My Unearthing Miracle

By ADBirnie

671 146 3

Kathryn Barlow a sixteen year old teen attempts to drown herself in the ocean after she finds out her whole l... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing
Chapter 2- Let Me Go!
Chapter 3- Am I Really Who You Say I Am?
Chapter 4- VanderVall Legacy
Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire
Chapter 6- The Truth Behind It All
Chapter 7- One Step At A Time
Chapter 8- My Last Dying Breath
Chapter 9- Cafe De'Javouir
Chapter 10- Today Is Your Last Day
Chapter 11- Dismembered Body
Chapter 12- A Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 14- Secrets Only break Hearts
Chapter 15- Lessons In Life
Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash
Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You
Chapter 18- The Smell Of Death
Chapter 19- A Smile Hides A Thousand Words
Chapter 20- Drink Away Your Sorrows
Chapter 21- Boy, Oh Boy!
Chapter 22- Girl's Night In
Chapter 23 - Underground Fight Club
Chapter 24- The Hidden Connection
Chapter 25- Heavenly Father
Chapter 26- Death Will Come For Us All!
Chapter 27- Heart Crushing Feeling
Chapter 28- History Always Repeats Itself
Chapter 29- A Vengeful Man
Chapter 30-Birthday Wish
Chapter 31- An Innocent Life
Chapter 32- Tommy Boy
Chapter 33-Burst Chest, Broken Neck And Drowning Organs
'Chapter 34- Love Runs Deep
Chapter 35- The Urges
Chapter 36- Screams Break Glass
Chapter 37- Secrets Burn Bridges
Chapter 38- Mind Over Matter
Chapter 39- The Christmas Ball
Chapter 40- The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 41- A Christmas To Remember
Chapter 42- A New Year Party
Chapter 43- If You Wanna Be My Lover
Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs
Chapter 46- Valentine Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 47- A Life Changing Deal
Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future
Chapter 49- A Trip To Kentucky
Chapter 50- Blood, Blood, Blood
Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past
Chapter 52- Forgiveness Is A Powerful Thing
Chapter 53- Miami, Here We Come
Chapter 54- Spring Break
Chapter 55- Where Is Home?
Chapter 56- Moving On And Letting Go
Chapter 57- Feelings Never Go Away
Chapter 58- Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 59- You Don't Know Everything
Chapter 60- Do You Choose To Live Or Die?
Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead
Chapter 62- A Sniff Of Death
Chapter 63- Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 64 - The Turning Point
Chapter 65- Good Girl, Bad Girl
Chapter 66- Family You Never Had
Chapter 67- The Boy With No Heart
Chapter 68 - A Father Who Loves
Chapter 69- Soul Or No Soul
Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures
Chapter 71- The Battle Of Immortals
Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies
Chapter 73- Drink, Drugs And A Whole Lotta Love
Chapter 74- The Good In Goodbye

Chapter 44- A New Drug

5 2 0
By ADBirnie

VanderVall Academy - Friday 25th January, 2018


Kathryn's in the gym alone running on the treadmill thoughts running through her head while wearing her hair in a tight high ponytail, She had on blue and black sports leggings with black sports jacket along with a blue zip and a blue and black sports bra underneath it and black sneakers on her feet.

Kathryn's Inner Voice-

" Sometimes i can still dream and smell the water from the day i first tried to kill myself, the look of all the fish swimming away from me afraid that i would kill them like i was a monster. I still remember choking on the water as i gasped for air which is some thing i've become used too. When i was a child i used to practically dive into the water at any chance i got even when i wasn't able to swim but not water fears me, the water from the tap, the water from the shower even water from a bottle. I push through my fear of course but some days it scares me to the point where i try to avoid it at every chance i get. I basically avoid the corridor that leads to the pool as it sends flashes of the night Jesse attacked me into my mind and it paralyses me. The sound of Jesse's name paralyses me with fear and it shouldn't but i can't help it. I'm not stronger like the others, I'm weak and i'm human. One punch from them and it knocks me on my ass and most the time it knocks me out which isn't exactly helpful around here. It drives me insane looking and feeling weak all the time, feeling like everyone has to come save me when ever i get myself into trouble. But i never asked for any of this, i was just born and people decided they want me dead. Most of the time i wish they would just do it already..."

Dallas comes into the gym and begins to train with Kathryn where they begin to work on one on one combat no gloves bare fists.

"I want to be able to fight like everyone else but i'm too weak" Kathryn tells him thinking about how perhaps she needs to change herself to become stronger to help everyone else out instead of being helped.

"You are doing what you can" Dallas attempts to assure her that she is helping where she can

"Really because it feels like i'm getting more people mixed up in my business, I mean look at Danny and his parents they can't come back because of my mom. If i wasn't weak i would have killed her by now" Kathryn confesses to him how guilty she feels that he has to be separated from him parents.

"It isn't like that Kathryn" Dallas pipes up " I met his parents a long time ago, they were mixed up in a bad crowd. Doing deals for the big guy Alfonso like killing his enemies, killing innocent people or killing people who killed innocents so that he could be in power so that people would rather fear him than challenge him and if they refused to do his bidding they would go after their family. You know Danny's dad Jeffrey well one day he refused to kill a boy who was the same age as Danny who was at the time only eight year old because he couldn't control his hunger and was slaughtering thousands. Yes Alfonso was doing the right thing but Jeffrey couldn't do that because every time he looked at the child all he could see was Danny, after he refused to do it Alfonso went after his dad Ronald and killed him and did the same with his mum Debbie. After that Alfonso would kill other members of the family to motivate them." Dallas shares what he knows about Danny's parents with Kathryn to fill her in on what is going on

"That's horrible" Kathryn gasps in shock motivating her to want to help Danny and his family even more.

"I haven't told Danny about it, i don't want him to know what they are being put through" Dallas reveals to her wanting to keep it a secret until the time is right.

"We need to go help them" Kathryn says putting down her fists not wanting to continue with the training.

"No, we need to keep training you aren't ready to be out there" Dallas refuses shaking his head

"Seriously, How do you expect me to fight and help Danny if you won't even let me outside this room" Kathryn pipes up to him getting fed up with how much times she gets put on the side lines

"You don't understand how bad things are out there" Dallas tells her pointing out at the window

"Then perhaps i should go look for myself" Kathryn says walking away from him

"You are so god damn stubborn" Dallas yells out to her with his arms crossed getting annoyed at how much she refuses to do what she is told to do. Instead she does the opposite of what she is told to do.

Kathryn continues to walk over to the bench when Dallas goes up behind her and takes a hold of her arm stopping her she hits her hand against his arm to stop him then knees him in the crotch, they struggle in a fight with each other as they would if they were training. Surprisingly enough she manages to pin him down onto the ground sitting on his stomach holding him down with her lower right arm on his neck. She lingers for a second just looking into his eyes then takes her arm away from his neck and stands up and walks away from him to near the treadmills. Dallas watches her with a small smirk on his face and curiosity in his eyes

"What are you so afraid of?" Dallas questions her stood in the same position.

Kathryn ignores his question and they begin fighting again, this time he uses his strength a little more than he did before not allowing her the upper hand, he deflects everything she throws at him and he pins her up against the wall holding his arm against her chest not allowing her to move. Kathryn looks up at him and closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in

"You" She answers which scares him, he lets her go and takes a few steps back from her. She stands at the wall and looks at him. "I'm not afraid you will kill me, or hit me, i'm not scared of you in an evil kind of way" Kathryn confesses to him to which he raises his eyebrow at her "I'm afraid to touch you, to be near you.... because there's something about you that makes you... irresistible" He walks closer to her.

"I'm not the only one, You're like a mystery to me and i can never anticipate your next move" Dallas reveals to her with the look trying to figure her out to which Kathryn walks away to the center of the gym afraid of getting too close to him.

"Perhaps that's a good thing" Kathryn smiles and grabs her bag off the bench and walks out of the room leaving him alone.

Kathryn's Inner Voice-

" What even was that? What the hell was that? "I'm afraid of you, afraid to touch you to be near you" eww i mean what even was that. God you're embarrassing. You should have walked out of there well before that. He's going to think you are a complete imbecile but the problem is i can't stay away from him. He's kind of like a drug to me, He helps take away my pain like the drugs and drink used to do but now i don't get a hangover or get sick by it. He makes me feel happy not sad and he makes me want to push my boundaries and tell myself i can do more even when i feel like i can't. He has saved my life so many times and he is always there for me when others feel like they aren't. When i wake up in the morning i can feel the urge inside of me screaming at me feed my body and i see him and it makes me feel better, it takes the urge away but like all drugs you get withdrawal when you want more and you have to tell yourself that you can't, that you are better off without it and sometimes you can't help but give in to temptation. I enjoy my drink but i don't use it the same way as i use too, i don't abuse it anymore. I don't drink to take the pain away i drink for pleasure. I mean it's not like i don't have days where i can taste the drink on the tip of my tongue and i have to stop myself from going there, some days the taste of it in my mouth fills me with joy and relief. I have my bad days but don't we all but with Dallas around it makes it so much easier to not drink or not feel the urge to drink. The problem is some days i can't remember if i am using him for the high and the thrill or if it's more than that, if it's the friendship i am drawn too and how much he cares and protects me."

Kathryn on her way back to her room bumps into Alice and Ella who are walking over to her.

"How was training?" Alice asks her wanting to know if things are feeling better or not for her

"Fine" Kathryn answers her straight away not even thinking about it.

"We were thinking about going into town for a coffee, you want to come?" Alice asks her with her purse in hand having it been a long time since they went to Cafe De'Javouir

"I wish i could, i promised my dad i would start catching myself up on the history of the family as i'm still so far behind on the subject so it appears i will be spending my night in the library surrounded by history books" Kathryn shakes her head wanting nothing more to go with them

"Well it sucks to be you then" Ella blurts out with a small pout on her face

"feel more than welcome to bring me back some of their donuts" Kathryn tells the girls with a smile on her face.

"We'll try" Alice agrees to it and walks away with Ella towards the front doors.

Kathryn now having been brought back to reality realises she left her water bottle back at the gym and slowly heads back for it hoping Dallas will have been gone by time she gets there. She gets to the gym doors and walks through them but feels both disappointed and happy he is still there training away.

"Couldn't keep away could you?" Dallas jokes to her wiping his head with a towel.

"I forgot my water bottle" She replies to him picking it up from off the bench and goes to leave

"Yeah you "Forgot it"" Dallas mocks her and throws the towel to the side

" In case you don't remember i walked out here pretty fast" Kathryn reminds him and begins walking back over to the door

"At least let me walk you back to the dormitories" Dallas pipes up walking over to her

"It's fine Dallas, I can get there on my own" She initially refuses his offer

"I'm headed to my room anyway, there would be no point us walking with only like five feet apart" Dallas shares with her grabbing his bag from the side

"Alright" Kathryn agrees and opens the door, she holds the door open for him and they begin to walk together. To start with they are pretty quite for a while.

" Full on dreading the cooking exam on Monday" Kathryn pipes up to him making friendly talk

"Why because you're so bad at it" Dallas laughs at her

"Hey it's not my fault about that one time i threw the food over someone and ever since that disasters keep on happening. It would surprise you how good at cooking i am" Kathryn replies to him

"I think i'm going to pass on all your food, i don't want to die" Dallas half jokes to her

"You know what I'm going to deliberately poison you now" Kathryn share with him giving him a slight glare to go along with it.

"I know you find me hot so i don't think you would" Dallas pipes up shaking his head not thinking she would actually go through with it.

"You are so full of yourself" Kathryn reveals to him shaking her head at him

"I'm only speaking facts and plus ever since we started doing the whole telepathy i could sense it" Dallas shares with her not letting her know he has sensed other things in her mind and seen memories that she doesn't remember.

"Even if i did, it doesn't mean anything" Kathryn tells him screwing up her face as they approach his room.

"I'll see you around" Dallas tells her and opens up his room door

"See you around" Kathryn repeats his words back to him and begins walking away down the hall when she stops and turns around and she sees him standing at his door way watching her and storms over to him.

"You know what, I think you are saying all these things to get me to come on to you because you like me" Kathryn pipes up having figured out his game plan

"I do not" Dallas denies to her with a scoff

"Fine then, See you later" kathryn shrugs her shoulders and turns around and takes a few steps away from him when he takes a hold of her wrist and pulls her back into a kiss with his hand on the back of her head then they go into his room.

"This is a one time thing" Kathryn tells him as they walk in continuing to kiss him. 

"Between two lonely people" Dallas agrees with her taking her bag from her hand and dumping it onto the floor. He moves closer to her and puts his hand gently on the side of her face and hair and smiles at her while looking into her eyes. He didn't care that even if it was just a one time thing he was completely happy holding her in his arms. 

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