Bah Humbug (manxman) A Christ...

By ladydianna01

1.9M 65.4K 11.4K

Whoever it was that said that money can't buy you happiness had hit the nail smack dab on its head. Ellis Ca... More

Bah Humbug (manxman) A Christmas Romance NanoWrimo 2014
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

76.4K 2.9K 691
By ladydianna01

Chapter 17

A/N, thank you guys for another journey this is the last chapter, but don't worry there will be an epilogue to come by the latest Sunday morning. Thank you all so much for your support and your votes. Yes, I did make over the 50,000 word mark to win NaNoWrimo and again I thank all of you. xoxo Dianna

(Picture of the Church------>), and please enjoy the sing Johnny Gill's You for Me. 

It was unreal; I was in a constant state of surprise these last two weeks and stepping out of Ellis car and onto the sidewalk in front of the fully renovated and decorated Orphanage had me standing there gaping like a fish. Ellis had refused to let me set foot anywhere near the place while the repairs were being done. He wanted me to be surprised and he had the children come to visit me instead at our home. Ellis had finally talked me into giving up my little apartment and into moving in with him, and although I was wary at first, I have settled in and I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it.

As we made our way up the steps cameras flashed and I remembered that the press was on hand tonight to capture the black tie event held right here at the Orphanage on Christmas Eve. All who had contributed, participated, and paid for the privilege to see and be seen was on hand for the catered Christmas dinner and the midnight mass to follow at the church later on tonight.

As we stepped through the doors, I had to laugh at the some of the sour expressions on the kids faces as they pulled and tugged on the Christmas outfits. The boys especially with their starched shirts and neckties, but God they looked so adorable. I had to take a few pictures of them myself with my cell phone. Mrs. Russell came bustling by and she immediately handed Jayden dressed as a cheery Santa Claus into Ellis’ arms, and my heart fluttered away at the look of pure adoration on his face. I knew that this little man was going to make an appearance in our lives in the near future. I know Ellis was up to something, but I wasn’t sure what it was. I have long since learned to just go with the flow. If my man was determined about doing something, then it was a done deal even if God himself came down from high and said otherwise.

With Jayden held securely in his arms we made our way through the house and said hello to all the people we knew, his clients and the bustling staff from the Bistro. Rafael came forward with a curious Kara on his heels firing off question after question about his cooking and if he liked doing it and so forth. And I had to hand it to the big man, he patiently answered her questions and even made her his assistant for the night and she squealed and clapped her hands as she jumped up and down and proceeded to tell him to put what dish where on the table. It was hilarious to watch the big man handle or her handle the big man I should say.

Even some of the more flamboyant of the Sugar Babies were queening it up and they were busy gushing over the toddlers in the finery, while their Daddies looked on nervously obviously not wanting to caught up in the baby boom of the night. Mrs. Russell had already explained to me that two of the older kids and three of the toddlers were up of adoption already, and my heart melted with the happy news.

Ellis excused himself baby and all and went to over to speak to some of his clients and Stephanie and her boyfriend. I saw Father Rodriguez and the Arch Bishop entertaining some of the City Council members and I waved at them and kept on going. I was on the hunt for Mrs. Russell when I nearly ran right into her as she came out of the nursery and closed the door behind her.

“Oh goodness, love, there are so many people in here tonight and all the kids are overexcited with all this attention. Bethany and Ada are having a rough time settling the babies.” She said as she laced her arm through mine and walked me through to the lounge.

“Huh babies, so are there more than just Jayden in residence then?” I asked her as we made our way to the buffet table.

“Yes we had a set of twin girls, newborns that the social workers brought over from the Hospital; the poor little mites were abandoned in the Emergency Room and needed emergency placement. And we got another three month old boy taken from neglectful parents, but we are in the process of contacting the grandparents for the child and see if they are deemed fit for placement.” She said as she made her food choices.

I nodded my head in understanding and I made a mental note to check on the babies before I left. I always made it a point to know all the little ones in residence. The evening wore on and Jayden got fussy so Mrs. Russell took him to put him to bed for the night. Ellis was a little disappointed but he got over it as we sat down to the formal dinner that Rafael had catered. The food was superb and the conversation around the table was wonderful. It warmed my heart that all that these people have come together to accomplish something so special. The house had been completely renovated; the rooms now all had central heating and air conditioning.  

The teen’s wing now had computer room the teens can use them for homework instead of taking the bus all the way to the library. The bathrooms were all renovated and housed several showers and all the amenities the children needed, from steeping stools to training potties for the younger ones. The kitchen now had a huge fully stocked pantry, industrial stoves and ovens along with a restaurant grade refrigerator. All the furniture from sofas to cribs has been replaced with newer safer ones. The house is completely baby proof and the game room rivaled a professional arcade. The children here wanted for nothing and in the broad spectrum of things that was all I really wanted to accomplish. And with the help of the Foundation and the funds it is steadily collecting, it will remain that way for a long time to come.

I looked over at my man and I studied him sitting there in his formal tuxedo and my heart swelled in my chest and my mouth watered. He laughed at something Stephanie said and I could do nothing but stare at the absolute beauty if the man inside and out. Ellis turned to take a sip of his sparkling water and caught my gaze. He winked at me and squeezed my hand underneath the table and I squeezed his right back. Words could never express how much I love this man. I could just show him everyday how much I cared as I take care of him and he takes care of me.

The night wore on with after supper coffees and pastries from that quaint French Bakery we found on Cameron Ave being served. I noticed that Mrs. Dubois and her husband were here along with her nephew, Taylor and his bad boy boyfriend Evan. I had to say that the big guy cleaned up really well and looked exceptionally handsome in his tuxedo, but no one could hold a candle to my debonair man. He was my everything, the brightest and handsomest star in my world. And I was proud to be the one that he chose. Ellis reminded me on a daily basis that I was his Christmas miracle, and that it was because of me there is no Bah Humbug in his world this year or the years to follow as long as I remained at his side.

I remembered the night he first whispered those words in my ear and I had burst into tears. I was the blessed one and I knew it. I had one more semester before I graduated with my degree in Graphic Design and I already had offers from some of Ellis’ clients for their marketing and design businesses. One of the main ones I was considering was Roche Marketing and Advertising Inc. I looked down the table and spied Mr. Marcus Roche himself and his World renowned artist of a husband, Corey Roche. One of the Sugar babies were friends with Gavin Carter, Mr. Roche’s business partner and music mogul Damien Carter’s husband.

 Matty, my friend and unbeknownst to me at the time is a Sugar Baby, he used to work in their private club during our first year in school together and he introduced me to Gavin, and the rest was history. I could never understand how Gavin wrapped both of those strapping men around his little fingers. It was too cute. His intense husband, Damien was simply stunning, and Mr. Roche hovered over him like a protective big brother while Gavin himself simply fussed over everyone, especially Corey. There were some real heavy hitters in this room tonight, but you would never know by the way everyone was getting along.

It was close to midnight and everyone was making their way over to St. Paul’s Church for midnight mass. Mrs. Russell looked tired but pleased as people thanked her for her hospitality. There was a slow procession towards the church and Thomas double parked and let us out right at the steps so we could make our way inside with all the limos and luxury cars circling to drop off all those attending the Christmas mass. I had so much to be thankful for this year and the main person was holding my hand as he led me up the stairs.

After checking our coats, Ellis pulled me along and instead of making our way into the sanctuary he led me into a little ante room and I swear not even for him, there was no way we were going to do the do in church. I preceded him into the room and I was already forming my argument in my mind when the door clicked and I turned around and gasped out loud when I saw Ellis bent down on one knee and he was looking up at me with his heart in his gleaming gray eyes and a black velvet box in his hand. I slapped my hands over my mouth and tears spilled out of my eyes as I backed away from him and further into the room.

If he was doing what I think he was doing my brain just couldn’t believe it. Ellis jumped to his feet before I could get too far away and his huge arms wrapped around me and pinned me to his massive chest.

He stared down into my watery eyes, his gaze was so intense, but I couldn’t look away. I was totally enthralled by this man. “Baby, it’s only been a month, and in than short span of time you have worked your way into my heart. Please don’t cry my love.” Ellis whispered as he wiped my warm tears away. I was speechless; the lump of emotion clogging my throat just wouldn’t go away. I could only just stand there and stare dumb founded at him as he looked at me with so much love and so much certainty that it was all too much for me to take in.

He cupped my face in his large hands and he brought his face to mine and gently swept his lips over mine, it was just a mere brush of his mouth over mine, but that whisper of a kiss was full of love, and of promise. He leaned back and those molten mercury eyes stared intently into mine before he drew a deep breath and opened his heart to me. “Timothy you are it for me, you are my heart, you are embedded in my mind and even deep down to my very soul. If I have never been sure about anything in my life, I am one hundred percent sure that I love you. I want to take this journey through life with you at my side. I want to have children with you, grow old with you, and watch our grandchildren play and strive under the mutual love that we have for each other and that we will have for them.”

I choked on a sob as he again wiped my tears away and kissed the tip of nose. “You came into my bleak dark world, and you brought your light, your guilelessness, and your unselfish determination and drive. And most of all you brought your openness, your faith, and your unconditional love into my life and you have made me a better person. Baby, you are my miracle and I want you as my husband, my partner, and the man at my side in this life and the next.”

And again, Ellis went down on one knee and a broken sob escaped the tightness of my throat, he looked up at me and I gasped as I saw that his own brilliant eyes were wet with unshed tears. He opened the ring box and a beautiful gold ring with a brilliant emerald nestled the middle of the wide band. Then, I noticed there were two identical rings and I gave him a curious stare. Ellis smiled at me and reached into his jacket and pulled out a piece of paper. “My darling, if you will do the absolute honor of being my husband, at the stroke of midnight tonight, on this Christmas morning, I want us to say our vows and join us together as one the rest of our lives. Please, please say yes…Please.” He earnestly pleaded with me.

My heart pounded away in my chest and my pulse was spiking through the roof, but I knew that Ellis Carrington was the only man in this Universe that was meant for me, and I got down on my knees in front of him and swallowed the lump in my throat and breathed, “Yes, I…I will marry you. Right now, right here, tonight. I love you more than words could ever explain. You are my life.” I replied and watched this brilliant strong man break down and cried as he leaned forward and captured my lips in the most intimate, and the most loving kiss he has ever bestowed upon me, and I reveled in it and in him.

Ellis leaned back and rubbed his wet cheeks against mine and he once again showed me the paper in his hand. This is our marriage license, the Clerk of Courts is here in the building right now to sign it and Father Rodriguez and all our friends, family, and co-workers are here in the sanctuary to witness the exchange of our vows. Baby, if you decided not to honor me and marry me tonight then midnight mass would just have went on as usual. But I had hope and faith that you wanted to ne mine forever, because baby I am already yours.”

And oh God, that did it for me, I pushed him until he was laying flat on his back and I was on top of him smothering his gorgeous face with kisses. Ellis just chuckled and held on to me like he never wanted to let me go. But he said, “Come on baby, I want to get my ring on your finger. I want to show the world that you are mine sweetness, and that I am yours.” He said as he stood and helped me to my feet.

We took a detour into the restroom and we both laughed at our reddened noses and disheveled hair. It took a few moments before we made ourselves presentable and my man held my hand as he led me from the room. And when we opened the door, Mrs. Russell was standing there with a huge smile on her face and so was Stephanie, she grabbed Ellis’ arm and dragged him off to another ante room, and Mrs. Russell pushed me back into the room we just came out of and she placed a bag on the table with a little sniffle. “Oh my baby is getting married.” She wailed and hugged me to within an inch of my life and rocked me from side to side. I just held on for the ride and tried not to start blubbering all over again.

By the time she was done with me, I had a red corsage of white and red roses pinned to my lapel, my hair was brushed to a silky shine and left hanging down my back. I knew this was just the way Ellis loved my hair. Mrs. Russell explained that she was the one giving me away and she sniffled again and I just pulled her into a hug. We stepped up to the foyer and both the double door was closed. It was ten minutes to midnight and I was beginning to get nervous. Oh my gosh, I was minutes away from marrying the man of my dreams, and then my nerves fell away as a euphoric bubble popped in my brain. I could have done the happy dance right there and then.

That’s when I heard it, the beginning strains of a song started to play. I listened to it and tried to think of where I knew the song from and then it hit me. It was Johnny Gill’s Wedding song, “You for Me.” Ellis couldn’t have picked a more perfect song and then with a dazzling swoosh, the doors opened and I was presented with a virtual Christmas wonderland. The entire church was decorated with brilliant gold fabrics, and white twinkling lights, the alter itself had several sizes of Christmas trees that were artfully arranged and beautifully decorated, but my eyes landed on the one person that was all important in my world. I was so focused on getting to him that I had to restrain myself and remember to keep pace with the song as I made my way up the aisle.

I knew I had the biggest grin on my face but I couldn’t help it. There was so much joy in my heart, and Ellis looked at me like the sun rose and shined on me. His grin was just as wide as mine and finally, finally I made it to his side and all the necessities were said and I stood before God, man, and the spirit of Christmas past, present, and future and promised to love and cherish this man until death do us part. And exactly at the stroke of midnight, the first thing on Christmas morning, and Father Rodriguez pronounced husband and husband with our exchange of vows and rings, and we shared our first kiss to the ringing of the church bells and the boisterous applause of our friends and family.

The End


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