Captured By A Ruthless Vampir...


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Book 2 of (The Awakening Series) I'm a She-wolf who happened to be born on the day of The Awakening. My peopl... More

~CopyRight ~
~Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King~
|1| ~The Luna Blood Moon~
~Cast Updates & Rambling~
|2|~The Privileged~
|3|~The Way To A Wolves Heart~
|4|~The Brother Hood~
|5|~The Charade of Falling Stars ~
|6|~The Dream of Fire ~
|7|~Never Have I Ever ~
|9|~ Run Embry Run~
|10|~I'll Follow~
|11|~We're not in Kansas anymore~
|12|~His Rejection ~
|13|~His Rules ~
|14|~She-Wolf in the City~
|15|~The Werewolves Are Coming~
|16|~Hello Cousin~
|17|~Duty Calls~
|18|~Ending Connections~
|19| ~ It's Kill Or Be Killed~
|20| ~Rejection Denied~
|21| ~ Wreckage ~
|22|~The Truth Hurts~
|23|~ Moment 4 for life~
|24|~Let Me In~
|25|~ The Bonds of Autumn~
|26|~Bond Understood ~
|27|~Bound To You ~
|28|~My Favorite Flavor~
|29|~ Teach Me How To Grovel~
|30|~ Cool People and Cool Places~
|31|~ Mr. Groveler Grovels Good~
|32|~ Master of Manipulation~
|33|~Trust Your Instincts~
|34|~Bitch Boy~
|35|~How to torture 101 ~
|36|~Mines ~
|37|~The Bite Fight ~
|38|~The Apology~
|39|~The Dispute ~
|40|~The Chase Down~
|41|~The Golden Chosen~
~Cast Updates & Rambling~
|42|~A Night Full Of Surprises~
|43| ~The Summons~
|44| ~A Day Full Of Sorrow~
|45| ~The Lost Wolf~
|46| ~A Girl Fight ~
|47|~ A Special Touch~
|48|~The Chemicals React ~
|49|~Officially Claimed ~
|50|~Deep Trouble~
|51|~A Worldwide View ~
|52|~ You Are Dead To Me~
|53|~You Are Dead To Me Too~
|54|~You Are My Air ~
|55|~You're Driving!~
|56|~A Midnight Ride ~
|57| ~A Midnight Swim ~
|58| ~An Early Dive ~
|59| ~The Drama Queen ~
|60| ~The Red House ~
|61| ~The Grand Entrance ~
|62| ~The Fairest of All ~
|63| ~ A Time Long Ago~
|64| ~ Happy Never After~
|65| ~A Magical Surprise~
|66| ~ Once Upon A Time ~
|67| ~ A Night to Remember ~
|68| ~ An Important Business Matter ~
|69| ~ The Hunt~
|71| ~ Neckbreaking Hello's ~
|72| ~Heartbreaking Goodbyes~
|73| ~ Yet Another Important Business Matter~
|74| ~ Dark Night/ Bright Day~
|75| ~ Inner Peace Treaty~
|76| ~ The Pledge To The She-Wolf~
|77| ~The First Casualties of War ~
|78| ~A Series of Unfortuante Events ~
|79| ~War Ready ~
|80| ~Awakened~
|81| ~The Path of Blood~
|82| ~ The Grand Finale, or Not~
|83| ~Deadly Poison~
|84| ~New World Order~
|85| ~ A Whole New World~
|86| ~ Family Reunions ~
|87| ~ Abducted Rainstorms~
|88| ~ There are Consequences for Every Action~
|89| ~ I Declare War~
|90| ~ Til Death Do You Part~
|91| ~ Silent War~
|92| ~ The Art of War~
|93| ~ Operation Task Force~
|94| ~Operation Taking Cyrus Down Pt1~
|95| ~Operation Taking Cyrus Down Pt2~
|96|~ Reinforcement's ~
|97|~The Blood Gathering~
|98| ~The Challenge~
|99|~Pack in Blood~
|100|~The Winner~
Bonus Chapter ~ The Bucket List ~
Bonus Chapter ~ Heaven Sent ~
Book 3 ~Hunted by the Barbaric Vampire King~
Bonus Chapter ~ The Queen of Heart's~
Bonus Chapter ~ The Vampire King She-Wolf Queen~

|70| ~Captured By Him~

7.8K 423 35

Embry's Wolf POV.

Hey, love Bugs. It's time for some Smut and if you want all the Smut then I suggest that you head over to The Awakening Private Chapters and then dive in.

This is Pg 13 Rated: Slightly and that's why it's a warning below.

Warning: There is a little naughty action at the end of this chapter. So If you don't like Smut, don't read the beginning. You have been warned.

I slam my eyes shut and my human screams so loud it overlaps the thunder booming in the high sky above me before I find the strength to sink my sharp canines into his skin, drawing blood. He follows suit, bringing forth an inferno of pure burning hot pain that has my soul bursting out into flames as he begins to stroke, thrusting in and out of my sex, hard and fast.

Official taking away my virginity. It stings so bad, so much pain, so much pleasure, so much blood, sweat, and tears.

I swarm underneath him. "Cyrus your hurting me," I scream. "Cyrus, oh my Cyrus,"

"You belong to me," he strokes harder...faster, pinning my hands over the top of my head with his hands, still stroking viciously. The ice-cold snow seeps through my pores.

"Say it, Embry," he continues to thrust in and out of me. My claws sink deep into his skin.

"Embry, who do you belong to,"

"You," I scream. I do. "I belong to you,"

"Yes, you do," his body slams into me as breathes into the crock of my neck. "And, I belong to you. I love you, Embry," he bares his soul to me as I pledge my body to his body.

The world is spinning around me. My soul erupts in a colorful explosion where everything else around us ceases to exist.

"I love you too, Cyrus," I admit, I really do. "I love you," My tears flow like a waterfall down the side of my face.

"You are my heart and soul,"

"You are my everything, Embry," he admits, slowing his pace for just a second.

"You are my everything," he says once again before he goes back on a fuck me senseless rampage. Although this time the pain turns into an intense amount of pleasure, triple stacks over that make my treasure box begin to shoot out water jewels.

"You're so fucking wet and tight that's right baby squirt for me," he strokes harder, ten times more aggressively, fucking the shit out of me and making me scream.

I can't complain though. This is what I wanted to have him deep inside me.

I feel his presence within me, each and every one of his unhinged strokes taints another tiny piece of my soul, capturing me whole.

Goddess, I swear that it feels so got damn good to be finally tamed and claimed by him.

I know my place, I belong to him and I'm never ever, ever going to leave him.

He owns every inch of me.

He has officially captured my mind, body, and soul.

My very own being has been captured by him. I feel complete.

Cyrus completes me.

Embry's POV.

The sun is shining through the blinds as I open my eyes. The delicious scent of spiced mulberry clings to my body like a second skin. Images of last night dance gracefully across my memory as I stretch out my arm in search of him. Cyrus. He's right here.

*Last Night*

We are one... Finally. Officially bonded as one for the rest of eternity and I don't know about him but I for one feel blissfully sweet. I'm finally at peace.

We are finally at peace. I can feel the strength of our bond to the very bone, settling in my very core. I can feel his essence in my soul.

Cyrus is my soul.

We've arrived at yet another one of Cyrus dream-like cabin styled houses just before dawn and I must admit that this one is my favorite so far.

It is a modern cabin style home surrounded by a series of rapid flowing waterfalls and according to Cyrus, it sits in an area 14 miles upstream from the vampires capital Washington, D.C. in a small town by the name of Great Falls.

The entire house character is expressed by the connection between interior and exterior spaces. The open floor plan with a higher arched ceiling is to die for as it allows continuing daylight and moonlight to flow freely into the house.

The spacious kitchen with all stainless steel appliances is opened to a country-styled, yet fairly modernized dining area. I found myself in a state of complete awe as Cyrus and I watched the sunrise from the side by side floor-length picture window's, although as Cyrus gave me a brief tour around the house I quickly realized that the window view was just my first encounter with this majestic cabin beauty.

We first entered the living area that hosts the main fireplace located in the center of the living area that serves as a sculptural object, creating a warm and homey sensation that buzzes throughout your body as soon as you step into the room. The cozy beige sofa tossed with light-colored strips fits perfect and I admitted to him that the sitting area was my favorite part of the living room.

We then entered a narrow hallway at the right end of the cabin home which accompanies many other rooms. To begin with, there is a large garden room equipped with an even larger garden window, a private study filled with modernizing vampire technology that I can't even begin to explain, and a massive library that hosts the fresh scent of ancient studies.

The other end of the house is filled with about five empty rooms that Cyrus made it his point to stretch that I can utilize the wonders of my mind to fill.

"You can pick which one that you want to use as your art studio," he expressed. "Or we can knock the walls down and all of the rooms can turn into one if you might wish. It's completely up to you,"

"I'm gonna have art studios in multiple houses all across North American," I stated with a wide smile.

He rewarded me by flashing an award-winning smile of his own before he took my hand and stated...

"And nurseries fit for our future hybrid prince or princess,"

My heart dropped and I found myself stuck in a sort of trance into he wrapped his strong arms around my body and said, "I love you, sunshine,"

"I love you too, Cyrus,"

Then, he stole my breath with a kiss and I remember asking myself how did I ever become so blessed?

*Flash Back Over,*

"Hello, Gorgeous," my mate says as his golden halos fly open, shinning sunshine into my soul.

"Goodmorning, " I greet. Thanking the Moon Goddess herself for blessing us immortals with yet another gift of internal peace which is having the ability of not being able to develop... (Morning breath.)

"Yes," agrees my mate, who is obviously inside of my head. "That is a superpower indeed because if I was a human my breath would most certainly smell like your delicious pus-"

"Breakfast," I pop up my head, cutting him off just in time before he could complete his embarrassing hypothesis,"

This is where I realize that I'm still completely naked, but yet mud and melted snow-free. In actual fact, my body appears to be squeaky clean as if I was bathed in the delicious scent of Cyrus.

"Did we take a bath when we got in?" I ask while observing my skin. I mean I remember him suggesting the bath but I.."

"You feel asleep on the sofa when I went to go run your bathwater. So, I took it upon myself to bathe you before laying you back down to get some rest," he explains before he reaches his hand up towards my face. Then strokes his fingers throughout my rich and abundant hair.

"You look sexy with your hair cut to this length," he murmurs and my entire face heats up.

"And so do you," I compliment while I return the favor by absentmindedly deciding to stroke the back of my fingers throughout his now somewhat disordered and short rich deep brown mahogany hair.

He interrupts me by grabbing my hand only to place a gentle kiss down onto the back of it.

"I'm hungry," he declares a second later.

"So, am I," I agree, as I flip the cotton white fresh linen bedsheets back and attempt to climb out of the bed. Once again to be interrupted by him as he quickly grabs onto my left arm.

"No, Sunshine," he murmurs. "I believe that you have mistaken my intent," he says with a smirk.

That smirk, the that I've recently discovered melts my panty.

His intent? "I believe that I have," I voice out my confusion.

My mate flashes yet another one of his famous panty-melting smirks as he gently tugs onto my arm. "Come back to bed,"

"Cyrus I-," I begin to say but within one swift movement I find myself back in the bed with my mate body pinning me in place and my legs position overtop of my head.

"I told you that I was hungry," he confesses before his skillful tongue once again demonstrates just how skillfully it can be as Cyrus places it back into the center of my most precious jewel.

Embry's POV.

I throw my head back onto the mountains of flurry cotton pillows before I finally am able to climb out of bed.

Keyword: Finally.

It is now drawing closure to the moonset and I'm starving thanks to my mate. He downright refused to allow me to leave the bed all day and now I'm paying the price for being obedient. Although he did feed me plentiful throughout the day, which mostly consisted of white chocolate-covered strawberries and edible lock ness monster treats.

However, a wolf must eat, especially after the extracurricular activities that my body was blessed to participate in throughout the last twenty-four hours.

Anyway, the night is drawing closure so it's time for dinner. Hopefully, I can freshen up and find something to wear before heading downstairs.

I make my way across the massive master suite towards one of the walk-in closets. My entire body comes to a halt as I'm about to open the closet door. There is a huge mirror on the back of it and I pause as I come in contact with my reflection.... or what I believe to be my reflection. Right, now I'm not so sure.

I mean, I look like me but then again I don't really look like me, if anything I look ten times better than I already did, which is kind of impossible because as a she-wolf most people already believe that I'm unnaturally beautiful.

For example, my normally beautifully deep hazel brown eyes seemed to have somehow amplified in their beauty overnight. They are now violently brilliant as if the most impressive shades of autumn have been captured and applied to my irises but that is just the first of it. My once snow-white porcelain skin seems to have also caught a season. Summer in fact, now that I'm thinking about it, especially when you consider my now wonderfully shimmery golden glow.

However, some of my delicately soft features have managed to remain the same, like my high cheekbones for example. It appears to be exactly how it appeared to me yesterday.

My narrow nose and bow-shaped lips are also still intact, although they do now appear to be more amplified in beauty, more exposed thanks to the miraculous suntanned that I somehow developed while surfing the snow, but my thick and full eyebrows actually take the cake.

It appears that they have been arched overnight, which not intensifies the nature of their inherited wild beauty. My hair has also kicked it up a notch, growing overnight and my naturally wavy state has returned with a vengeance. Now reaching underneath my breasts, I'm stunned.

"You're glowing," praises my mate from behind me as the mouth-watering scent of fresh strawberries, sweet banana's, and butter overly invade my sense of smell.

Ummm-umm-um it smells finger-licking good.

"Pancakes?" I question turning around to face him.

"Waffles," he corrects me. "Come down, breakfast is ready unless you prefer breakfast in bed,"

"It's a little after seven," I tell him, briefly looking out the window behind him so I could catch the new position of the moon.

"Breakfast for dinner is the best," He grins. "I ensured that some of your items we're delivered here before our arrival. You'll find everything you need in the closet. Come down when you're ready,"

"Thank you," I smile at him before opening the closet door but he disappears before the words could even fall from out of my mouth.

"Show off," mouths my wolf as we make our way into the closet, or more like another massive room because that is exactly what it feels like we just stepped into of. Yet, another modernized country-styled room filled with far more than just a few items.

In fact, it's an entirely new wardrobe.

The cream wooden almirah designed luxury closet is equipped with lightened oaked wood floors that are coated with a glossy marble-like designed finish. In the center of the room hangs a ridiculously expensive chandelier directly over top of a cream wooded dressing table.

My eyes enlarge as they can throughout the racks on top of racks of neatly folded clothes and they grow even wider as they scan over everything that is hanging. There are over three-hundred or so different dresses, fit for any and every single accusation. Plus, a neverending series of shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals, high heels, flats, and the list goes on. Followed by, different styles of outerwear, jackets, evening coats, sweaters, cardigans, you name it all placed on the left side of the closet.

That thought alone makes my heart beat a thousand miles per second. Oh, my Goddess! Can someone please pinch me just so I know that it's real?

Now, I know that might not seem like a big deal to most, but trust me when I say that it is a big deal when it comes to the vampire kings, who rule this world because everybody knows, no matter what species that you are that the vampire kings are trained to utilize their left and their right hand to perform just about every tasks. The kings will do everything with their left hand until they find the one person who is meant to sit at their left side, only then would perform tasks with their right, and when that they come that means that they have found their queen.

My new attire on the left side of his closet plus Cyrus clothes being placed on the right side equals one thing. He claimed his queen.

I'm his queen. Yes! I know this by now, but it seems as if that I'll never be able to accept it. All of this is just so unreal.

I open one of the drawers to find the softest silk, the most delicate lace, the sheerest chiffon, and the fluffiest cotton undergarments that I've ever encountered. Directly after I locate many intoxicating showed gels, makeup, perfumes, body lotions, and quite of few of different scented shampoos and conditioner. The drawer smells expensive. Way too expensive, I never thought that I would encounter anything at the sort.

I decided to go plain jane, grabbing a black cotton bra and matching panties set before selecting some shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner. Then I decide to pop the tops open and take a deep whiff just to find myself rewarded with the fresh scent of wild berries and wildflowers blended in perfect harmony. Oh, my Goddess, it smells so heavenly. The vampires sure do know how to capture and then replicate an intoxication scent.

For a brief second, I just stand there taking whiff after whiff. I've never experienced anything like this. It's crazy how my entire life changed before my eyes in such little time.

Back at the packhouse, we utilize natural products provided to us by our Goddess gracious charity. I bet that all of the she-wolves would kill to just have a chance to smell any one of these products. Better yet, I know that they will, especially Celine. She is a fan of the finer thing of life.

Maybe after things settle down, I could ask Cyrus to have luxury bath items of the sort sent to her. I know that she would love it.

Thinking of which, that reminds me. I need to speak to my mate about ending this pointless war with my people. There is no point in him holding a grudge with my people now that he's mated to a she-wolf vice versa. Our union proves that we all can live in peace. Everything has changed and the new world order will be nothing but blissful peace.

Cyrus has captured my heart since the first time that I've laid eyes on to him. I know that if he puts his best foot forward that he can win over my people as well. It won't be easy, but as my father us to us nothing in life is easy. You have to work for what you want and fight for what you believe in no matter what. I know that Cyrus can do it.

I just know it, I think to myself as I walk into the connected bathroom that is just as grand, if not grander then the master bedroom and luxury closet. Let's see, the bathroom walls are also creme and the interior is also a modernized country-styled theme completed with a marble toilet, shower, and matching tub. There is also another ridiculously expensive chandelier that sits in the middle of it all. Plus, it's more than enough robes, slippers, fluffy towels, washrags, and just about any and everything else that a person would ever need.

After quickly freshening up, I decided to go even plainer as I slide into some light washed jeans and a pair of black sheepskin slides. Please, don't judge me. I'm mostly a sweater and jeans type of girl, dressing up is really not my thing. Especially, when I'm in the house.

To be honest, I rather walk around naked with just a robe then wear clothes. Us she-wolves just love to feel free.

A couple of minutes later, I head downstairs to join my mate. It appears that he made more than enough breakfast for just the two of us to eat.

The table is filled with strawberry and banana waffles, fried chicken, cinnamon french toast, home fries, fried potatoes, turkey bacon, turkey sausages, pork sausage, pork bacon, steak, scrambled eggs, omelets, shrimp and grits covered with what smells to be a country gravy and a platter of fresh fruit.

Oh, my Goddess! How did I ever get so lucky?

"I can't believe you made all this," I smile as I take a seat at the fancy oakwood dining table.

"A she-wolfs got to eat, right?" He winks at me before he heads to the refrigerator. "Would like orange juice, pineapple, cranberry, or apple?"

"Don't worry about, I got it," I smile back at him as I meet him there.


"You've done more than enough, Mr. Groveler. Now, please sit down and eat. Allow Mrs. Groveler to grovel,"

"Mrs. Grovelor, I like that," teases my handy dandy mate while following my orders.

"I bet you do," I tease back, pulling out the freshly squeezed orange juice and a basket of fresh fruit.

"Do you like smoothies?" I question while pulling the ingredients into the blender. "My dad taught me how to make a killer sunrise smoothie. It used to be my favorite breakfast essential while growing up, just one sip of it would make your tastebuds explode,"

"The only thing that can make my tastebuds explode is that blessing between your legs that your Goddess has blessed you with," declares my mate as he appears behind me and then places a simple kiss down onto my bare shoulder.

"You taste so.." he goes to finish when out of nowhere a sudden flash of electrifying energy strikes twice within my chest, like lightening almost bringing me down to my knees.

Followed by, a thrilling sensation sizzling throughout my skin and then loud thunderous applause of power beginning to zap throughout my blood.

What the heck? I never felt anything like it! I think to myself as my hands go flying overtop of my racing heart or have I...

Matter fact, I have or at least I think I have back at King Nicklaus estate, right before the cold-hearted King arrived.

Wait a minute! Oh, my Goddess! No, it can't be. Oh, my Goddess! My eyes nearly pop out of my socket, as a new realizations dawn on me.

I believe that the extraordinary sensation isn't a sensation at all.

"You're right," howls my wolf. "It's an alarm that tells our mate that another powerful an extremely deadly predator is on the horizon. Sort of like a warning, " explains my wolf, and judging by Cyrus now crimson red eyes, she might just be right.

"Wait! So the cold-hearted vampire King is here?'" I seek more of my wolf council.

"No," my mate answers instead. "It's Luscious the King of South America,"

Awake Update. Please don't forget to hit that golden star ⭐️ comment and follow. If you want to read a chapter ahead you can access my Inkitt link on my profile.

My next update shall be Friday and now for the surprise.

Yet another one of Cyrus and Embry's cabin escapes.

<🌪>Awake Update.
Please don't forget to hit that golden star ⭐️ comment and follow. If you want to read a chapter ahead you can access my Inkitt link on my profile.

Hello, Love Bug's! Here's your update as promised. My next update shall be next Friday because as you all know I'm in the process of publishing book 1. Plus, I have an essay due so my time is precious but I love you so I might update early... LOL. Enjoy your weekend.

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