That Robotic Soul (Wingfic) B...

By ScarletRose494

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Everything seems to be going great's not. More

Chapter 1 Jarvis
Chapter 2 Bucky
Chapter 3 Innocent
Chapter 4 Bestest Best Friends Forever
Chapter 5 Warning
Chapter 6 Nyah
Chapter 7 I Promised
Chapter 8 Edwin Jarvis
Chapter 9 High
Chapter 10 Two Soulmates?
Chapter 11 Cloak Burrito
Chapter 12 Missile
Chapter 13 Help Tony's Hurt
Chapter 14 Vacation?
Chapter 15 Wakanda Forever
Chapter 16 Dreams
Chapter 17 Not So Bad Bad Guys
Chapter 18 ITS A TRAP
Chapter 19 Hydra
Chapter 20 I'm Ok
Chapter 21 Sam!?
Chapter 22 Trigger Warning
Chapter 23 Magic
Chapter 24 Soulmagic
Chapter 25 Ukatana
Chapter 26 Remembering
Chapter 27 Steve
Chapter 28 Kiss
Chapter 30 Friendship?
Chapter 31 Stephen? TONY!?
Chapter 32 Save Me Stephy
Chapter 33 End

Chapter 29 Come Back

673 40 4
By ScarletRose494

Tony's Pov:

"Morning." I heard Sam whisper...Is he talking to me?

"Morning." I heard Stephen say from behind me.

"You think he slept well?" Sam asked.

"I know he did," Stephen said and I heard Sam chuckle quietly.

"Good he needs it," Sam said as I started drifting off again as he started massaging the back of my neck. I must have fallen asleep again because I was back in the room...I don't use any powers in here...It's when I mess with the lines. I looked at the new little-engraved plates at the end of the lines...Pretty. I looked at Bruce's which looked fine and then my eyes locked onto the gold...I walked over and looked at the knot where I had tied it. It was not as strong or glowing as brightly as the others. Steve had still had his mark the day we did that mission just like I had mine but we had talked about it...


"Hey, Tony...Can I talk to you?" Steve asked.

"Sure thing Spangles," I said and he snorted. I followed him away from the others and he frowned...What?

"About our marks dulling," Steve said.

"It's fine, Cap," I said.

"Is it?" He asked and I frowned. "You can talk to me that's what I'm here for...We may not have bonded or anything but I'm still your friend. I'm your friend first, Tony." Steve said.

"I'm not good enough for you...Of course, it's going to get dim." I said trying to make it sound like a joke.

"Tony, don't talk like that. You're great even though you can be a sarcastic asshole sometimes." Steve said.

"Say's the stuck-up old man," I said.

"Touche," Steve said making me chuckle.

"Seriously though...I do care about you, ok?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Guy's we got to go," Clint yelled.

"Be careful, Don't know what I'd do without my Tincan sidekick," Steve said and I smiled.

"You too...Be careful or I can't make old man jokes." I said and Steve rolled his eyes but I saw the smile.

End Flashback

"We used to be such good friends...Now what?" I asked and then noticed Steve's string flickering rapidly...What? Should I check on him? Would Sam and them notice? Steve's line went black for a second...Ok nope going to check on him. I followed it and I was now in Steve's bedroom...Oh, nightmare...I don't think I can fix that.

"Steve?" I asked touching him and he jolted awake scaring the shit out of me. He blinked and looked around before looking at me.

"Tony?" He asked.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Steve asked as I sat next to him.

"I am...kind of," I said and Steve laughed.

"You really never know how much you are going to miss someone till you don't see them for almost a year," Steve said and I frowned.

"I'm sorry, I should have known it wasn't you," I said.

"Hey don't say that...I'm just glad you're ok shell head," Steve said and I smiled as he took my hand.

"I...yeah," I said and Steve frowned.

"They all said that he hit you...and talked down to you," Steve said.

"It's fine," I said squeezing his hand.

"It's not Tony...Please tell me Bruce was lying." Steve said looking at me and fuck...Bruce what did you tell him? "Did he touch you?" Steve asked and I shuddered. "Fuck," Steve said.

"Language." I chided and Steve snorted.

"You cuss like a sailor," Steve said.

"You're are fucking right about that, ass hat," I said and Steve laughed and it was quiet for a while as Steve looked at our hands.

"Are...Are you ok?" Steve asked looking at me.

"Well...I mean...Is anyone really ok?" I asked.

"Don't do that...I'm serious," Steve said.

"Hi, serious I'm dad." I said and Steve laughed.

"Walked right into, that," Steve said. "I can't get over that you're a dad," He added.

"I'm a great dad," I said.

"I know you are," Steve said and I looked at him stunned. "What? You've always had a softness with kids and you're so sweet with them." Steve said.

"," I said and Steve snorted.

"Do those three treat you good?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Good," Steve said and I looked at him worriedly.

"Have you talked to anyone?" I asked.

"I met Jay...He's sassy." Steve said making me laugh. "Your son fangirls over me," Steve added.

"How dare he? He should only fangirl over his dad." I said and Steve smiled.

"I really missed you," Steve said and I frowned.

"Steve...Do you really mean it? That you're ok with this and us not being..." I trailed off and he swallowed looking me in the eyes.

"You read the words I gave you..." Steve said lifting our hands.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Stop apologizing, shell head. I love you but not romantically...You're like a brother...A sassy annoying little brother." Steve said and I glared at him as he let go of my hand.

"Ok gramps," I said and Steve laughed.

"You should go and rest..." Steve said and I nodded.

"Yeah...I'll talk to you later," I said and Steve smiled.

"Yeah." He said.

Steve's Pov:

"Stop apologizing, shell head. I love you but not romantically...You're like a brother...A sassy annoying little brother." I lied and he glared at me as I let go of his hand missing the comfort immediately.

"Ok gramps," Tony said and I force a laugh.

"You should go and rest..." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah...I'll talk to you later," He said and I smiled.

"Yeah," I said and watched him vanish. "Thank you," I whispered into the air...I really did miss him and I was so scared he'd get hurt.


"Bastards!" I snapped as I looked at the perfect copy of me.

"You know what to do?" A hydra agent asked and the copy smiled.

"Infiltrate...Kill." He said and the next thing I knew I was alone...Oh god, Tony...He better not hurt him. I touched my chest where Tony's words were...He never got to see them. I never got to show him...Please be ok...Days passed when I felt burning. I frowned...My words are burning...Oh god?! Tony!? It stopped after a while and I struggled but still couldn't get free...Is he dead? I felt an ache in my wings...He can't be...Right? Soon I lost track of time and lost all my will to fight when they brought in my copy...Is it dead? Is Tony ok!?

"Have no idea how it happened...One minuted he's got them under control so much that the short one was bending over for him then next thing we know he's dead and they are gone." I frowned...What did he mean by that? What did he mean by bending over!? I felt an ache in my wings and saw black feathers growing in...Tony, please be ok...Then one day I looked up and a light blue see-through Tony was here.

"T-Tony?" I asked and I saw him stiffen before turning to look at me. Oh god, it is him... I tried to reach out for him but the chains didn't let me move much. I saw his eyes widened as he looked at me...Tony! you're ok...I froze when Tony's eyes started to water...No...No it's ok, sweetheart.

"Fuck...Steve, I'm so sorry...I didn't know or I would have looked for you...I'm so fucking sorry." Tony sobbed and I smiled at him softly.

"It's not your fault," I whispered then I realized...Tony's he? I felt the panic rise up in my throat. "Are you dead?!" I asked.

"No...No I'm fine," Tony said holding up his hands. Oh, thank god...

"I thought they sent the fake me to kill you," I said.

"I mean..." He trailed off making me frown...What? "Don't worry about it...Fuck! You've missed a lot..." He said looking at my IV...I noticed black and saw Tony's wings were a different color than him.

"Your wings." He froze before looking at them. "I like the blue it fits you," I said and Tony looked ready to cry again.

"Do you think you can get out of here?" He asked.

"Not in my condition," I said and Tony bit his lip with his thinking face on...I've missed that look.

"What if I help?" He asked.

"By yourself? No, it's too dangerous." I said not wanting him to get hurt and he laughed.

"I can help like this Steve...Do you have any idea where you are at?" Tony asked.

"No," I said.

"Then this is the only way...Hopefully, I can do this. Well If I can keep one of my soulmates alive for 5 hours I can probably give you a few boosts." Tony said. You did what for 5 hours?

"You got a new soulmate?" I asked and saw Tony wince.

"I'm...sorry...I thought." He said looking worried as I felt my heart break a little.

"I'm not mad...I didn't really think of you like that anyway." I lied. He doesn't need to know he has enough to worry about.

"Oh, that's good then...Also, Bucky is alive." Tony said and my eyes widened...Buck?

"He is?" I asked.

"Yeah, like I said you've missed a lot...Ok, let's see here." Tony said and reached out to me freezing. His eyes slowly showing panic...

"Tony?" I asked and he looked at me looking scared."What's wrong?" I added.

"Nothing." He said.

"That look on your face says otherwise," I said seeing the fear written all over him.

"It's fine...I just need to..." Tony trailed off staring at his hand that was almost touching me. I heard Tony's breath catch and the far-off look he was starting to get...Panic attack?

"Tony?" I asked and Tony didn't respond...Oh no...Touch usually helped ground him. I reached out touching his arm making him startle. "Did...Did he do something?" I asked.

"No." He lied. "It's fine." He added

"He did...You weren't this jumpy when I was with you...You had gotten over that." I said.

"It's fine." He repeated.


"It's fine!" He snapped at me eyes watering as he tried to calm himself. It's ok...Breath...Just calm down sweetheart...I mean Tony. I wish I could help but I think I'm making it worse for once.

"You're crying," I said seeing the tears rolling down his cheeks...He's see-through but it's like a hologram. He touched my shoulder so gently that it made my heart melt a bit...You got it...You can do this. I felt something warm...Then I felt wide awake and like I could easily lift Tony. I jerked on the chains but nothing happened. I felt more warmth and glanced at Tony...Are you doing this? I broke free and slammed into a guard. I saw Tony flicker and I felt the worry creep up my spine but I had to get out of here...It wasn't long though that he was back.

"You alright?" I asked. He doesn't look as here now...

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He asked.

"God, I've missed you," I said breaking down the door and running into the woods nearby

"You need to get to Wakanda," Tony said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Ah, fuck...Do you remember where I told you my home old home?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, where you grew up...I do." I said.

"Go there say Tony sent you..." Tony said and he vanished for a second again.

"Tony? You alright?" I asked. "You're like fading," I added seeing how his wings just went about a quarter of the way before fading into nothing.

"Fine...I'll stick with you till you get somewhat safe," Tony said.

"Is that a good idea? You're not pushing yourself are you?" I asked.

"I've had worse," Tony said and I frowned.

"That wasn't the question," I said.

"I'll be fine."

"Where is Wakanda?" I asked.

"Africa," Tony said. That's pretty far from home...What happened?

"Is everyone there?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said and his body faded more.

" be ok with me there?" I asked and saw him frown.

"It wasn't your fault," Tony said.

"They cloned me to the last detail, Tony. If I upset you then I don't want to be there." I said. I don't want you to remember him when looking at me.

"I'll never get over it if I run from it," Tony said.

"Wow, when did you grow up?"

"Shut it old fart." Tony sassed and I grinned. I missed you so much.

"Ok snobby youngin," I said and Tony laughed before fading quickly. Is he ok? I'll see for myself just need to get out of here.

End Flashback

"I swear I will smack you," Tony said laughing when Sam pulled him into a hug snuggling up to him...You don't need me anymore. You have them...I'll always love you, Tony. I pulled my bag on and snuck past. I miss my words...I touched my chest right over my heart right over the words.

"A shield that guards a beautiful light that gives so much and gets so little. A shield for the darkness of the world that eats at the light. It will never fade with its shield." I'll never forget the words you gave me. I will never forget the time we had together...

Tony's Pov:

"Have you guy's seen, Steve?" I asked and Clint frowned.

"No," Nat said.

"Why?" Clint asked.

"I can't find him," I said.

"Why are you looking for him?" Clint asked.

"Cause he's still my friend," I said and they looked at each other. "What?" I asked.

"He left," Nat said.

"What?" I asked.

"He packed up and left," Clint said.

"Why the hell would he do that?" I asked and Clint sighed.

"You are so blind," Clint said.

"He loved you still and didn't want to ruin what you have so he left," Nat said and I stood there numb...Loved me? He said...

"That's...He...You're..." I said and I saw the looks they were giving me. Fuck...I took a step back and rushed to somewhere I could be alone and think.

"Tony?" I passed Sam and raced up the stairs. I sat down on the balcony...Fuck. I curled up my wings folding around me as I sat there...He said...He can't...We were...FUCK! I ran my hands through my hair frantically. Of course! Of fucking course! I'm such a piece of shit! I can't fucking do anything right! I can't even tell when one of my best friends is in love with me! How long!? How long did he feel like that!? I let my wings fold around me hiding me in the darkness. I don't know what to do...What am I supposed to do...I closed my eyes and was in the room looking at the gold string. We're not even soulmates anymore... I opened my eyes feeling tears trailing down my cheeks...

"Tony? Honey?" I tightened my wings hearing Sam. "What's wrong?" Sam asked and I tried to curl up more and just disappear because I don't know...I don't know what to do.

"Is he alright?" I hear Stephen ask and felt the cloak lay on my back.

"He hasn't said anything," Sam said.

"Talk to us," T'Challa said and I felt someone brushing at my feathers.

"I just found out one of my best friends who had been my soulmate at one point still loves me," I said and it got quiet.

"Steve?" Stephen asked.

"Of course he still loves you...You're kind of hard to not love." Sam said.

"Like a tick, you latch on and never let go," T'Challa said and I laughed.

"T...I guess that's one way to put it." Sam said.

"A tick's kind of mean..." Stephen said.

"Would you rather I say leach?" T'Challa asked.

"No..." Stephen said.

"Is their any small cute parasites?" T'Challa asked.

"Guys," Sam said.

"Right." Stephen said. "Do you love him?" Stephen asked and something in his voice sounded worried.

"Of course I do he's my friend," I said.

"That's all you see him as?" Sam asked and I cracked open my wings looking at him. "There you are, honey," Sam said softly.

"I don't know we were just close...I mean Clint used to call us mom and dad because we fought like two parents but when it came down to it...He was there for me...I was alone and I didn't have Stephen, T'Challa, or you to help me." I said and Sam gave me a soft smile. "I used to have panic attacks after New York and he'd stay up with me. He was there on my bad days back when Bruce was skittish and wasn't as close." I said.

"He was your rock," Sam said...He was my shield...He kept people from hurting me, He kept bad shit away.

"Yeah...Now I don't know cause you guys are my rock. I can come to Sam if I'm freaking out, I can go to T'Challa if I'm in trouble, and I can go to Stephen when I don't feel like I'm good enough...I don't need Steve anymore and that..." I felt tears build up. "That makes me really sad," I said.

"Come here, Honey," Sam said holding his arms open. I opened my wings and accepted the hug.

"I don't want to lose him...Is that selfish?" I asked as Sam hugged me.

"No, he was your friend Anthony. You love him and he helped you." Stephen said.

"So why don't you use those puppet strings and tell him to come home. I barely got to scare him." T'Challa said and Sam gave him a look.

"T, you are really not helping here," Sam said.

"What if he doesn't want to come back?" I asked.

"I doubt that will happen, honey...You're hard to resist." Sam said pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Then we'll figure out something," Stephen said and I looked up at him.

"Thank you," I said and Stephen gave me such a loving smile that it made my heart skip.

"Of course, darling." Stephen said,

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