My Unearthing Miracle

By ADBirnie

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Kathryn Barlow a sixteen year old teen attempts to drown herself in the ocean after she finds out her whole l... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing
Chapter 2- Let Me Go!
Chapter 3- Am I Really Who You Say I Am?
Chapter 4- VanderVall Legacy
Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire
Chapter 6- The Truth Behind It All
Chapter 7- One Step At A Time
Chapter 8- My Last Dying Breath
Chapter 9- Cafe De'Javouir
Chapter 10- Today Is Your Last Day
Chapter 11- Dismembered Body
Chapter 12- A Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 14- Secrets Only break Hearts
Chapter 15- Lessons In Life
Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash
Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You
Chapter 18- The Smell Of Death
Chapter 19- A Smile Hides A Thousand Words
Chapter 20- Drink Away Your Sorrows
Chapter 21- Boy, Oh Boy!
Chapter 22- Girl's Night In
Chapter 23 - Underground Fight Club
Chapter 24- The Hidden Connection
Chapter 25- Heavenly Father
Chapter 26- Death Will Come For Us All!
Chapter 27- Heart Crushing Feeling
Chapter 28- History Always Repeats Itself
Chapter 29- A Vengeful Man
Chapter 30-Birthday Wish
Chapter 31- An Innocent Life
Chapter 32- Tommy Boy
Chapter 33-Burst Chest, Broken Neck And Drowning Organs
'Chapter 34- Love Runs Deep
Chapter 35- The Urges
Chapter 36- Screams Break Glass
Chapter 37- Secrets Burn Bridges
Chapter 38- Mind Over Matter
Chapter 39- The Christmas Ball
Chapter 40- The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 41- A Christmas To Remember
Chapter 42- A New Year Party
Chapter 43- If You Wanna Be My Lover
Chapter 44- A New Drug
Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs
Chapter 46- Valentine Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 47- A Life Changing Deal
Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future
Chapter 49- A Trip To Kentucky
Chapter 50- Blood, Blood, Blood
Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past
Chapter 52- Forgiveness Is A Powerful Thing
Chapter 53- Miami, Here We Come
Chapter 54- Spring Break
Chapter 55- Where Is Home?
Chapter 56- Moving On And Letting Go
Chapter 57- Feelings Never Go Away
Chapter 58- Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 59- You Don't Know Everything
Chapter 60- Do You Choose To Live Or Die?
Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead
Chapter 62- A Sniff Of Death
Chapter 63- Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 64 - The Turning Point
Chapter 65- Good Girl, Bad Girl
Chapter 66- Family You Never Had
Chapter 67- The Boy With No Heart
Chapter 68 - A Father Who Loves
Chapter 69- Soul Or No Soul
Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures
Chapter 71- The Battle Of Immortals
Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies
Chapter 74- The Good In Goodbye

Chapter 73- Drink, Drugs And A Whole Lotta Love

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By ADBirnie

VanderVall Academy- Sunday 9th June, 2018 - 10.39am

Kathryn's Chambers-

Kathryn woke up yesterday for the first time since the battle, she woke up confused not understanding how she is alive especially because she was more than prepared to die but perhaps not one hundred percent ready to leave the ones she loved behind. She spent the day it bed recovering which didn't take her long as she soon realised something was different, her hearing had become clearer, the way she moved felt different even trying to get a glass of water she must have broke about three glasses before they decided to give her a plastic cup instead. Dallas and Justin refused to leave her side as she processed it all over but before Kathryn went to her bed she ushered them both out leaving her alone in her room. She was afraid that it wasn't over, that there was still someone out there trying to get to her but the words from her father's soothing mouth " Angelica is dead" made her feel ten times better each time but it didn't make her anxiety disappear. To make things worse after Kathryn woke up she began getting memories she didn't even know she had from when she was younger, before she came to the school. These memories scared her the thought of knowing everything.

Kathryn comes out of her bathroom from having a shower and has a white towel wrapped around her while her music plays in the background, she opens up her night stand and pops three pills into her hand, she puts them in her mouth and washes it down with water. She puts the cup back down on the table and walks over to the mirror to analyse her body, she was left with some scars on her body which she expected. She lowers her tower and looks at some of the scars on her back from the cuts from the poisoned weapons, although she was immune from the poison it didn't mean she was immune from the scars. As she is looking at her back a memory hits her which knocks her back a little.

Flashback- 2013- Miami-

Carson Household-

Kathryn is running down her stairs and walks into her kitchen with a sweet and kind smile on her face

"Mum, Dad" Kathryn begins to say politely straight away they know something is up

"Yes" Seth replies with a raised eyebrow

"Can i stay over at Renee's house tonight, Amy is going to be there and her parents?" Kathryn asks with a slight pout on her face.

Seth and Catherine both look at each other and Seth gives a slight head not to Catherine.

"Fine but you won't be leaving until all your school work is done" Catherine agrees with a comprise

"Already done" Kathryn smiles at them

"I can drop you off at half four before i go to work" Seth informs her to which she smile.

She jumps over to her dad and gives him a kiss on the cheek "Have i ever said how much i love you guys" Kathryn informs them before running upstairs to pack her bags.

What she said to her parents was half true in fact Renee, Amy and Kathryn had been invited to one of the cool parties which all the jocks and popular girls attend and they knew it would be social suicide if they didn't turn up. All three girls were in fact staying at Renee's house but her parents weren't going to be there. Instead they were off on holiday but Renee wasn't meant to tell anyone. Kathryn begins to get out of the car taking off her seat belt and jumps out the front passenger side and closes the car door, she opens up the back door and takes out her bags.

"Enjoy yourself and remember to behave" Seth tells her with a smile, He looks over and sees Renee and Amy both stood at the front door waiting for Kathryn to arrive

"I will, i promise "Kathryn replies and blows him a kiss before heading up to Renee's house.

From the front door the girls watch Seth drive off and head inside. The girls scream in excitement about going to their first proper party tonight with all the big kids.

"First of all hair" Renee pipes up looking around at how unpretty they all look.

The three girls head up to Renee's bedroom where Amy sat on the seat while Kathryn did tight curls on her and Renee did her makeup. They all toke turn in doing this which made it quicker for them to get ready.

"Anyone going to get a kiss tonight" Amy smirks at them both trying to figure out which one it will be first

"It will be Kathryn, she's gorgeous and all the boys love her" Renee mentions having always found Kathryn the prettiest out of them all

"No it won't, it will be one of you two i guarantee" Kathryn refuses to believe it shaking her head.

"Eee, exciting" Amy lets out a squeal in excitement at the idea of them going out

"What dresses did you bring?" Renee asks the girls as they did a secret shopping trip during their lunch hour at school and never had the time to show each other what they were wearing.

"I bought this" Amy pipes up as she changes into a tight very short black and neon green long sleeved dress that sits at her neck. She had black heels on her feet to make her look taller.

"Stunning" Kathryn compliments her with a smile loving the dress.

"Renee your turn" Amy says looking at Renee who has already started changing into a dress that was black leather at the bottom and the top was covered in sequence that showed off some boob that tied around her neck she also had black heels on her feet to make her look taller.

"Wow" Kathryn opens her mouth in shock at how stunning her friend is

"I love your dress" Amy informs her with a huge smile wanting to borrow it some time. The two girls look over at Kathryn to had a plain black tight short dress on that had one shoulder to it with black on her feet.

"How come you can wear something so basic and still look so much better than us?" Renee questions her feeling jealous

"That is so not true, i look like a fat out of place flump" Kathryn denies shaking her head with a screwed up face.


Kathryn comes out of the memory and grabs onto the side of her mirror gripping onto her stomach and mouth, she runs to the bathroom just making it in time before being sick as she begins to remember that night clearly. She soon begins to realise that her father removed her memories of that night along with the meetings she had with him over the years in order to protect her. While still in the bathroom Kathryn lifts the lid off the toilet and takes out a bottle of vodka, she takes the lid off the bottle and sits on the toilet and drinks it straight hoping the more she drinks the more she will forget what happened. She takes the bottle away from her mouth and uses her hand to wipe her mouth. She sniffs trying to stop herself from crying and carries the bottle of vodka in her hand. She opens up her wardrobe and looks at her clothes in side of it, she takes another drink from the bottle as she looks at the clothes still feeling sick from the memory. She eventually puts on a pair of black high waisted dress trousers and a black long sleeved lace top that sits up to her neck practically covering every inch of her skin. On her feet she puts on black high heels and black tight socks on her feet feeling incredibly uncomfortable in her own skin. She looks herself in the mirror and flips her straight hair to the side, she takes one last drink from her bottle of vodka finishing it off and throws it into the bin. She heads into her bathroom and brushes her teeth excessively to make sure the smell of drink is gone and uses mouthwash to hide it all.

She walks over to her bedroom door and turns around looking at her room knowing over fifty scared little kids were squeezed in here for their protection. For the first time since the First Kathryn opens up her bedroom door and takes a look out into the corridor she stands there and looks to the left to where Wilson was found bleeding out. Thankfully Lance managed to get him down to the Infirmary just in time but he was still in rough shape. Every blink she takes as she walks down the corridor was her stabbing and shooting at anyone who came her way, the blood splattered along the ground and up the walls. She stops dead in the corridor frozen unsure if she can go any further. She turn her head and looks at Jesse's Chambers, she walks over to the door and puts her hand on it, She closes her eyes and a small tear runs down her face.

"Are you okay?" Drian Daniel asks Kathryn putting his hand on her shoulder, she grabs his hand and flips him to the ground. She puts her foot on him in fear she was being attacked, she looks down at him and realises who it is. "I'm so sorry Drian" She apologises feeling guilty and takes her foot off him. She holds out her hand and helps him back on his feet

"It's okay, we are all still on edge as well" Drian accepts her apology to which makes her cry even more

"Sorry, i'm a mess" She apologises again

"Yeah you are but it's understandable" Drian replies to her and she wipes away her tears as people walk by stare at them, some people's fists still clenched together in fear.

"I'm so sorry" She continues apologising to him

"Forget about it" He tells her brushing it off "Come on, i'll walk with you"

Drian walks with Kathryn to the great hall, every now and then he has to remind her that everything is okay and no one is going to hurt her which brings her comfort.

"What's been happening around here?" Kathryn asks him needing to know from someone other than her friends and family

"After you killed everyone, we spent the next three days clearing up the bodies and ashes. We had a fire pit out in the back disposing of the bodies of our enemies and our friends. It wasn't easy but it had to be done" Drian shares with her

"How many people died?" Kathryn questions not expecting a reply like Dallas and Justin normally do

"Around four hundred of our own" Drian answers her truthfully

"Far too much" Kathryn shakes her head in disgust and disappointed. She opens up her hand bag and takes out a bottle of what looks like cola but is actually Vodka and cola and takes a big drink of it.

"If it wasn't for you it could have been way worse, we were losing" Drian informs her which makes her slightly feel better but not enough

"They shouldn't have had to die" Kathryn says putting her bottle back in her bag then eats a breath mint.

"They wanted people with gifts like yours and we refused to give you all up. It would have went down at some point we were just lucky to have you in our corner"Drian reminds her. Kathryn gives him a small half hearted smile as they approach the great hall.

They both walk in and instantly peoples heads turn to look at Kathryn, some shocked to see her alive, some grateful and some feeling traumatised just stare begging to be helped again. Dallas sees Kathryn walking in with the same look as those who were traumatised and walks over to her.

"Thank you Drian" Kathryn thanks him with a smile for stopping what he was doing to make sure she would be okay

"I'm the one who should be thanking you" He replies to her and Dallas gives him a head nod grateful for walking with her.

Dallas gently takes a hold of her left hand and holds it in his and walks her over to her friends. Everyone was scattered all over the great hall not caring about sitting in their houses but instead with anyone they wanted. Even some teachers were sitting with the students.

"Are you okay?" Dallas asks her worried about her

"Fine" Kathryn answers quicker than normal and a smile on her face.

Kathryn sits down at the table and Dallas sits beside her, he wraps his right arm around her back and puts his hand on the side of her waist which helps her feel safe. He kisses the side of her head and takes a deep breath in taking in every moment he has with her.

"What's with the glum faces?" Kathryn jokes to them with a smile

"You scared us half to death" Zackery tells her having thought he was going to lose his best friend Kathryn and the girl he loved Ella on the same day and he wouldn't have been able to stop it.

"Sorry about that, how cool is my new party trick" Kathryn continues trying to lighten to mood or well trying to lighten herself up a bit.

" I must admit i feel scared of what you could do" Ella jokes to her which brings a smile on Kathryn's face.

Kathryn looks around the great hall at everyone who most seem to be accepting it a lot better than they did after the battle ended. Kathryn looks over and sees Marly and Nick walking over to them, they sit down at the table and Marly cuddles into Nicks shoulder to which Kathryn smiles at them.

"Did you guys hear? Wilson and Lance are being discharged from the infirmary today" Marly shares with them all

"That's amazing" Alice smiles having thought they might die

"Marly, i'm sorry to hear about Peyton she was a nice girl. I really liked her. "Kathryn apologises for the death of Peyton having really liked the girl.

"It's okay, least she can be with her cousin now" Marly replies to which Kathryn's face drops as she is reminded again that Jesse is dead. Kathryn takes a deep breath in and smiles.

"Yes i suppose they are"Kathryn replies trying to keep it all together, Kathryn begins to get emotional and looks at her friends "Excuse me a minute".

Kathryn stands up and takes her bag with her out of the great hall, she runs outside of the front door and opens up her bag rummaging through it as the tears continue flowing out her eyes. Dallas comes out after her and finds her by the front door, she empties her bag contents onto the ground and she kneels down trying to find her pills and realises her bottle is missing from her bag.

"What have you done with my pills and juice?" Kathryn asks him to which he kneels down

"You mean your drink and drugs" He takes them out of his pocket and pour out the contents of the bottle on the ground

"I need them" Kathryn yells at him craving it to take away her pain as she has went back to her old ways.

"You don't need them, You think you do but you don't" Dallas says shaking his head and destroys the pills in front of her making it clear they can't be taken.

Kathryn stands back up leaving her bag on the ground and the contents inside of it, she rubs her forehead then punches the wall in anger.

"Do you know what it's like to feel nothing. To sit and look at the stars and feel no pain, no heart break. Then all at once it all comes back, I wanted it all to go away" Kathryn yells at him with tears in her eyes unable to control herself

"I do" Dallas nods his head having felt like it before

"I try to act like everything is okay but the truth is it hurts, it hurts so go damn much and the pain never goes away. It stays with me day and night and nothing i do makes it go away" Kathryn begins to say "Their deaths is on me, I practically got them killed" She continues speaking about Renee and Amy " My parents, my mum, Jesse, Peyton. I could have saved them, i should have saved them"

"There was nothing you could have done" Dallas attempts to make her feel better

"There was and you know it" Kathryn says then runs away leaving her bag on the ground and him at the front doors.

Town Bridge- 12.31pm

Kathryn is sat on the wall of the bridge staring at the water that her dad pulled her out of, she turns her head left and sees the part of the path where she watched her mum die in her arms and remembers every excruciating moment from Ophelia's death, to her scream to her falling in the water and dying. Each time she remembers it's like she is living it all over again.

"I've been looking for you" Dallas informs her as he walks over to her

"don't worry i'm not about to kill myself" She assures him before he goes on to the your life is so important talk.

"If you were you would have done it by now" Dallas shrugs his shoulders knowing she wouldn't have done anything stupid. He climbs up on the wall beside her and looks at the water.

"I don't love him anymore but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt" Kathryn reveals to him taking Jesse's death hard as to her Jesse was her first love, her first love who killed to save her, who sold his soul to save her and did everything he could for her even if he did wrong in the process.

"I know" Dallas replies having felt the same way about Cheryl in the past.

Kathryn takes a hold of Dallas' hand and intertwined her fingers with him."I remember what happened that night, the night at the party with Renee and Amy" Kathryn confesses to him as she looks at their hands. "My memories they came back, I remember everything they did to us... Everything they to me" She reveals to him

"We don't have to talk about it" Dallas tells her not wanting her to feel uncomfortable or feel forced.

Kathryn turns her head and looks at Dallas, he turns around and looks at her back. In her emotional state she lets him into her mind where they both see everything.

FlashBack- 2013- The Party

"Every hour we check in with each other" Renee tells them to which the three girls nod their heads, they knew they were most likely to spend most of the night together but in the off chance who knew what could happen.

Kathryn is stood with a cup in her hand while watching Hallie Flanagan using a beer pong and a group surrounded by her. Arron Mayne walks over to her and stands beside her with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Can i get you a drink?" Arron offers her with a smile, Kathryn looks down at her almost empty cup

"Sure" She agrees to it with a smile seeing no harm

"I'll be right back" Arron tells her taking his cup with her, Kathryn watches him walk away and smiles. She looks over to see Renee sitting beside Tyson Hemphill on the bench, his arm wrapped around her and the pair looking cosy together, Kathryn looks over to the other side of the garden and sees Amy and Gerald Constance dancing together to the music which brought a smile to Kathryn's face. She didn't realise how these three boys were malicious jocks that would end up killing her two best friends.

"Here you go" Arron comes back and hands her the cup

"Thank you" Kathryn smiles at him and takes the cup from his hands and takes a drink from it.

" Why aren't you in the pool with all your other Jock friend?" Kathryn asks him making conversation

"I would rather be talking with you" Arron answers her and puts his hand on her back

"Is that so" She smiles at him not knowing anything because she was so young and innocent

"How about we head inside?" Arron asks her wanting privacy from the others

"Sure" Kathryn agrees and continues to drink as she walks.

As they are walking in the house Kathryn starts to feel dizzy and disorientated along with feeling sick all that was in her mind was "Don't make a fool of yourself in front of this hot guy".

"Are you okay?" Arron questions her with a worry in his voice

"I need to go to the bathroom" Kathryn tells him, he helps her stumble up the stairs and takes her to one of the ensuite bathrooms.

Kathryn stumbles in and sits down by the toilet, she lift up the lid being prepared, She hears the bedroom door close. As Kathryn is at the toilet she hears Arron behind her.

"Sorry, God i'm so embarrassing" Kathryn apologises to him and turns around to look at him.

"No worries" He says with a smile, he closes the bathroom door and locks it.

Kathryn looks up at him slightly confused but doesn't think much of it as she just saw him as being nice and caring. She kneels down beside her and puts his hand on her waist, slowly he slides his hand up until he grazes her boob.

"What are you doing?" kathryn asks her as she opens and closes her eyes as the drug really begins to kick in.

"Come on Kathryn, give in" Arron whispers in her ear then begins kissing her neck

"No, i don't feel well" Kathryn tries to push him off her but he was far much stronger than her, as she tries to stand up her hand slips and he lays her on the ground.


"I remember what happened that night. I remember every single detail now. I remember telling him no but he refused to listen to me. He took advantage of me because i was drunk or because i was drugged and he got away with it because i was too scared to say a word. Because we were too scared to say a word but i refuse to hide behind the truth. I tried for so long to pretend that none of it happened but it did. I will make sure they pay for what they did to me and my friends." Kathryn breaks down in Dallas's arms, he puts his hand on the back of her head as he holds her close to him. Having seen the memory in her head he felt sickened by the idea that anyone could do this and get away with it. 

"It's okay, you're safe with me"Dallas assures her "They are sick and twisted men" he says as he holds her in his arms understanding more why she really doesn't trust anyone and why for the past two days she seems like she has been off the rails.

Author's Note- I originally had the scene written in but decided it would be best if i took it out. I have the original ending posted somewhere else but i've decided not to add it here. 

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