My Unearthing Miracle

De ADBirnie

671 146 3

Kathryn Barlow a sixteen year old teen attempts to drown herself in the ocean after she finds out her whole l... Mais

Chapter 1 - I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing
Chapter 2- Let Me Go!
Chapter 3- Am I Really Who You Say I Am?
Chapter 4- VanderVall Legacy
Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire
Chapter 6- The Truth Behind It All
Chapter 7- One Step At A Time
Chapter 8- My Last Dying Breath
Chapter 9- Cafe De'Javouir
Chapter 10- Today Is Your Last Day
Chapter 11- Dismembered Body
Chapter 12- A Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 14- Secrets Only break Hearts
Chapter 15- Lessons In Life
Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash
Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You
Chapter 18- The Smell Of Death
Chapter 19- A Smile Hides A Thousand Words
Chapter 20- Drink Away Your Sorrows
Chapter 21- Boy, Oh Boy!
Chapter 22- Girl's Night In
Chapter 23 - Underground Fight Club
Chapter 24- The Hidden Connection
Chapter 25- Heavenly Father
Chapter 26- Death Will Come For Us All!
Chapter 27- Heart Crushing Feeling
Chapter 28- History Always Repeats Itself
Chapter 29- A Vengeful Man
Chapter 30-Birthday Wish
Chapter 31- An Innocent Life
Chapter 32- Tommy Boy
Chapter 33-Burst Chest, Broken Neck And Drowning Organs
'Chapter 34- Love Runs Deep
Chapter 35- The Urges
Chapter 36- Screams Break Glass
Chapter 37- Secrets Burn Bridges
Chapter 38- Mind Over Matter
Chapter 39- The Christmas Ball
Chapter 40- The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 41- A Christmas To Remember
Chapter 42- A New Year Party
Chapter 43- If You Wanna Be My Lover
Chapter 44- A New Drug
Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs
Chapter 46- Valentine Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 47- A Life Changing Deal
Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future
Chapter 49- A Trip To Kentucky
Chapter 50- Blood, Blood, Blood
Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past
Chapter 53- Miami, Here We Come
Chapter 54- Spring Break
Chapter 55- Where Is Home?
Chapter 56- Moving On And Letting Go
Chapter 57- Feelings Never Go Away
Chapter 58- Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 59- You Don't Know Everything
Chapter 60- Do You Choose To Live Or Die?
Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead
Chapter 62- A Sniff Of Death
Chapter 63- Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 64 - The Turning Point
Chapter 65- Good Girl, Bad Girl
Chapter 66- Family You Never Had
Chapter 67- The Boy With No Heart
Chapter 68 - A Father Who Loves
Chapter 69- Soul Or No Soul
Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures
Chapter 71- The Battle Of Immortals
Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies
Chapter 73- Drink, Drugs And A Whole Lotta Love
Chapter 74- The Good In Goodbye

Chapter 52- Forgiveness Is A Powerful Thing

5 1 0
De ADBirnie

VanderVall Academy- Friday 2nd March, 2018- 12.15pm

Kathryn is sitting outside in the courtyard on one of the benches with a cup of coffee in her hand. She is wearing a black strapless suit like dress that sits above knee, there is a tier around her waist three black buttons on both left and right side of the top of the dress. She has black boxed heel strappy heels on her feet and a black hand bag at her side. Her hair is curled and up in a high ponytail with sunglasses over her eyes to block out the sun. Kathryn is avoiding her history lesson not wanting to see Dallas afraid that is she does her heart will break.

Kathryn's Inner Voice-

I wish he didn't do it, I wish i could turn back time and stop him from sleeping with her. I wish it didn't happen. I see him in the halls and i don't know what to say, I want to talk to him and tell him that it's okay and that i forgive him but i stop myself. If i forgive him then what am i doing for myself. I want to forgive him and put it behind me, to allow myself to heal and move on from it. I don't want him to look at me like i am broken pieces of a puzzle, i won't allow it. I trusted him and he hurt me and i wish i could say i wasn't surprised but it still hurt. After me and Ella went to Kentucky Dallas spent the rest of the night cuddling me and brushing my hair in bed. My body ached and i tried to hide it from him but he knew and when ever i needed something he went and got it for me. When i had a human ill day last week he put sausages, bacon, eggs and toast on a plate and a glass of orange juice and carried it up to my room, it was rather cute.

"Kathryn?" Carrie calls out from behind her which makes Kathryn lose track of thought. She turns around and sees Carrie approaching and gives her a smile

"Hi" Kathryn replies to her with a smile

"No class?" Carrie asks her as she climbs up on the bench and sits next to her on the table.

"No i do but just avoiding it"Kathryn confesses to her not feeling comfortable spending and hour in class with Dallas

"I heard about you and Dallas" Carrie pipes up to her

"I think everyone around this place did" Kathryn replies to her shrugging her shoulders trying not to let it get to her.

"Want to talk about it with someone other than your friends?" Carrie offers her a shoulder to talk to

"He was the first person i was able to trust and tell my past too and he screwed me over" Kathryn shares with her

"First person to trust? Surly you trust your friends" Carrie pipes up confused not really understanding

"You see the thing is i have a pretty dark past and i was never able to talk to anyone about it and Danny , Ella , Alice and Zackery even my ex boyfriend Jesse all saw me as this Princess who did nothing wrong but it wasn't true. I have a history of drug and alcohol abuse from when i was fourteen and Dallas was the only one who didn't judge me for it or look at me differently. I trusted him with it all, there was things i told him that no one else in the world apart from me and my two old best friends knew" Kathryn confesses to her

" I have met Dallas a good few years ago and back then he didn't care about anyone, the only person he was close to was Alfonso. He kept to himself and obeys orders" Carrie tells her

"I've heard" Kathryn replies looking out into the distance

Flashback- Dallas 15 Years old

The Sacred Eternal Flame Coven-

Dallas , Carrie and Jeffrey are in Canada, Houston. They are walking out of a bar with guns in their hand and blood down their faces.

"Nice job" Armani Plater calls out to them with his back against a motor bike and his arms crossed together.

"You lied to us" Carrie pipes up not happy with him at all

"Whatever do you mean?" Armani asks her pretending not to know

"You told us there was only four of them, Molly Mae McCririe, Nikita Armstrong, Murray Melville and Brogan Pirie but when we get there it wasn't just them four instead the whole bar was crawling of them" Jeffrey answers him feeling angry

"I don't know what you are on about" Armani lies having wanted the three of them to die and there out of jealousy of how close they were to Alfonso.

"Stop the bull shit" Dallas snaps and lunges for Armani wrapping his hands around his neck choking him.

Carrie and Jeffrey stand by and let Dallas hurt Armani believing he had sold them out.

"Get him off me" Armani demands wanting Dallas off him

"Not a chance" Jeffrey shakes his head, three minutes later Carrie comes back to her senses and steps forward.

"Dallas come on" Carrie pipes up to which Dallas gets up off Armani and walks slowly over to Carrie and Jeffrey until Armani stands up.

"You are going to regret this" Armani threatens him to which Dallas lunges his hand into Armani's chest and pulls out his heart and splits it in two, He then picks up his gun and shoots Armani in the chest three times making sure he was dead and throws his body into the bar. As he walks out of the bar he sets it a light. He gets back over to Carrie and Jeffrey are sat on their motor bike and gets on his own. Carrie and Jeffrey glance back at the bar and to each other before following Dallas on their bikes.


"Dallas didn't like when we were put in a compromised position, when we wouldn't get told how many people we were going after. Dallas doesn't trust people as you know but if you earn his respect he is loyal. He was loyal towards me and Jeffrey, there was a few times when he saved our asses. He was never good with emotions, when he thinks he has been betrayed he will do something to hurt the person, if the person sold him out he would kill them, If he thinks someone loves him he loves them" Carrie goes on to say

"The problem is i don't think he knows what love is" Kathryn points out her having known he hasn't had much in his life

"His girlfriend Cheryl broke his trust, his mum Wendy left five days after his funeral, He doesn't know who his dad is and his dad doesn't know who he is. Armani tried to have him killed along with many others" Carrie reminds her of what has gone on in his life

"A life of betrayal and sadness" Kathryn answers to her looking down at the ground

"What did he think you did?" Carries asks her

"He saw me talking to someone from vampire class Deklan, he put his hand on my shoulder and i brushed it off thinking it was weird and i walked away but i didn't know Dallas was standing there and Deklan told him that i had just slept with him. Instead of Dallas coming to talk to me he was so angry and upset that he saw the closest girl in the corridor and took her into his room. When i walked in i could see the regret and pain on his face and i just froze. I stumbled my way out of the room and he came chasing after me and he apologised and went on to say how it was stupid and he regretted the whole thing and i believe him. I could tell by the look on his face that he was telling the truth" Kathryn explains to her keeping her eyes looking down at the ground

"And what are you going to do now?" Carrie questions her wanting to see where her head is at

"He's Dallas" Kathryn replies with two words that mean so much, he was the guy she relies on. He is the guy who is always there to protect her, to check up on her and who can tell when she is having a bad day. He is the guy she wants to be around because as much as people believed he is bad he isn't. He is just misunderstood but he is also the guy who broke her heart when she didn't think it was possible to be broken.

"Once upon a time i knew a guy like that" Carrie brings up with a little smirk on her face

"What happened to him?" Kathryn asks curious

"He's up stairs in the library" Carrie answers her with a grin on her face having had referred to Jeffrey

"It must be difficult for you and Jeffrey to adapt to this world again" Kathryn brings up thinking about how different it must have been for the to come back to wake up in the morning and not wonder who they are going to kill today but wake up in the morning and wonder what they can do with their son.

"I suppose it is" Carrie agrees with her with a head nod "Jeffrey spends most days up in the library educating himself, before we got into the business he wanted to be a professor" Carrie shares with her

"Wow, do you think he would apply for a position here at the school" Kathryn asks her thinking about what a great opportunity this could be.

"I don't know, Maybe" Carrie answers unsure

"I could always put in a good word for him" Kathryn smirks at her being true to her word.

"Thank you" Carrie smiles at her grateful for it

"What about Alisha? I haven't seen her around lately" Kathryn questions her

"Ah yes, she is spending time in the bar. I think it might be because of that Ross boy who works there"Carrie answers her

"Oh Ross, he is a lovely guy. You would like him" Kathryn assures her trying to make it known that he can be trusted

"You know him?" She questions as she looks at the school gates and into town.

" Yes i do, He owns the bar. When you walk in he is friendly and greets you with a smile and talks to you. If he thinks you have had too much to drink he cuts you off, if someone is being harassed or bothered he cuts in and the bar is a place where you feel safe and connected with your friends." Kathryn shares her knowledge

"Perhaps i need to meet him" Carrie suggest looking over at the town.

"I can go with you at any time" Kathryn offers wanting to get to know her more and wanting her to feel like she has a trusted friend in her.

Training Gym- 1.54pm

Kathryn is wearing black sports leggings that has two white thick strips, one above the knee and one below the knee, She has a black sports bra on and a black sports hoodie that is zipped up covering herself up, she has white and black sneakers on her feet and her hair is still in a high ponytail keeping her hair out of the way. She has her phone in her sports leggings pocket with earphone attached as it plays music in her ear. Her red gym back was on the bench along with her water bottle beside it. Kathryn has her boxing gloves on and is punching the punch bag trying to relieve herself of any of emotion that she feels. Kathryn doesn't expect Dallas to turn up due to their recent argument but decided to go to the gym because even though her and Dallas might be on bad terms she needs to make sure she has the strength to fight off anyone she needs to and if that means she has to train alone then so be it.

At 2.03 Dallas walks up to the gym and watches from the window, he ponders going in but takes a deep breath in and picks up the courage. He walks into the gym and throws his bag to the bench to which as usual she doesn't hear. Normally he would go behind her and give her a scare but he didn't believe it would go down well. He walks out in front of her to let her know she is there, she stops hitting the bag and uses her teeth to pull off the strap to the boxing glove and throws it on the floor, she takes the earphone out her ear and looks at him.

"I wasn't expecting you to show" Kathryn says to him quite surprised to see him

"I wasn't sure you would either" Dallas agree with her having thought she would have wanted to have stayed far away from him. Kathryn throws off the other glove and dumps it at his feet, puts her earphone in and goes over to the treadmill to start running. Dallas looks at her and goes onto the treadmill not right next to her but the one after wanting to give her space.

Kathryn ignores him for fifteen minutes then pulls out her earphones and stops the treadmill, she stands there for a moment and turns her head too look at him then straight forward again.

"You made me feel like i wasn't good enough for you and maybe you're right. Maybe i'm not good enough for you or fun enough but the fact you decided to sleep with another girl because you thought i cheated on you which makes this all feel ten times worse" Kathryn expresses how she feels about what he did.

"I know and I'm sorry" Dallas apologises to her again feeling real remorse about what he did and touches her arm gently to which when she looks at him she can sense his pain and guilt. She then looks at him with a little smile and surprise.

"I Believe you and i forgive you" Kathryn tells him and she turns her head to look at him. 

"You do?" Dallas says surprised to hear the words

"Yeah but me and you having intimate moments has to stop for now" Kathryn tells him looking down at her touching his arm and takes her hand away. She looks at him with sadness in her eyes having realised they needed time apart knowing that neither of them was ready for a relationship, especially not this relationship.

Dallas walks away from her feeling hurt by her words but doesn't want to show that emotion to her which makes her angry that he can't just fight for her.

"All you ever do is walk away, all you ever do is give up on us" Kathryn points out to him climbing off the treadmill and looks at him to which he turns around and looks at her

"All you ever do is risk your life" Dallas picks up on and argues back with her. 

"When it all gets tough, you walk away or you do something to push me away when all i want is for you to fight for me" Kathryn tells him getting angry at the fact and she hits him in the chest a couple of times in anger

"I'm afraid to let you into my heart" Dallas confesses to her and takes a hold of her arms stopping her.

"And what you think i'm not" Kathryn says to him shaking her head "I've lost so much in my life that it makes me terrified at the thought of losing you too" Kathryn informs him of her thoughts

"I'm a bad guy Kathryn, all i ever do is hurt people. All i ever will do is hurt you, Don't you see that. I will keeping hurting you because that's what i do. That's who i am" Dallas reminds her that he is the bad guy and that he hurts people in the past and will continue to do so.

"What do you expect me to do?" Kathryn asks him feeling confused about what he wants "If you don't want to be with me at least say it, at least have the balls to tell me than screwing whores behind my back" Kathryn yells at him

"I did want to but now i don't" Dallas tells her and lets go of her arms

"Fine but don't bother coming crawling back to me when you're feeling lonely" Kathryn informs him and she storms over to her things and grabs them before storming out of the room leaving Dallas left alone.

Dallas Inner Voice-

"I don't want her to forgive me because what i did was wrong, what i did was stupid. She should hate me for sleeping with someone else but no she says it's okay and she forgives me. This isn't how it should work. But the last thing i wanted.... I wanted to be with her, to love her and to hold her in my arms but i have to protect her. I need to put her before my needs even if she does hate me for it because at the end of the day i would rather she hate me and still be alive than to love me and die. I won't do that to her, I care for her too much" 

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