allowing the world around him to slip away. He didn't know where to go, only that he needed to think of a place fast. Then he thought of Harry, the noble boy's mission to save the world...and swiftly he found himself at the edge of a forest.

A gasp as he hit the terrain, he glanced around the area. To one side the forest entrance, and the other a great lake. The only question was, which way to go? Which direction would he find the chosen one? In the end, he chose the forest, it seemed like the most probable direction; unless they were hanging with merpeople.

Draco couldn't help but feel apprehensive as he stepped into the forest. Werewolves and other magical creatures that may be prowling didn't bother him, but for the life of him, he had no idea what he was going to say when he came face to face with the golden trio. He just let the images of people suffering, and dying, in his mind push him on; the pale face of Charity Burnage in the forefront.


"Inferno!" Harry cast the spell, launching a stream of fire towards the locket. The flame burned so hotly, a moderate sweat broke out on his forehead. Yet nothing, the metal didn't yield. It didn't burn. It didn't break. "Nothing! It's ludicrous!"

"Did you expect it to?" Hermione inquired, a flick of her wand carrying the locket high into the air and down again. Again, it stayed perfectly intact. She didn't really seem to be putting any vigour into her actions.

"No," Harry admitted, walking forward and stepping on the object as hard as he could. Nothing, not even a dirt mark. "But I was at least anticipating a singe or a crack. It's impenetrable. I dunno why Voldemort made so many, he'd been okay with half the number."

"But didn't you say you stabbed Tom Riddle's book?" Ron asked, his arm held close to him as he tried a hodgepodge of spells towards the locket. "That was straightforward enough."

"That was with a basilisk fang," Harry said, launching four more spells at the locket. Each incantation getting more forceful than the first. "And unless Hermione has one in that bloody bag of hers..."

"Can't say I have." Hermione walked forth and picked up the locket. Placing it around her neck, she turned to the boys. "Look, I hate to say it...but it seems like we have hit another roadblock. I say we go to bed, then in the morning we can evaluate the job with fresh eyes."

"I agree." Harry nodded. "You two head in if you want. I just want to take another look at the wards."

Ron didn't need telling twice and turned immediately. He entered the tent, leaving only Hermione and Harry stood in the open. Hermione stood there for a minute, eyes studying her best friend's stance.

"Harry." She spoke, eyes scanning his features. He seemed to be thinking, a bit too hard for Hermione's like; almost as if he wanted to give up. "Are you sure you are okay with us going to bed?"

"Sure." The brunette boy smiled, pointing around the opening of the forest. Darkness lingered, giving them the effect of their own private bubble; bubbles could be popped. "I just want to be careful, I'll be in within half an hour."

The girl nodded, letting her eyes linger a few more seconds before turning and following Ron, only turning back once to give Harry the locket from around her neck; best he watches it. Once they were gone Harry let his body unwind. Finally, some time to think.

There had to be an answer to their enigma. He knew that the Horcrux's weren't immortal, but he couldn't bring himself to believe that the Basilisk fang was the only thing that could damage them. It was unreasonable, or was it? Would they need to search for a Basilisk, and slay it? Where would they even find a Basilisk? Turning away from the tent, a silver glint caught his eyes. He took a step forward, a white deer Patronus stood in between two trees looking at him. His mother's Patronus; or what it once was.

Taking another step forward, he watched the doe turn and step vigilantly into the trees, almost asking him to follow, and Harry did. He knew it was risky, it could be a trap, but his heart got the better of his head. It wasn't logical, but the Doe felt safe. Only a hand full of people would have known her Patronus, only a trusted person may be able to cast it.

He followed the doe for a good fifteen minutes, past the shielding charms and into the dark night. The forest lay quiet, the only sounds of the frosty grass below his feet. The Doe paused every now and then, letting Harry find his way past hidden obstacles. He didn't want to risk using his wand for light. They hiked, and walked some more, only stopping when they reached a great frozen mass of water.

The Doe came to a stop and looked at him before the light formed a ball, disappearing below the ice. Stepping warily onto the ice, Harry tracked it with his eyes only to gasp as his gaze came into contact with the Sword of Gryffindor. Of course! The understanding took over Harry's mind. The Sword was another Key to destroying Horcrux's, he had stabbed the snake with it. Was that why Dumbledore left it to him?

Without thinking too much, Harry picked up a rock and smashed a hole in the ice. From what he could see, the lake looked to be 20ft deep. A quick dip would do it. It would be freezing, but if he took his clothes off then he could promptly warm up again after. He could swim freely, no wet cloth pulling him down. With the plan in mind, he walked back to the side of the lake and took every piece of clothing off until he was bare. He shivered against the frosty air, sure pneumonia would be coming his way. Walking forward, he seethed as his feet touched the ice. Each step harsh, his toes going numb as he stood at the edge of the hole. With a count of three, he jumped.

Coldness beset him, the water an undesirable shock to his respiratory system. He could sense every cell in his body yelling, screaming to get out of the water as fast as he could. His penis was fundamentally non-existent. Without thinking about it, he dove downwards. The faster he grabbed the sword, the quicker he could be back on dry land. He swam further, and further down, not stopping until his fingers wrapped around the sword handle. His body gave a spontaneous shudder, even below the water.

Grinning, he swam upward, dragging the sword behind him. He could see the opening in the ice, he was 5 feet away, nearly free when a strain around his neck pulled him away and up against the ice. The locket, almost as if it knew of its approaching destruction, dragged him away from the opening and further into the dark abyss of the lake. He tried to swim, to get free of the lockets grasp but it only pulled harder against him. Eyes blurring, he opened his mouth to let out a scream but instead was met with a mouth full of water. He needed oxygen. Slowly, but surely his eyes became heavy and he felt the world around him slide away...nothing but a benign tug.


Draco stood above a barren, unconscious Harry Potter. His clothes were soaked, and the locket that had been harming the boy rested in his hand. Was this one of those items Snape had told him about? It looked normal enough, but the blonde guessed that was the point; for the object not to stand out.

"Harry." The blonde spoke, bending down and slapping the boy's face. The brunette head slumped, eyes tightly shut. Draco slapped him again, he really didn't want to have to perform the kiss of life. "Don't be dead, please don't be dead."

Harry sprang up, water falling from his mouth as he threw himself onto his front; also unknowingly preserving his decency. Draco fell backwards in shock, watching as the boy leapt to his feet and ran toward his apparel. The boy quickly dressed, before turning around to look at his saviour. As he looked upon Draco's face, his eyes swelled with fury.

"Malfoy." The brunette muttered, eyes falling to the locket he was holding. Harry's body hardened, why would the reptile be alone? Surely they wouldn't have sent Draco alone, did he cast the Doe? "Give that to me."

Draco couldn't help but smirk at the panic in the boy's face, did he really have that impression on people? He ended the alarm by walking forward and laying the necklace into the chosen one's hand. He picked up the sword, lifting it to look at the engraving. Harry raised an eyebrow, was it really going to be that easy?

"You know," Draco said, ignoring Harry's astonished expression. What the hell was going on? Were snatchers about to leap out on him? "Despite the fact this is a Gryffindor heirloom, it feels so good in my hands."

"Draco," Harry spoke, his chest puffed out as he pursued towards the Death Eater, a wave of anger filling every vessel of his body. "I warn you, don't try a thing? My mother's Patronus, how did you know? Why!"

"You really think this is a trap?" Draco snickered, looking around the opening with a raised eyebrow. Harry followed his gazes, the forest sat still around them; but Darkness was a friend to those who wanted to deceive. "Harry, we are alone and I didn't cast the Patronus. I saw it too, I followed it...just like you."

"Why are you here?" Harry asked, watching the Death Eater spin the sword in his hands. Something about the act seemed bloodthirsty, or maybe he was just keeping up appearances? Surely if he were going to attack, he would have by now.

"The same reason you are." The boy confessed, eyes not leaving Harry's at all. He needed to let the man know he wasn't a threat, even though he knew it would be near hopeless with their history. "I'm here to help with the Horcrux's."

Harry's spirit sank, no one else was meant to know about them. This was supposed to be a secret Voldemort had kept, did the wizard know of his souls being investigated? Would there be guards at every location from now on?

"Horcrux's?" Harry asked, eyebrow raised. "What do you know of the Horcrux's?"

"Not a lot," Draco admitted, thinking back to what Snape had told him. He only really knew what they were, and how many the Dark Lord had formed. "I know there are seven, and I know they are the key to defeating Voldemort and keeping my mother safe. You see, I have alternative reasons for wanting to find them."

"And does everyone know?"

"Just the four of us," Draco reassured, taking a test swing of the sword. He really wanted to destroy one of the seven objects, to feel the blade bring an end to the control of his lord; his mother's safety getting closer. "You, me, Hermione and Ron."

Harry glanced back into the forest, his heart speeding up at the mention of his mates. Were they being attacked, was this a diversion?

"How?" Harry asked, letting his guard down a little. He knew he needed to stay guarded, but he was undergoing a mind fuck of the worst kind. "How do you know? Did Voldemort tell you? Is that why are here? To gather intel?"

"You think Voldemort tells me anything?" Draco found himself grinning at the notion. "I'm nothing more than a runt. I'm left in the background, only used when my mother and father need to be constrained. I'm a human bargaining chip. Dumbledore told me."

Draco couldn't help but feel guilty at the lie, but he knew he had to leave out the middle man. Snape's story sounded far fetched even to him, so he couldn't imagine Harry believing it. Snape had also told him not to tell, so he had a commitment not to. Harry's eyes darkened at the mention of his mentor, and he rushed forward pushing Draco up a tree by his collar. Draco flinched at the pain in his back but tried to keep control.

"Kinky." The blonde grinned, much to Harry's revulsion. Images of him and Malfoy kissing entered his mind, he quickly forced them aside. He wasn't here to play the man's games, and he wasn't into men anyway. He liked Ginny.

"Dumbledore is dead!"

"Yes." Draco agreed with the boy, letting the sword drop from his hand before raising both of his hands to Harry's chest and pushing him back so he could get away from the tree and its painful bark. Harry didn't know why, but he let it occur. Surely the blonde would have killed him already if that were his aim, he literally had been holding a weapon. "I know he is dead, but he appeared to me in a portrait. He told me about your plan, and I told him I was going to go to Voldemort. Somehow he knew I wouldn't, he offered my mothers freedom. I couldn't relinquish that."

"Do you know how warped you sound Malfoy?" Harry asked though he couldn't bring himself to deny it did sound like Dumbledore. He knew full well the painting was competent of what the blonde was suggesting. "Tell me something only he would know if I am truly to believe you."

"I know two have already been destroyed. A book, by you in the second year, and a ring, by Dumbledore. I also know of the cave in which you found a locket. The ring cursed Dumbledore, he was dying before I was asked to kill him."

Harry shook his head, it couldn't be true. Surely someone could have told him the information, but how? Letting himself believe, Harry placed the locket into Draco's hand and picked up the sword.

"Let's destroy it then." The brunette man spoke, almost as if they were friends. Draco knew they were far from it. In fact, they were still enemies, this had to be an examination. Harry knew better than to just believe.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "You trust me, just like that?"

"No," Harry confessed. "But you've told me things only Hermione, Ron and I know. If Dumbledore sent you, I have to trust that. Even if I completely loathe, come on! You can have the sword, I'll watch you kill the Dark Lords creation. See if you have the stomach to destroy the man you are meant to worship."


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