That Robotic Soul (Wingfic) B...

By ScarletRose494

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Everything seems to be going great's not. More

Chapter 1 Jarvis
Chapter 2 Bucky
Chapter 3 Innocent
Chapter 4 Bestest Best Friends Forever
Chapter 5 Warning
Chapter 6 Nyah
Chapter 7 I Promised
Chapter 8 Edwin Jarvis
Chapter 9 High
Chapter 10 Two Soulmates?
Chapter 11 Cloak Burrito
Chapter 12 Missile
Chapter 13 Help Tony's Hurt
Chapter 14 Vacation?
Chapter 15 Wakanda Forever
Chapter 16 Dreams
Chapter 17 Not So Bad Bad Guys
Chapter 18 ITS A TRAP
Chapter 19 Hydra
Chapter 21 Sam!?
Chapter 22 Trigger Warning
Chapter 23 Magic
Chapter 24 Soulmagic
Chapter 25 Ukatana
Chapter 26 Remembering
Chapter 27 Steve
Chapter 28 Kiss
Chapter 29 Come Back
Chapter 30 Friendship?
Chapter 31 Stephen? TONY!?
Chapter 32 Save Me Stephy
Chapter 33 End

Chapter 20 I'm Ok

638 39 12
By ScarletRose494

Sam's Pov:

"Stephen?" I asked as he just sat there looking like a zombie trying to ignore the horrible burning sensation.

"You idiots...I'll be there soon," Steve said. "Take them back to base," Steve said and I frowned...I looked at Stephen again...He's getting the brunt of it cause they have personal soulmarks for each other. I saw Clint looking at him worriedly. Steve left and suddenly Bucky shot up and slammed his head into an agent grabbed a gun and shot all of them...

"Would have done it sooner if I had another arm...Hard to break ties when they are to your feet and only have one arm." Bucky said and looked at Stephen.

"Why is he like that?" Bucky asked.

"I think...Either Tony's...dead or dying." I said my throat tightening.

"Fuck...We need to find him." Bucky said and handed Natasha a knife.

"His ass better not be fucking dead," Clint said and I saw Bruce's eyes flutter open.

"Who's dead?" Bruce asked.

"Possibly Tony." Fury said bluntly and I saw a flicker of green in Bruce's eyes before he shot up.

"What!?" Bruce asked and then winced before his eyes closed again and he was back down.

"What the fuck?" Clint asked.

"Stephen?" I asked and noticed the horrified look on his face as tears started to gather in his eyes and I felt a coldness wash over me...Fuck. The door suddenly went flying...

"Who do I need to kill for making my baby boy cry?" Deadpool asked and then looked at us. "Also I'm sure this timeline is fine...Also thanks for not tattling on us readers. I love my adoring fans" Deadpool bowed.

"Stephen!?" Peter rushed over and noticed the empty look on Stephen's face. "No...No he can't be," Peter said.

"We don't know..." I said.

"Sam?" T'Challa asked looking at me then looking at Stephen.

"He's...He won't respond to anything T...He's like a zombie." I said. "Tony's not dead right? Please tell me he's not." I started to cry and T'Challa frowned.

"I don't know, love," T'Challa said.

"We need to find him," Clint said.

"Where's Cloaky?" Peter asked and I just now realized the cloak that's usually on Stephen is no longer there.

"It might be with, Anthony," T'Challa said.

"So find the cloak and we find Tony," I said

"How is that easier to find than a person?" Clint asked.

"I don't know I just...I don't know." I said starting to sob when I heard a ringtone...

"Who's phone is ringing?" Clint asked and I saw Stephen glance at his pocket pulling out his phone like nothing mattered...Christine flashed on the display screen...Stephen hit the answer button then speaker.

"Not no-"

"Are you crazy!? He was almost dead!? You send me your half-dead soulmate!? This is not how I wanted to meet him and you are so fucking lucky I knew the cloak!" The woman said and I saw Stephen's eyes widen and the grip on his phone tighten.

"Oh god! Is he alright!? Please...Please tell me he's alright." Stephen begged and the line went quiet for a minute.

"It's Stephen." I heard the woman say.

"Is he ok?" I let out a chocked cry as did Stephen hearing Tony's weak voice.

"Here talk to him." The woman said and I heard noise before...

"Steph?" Tony asked sounding so weak that my heart broke a little.

"Oh my god...I was so fucking scared." Stephen said. "Hey, darling." Stephen choked.

"Fuck...Thank god." Clint said.

"Sorry...Can you get here? Cloaky..." Tony's voice stopped and my heart stopped with it.

"Anthony? Love?" Stephen asked.

"Sorry...having a hard time...staying awake," Tony said.

"That's ok, darling...I know where you are." Stephen said and was looking around frantically.

"Good...Taskmaster...may have seen where Cloaky brought..." Tony trailed off again.

"Can you stay awake till we get there darling?" Stephen asked looking scared again but the phone stayed quiet for 1...2...3...4...5 minutes before I heard noise again.

"Yeah." Tony croaked making my heart soften. Clint held out a ring to Stephen which he grabbed and put on before shooting up and making a portal.

"Won't be long, darling," Stephen said.

"Room...24...I think." Tony mumbled. I saw everyone getting up while Simon and Gerald were cleaning up the mess like this was normal.

"You guys go ahead," Simon said.

"This is way too normal for us," Gerald said.

"Cloaky...Can you...get them?" I heard Tony ask and I heard a noise. We all crowded through and nurses were immediately dragging Coulson away. Jay was looking at the things on Bruce and Loki while Clint and Fury followed Coulson. A familiar red cloak whooshed over and had bloodstains on it.

"Thank you...for keeping him safe," Stephen said and the cloak looked almost pleased as it leads us down the hall...

"I'll stand guard," Natasha said and Bucky nodded sitting down next to her. We headed in and Tony looked so pale...Fuck.

"There are my guys," Tony said and gave us a tired smile making my heart melt. The cloak went over and hovered near him as if a guard.

"What happened?" Stephen asked as we pulled up seats around him.

"Uh..." Tony looked confused and I noticed his head bandaged and a big band-aid on his cheek.

"Do you not remember, honey?" I asked.

"Oh, you're here." I looked over as a nurse walked in.

"Christine...I can't thank you enough." Stephen said.

"Me? You should thank him. He held on long enough for us to save him. I have no idea how since that shot should have killed him." The nurse Christine said and I noticed T'Challa holding Tony's hand making my heart melt.

"How bad is he?" Stephen asked.

"Well the shot was the worst but he had a lot of cuts and bruises as well as cement burn on his cheek and looked like he hit his head...We are keeping him under surveillance cause of that." Christine said and I noticed Tony was looking at T'Challa and me.

"Hey, honey," I said and he gave me a soft smile.

"Sorry, you having to see me hurt again," Tony mumbled looking ready to sleep. Christine grabbed her phone from Tony then checked his monitor.

"Get some rest darling," Stephen said.

"I saw him," Tony said and we gave him a confused look.

"Who, honey?" I asked.

"Steve...was outside the room they were trying to save me in," Tony mumbled and Stephen's eyes widened as T'Challa's hand tightened on Tony's slightly.

"Christine?" Stephen asked.

"There was a blonde man with blue eyes here but he caused Tony distress so we sent him away saying we'd tell him when he's ok...I called you first cause the way Tony was acting it didn't seem like he wanted him anywhere near him." Christine said.

"Steph?" Tony asked and I looked at him as he was looking at something.

"What?" Stephen asked and something flashed in Tony's eyes before it was snuffed out by exhaustion.

"What happened to your fingers?" Tony asked and I frowned.

"It's fine," Stephen said and Tony suddenly had a look in his eyes.

"Like hell it is! Who broke your fingers!?" Tony snapped and then winced looking drained and paler.

"Tony you need to calm down...I'll yell at Stephen," Christine said before looking at Stephen. "Let me see it you stubborn ass." Christine hissed and T'Challa gave me a confused look.

"Steve," I whispered and saw the deadly look in his eyes.

"Going to kill him," T'Challa said under his breath.

"Can you look at my head as well?" I asked and T'Challa smiled at me. I noticed Tony slowly losing his battle of staying awake. "Go ahead, honey...We'll keep you safe." I said and Tony gave me a grateful look before closing his eyes.

"He's very strong," Christine said.

"We know," TChalla said looking down at Tony.

"I mean it...Most people wouldn't have made it that long." She said and I swallowed.

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked.

"He's going to be weak from blood loss for a little while." She said.

"What about Stephen's fingers?" I asked.

"Broken...But I can fix them...Let me look at your head." She said walking toward me.

"Stephy." I heard the soft call and Stephen immediately softened as he looked down at Tony.

"Yes, darling?" Stephen asked and Tony reached up weakly caressing Stephen's face. Stephen's eyes watered as he held Tony's hand there pressing a kiss to his palm.

"Love you," Tony said softly and Stephen choked pressing his forehead to Tony's.

"I love you too, darling," Stephen said softly. "Now try to rest...Christine is going to take care of me...You did so good, love." Stephen said and Tony smiled up at him making my heart melt. "I love you." Stephen whispered as he cried.

"Don't cry, Stephy...I'm ok." Tony said softly...I think I'm dying from my heart melting at this softness.

"I know darling...I know." Stephen said softly closing his eyes and Tony closed his to they stayed like that for a while...A long while before Stephen gently pulled away pressing a kiss to Tony's forehead...He fell asleep...Stephen had waited for him to fall asleep...Aw.

Tony's Pov:

I opened my eyes and noticed I was alone and the emergency lights were on...What I started to sit up and froze when I saw Steve standing at the end of my bed smiling and covered in my bed.

"You don't have to worry anymore...You are no longer linked to them so now we can be together." Steve said walking to me as I started to panic...No...No! Steve leaned in and my eyes widened as the lights flickered on for a second and I saw everyone dead.

"Anthony?" Oh god....No!

"Anthony!?" I shot awake and panted as I looked around...Right hospital.

"It's ok...We're here." Sam said...Why's it just Sam? I felt panic tighten my throat as I looked around.

"Where...Where?" I asked starting to panic and think Steve was killing them now. Sam seemed to notice as he walked toward the door and poked his head out before coming back.

"Just breathe honey...You're alright." Sam said squeezing my hand and I sat up making him start worrying.

"I...I...Steve was..." I said and touched my head looking around again...Where are Stephen and T'Challa? Sam tried to get me to lay back down but I was too panicked and my heart monitor was beeping like crazy.

"What's going on?" Christine asked walking in and I tried to breathe cause she's ok so everyone's probably ok...right?

"He's on the brink of a panic attack...I told Natasha to go get Stephen and T'Challa...I think that's why he's freaking out." Sam said.

"Steve was...He was in here." I said and Sam frowned.

"It was a nightmare, honey," Sam said and I frowned...Nightmare? Felt so real...I could feel his breath on my face...I shivered just at the thought when the door opened.

"What's going on?" Steph asked rushing over and then T'Challa walked in...Fuck. I let out a breath and let myself lay back down...They're ok.

"Small panic attack after a nightmare," Sam said and Stephen sighed in relief.

"Are you alright?" T'Challa asked.

"I'm ok now..." I said and felt my eyelids growing heavy again.

"Get some rest," Steph said and gave me a quick kiss.

"Are your fingers ok?" I asked and he smiled softly.

"They are." He said holding up his hand to show them in little casts. "Now try to get some more rest," Stephen said.

"I love you," I said and his eyes softened.

"I love you too, Anthony." He said.

Stephen's Pov:

"How're your fingers, really?" Sam asked after Anthony finally fell back asleep.

"They hurt a little but nothing too bad," I said.

"That was not right...He went for your hands cause he knew how hard a time you have with them." Sam sighed.

"I'm glad he wants to kidnap Tony," T'Challa said.

"What?" Sam asked.

"He wants Tony...He can't have him if he dies." T'Challa said.

"That doesn't make me feel better," Sam said.

"He's saying if he didn't want Anthony he'd be dead cause Steve would go for his weakness..." I said and Sam frowned touching his chest and looking at Anthony's arc reactor.

"Fuck," Sam whispered.

"I have no idea what would happen if that gets so much as damaged," T'Challa said.

"I've seen it slightly damaged but it's always worked," I said.

"It scares me none of us have seen it damaged...We don't even know how to replace it." Sam said.

"Maybe we should ask Bruce," I said.

"Does he know?" T'Challa asked.

"Hey." We looked at the door and saw Clint. "Can we come in?" Clint asked.

"Yeah sure," I said. Clint, Natasha, and Bruce walked in.

"How is he?" Natasha asked.

"Wore out," Sam said.

"Bruce, what happens if Tony's reactor is damaged?" T'Challa asked and I saw all the color drain from Bruce's face.

"Why?" Bruce asked.

"It's not damaged," I said and Bruce sighed in relief.

"It's not pretty," Clint said.

"Wait you've seen it?" Sam asked.

"We all have," Natasha said.

"How?" I asked.

"We were a team before you guys showed up," Clint said.

"If it breaks you have less than 30 minutes to fix or replace it before Tony dies," Bruce said.

"Also don't cross the red and green wire cause it immediately kills him," Clint said.

"What!?" Sam asked horrified.

"He fixed that issue," Bruce said.

"Thank god," I said...An instant kill...

"The dying parts not bad but watching him in agony as he slowly dies," Natasha trailed off and Bruce's eyes glazed over.

"His breath gets shorter and shorter because every breath he takes...every heartbeat is an inch closer to death," Bruce mumbled.

"Can't he get rid of it?" Sam asked and I shook my head.

"He'd die before they could finish the procedure," I said.

"What about Wakanda?" Sam asked.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Once the plants come back we could easily do it," T'Challa said.

"Fucking strong ass plants," Clint said.

"Can you maybe show us how to replace it?" Sam asked and Bruce smiled.

" Yeah," Bruce said.

"He has an extra one in his suit usually," Natasha said.

"Um...I also have one on me always." Clint said surprising us as he held up an arc reactor.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Cause Hulk would break it and I guess he trusts me more. He had one ready for Stephen to hang onto as well." Clint said and I smiled looking at Anthony's peaceful face.

"Where is it?" Sam asked.

"Jay might have it...He did go back for something in the tower." Clint said. A few hours went by and Anthony woke up for a little while just to smile at me.

"Kiss." He said softly and my heart melted.

"Alright," I said pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

Tony's Pov:

I opened my eyes and wondered what woke me up...I heard a noise and I looked over to see Sam and Stephen asleep next to me...T'Challa was also asleep his head on the bed. I frowned when I saw Bruce asleep in the corner...Then what woke me up? My eyes latched onto the door handle as it went down...Probably Christine. I tried to relax when I saw a nurse I didn't recognize walked in. She looked at me and gave me a warm smile...Ok, so she's just a nurse...Calm down.

"You should be sleeping." She whispered and I smiled at her.

"You kind of woke me up," I said and she frowned.

"How?" She asked.

"I heard something," I said and she nodded.

"Light Sleeper." She said and I nodded. She walked over and checked my IV bag then took my wrist...checking my pulse I guess...There is a heart monitor why does she need to? My eyes widened when something pricked my arm. I went to open my mouth but she covered it. "It's ok just go back to sleep." She whispered and everything felt heavy and fuck...stay awake...Come on...I looked at T'Challa as I tried to stay awake...I heard a noise and slowly turned my head as the nurse sedated Stephen...No...Dammit. I heard a noise again...Sounds like someone is sniffing...I saw movement and looked a Bruce when his eyes cracked open they glowed a dangerous green as Hulk became aware...Fuck no big guy! This is a tiny room...Fuck this drug. I started to drift off when Bruce snarled...

"You better back off unless you want to be a pancake." I heard Bruce snarl as I fell asleep.

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