Running From Hell

By Mud-Bug0129

443 18 7

Zoey Springdale was forced to move in with her father at a young age. He remarried Zoey's step-mother, who co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

37 1 0
By Mud-Bug0129

Zoey's POV

      As the words left his mouth, my heart sped up a bit, the beeping of the monitor following. If he noticed, he didn't say anything. I scanned his face, searching for any hint of the question or questions soon to come, but found nothing other than the kindness he had.

      "Uh, um, go ahead," I mumbled, usnsure what to expect. "What's going to happen now? I mean, your truck is totalled, you barely have anything left to your name." His eyes seemed to search mine as if they held all of the answers, but I didn't have the answers.

      "I don't know. I didn't really know before and I still don't know. I can't just go home. If I go now, I might as well sign my death certificate. I have no where, I hardly have anything, just a big fucked up situation." I shook my head, looking towards the wall as tears welled up in my eyes.

      His arms gently wrapped around me and pulled me into his warm chest. I snuggled into him, grasping at something, anything to keep me afloat, when I felt as if I was being pulled under. "Zoe, come stay with me. I've got the room and I need somebody to keep me company. Please," he was pleading, his hazel eyes wide and desparate. What other choice did I have?

     "O-okay, but just until I can get on my feet. I don't want to impose on your life, you shouldn't have to put up with me." I said, with a serious tone. "Yeah, okay. Quit with the bullshit already, I'm thrilled that you'll be with me." The way his eyes sparkled, I knew he was being honest.

      "So, when am I getting out of here?" I asked, ready to be free of the blinding white setting. "Soon, I think. They might want to do a few tests before you leave. It just depends on what the doctor says," he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I-" I was cut off, by what I presumed to be a doctor, entering.

      The man looked to be in his fifties, with white hair, a tan complexion, and a lean frame. "Ah, Ms. Springdale, it's such a lovely surprise for you to be awake. I just want to have a few more tests done then you should be able to leave by ten, this morning." I glanced over at the clock on the wall to see it was just past five in the morning.

      "Okay," I simply replied, in a bashful tone. He turned towards Travis, "Sir, I will need you to step out while we run those tests." I met Travis's eyes as they looked at me, silently questioning me. I nodded my head, to let him know I would be all right. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, before leaving. Nurses soon entered my room, and wheeled me off for numerous tests, while I just pondered how my life would be.


Travis's POV

      I can't believe she agreed to stay with me! I'm so thrilled! I had more than enough room for her, and it would be amazing to wake up every morning and know she's there. To have her back at the bookstore, unknowingly making customer's day. But most of all, she'd be safe. I wouldn't have to worry about if she was going to be found dead one day.

     As I waited, I walked around, thinking about how different things would be now. I guess if Max hadn't pushed her over the edge things would be worse. But, after she was released, she would be safe with me, and I would make her happy. If she was the sun, then Iwould be her shoulder to lean on.


      After a while, I returned to Zoey's hospital room, to see her staring at the door. When I entered, her eyes seemed to light up. "Um, why are you so excited?' I questioned slowly, curious as to why she was so happy.

      "The doctor said I could change into normal clothes, because the test all came back with positive results. But, you'll have to help me, due to all of my injuries..." she trailed off nervously, and a small blush covered her cheeks. "Okay, just tell me what to do," I replied as if this wasn't a big deal.

      "First, I need my clothes. Will you remove the tags for me?" She was taking command of the situation, which seemed cute on her. I turned, grabbing the bag of clothes next to the bed, and pulled the tags off as I pulled them out of the bag, and set them on the bed. "Help me off?" She questioned, looking at me through her lashes.

      Instead of replying, I grabbed her hips, and lifted her high off the bed, before gently setting her down. She turned her back to me and I instantly figured out she wanted me to untie the strings of the hospital gown.

      I started at the bottom one, and worked my way up, revealing the black underwear, and her bare back. I noticed the scars, and absentmindedly began tracing them. Her small frame letting out a shiver as goosebumps coated her skin. She never tried to stop me, even when I traced a long one going from her left hip to her right shoulder.

      "What happened?" I questioned, knowing she knew what I was referring to. "Uh... I was in the shower when my step-mother came up with a knife. She was swinging it at me, saying I did something wrong again. When I turned my back, to turn off the water, she swung the knife. When I turned arounf to face her, she made a stab for my chest, but it didn't go in deep enough to cause any major damage."

      Her body was shaking, and I knew tears were streaking down her cheeks. I wrapped my arms around her stomach, and pulled her to my chest. I rocked her back and forth, trying to soothe her. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but when she composed her self she pulled away.

      She grabbed the sports bra, and carefully pulled it up. Then, she grabbed the yoga pants, and tugged them up her long, lean legs. She slipped the long-sleeve shirt over her head, the thin gray shirt allowing her neon green sports bra to be seen. She left the tank-top and hoodie on the bed, as she reached for the make-up.

      She padded to the bathroom in her bare feet, and set to work applying the concealer and foundation, then came out and applied a layer of chapstick to her lips. Linda had also bought her a pair of flip-flops, which Zoey spotted and slipped on. Her hair was still a mess, but she always managed to look beautiful.

      I sat in a chair and pulled her by the hips, to sit on my lap. I started running my fingers through her hair to untangle it. She patiently sat there, reaching up to play with the strands framing her face occassionally. When all of the strands were tangle free, I grabbed the pack of hair-ties Linda left, and started to fix her hair. I put it in a high ponytail, braided it, then put it in a bun.

      When I was done, she mumbled a small 'thank you', before curling into my chest and dozing off.


      There was a knock at the door, before the doctor poked his head in. He fully stepped in, and came up to us. "These are discharge forms, that need to be filled out and signed, and these are her prescriptions." I gave him a curt nod and he left.

      I filled out the forms, and forged her father's signature. Zoey had learned to do it, then had Linda and me learn, in case it was ever needed. "Zoey," I drawled into her ear. "Time to wake up, and leave, honey. We're going home now," I said, and she started stirring. "Come on, let's take the papers to the desk then I'll carry you." She let out a growl, but got up and stumbled to the door.

      I grabbed her stuff, and walked to the front desk with her, and handed the nurse the packet of papers. I bent down and Zoey wrapped her legs around my waist, and her good arm around my neck. I wrapped my free arm under her butt to hold her up. I slowly made my way out of the building and to my truck.

      I unlocked and opened the door and got Zoey settled. Bull crawled into her lap and curled up in a ball. I set her her stuff in the back, then got into the driver's seat, and buckled in, then started the engine. I pulled out of the parking lot and started making my way towards our home.


A/N: I'm sorry it took so long for me to update. Things are still pretty crazy, and it's hard to find time to write. This chapter is a little shorter than the others, and is mainly a filler, but there was some juice to it. In this chapter, the reader gets to see one of the more major cases of abuse, there's also more time and feelings between Zoey and Travis. What do you think about Travis? Max? Zoey? Also I'd like to give a big thanks to you guys, because at one point my story was #639 in ChickLit! Thanks and hope you enjoy!

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