My Unearthing Miracle

By ADBirnie

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Kathryn Barlow a sixteen year old teen attempts to drown herself in the ocean after she finds out her whole l... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing
Chapter 2- Let Me Go!
Chapter 3- Am I Really Who You Say I Am?
Chapter 4- VanderVall Legacy
Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire
Chapter 6- The Truth Behind It All
Chapter 7- One Step At A Time
Chapter 8- My Last Dying Breath
Chapter 9- Cafe De'Javouir
Chapter 10- Today Is Your Last Day
Chapter 11- Dismembered Body
Chapter 12- A Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 14- Secrets Only break Hearts
Chapter 15- Lessons In Life
Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash
Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You
Chapter 18- The Smell Of Death
Chapter 19- A Smile Hides A Thousand Words
Chapter 20- Drink Away Your Sorrows
Chapter 21- Boy, Oh Boy!
Chapter 22- Girl's Night In
Chapter 23 - Underground Fight Club
Chapter 24- The Hidden Connection
Chapter 25- Heavenly Father
Chapter 26- Death Will Come For Us All!
Chapter 27- Heart Crushing Feeling
Chapter 28- History Always Repeats Itself
Chapter 29- A Vengeful Man
Chapter 30-Birthday Wish
Chapter 31- An Innocent Life
Chapter 32- Tommy Boy
Chapter 33-Burst Chest, Broken Neck And Drowning Organs
'Chapter 34- Love Runs Deep
Chapter 35- The Urges
Chapter 36- Screams Break Glass
Chapter 37- Secrets Burn Bridges
Chapter 38- Mind Over Matter
Chapter 39- The Christmas Ball
Chapter 40- The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 41- A Christmas To Remember
Chapter 42- A New Year Party
Chapter 43- If You Wanna Be My Lover
Chapter 44- A New Drug
Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs
Chapter 46- Valentine Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 47- A Life Changing Deal
Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future
Chapter 49- A Trip To Kentucky
Chapter 50- Blood, Blood, Blood
Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past
Chapter 52- Forgiveness Is A Powerful Thing
Chapter 53- Miami, Here We Come
Chapter 54- Spring Break
Chapter 55- Where Is Home?
Chapter 56- Moving On And Letting Go
Chapter 57- Feelings Never Go Away
Chapter 58- Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 59- You Don't Know Everything
Chapter 60- Do You Choose To Live Or Die?
Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead
Chapter 62- A Sniff Of Death
Chapter 63- Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 64 - The Turning Point
Chapter 65- Good Girl, Bad Girl
Chapter 66- Family You Never Had
Chapter 67- The Boy With No Heart
Chapter 68 - A Father Who Loves
Chapter 69- Soul Or No Soul
Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures
Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies
Chapter 73- Drink, Drugs And A Whole Lotta Love
Chapter 74- The Good In Goodbye

Chapter 71- The Battle Of Immortals

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By ADBirnie

VanderVall Academy- Friday 1st June, 2018- 2.42am

Great Hall/ Entrance-

Marly gets thrown into the great hall where she goes sliding and crashing into everything on the tables. She picks herself up feeling disoriented and brushes herself off. She looks around and sees she is surrounded by three werewolves who want to kill her, She take a sharp blade out the sleeve of her jacket and it slices through ingrid Jason's neck , Ingrid holds onto her neck as she bleeds out. Leaving Marly with the two were wolves Walker porter and Jillie Ruadh, the pair stand at the front and back of her and go in for a attack, Marly manages to swerves to the right just missing their blade by and inch. Across the room Nick spots Marly going up against the two wolves and he sticks a silver blade into a witches back takes it out of her body then stabs it into her friends without checking if they are dead Nick runs over to Marly and snaps the neck of Jillie who was in front of her leaving Walker still alive. Nick grabs a hold of him while Marly takes out her knife and cuts out his heart, she throws the heart down on the floor and puts the silver blade through it to make sure he can't come back to life.

"You aren't leaving my side "Nick informs her and takes a hold of her in her arm, although he knows this is foolish and this makes them vulnerable he just wanted to hold her because she was alive and he was grateful for it

"I can take care of myself" Marly assures him as they begin fighting again using anything the physically can even the chairs.

"I know but i can't risk losing you "Nick confesses to her as it has been his greatest fear over the past few months.

"If we weren't about to die i would find that quite cute" Marly admits trying to keep her emotions intact and her mind focused on what is in front of her.

North Of The Academy- Corridors To The Classroom's-

Alfonso comes bursting through the door with members from The Sacred Eternal Flame Coven coming to lend a hand to their friends in their time of needs. He heard the secret siren from Justin and rushed over as soon as he could remembering where his loyalty lies. 

"Split up, remember who is innocent and who is the enemy" He announces to his men having been watching and studying Angelica and her followers. He and the coven know not all of them are acting on free will but are being forced to do so by control.

Alfonso looks around the Academy and can smell the blood splattered all over the walls and floors, he steps over the bodys on the floor and makes his way through the corridor leaving bloody footprints on his way. Vampire Frank Zedong runs towards Alfonso in attack mode, Alfonso continues to walk not showing any signs of movement until the last second where he hold out his arm and catches Frank at the throat, he throws him at the wall where he get impaled by a metal light holder that is high on the wall. Alfonso bends down and picks a stake up from the ground and throws it in the direction of Frank hitting it directly in the heart. Alfonso watches the life drain out of Franks eyes and walks away leaving Frank hanging on the wall. Alfonso walks through the hall killing any Immortal he can get his hands on who he knows is on Angelica's side. He opens up the door to one of the Magic classrooms where he sees a witch from the good side Elise Iban with Knifes raised in the air pointing towards another witch Yami Ceighton who has fireballs raised and pointing at Elise. Alfonso watches as a wolf Aurelius Lovel goes to attack Elise from the side but jumps across the room and tears his head from his shoulders allowing Elise the time to throw the knives at Yami as she was caught off guard by the attack. Yami throws the fireballs at Elise along with two other students one who was stood by the door Henry Manu and a kid who was hiding under the table Anath Maeda. Alfonso picks up one of the tables and deflects the attack as he runs over to Anath and picks her up from under the table and holds her in his arm until the fire balls have disapparated. He puts the burning table back down on the ground once it is safe and looks at Anath.

"You're going to be okay, You're safe" Alfonso assures her as he kneels down in front of her. "You come here" He orders Elise who walks over to him kind of fearing him after hearing stories about him around the academy.

"Get this kid out of town to safety and stay with her. I have men on the border of town that can help you. If you don't see them wearing a flame on their arm sleeve or a tattoo of it do not trust them" Alfonso orders her

"Yes" Elise agrees, Alfonso stands at the door and makes sure the corridor is clear allowing Elise, Antha and Henry to escape and make their way out of town.

Once out of side Alfonso continues making his way down the hall going into every door he can find knowing the tactics they will have and how they are most likely playing dirty in this battle which is no surprise to him. Alfonso walks into a room and sees Minister Isaac in the midst of a fight with Kreios Holt one of his men on his side while they fight against two other werewolves Mariana Prune and Magni Long who were covered in blood. Alfonso sees a little boy and girl lying on the floor holding hands with chunks taken out of their neck and blood on Mariana and Magni's faces. Alfonso joins in with the fight and gives Minister Isaac a head nod. Minister Isaac and Alfonso go after Magni who appears to be the strongest out of the two. Alfonso kicks her in the legs which breaks her knees and causes her to lose her balance meanwhile isaac grabs a hold of her arms and Alfonso takes a hold of her head. Minister Isaac uses his strength to twist her body using her arms and Alfonso pulls at her head as they take it clean off her. Although her head was taken off Minister Isaac pulls out her heart and crushes it too ashes to be on the safe side. Meanwhile Kreios is sat on Mariana, his knee up against her throat and another on her pelvis.

"Stake" Kreios shouts to Isaac who throws one over and he impales Mariana in the chest.

Alfonso holds out his hand helping Kreios back to his feet and they look down at the two kids.

"It's a shame it had to go this way" Isaac says feeling guilty and disgusted by the death of children

"We will kill every single one of those bastards" Alfonso promises not willing to let any one of them escape into the night.


Down in the basement area Ella is pinned against the wall while Backer Aldous has his hand inside her chest and has a tight grip on her heart. Jai who has just stabbed a wolf in the neck with a silver blade looks around and sees Ella in pain and about to die without thinking he jumps on the back of Backer and takes a bite from his neck, he knows it won't do much but it got Backer to let go off her heart and takes his hand out of her chest. Ella gasps for breath and looks at Backer and Jai who are now struggling in a fight, she takes the gun out of her pocket and shoots the wooden bullet into the back of Backers head missing Jai by inches. Backer drops to the ground and Jai lets go of him.

"Are you alright?" Jai asks her worried that she was away to die

"I'm still alive" Ella answers with a smile and shoots her gun into the distant as she watches Immortals running directly at them . She manages to kill a few vampires but the wooden bullets have no effect on the vampires and has to use the silver blade and arrows on them instead which meant most likely getting close to them.

"Hate to break up the love fest but there's more of them" Zackery informs them as he backs up to them, he gets a gun prepared in his right hand and a blade prepared in the right not knowing what to expect and sure enough it was a group of witches. One of the witches uses Electrokinesis against Ella, Jai, Zackery and the seven other students that was with them. They all fall to their knees trying to fight their way back onto their feet which is a struggle.

"Sorry is that painful" Otto Dado mocks them all on their knees.

The nine students are on their knees being electrocuted by the blast of energy coming from Ottos fingers. Jesse turns up behind Otto, Ennis Pau, Rusty Balogh and Coty Kilduff.

"What's taking so long?" Jesse asks giving them all a glare as they approach.

"Just having a little fun" Otto replies to him with a smirk

"We aren't here to have fun you insiteful little bitch" Jesse reminds her standing right behind her.

He grabs a hold of Coty's hand who is behind Otto with a poisoned blade in her hand and forces it into Otto's back which electrocutes Coty killing her because of the power of the charge.

Coty lies on the ground dead while Ott'os stops sending energy through her fingers giving the others a chance to stand up which they do so. Jesse walks away from them leaving the nine of them to finish off Ennis and Rusty. Jesse turns his head and looks at Ella with a smirk on his face.

"Traitor" Ennis shouts out, as she is shouting Ella grabs a hold of his open mouth and tears to top half of his head off his jaw and throws it onto the ground with a smile on her face.

Kurt Brynhildr a witch on the good side uses Astral projection and projects himself behind Rusty allowing Rusty to run into the blade held in Kurt's hand.

"Let's go" Zackery suggests knowing the Basement is one of the worst places to be in as it is practically a concealed death trap.

Donati Jagdish a vampire, Malati Richard a wolf , Aris Zeki a witch and Muhammed Filipovic another witch stay behind in the basement to make sure no one else makes it out there alive unless they are on the right side.

Front Entrance-

Justin and Greg is fighting at the front entrance finding this is the best place for them to be hoping that if they manage to kill as much immortals as they can before they enter the Academy it means there is less of them that the students. They are fighting alongside Minister Isaac, Lawson, Professor Xavier Giles and Professor Christian Rossi. Justin gets up off the ground from killing Isidore Xolani a wolf who was about to kill Jonathan Barcley. He looks over and sees Greg has just killed Naveen Clyde a witch who was using combustion against the students and professors. Justin and Greg go over to each other to see if the other is alright when greg nods his head to warn Ophelia was making her way over to them.

"Leave her" Justin orders them all and let's Ophelia walk over, he pulls her to the side.

"Where's Kathryn?"Justin asks Ophelia worried as he hasn't seen her

"I don't know" Ophelia reveals having no idea having also been looking for her

"We have to find her before they kill her" Justin tells her not letting anything kill her

"I've been looking all over for her and i can't see her" Ophelia reveals to him also having blood on her hands from killing the enemy

"I've got Dallas looking for her but knowing her she is looking for Angelica" Justin assures her that he has one of the best people looking for her.


Kathryn gets thrown out into the courtyard where he slides halfway along the grass from the doors, she stands up and cracks her neck, she gives Darren McCune an angry look in her eyes and she licks her lips. He makes his way over to her, she looks around and sees the amount of people fighting around her , she couldn't believe she managed to fight her way out into the courtyard. Darren lunges at her but she slides herself off the wet grass that is covered in blood and avoids the attack. She uses the lessons she had in training to her advantage and throws a silver knife that hits him in the crotch, Darren yells in pain looking down at the knife in his balls giving her time to stand up. She gives Darren a punch across the face and in the chest, she pulls the knife out of his crotch and smirks at him.

"Sorry was that sore" She laughs and stabs him in the stomach with the same knife. Darren falls down to the ground cupping himself in pain from there she takes the knife and slices his neck open and leaves him to die from blood loss and poison.

She feels herself being dragged from behind and thrown to the ground a witch is sat on top of her punching into her face and ribs, Kathryn holds up her arms in defence and the two girls end up scuffling on the ground. Galena Micheal takes the knife out of Kathryn's hand and slices the side of her stomach, Kathryn lets out a groan from the pain which catches the attention of Dallas from across the yard as he hears her groan and can smell her blood instantly. Kathryn not giving up throws Galena off her and gets back on her feet, she touches her side and sees the blood coming from it, she puts the pain in the back of her mind and her and Galena start fighting again. Galena blows a powdered dust at Kathryn's face which throws her off as she can't see and begins coughing from it. Galena grabs a hold of Kathryn's hair and holds the knife up to her throat.

"Do it i dare you" Dallas warns her from behind with a knife pressed against Galena's back.

Galena takes the knife away from Kathryn's throat but Dallas stabs her anyway. Kathryn takes a hold of the knife from Galena and stabs her from the front and takes the knife back out. Kathryn watches as Galena looks at her in pain scared and Kathryn can't help but feel bad for her as she looked just the age of seventeen. Dallas grabs a hold of Kathryns arm and begins dragging her away.

"Dallas let go of me" Kathryn orders him with an anger in her voice. He turns and looks at her.

"Your dad is looking for you" Dallas tells her, Kathryn questions if she should go but part of her knows she should.

"Fine" Kathryn agrees "But at least let go of my arm, i need it".

Dallas lets go of her arm and they hurry round to the main entrance of the school where Justin was caught up at.

"Your hurt" Dallas points out as they continue to argue with each other and fight the enemy.

"I'm fine" Kathryn answers partly lying as he knows she has cuts and wounds but hasn't taken into account how serious they could be.

"I can smell your blood which means so can all of them" Dallas points out to her which doesn't face her

"If they want to kill me then so be it" Kathryn replies to him shrugging her shoulders then wraps her legs around a wolf's neck and brings him down to the ground and stabs him in the back of the neck with a silver blade while she is at it.

She stands back up and takes the blade back out, Dallas smirks at her impressed with the move she pulled and without even looking takes the heart out of a vampires chest and crushes it.The pair eventually make it to the front of the entrance where Kathryn sees her father fighting with Greg. They go over and help fight off the enemy, Kathryn stops and looks around at the dead bodies around them and watches how quick it is for Justin, Dallas and Greg to kill them all while at times it takes her a good five minutes.

"You're alive" Justin states in shock and relief as he believed she would be dead as no one could find where she was.

"Still here" She smiles at him. Justin runs over to her and gives her a hug, the pair wrap their arms around each other as if it could be their last hug ever on the planet. While Dallas and Greg fought the enemy to give them this time knowing how important it was. Kathryn pulls away and looks at her father.

"We have a fight to win" She smirks at her father.

Justin steps away from Kathryn and looks around him then back to Dallas and Kathryn

"You two are going to be working together so figure out a damn way to get along" Justin informs the pair to which Kathryn raises her eyebrow not happy by the idea but goes along with it because she knows it is the only way for them to make it all out alive and as far as she was concerned she needed her friends, classmates and family to survive.

Dallas and Kathryn head closer towards the town gates meaning that in Dallas's mind if he believed there was too much coming at them and Kathryn was in danger he could pick her up and run her out of town.

"Do you trust me to have your back?" Dallas questions her as they fight their way down to the gates.

"Of course i do, Do you trust me?" Kathryn asks him the same question as she holds her stake in one hand and the dagger in another.

"Always have " Dallas answers her with a head nod. Kathryn and Dallas both look at each other and Kathryn lets out a smile she grabs a hold of his jacket and pulls him towards her and kisses him.The kiss reminds them both of all the chemistry they had with another and all the memories they shared when they were together. It felt like the right two chemicals were put together and it exploded. Part of her only gave in because she feared death would be coming right for them but the other part of her missed this incredible guy that she had strong feelings for and in her mind this was the best way to say goodbye to him.


Outside of Kathryn's bedroom Wilson and Lance are helping to guard the room which contains children under ten inside.

"Move away from the door and let me in" Ji-Young Amsing shouts from the across the hall

"Not a chance in hell" Wilson refuses shaking his head no and takes out a sharp blade.

Ji-Young lunges at him when Wilson uses his power to plant a vision of a waterfall into Ji-Youngs dead distracting him.

"Give me my god damn vision back" Ji-Young shouts as he continues running at Wilson.

Lance from the side takes Ji-Young to the ground and stabs him in the chest. Not killing him straight away Wilson comes over and helps hold him down while Lance takes the knife out his chest and re stabs him but in the heart this time. Wilson keeps Ji-Young in the vision of the waterfall as he dies, once Ji-Young is dead Wilson stops using his power and looks at Lance with guilt in his eyes.

"It's okay" Lance assures him and puts his hand on the side of Wilson's face feeling the same guilt as him.

"I won't let anything happen to those kids" Wilson pipes up as he looks at Kathryn's Chambers and others along the halls where they have stashed the kids. All along the dormitory corridor was other students protecting the kids.


Alice and Danny are in the library helping Professor Roayle Amsing, Professor Euegenia Alberding, Norman Cockburn and William Moon along with many others protect kids that are hiding behind in the book shelves at the back of the Library. Gunner Valentin a vampire has a hold of a beaten Alice and with the help of Melyssa Karlee they throw Alice out of the top floor window.

"Danny" Alice screams for his help before being thrown out of the window.

Alice falls on her back to the ground breaking bones and her spine but due to her Vampire healing she starts healing straight away. Danny looks over and sees what happened without hesitation he runs and jumps up to the top floor and with the help from Professor Roayle Amsing and Norman Cockburn they manage to kill the pair. They do this by Danny breaks off a part of the wooden stai case and throws it into Gunners chest from where he stood which causes Gunner to fall out of the window just like Alice did. Meanwhile Norman grabs a hold of Melyssa and throws her on the edge of the bannister while Professor Roayle Amsing takes the gun and shoots Melyssa in the forehead. Danny stands at the window and looks down at Alice looking lifeless on the ground with Gunner's dead body beside her. Danny jumps out of the window and lands on his feet, she kneels down beside Alice and puts his hand on the side of her neck, a tear rolls out his eye not knowing if she was still alive. Alice lets out a gasp trying to get air, Danny puts his head on her chest and lets out a little cry.

"You okay?" Alice asks him worried about what is going on, Danny lifts up his head and looks ath her.

"I should be asking you that, you just got thrown out of a three story high building" Danny points out to her and they both look up.

"I'm fine" She smiles and he helps her stand back on her feet.

From where they are stood they see Ella, Jai and Zackery fighting their way through the courtyard and head towards them. Alice and Danny see Ella, Jai and Zackery and surrounded and go over and help out. They spot Jesse heading over to Kathryn and Dallas and fear the worst is about to happen and run over.

"No one kill Jesse we can find a way to save him" Alice shouts to them as they run over

"We have to free his soul" Danny reminds them as they fight their way to the gates.

"How do you plan on doing this?" Ella questions them having no idea what the hell to do

"By killing the person who has it" Dallas reveals to them.

"Jesse we will figure this all out" Kathryn assures him with a smile

"I know" Jesse replies walking over to her, inches apart from each other.

"Yoohoo" Angelica calls out from afar as she approaches them this distracts them all and Jesse grabs a hold of Kathryns next and sinks his teeth into her. She lets out a scream from the pain and Dallas pulls Jesse off her.

"I'm so sorry" Jesse apologises as he falls to his feet

Kathryn takes a step back and holds onto her neck as she has already been bit a fair few times so far. Little did anyone know that when Kathryn was poisoned by her mother she became immune to the poison but it remained in her blood meaning anyone who took a taste of her blood would taste the poison and kill them. Dallas is by Kathryn's side as she tries to keep it together, Ella, Jai, Zackery , Danny and Alice were forced to fight Angelica's men as she didn't come along and brought a fight with her. Before anyone can do anything Angelica has Jesse's heart in her hand is crushing it. Kathryn forces her way out of Dallas's arm and runs to Jesse kneeling down beside him but it was too late, he was dead.

"No" Kathryn blurts out in shock "You killed him" She shouts looking at Angelica.

Dallas looks at Angelica and him and Justin chase after her leaving Kathryn sobbing by Jesse's side. Kathryn closes his eyes making him more peaceful and puts her forehead on his.

"I'm sorry i couldn't save you" She apologises to him feeling guilty for his death as he was in this position because of her.

While her friends were chasing Angelica and killing her men, Kathryn hears a scream come from a town and knows it's her mother. She stands up and runs in the direction of the scream managing to avoid being killed but gets cut and bit along the way but she didn't care. Kathryn finds her mum lying on the ground in town beside the bridge and shops.

"Mum" Kathryn yells out in fear, she runs down and kneels down by her side.

"They will keep coming after you. Your friends are going to die you are outnumbered"Ophelia warns Kathryn having predicted this all.

"Is there a way to avoid them all from dying" Kathryn questions her as she applies force onto her mother's wound to stop her from bleeding out.

"You're powerful Kathryn but you're not powerful enough." Ophelia begins to tell her "We were granted the gift of the scream"

"What are you talking about?" Kathryn questions her confused

"Our family for decades have developed a witches scream which is powerful to destroy our enemies" Ophelia confesses to her what she knows about her daughters gift. 

"How?" How do i do it?" Kathryn asks her thinking its the only way to help them all

"You have to reach down inside of you and get every piece of anger, fear and pain and build it up and when you let it go they all just fall like dominoes but there is a downside it can also kill you along with it" Ophelia explains to her feeling weak and tired as the blood won't stop "Which is why for some reason we never die. We will never die until we are ready too. It's our greatest weapon." Ophelia gasps for air "Just imagine what it could be like if you had full access to your power"

"That's why you suppressed my powers" Kathryn says starting to understand and starting to realise why the day she was in class and was so hurt by Jesse that she smashed the window, Mirrors and anything glass along with making her friends ears bleed.

"When you are young you have no control and when you were first born your cry would go through people's bodies ....and that's when people began to realise of your gift.... They wanted to use you as a weapon which was another reason why i suppressed them" Ophelia shares to her her eyelids getting heavy

"I guess i will see you soon" Kathryn says with a smile on her face

"Kathryn listen to me..." Ophelia begins to say before stopping "I won't be coming back this time.... I've done my job i kept you safe for as long as i can" she puts her hand up to Kathryn's face and touches her gently "and now it's my turn to go before i cause you any more harm"

"But" Kathryn interupts her

"No... It's the right thing to do" Ophelia shakes her head gently and her arm falls back down down to her side.

"Please don't leave me" Kathryn begs her with a tear in her eye

"I'm sorry" Ophelia gives her a little smile "Take care of your father.... You really do look just like him"

Kathryn sits by her mother's side and watches her take her last breath. Kathryn begins to hyperventilate from the pain and loss but looks up to see the struggle around her.

In the Dormitories-

A vampire Cree Wauters is in front of Wilson, He forces his hand into his stomach but then looks into the fear in Wilsons eyes as the tear comes out. Cree takes out his hand leaving a gaping hole in his stomach but his heart still beating.


Salva Conta has a stake pointed at Alice's chest the tip of it in her chest making its way to her heart, Ella is pinned up against the school gates with Ceallaigh Aegle's hand at her throat having just snapped it and preparing to take it clean off her shoulders. Zackery is attempting to fight his way through to Ella but is overpowered. While Danny is attempting to fight off three vampires and four werewolves far away from Alice making it impossible to get to her. Dallas and Justin were running after Angelica trying to kill her but they were losing. Angelica had her hand in Dallas's chest with a firm grip on his heart and Justin was lying on the ground knocked out with three werewolves by his side about to go in for the attack.

Class Corridors-

Marly and Nick are in the class corridor under attack while a witch was draining the life out of them with her powers. Marly and Nick were on their hands and knees gasping for air like many others around them.

Town Bridge- Kathryn's point of view

I stand up from my mother's body and see everyone around me struggling and seeing they are all on the verge of death, I know this is the moment I have been waiting for. Now is the time. I build all my anger, pain, sadness and emotions together and let out a loud high pitched scream as loud and as powerful as i physically can which echoed all through the town and up to the school as i focused on all the people who were hurting my family and friends. I watch them all begin to drop to their knees giving the good guys the upper hand and even though my scream was killing Angelica's followers i could watch my classmates killing them because they don't know about my gift. I can feel myself running out of breath and stop screaming, i try to swallow but my throat is dry. I let out a little smile at the thought of me being able to help them all, at me being able to save their lives, the people i love. Soon i can feel myself swifting side to side getting weaker by the minute. I try to make it back up to the school but i stumble over a body causing me to fall into the water. I feel my body slam against the water as i realise this was the moment i had feared for months. I keep my eyes closed preparing for the worst.

I knew this day was coming, I have been waiting for it to arrive for such a long time and i was prepared, i prepared myself for this moment yet i don't feel prepared. I made sure i said my goodbyes to those who meant the most to me even though they may not have realised it at the time but it's okay They are or were dying up there on shore while I'm sinking to the bottom of the ocean, I shouldn't be surprised anymore... I manage to open my eyes although the pain practically kills me to do so, my whole body aching from pain. I feel so disoriented as i look around me. The water looks so blue, so calm, so beautiful.... If i was going to die this was a beautiful place to do so but it's strange this time the fish don't fear me, they swim towards me and past me like i'm not there, some even stop in front of me expecting me to move but i don't. It's like i'm frozen still unable to lift a single finger. Perhaps I'm not the monster I always believed myself to be, Perhaps none of us are just misunderstood.... I can feel my eyes getting heavier by the minute , getting harder to open each time as i sink further thinking about them all... thinking about the people i love.... this must be it.... It must be my time to say goodbye ...

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