Just Another Fairy Tail (18+)...

By lillonelyboy

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Their fathers are business partners, collaborating on an integrated school to keep the things they want to pr... More



8.4K 319 12
By lillonelyboy


. . .

As though sensing they no longer need to be hidden, the second we get back to our dorm room, my wings unfurl, knocking over the tall lamp beside the door.

Kai, who's been walking ahead of me, and has already taken a seat on our bed, smiles as though they're the greatest things to ever exist.

"So," he begins, reclining on our bed with a smug grin on his lips. "I've been shacking up with a fairy, huh?"

His cocky statement immediately puts me at ease, and I frown at the fact that I felt uneasy. I realize that for just a quarter of a second, that I actually wanted to go back to the cave. That after having lived in discomfort for days, only to have to come back to our room, unlived in and dusty, the wet rock and constant roar of the waterfall were preferable to the stuffy silence.

I force a smile, though it instantly drops as I notice some of my plants have begun to wilt. Some didn't need the perpetual watering, but others did.

I feel a literal pang in my chest as the petals of my poppies droop slightly, having been sitting directly in the light from the window this entire time.

"Oh no," I murmur, too forlorn to be an exclamation.

Unconciously, I ignore Kai, though I can feel his worried gaze boring holes in my back. I walk over to my poor dilapidated plants and gingerly touch the dried out petals, knowing that my touch can't cause much more harm other than the petals snapping off.

I let out a quiet gasp of shock as my fingers brush the dried out flowers, watching them become revitalized under the briefest of touches. I look down at my hands, and I notice the stong grasses wrapped around my wrists. My brain gives me a quick replay of how after exiting our little hidey-hole, the grass seemed to respond to my touch.

Invigorated with this little tid-bit of information, I laugh, the sound foreign and a bell-like, even to my own ears. I go around touching everything, bringing my plants back to life.

Kai watches with amusement as I flit about, having left his spot on the bed. As he follows me around, I realize that he's grabbing everything my wings would have knocked over before they hit the ground.

I stop, though I can't help but be curious what my powers would do to my cactus, since it seems perfectly fine. Since it's right beside me, I press a finger to the soil and nearly squeal when an entirely new succulent begins to sprout beside the original.

"Okay," I proclaim. Holding my hands out to reign in my composure, and shaking my head slightly as my smile refuses to leave my lips. "We gotta do some research on this. You're a werewolf, and I'm a half-fairy, and since we exist, there's gotta be some info on this." I punctuate my sentence with a quick flutter of my wings. 

Kai smiles once more. It seems to be the only expression either of us is capable of making at the moment, but I could care less.

"Of cour— Wait, half?"

I nod, waving a hand noncomittally, my wings mimicking the movement as I attempt to brush away any shock he has about the notion. "Yeah, the kid who called me can explain it better than I did. But, I'm only half-fairy."

He nods, brown eyes flashing that adorable green. "Huh... So, that explains the demonic glow, rather than a happy sparkle," he teases.

I laugh. "Probably. C'mon, library. Let's go!" 

Kai chuckles as I move to dash out the door, and grabs me by my wrist. "Shower first, yeah?"

At his words, I groan, though I know he's right. I haven't bathed properly in days, and I'm probably grimy in some less than fun places. Kai continues to laugh at my discontent whilst tugging me into our bathroom. 

Kai steps into the glass cubicle to turn on the warm water and within an instant, steam begins to fill the small room, flowing into the bedroom since the door is open. I stand outside, kicking my shoes off so that I'm now barefoot on the cold tile. I bite my lower lip, watching with unbidden desire as Kai tugs his now damp shirt over his head in that sensuous way that practically every guy does.

He's obviously had a shower already, and it puts a pause on my desire for the briefest of seconds that he didn't look for me, but I don't dwell on it for long.

He tugs down his sweatpants, revealing that he wears nothing underneath. I inhale sharply, and cough quietly to hide my gasp. Not really the time to get distracted.

Naked as the day he was born, Kai steps out of the spray and stands in front of me. Gingerly, obviously not wanting to disturb my wings, Kai pulls my cheer shirt over my head and off of my arms.

My bra quickly follows.

He then stoops to his knees, and placing kisses on either hip bone, tugs the material down my legs, grabbing my panties as he does so. When they reach the floor, he stands, grabbing my hand in his, allowing me to step out of my skirt.

Unspeakingly, and still as gingerly as ever, Kai pulls me into the spray, our new showering system assaulting us from either side, allowing us both to be thoroughly doused by the water. As the warmth of the water rushes over me, it occurs to me that more than anything, I want him to hold me. To enfold me in his arms, and wrap me in the comforting heat that I so adore.

My wings get in the way of that. At the thought, I grab my soap and begin to scrub at my body with renewed impatience. The faster I shower, the faster I can get to the library. When I begin to rinse my body clear of suds, I can feel Kai moving behind me and once I've finished, I attempt to head out of the shower, but Kai stops me with a quick tug on my arm.

It's gentle, but with the force of a werewolf, I'm spun, bare into his body. My left arm is pinned by Kai's and my right arms, and with the way the right is wrapped around my body, I can't move it either. Subconciously, I'm aware that my wings have receded, saving themselves from being crushed between our limbs.

"Wait," Kai murmurs, dropping his lips to mine.

I moan into his mouth, allowing myself to be drawn into his intoxicating kiss, for the longest of brief moments, before I pull attempt to pull away.

"We. Should. Get. To. The. Library."

Each time I try to speak, an open mouthed kiss is dropped on my lips, trying to coerce me into staying.

"It can wait," Kai murmurs. Mimicking my words from before, he drops his voice a couple octaves and says, "Don't you want me?"

I moan, but laugh against his lips. "I do. But we have forever, don't we?"

Taking advantage of the second of hesitation he has, I push my way out of the shower.

Kai moans, simply asking that I leave the door open as I get dressed. I blush at the obvious reasoning behind the request and at the resulting slapping sound emanating from the bathroom when I begin to rub moisturizer into my skin. Several minutes later, Kai climbs out of the shower, and catching up to me, briskly dries himself and sets about pulling on plain sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Unspeaking, we head outside toward the library, where the sun is on the verge of disappearing behind the trees and few students still mill about.

I tug on Kai's arm as we walk. "Why is everyone in a daze? Why aren't we being mobbed right now?" I ask.

Kai smiles, leading me into the main school building, of which I'm sure the kids of the founders have undisclosed clearance. "'Cause magic exists," he says simply. "But, there's no way that the other normies would accept that. So we wiped their memories."

"With magic?"

Kai steels his expression. "No. With the thing the FBI uses on agents who've been purposely told to do the wrong thing."

I look up at him wide eyed, kind of believing him.

"Kidding," Kai laughs, his Die Hard expression dropping.

I shove him playfully in the chest, and he fake stumbles into the library, though he tugs me with him, and we both topple to the floor.

"Ugh. She's back," a voice spits from within the library. Though it's quickly shushed by the librarian, Mrs. Kane who glares at Kai and I.

I blush with shame, hauling myself up and off of Kai. I hadn't realized there'd be other people in here.

Standing, I realize that the voice came from sneering Karen, who stands beside Frankie who holds a similar expression.

Kai's eyes flash green, and Karen's annoyance diminishes visibly, though at the twitch in her lips, I can see she's still irritated with my existance. As I witness the encounter, I realize that Karen must be one of them, and cocking a curious eyebrow at Kai, I receive a nod that tells me I'm right.

"Let's just wait until tomorr—" I attempt to tug Kai back from whence we came, though it's futile. He stands his grown, glowering at the pair until Karen makes to leave, grabbing a reluctant and still glaring Frankie's hand and pulling her outside.

Satisfied, Kai's chest deflates and with a quick tug, I'm in his arms and we're headed to the back of the opulent library. It's more than true when I say our parents spared no expense on this place, so the library looks like something out of Beauty and the Beast. But it's also true that they thought I was human, as well as some of the other students definitely being human, so I can't imagine that there is a werewolf and fairy genre for us to sift through.

I'm about to ask Kai when he leads us to the corner that's full of biographies. It looks the least trafficked, but that means nothing. I'm curious as to where he's going to lead us when I realize that the biographies are of people whose names haven't the slightest of significance to me. 

"Who's Earl Kitthrich?"

"Random name. Random person. Random biography, written by random person in random creative writing class."

He thumbs through the spines of the book, searching for something, as though his explanation should garner no questions.

"But, why?"

Kai grunts, reaching a book that won't shift to either side. "Got it," he murmurs to himself. "So that no one needs to come to this section." His simple sentence is punctuated by the library shelf receding inward, revealing a smaller room, filled with older books. 

It's a long room, not very wide. The walls on either side are filled with books and there's a single unattached shelf with books filling it that resides in the center of the room, and between that shelf in the wall on either side, a table with a desk lamp rests. And whilst it wasn't my first observation, it's still the most shocking, there are students in here, younger ones, freshmans and sophomores, pilfering through books in complete and utter silence, save for the turning of pages. 

They don't look up when we enter and I look to Kai once more to confirm my suspicions. When Kai nods again, it's clear that these are more werewolves.

Immediately, we get to work, pillaging any book with remotely anything about fairies. 

Occasionally, Kai gives his green eyed stare when students have a book we need, but ultimately we end up with about twenty books that look like they haven't seen the light of day in about six years, and a shit load of reading to do.

Great, absolutely great.

. . .

This is absolutely not edited, because I both love and hate 2000+ word chapters. xoxo

Next update on: Sunday.


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