TURN of events

By imagines69

23.9K 629 92

Jessica had never been like her friends. Especially when it came to Kalin and Myles. They were all crazy for... More

TURN of events
Part 2
Part 3
New story
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17

Part 8

1.2K 35 3
By imagines69

The rest of the school week was pretty boring. Other than me avoiding Bella at all costs, nothing exciting had happened. I'm trying my best to not look jealous I front of Myles but with every girl in school throwing themselves at him its kinda hard.
Aside from that, today's the day for my auditions. Myles, Karlie, and Kalin will all be at KAMS house so I promised if go to there house tell them all why happened. I was number 12 so I was going very soon and I couldn't be more nervous. I made sure my bun was perfect and tight on top of my head. I had on a black leotard and a black skirt with white tights and my toe shoes on. I was pleased with how I looked so i decided to sit down and play on my phone. I smiled when I saw I had a text from Myles.

Myles- You're gonna do amazing. Stop over thinking and dance as hard as you did this weekend with me. You will make a beautiful swan queen and the judges will notice that. 😘

I smile and then began to reply.

Me- Thanks I'll be over as soon as I find out. I'll dance for you Mellz☺️

"Number 12!" I heard someone say and I set my phone in my bag and sat it down.
"Are you all stretched out?" the girl asked she was interning her for college.
"Yes, I'm ready." I said and smiled knowing I was gonna kick ass. I walked out on the stage hitting my beginning pose and looked out imaging Myles sitting there cheering me on.
The music started and I felt that overwhelming feeling of adrenaline hit me again. Every dance move, every leap, and twirl everything was so perfect. I hit my final pose and stayed there until the judges told me to relax.
"Okay, your are done Jessica. Please wait until we call your number again and we will let you know your part. You dance beautifully." the woman said and I nodded my head curtsied and walked off stage.

About 30 minutes later they were calling people in by there numbers and nobody had been the swan queen yet.
"Number 10!" the intern shouted and I took a breath and pulled my knees up to my chest and put my head on my knees. The doors opened and the girl walked out with a costume bag but she looked disappointed. So I figured she was a less important dancer.
"Number 11" and the next girl walked into the room with a confident smile on her pretty face. She was the definition of Ballerina. Long legs, small body, pretty face. She would be the perfect swan queen, not me.

I closed my eyes and thought of me in my white swan costume dancing my heart out. Then I imagined coming off stage to hug Myles and just picturing that made my stomach turn in a good way. Life would be so good with him, with or without this part. But I've wanted this for as long as I can remember.
"Number 12!" I shot up and saw the girl from before with water filled eyes. She looked so sad and ironically I felt more confident.
"Jessica?" the woman judge said and I smiled and bit my lip.
"Yes," I said and she looked down to her paper.
"You were an extraordinary dancer young lady, best I've seen all day." she said
"Thank you so much,"
"So you will be receiving the part of the Swan Queen, you were born for this part and I rarely see potential like yours. You really feel the music when you dance." she said and then handed me two black costume bags and patted my shoulder.
"You'll be practicing every week night like always, but now you will be rehearsing congratulations you are free to go." she said and I waved and headed out the stage doors.
Once I got to my car I screamed and bounced in my seat excitedly.

I raced to Kalin and Myles house because I wanted to celebrate with somebody. As soon as I put my car in park I grabbed my keys and ran into there house. They were all chilling on the couch but when they stood me they all stood up looking at me.
"Well?" Kalin said smiling at me.
"Did you get it?" Karlie said wide eyed.
"Yes!" I shouted and She wrapped her arms around me making me smile. Then Kalin hugged me and Myles gave me an extra long hug.
"I'm so happy for you," he said into my ear.
"Well, we are going to be your biggest fans and we will be at every performance Fangirling over you and screaming your name an-"
"Guys a ballet is not the same as a concert!" I cut Kalin off quickly and he looked at me confused.
"You mean I can't throw my bra on stage?" Myles said in a disappointed voice.
"Not unless you plan to get kicked out," i replied and he smiled down at me.
"You have to be polite, and quiet. If somebody claps or cheers then you can but its a big deal, you even have to dress fancy." Karlie said and I nodded my head at the two of them.
"Well, your our friend we will still be there every night." Kalin said patting my back and I smiled at him.
"Thanks guys, your the best."
"Hey ya'll wanna go get some chipotle?" Myles said an we agreed.
"I'm gonna go change" I said looking down at my ballet outfit.
"I'll come with you and i'll drive you over," Myles said and I nodded my head with a smile.
"Okay, And we'll head over and get everything ordered. Jess you want a garden salad right?" she said and I nodded my head yes smiling.
"And Myles you want your chicken tacos?" Kalin said smirking at him.
"Is that even a question?" Myles replied and then looped his arm around my waist an walked with me across the street.
"Okay, my moms not home so you can come with me if you want?" I said as we got inside my house.
"Alright," he said following me upstairs to my bedroom. He looked around at all my stuff while I grabbed some dark wash jean shorts and a white v-neck. I pulled my hair out of the bun and re did it in a messy pony tail. I sprayed on some perfume and then walked out of the bathroom to see Myles laying on my bed.
"You're beds so comfy! We need to stay here some times!" he said and I smiled down at him and pulled him up.
"Come on, I'm starving." I said and he hopped up off and grabbed my waist.
"Serious question," he said looking down at my lips.
"Yes?" I said biting my bottom lip because I knew he was watching them.
"Am I free to kiss you in public?" he said and I tilted my head sideways.
"Yeah, just a peck though" I said and he smiled and nodded. Then he leaned down and softly kissed me letting it linger on my bottom lip.
"Let's go," he said and grabbed my hand. When's he gonna make us official?

We were pulling into chipotle when I got a text from Karlie.


"Shit" I said and Myles looked over at me after parking.
"What's wrong?"
"Bella's here, she's probably stalking you guys like freaking always!" I said and he grabbed my hand.
"Wanna leave?" he said and I nodded my head no.
"No, I need to face her at some point. I need to learn how to defend myself." I said and he smiled at me and rubbed my leg.
"I got yo back babe," he said and we walked into the resturaunt.

I spotted Bella and her clique scoping us out and I shot her a sassy smile. I took a seat next to Karlie and Myles sat across from me and we began eating our food.

"Guys I wanna take a selfie!" Kalin said and got off his seat and walked in front of the table. We all smiled and Myles of course held up he's Hyphy hands. When he took it he typed away on his phone and then slid it back into his pocket.
"Oh I'm so glad to see your eating something Jessica, and you can actually wear short sleeve shirts again!" I heard someone say from behind me and I felt my face turn red from anger. I knew it was Bella and when I saw the smug look on her face I almost decked her.
"Wow Bella, you have jealousy written all over your pathetic little face." Karlie said but I was so taken back, How could Bella do that to me?
"Oh really? I should go check that out in the bathroom. I assume I'll see you in there Jess." she said and I looked up at Myles and he looked shocked and confused. I looked over at Kalin and he had the same look on his face making the tears pool up in my eyes. I got off my chair and grabbed Myles keys.
"Ill be in the car," I said but he grabbed my hand.
"No, I'll drive you home." he said and I nodded my head softly.
"I'm coming over later!" Karlie shouted after me an I nodded my head but I knew I was gonna break any minute, an I didn't want Myles to see it when it happens.

"Are you okay?" he said and I rested my head in my hands.
"She's such a bitch." I said and I felt se tears fall down my face.
"W-what was she talking about? Actually eating and wearing shirt sleeves" he said looking at me and I looked over at him.
"It's a long depressing story," I said and Myles pulled down our street.
"I have plenty of time." he said but I just sighed and climbed out of the truck.
"I'd rather you not no me as how I was before, please just drop it." I said practically begging.
"Okay," he said but he already had a sympathetic look on his face and I couldn't help but burst into tears and walk across the street to my house.
"Jessica what's wrong!" He shouted and chased after me.
"You're already giving me a pity party Myles and you don't even know what's going on!" I said and he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forhead.
"I care about you so god damn much Jessica. I realize now that you went through a tough time and to see some little bitch hurt you because your talking to me really sucks! I'm not honestly worried about you and I don't want to continue this if it's going to hurt you!" he said and I looked down at my feet trying to silently cry.
"Okay, so leave." I said sadly and he pulled out of the hug.
"Is that what you want?" he said obviously hurt.
"No, but it's causing drama for the both of us. Might as well call it quits now cause you'd leave eventually, everybody does." I said in a quiet voice and he opened his mouth to speak but walked away to his house. He slammed the door shut and I ran inside noticing nobody was home. I screamed so posse at everything and then ran upstairs to my room. I collapsed on my bed crying loudly into my pillow.

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