Protection - Sookai

By TatorTotTati

26.6K 1.3K 682

Huening Kai and his half-brother, Jaehyun are living together while Huening Kai goes to school. After a lifet... More

Prologue: Childhood πŸ’”
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
(don't) Answer this please
decision made for last 'chapter'
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Epilogue πŸ’
Soundtrack - One (why do I make it sound like a movie lmao)
Soundtrack - Two (idk what I'm doing)

Flash-Forward: New Year's Eve πŸ’–

2.8K 81 34
By TatorTotTati

I want to stay in this moment with you forever
I want to make sure you're the only person for me
I love you so much
You saved me
Thank you for that
Thank you for not leaving

Tuesday - December 31, 2019 🌺

"Are you ready for new year's Jagiya?". Soobin asked with a soft smile.

"Definitely! I finally get to have a new year and new me!". Huening Kai exclaimed. He giggled and then walked closer to Soobin, who wrapped his arms around Hyuka's waist.

"You're coming to Yeonjun Hyung's house right?".

"Yup!". Sookai walked down the school hallways heading towards their sixth period. Once they arrived, they placed their bags down and sat down in their seats.

"How are you feeling about the other day?". Soobin asked in a motherly tone. Huening Kai didn't say anything and scrunched his face, unsure.

"Hmm I'm still a little upset from it but I don't care about those guys anymore. They're irrelevant in my life and I don't need to give a frick about what they say or do just because of who my family is".

Soobin's bunny smiled showed as he was proud of Huening Kai. "You're so adorable yet awesome Jagiya. It's like you've grown into your true self". Soobin commented, making Huening Kai pout in embarrassment.

"Don't say things like that with no warning". He murmured. Soobin laughed and then pulled the younger into a hug. Huening Kai yelped and resisted the affection. "Nooooo! Don't embarrass me!".

"Pshhh no one cares Hyuka and even if they did, everyone thinks we're the cutest couple in the school". Soobin said before kissing Huening Kai on the forehead. The younger mumbled a few things in Soobin's chest but wrapped his arms around him tightly. "See? I know you like my affection". Soobin whispered. Huening Kai nodded and made a cute sound in response his neediness.

"What's up lovebirds!?". A voice suddenly yelled. Soobin and Huening Kai let go to see Beomgyu and Yeonjun, holding hands of course.

"If it isn't the worst couple in the universe". Soobin said jokingly. Beomgyu smacked his lips and crossed his arms in a pouty way. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Beomgyu protectively.

"Let's not start a war here". He said. Soobin laughed.

"I was kidding, you guys are almost as cute as me and Hyuka". Huening Kai laughed to his joke and then spoke up.

"How about we just talk about tonight's plans and then actually get class started". Everyone nodded in agreement and sat down.

"Where's Taehyun?". Beomgyu asked.

"Oh, he's gonna be late. He had a doctor's appointment". Yeonjun answered.

"Okay. So we've already established that we're gonna go to Yeonjun's house, chill on his roof and eat snacks to watch the fireworks. And then we're gonna go walk to the festival across the street to celebrate even more since their having an after party with games and stuff. Bring your plushies Hyuka, I'll bring the snacks and Taehyun said he'll pick up some some new year accessories". Beomgyu explained.

"Wow, that was fast". Huening Kai said. Beomgyu winked at him and nodded.

"I'm an expert at these type of things. Its why I'm the fun person of our group".

"You're also the stupid one". Soobin said. Beomgyu slapped Soobin on the arm. "I'm kidding Gyu! Don't be mad at Hyung". Soobin hugged Beomgyu playfully and practically suffocated him.

"I don't want your love! Help me Yeonjunnie Hyung!". Beomgyu exclaimed in an overdramatic way. Huening Kai laughed with Yeonjun as they watched the two boys fight.
🤗💙✨ Gathering👥 ✨💙🤗____________________________________

"I brought the snacks!".

"Yayyy!". Taehyun threw all the bags onto the floor and plopped onto the couch.

"We're gonna have so much fun tonight!". Beomgyu exclaimed, jumping into Taehyun.

"You're so heavy Beomie Hyung! Get off!". Taehyun whined. Beomgyu laughed and took advantage of the situation.

"I think I'll stay here then". Taehyun slapped Beomgyu's arm with his sleeve and pouted.

"Oh you're fine!". Beomgyu said. He kissed Taehyun on the forehead and then got off him to go greet Yeonjun.

"I'm gone for a few minutes just to change and y'all are already turning into crackheads". He commented.

"We're having so much fun though Yeonjun Hyung!". Beomgyu exclaimed before jumping on Yeonjun. Yeonjun immediately held onto him and smiled at the younger.

"You're so pretty Bamgyu". He whispered. Beomgyu giggled and placed a soft kiss on Yeonjun's lips.

"Uh guys? I'm still here. Single as fuck. Kind of disgusted". Taehyun said, closing his eyes from the scene.

"It's okay Taehyunnie. You may not have a new year's boyfriend but you got us. We will all personally give you a kiss. At 12:01. Since we need to kiss our actual boyfriends". Yeonjun responded.

Taehyun chuckled and shrugged. "Guess I got four boyfriends tonight".

*Doorbell rings*

"HUENING KAI!". Taehyun screamed before rushing to the front door. He opened it and immediately jumped onto the tall figure.

"Wait Taehyun Sii! Let me put down my bags!". He exclaimed. Taehyun didn't listen and only held onto the younger until they got to the couch. Huening Kai threw his bags and then hugged Taehyun tightly.

"My soulmate!". They let go and sat on the couch together.

"Did you bring the good stuff?". Taehyun asked in a joking manner.

"Hell yeah I got the good stuff". Huening Kai replied with his signature side smile. He grabbed his bag and dumped all the stuff on Taehyun's head. Beomgyu and Yeonjun watched as Huening Kai basically just made a plushie hurricane inside the house on top of Taehyun's head. The younger teens were screaming like toddlers and snuggling together into the plushies.

"Hey!". Yeonjun yelled. The maknaes continued to laugh and scream, ignoring Yeonjun.

"Hey! Guys!". Beomgyu patted Yeonjun's shoulder with a smug look.

"I got this sweetheart".

"HEY!". Everyone was quiet.

"Yes?". Huening Kai then answered.

"When's Soobin coming?". Yeonjun asked.

"I don't know when but I know that he's coming". The youngest replied.

"Oh, I bet Huening Kai knows Soobin Hyung is coming". Taehyun said. He poked Huening Kai teasingly. Beomgyu and Yeonjun gasped to understand the joke and then burst out laughing. Huening Kai's eyes widened and his face immediately turned red.

"YOU'RE SO DISGUSTING TAEHYUN SII!". He yelled. He buried himself under his plushies avoiding everyone.

"Awe! Don't be mad Hyuka! We're just kidding!". Yeonjun assured him. "You guys are so embarrassing!". The youngest whined. Yeonjun made pouty lips and held out his arms for a hug. Huening Kai shyly put his arms around Yeonjun with a frown. It was cute to everyone else really.
🥳🎉🥳🎉🎊 Night 🎊🎉🥳🎉🥳

"Guys! It's time to go up on the roof!". Yeonjun exclaimed as he finished putting the dishes away.

"Soobin Hyung! Let's go! Hurry! We don't want to miss the fireworks!". Huening Kai exclaimed, grabbing a hold of Soobin's hand tightly. Everyone followed after them. All the boys sat on the roof, staring up at the sky.

"Alrighty, here's the countdown from 10!". Beomgyu said excitingly.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!!!!". The fireworks went off, filling the sky with lights and booms. Yeonjun pulled Beomgyu into a kiss, smiling at him and the moment.

"Happy New Years!". Taehyun yelled. Huening Kai laughed and then crashed his lips on Soobin's. The older immediately kissed back, holding Hyuka's waist. The younger wrapped his arms around Soobin's neck and they made out passionately. They all finally let go and watched the fireworks. "What about my kisses!?". Taehyun asked in whining manner. Everyone laughed at him but then each kissed him on the cheek. "Yay!". Taehyun threw his hands up happily and continued to watch the rest of the fireworks.

"Happy New Years Jagiya". Soobin said softly. "Happy New Years Soobinnie Hyung. Thank you for being with me til now". Huening Kai replied before hugging Soobin tightly. "Thank you for being my protection". "Of course".

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