My Unearthing Miracle

By ADBirnie

671 146 3

Kathryn Barlow a sixteen year old teen attempts to drown herself in the ocean after she finds out her whole l... More

Chapter 1 - I'm Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing
Chapter 2- Let Me Go!
Chapter 3- Am I Really Who You Say I Am?
Chapter 4- VanderVall Legacy
Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire
Chapter 6- The Truth Behind It All
Chapter 7- One Step At A Time
Chapter 8- My Last Dying Breath
Chapter 9- Cafe De'Javouir
Chapter 10- Today Is Your Last Day
Chapter 11- Dismembered Body
Chapter 12- A Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13- Mommy Dearest
Chapter 14- Secrets Only break Hearts
Chapter 15- Lessons In Life
Chapter 16- Life Is Like A Car Crash
Chapter 17- The Past Will Always Be With You
Chapter 18- The Smell Of Death
Chapter 19- A Smile Hides A Thousand Words
Chapter 20- Drink Away Your Sorrows
Chapter 21- Boy, Oh Boy!
Chapter 22- Girl's Night In
Chapter 23 - Underground Fight Club
Chapter 24- The Hidden Connection
Chapter 25- Heavenly Father
Chapter 26- Death Will Come For Us All!
Chapter 27- Heart Crushing Feeling
Chapter 28- History Always Repeats Itself
Chapter 29- A Vengeful Man
Chapter 30-Birthday Wish
Chapter 31- An Innocent Life
Chapter 32- Tommy Boy
Chapter 33-Burst Chest, Broken Neck And Drowning Organs
Chapter 35- The Urges
Chapter 36- Screams Break Glass
Chapter 37- Secrets Burn Bridges
Chapter 38- Mind Over Matter
Chapter 39- The Christmas Ball
Chapter 40- The Night Before Christmas
Chapter 41- A Christmas To Remember
Chapter 42- A New Year Party
Chapter 43- If You Wanna Be My Lover
Chapter 44- A New Drug
Chapter 45- The Invisible Signs
Chapter 46- Valentine Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 47- A Life Changing Deal
Chapter 48- The Past Affects The Future
Chapter 49- A Trip To Kentucky
Chapter 50- Blood, Blood, Blood
Chapter 51- A Blast From The Past
Chapter 52- Forgiveness Is A Powerful Thing
Chapter 53- Miami, Here We Come
Chapter 54- Spring Break
Chapter 55- Where Is Home?
Chapter 56- Moving On And Letting Go
Chapter 57- Feelings Never Go Away
Chapter 58- Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 59- You Don't Know Everything
Chapter 60- Do You Choose To Live Or Die?
Chapter 61- Rise From The Dead
Chapter 62- A Sniff Of Death
Chapter 63- Pink Is The New Black
Chapter 64 - The Turning Point
Chapter 65- Good Girl, Bad Girl
Chapter 66- Family You Never Had
Chapter 67- The Boy With No Heart
Chapter 68 - A Father Who Loves
Chapter 69- Soul Or No Soul
Chapter 70- The Battle Of Creatures
Chapter 71- The Battle Of Immortals
Chapter 72- Walk In The Ashes Of Your Enemies
Chapter 73- Drink, Drugs And A Whole Lotta Love
Chapter 74- The Good In Goodbye

'Chapter 34- Love Runs Deep

14 1 0
By ADBirnie

VanderVall Academy- Sunday 17th December,2017- 7.29am

Justin's Chambers-

Justin's Dream- 18 Years ago

Justin stands outside his father's office with his trousers, shirt and tie on trying to get the courage together to knock on the door. He knows that inside that room his grandparents are waiting for him and he will have to tell them what has happened... He will have to tell them he got Ophelia pregnant. He takes a deep breath in and picks up his hand forming it into a loose fist and knocks on the door with his knuckles. Within a few seconds the door opens and his grandma welcomes him with open arms as she always does. He willingly hugs her, he wraps his arms around he and holds onto her longer than usual afraid that this could be their last hug. He takes his hands away and walks into the room and takes a seat on the left chair while his grandma sits on the right one. Both of them look happy this morning which is probably a good thing once they learn what he's done they might not be as happy.

"Justin dear, what's wrong?" Maybelle asks him instantly seeing his face isn't the usual chipper self.

"I need to tell you both something" Justin answers her looking down at the ground feeling anxious about how they might take it.

"What's going on?" Gideon asks sitting more forward on his chair sensing that something really isn't right.

"Ophelia's pregnant" Justin blurts out as he looks his grandfather in the eye, he couldn't hold the secret in any longer.

"Oh wow, poor girl. I can't imagine what she must be going through, who's the father of the child?" Maybelle asks him, Justin doesn't say a word for a moment still looking at Gideon.

"I am" Justin confesses then looks to his grandma

"That's not possible" Gideon pipes up feeling confused shaking his head. 

"I don't understand either, i just know that it's mine" Justin replies to them not knowing what else to do

"Is there any chance this could be someone else's?" Gideon question Justin feeling skeptical

"Ophelia's not that kind of girl" Maybelle sticks up for her having watched that girl grow up since she was young. 

"Grandpa, what do i do?" Justin questions him and looks over at him

"If this child is yours then you will be by Ophelia's side the whole time and you will help raise your child and we will support you in any way that we possibly can"Gideon advices him not allowing Justin to miss out on any of it.

"What if i can't? I don't know how to take care of a baby" Justin pipes up not thinking he will be good at taking care of his baby

"We will help you and Ophelia through it all"Maybelle assure him taking a hold of his hand.

Jesse's Chambers- 2.47pm

Jesse's Dream- One Year and 8 Months ago-

Jesse is walking in the street with three of his friends Albert, Donald and Connel as they walk through the street Jesse sees a woman through a shop window in a burgundy velvet pyjama shorts and tank top. He begins to smile at the sight of her and approaches the shop when he sees a man walking over to her. Jesse walks in the shop to observe the girl in the shop when he hears the girl being harassed by the man.

"Sorry, I'm really not interested"Kathryn turns him down politely holding her hand up backing away

"Come on doll, just go out with me" The man blurts out at her as he continues trying to pressure her into doing what he wants. 

"No, leave me alone" Kathryn shakes her head no as she backs away the man grabs her arm.

"Just one drink" He whispers in her ear

"Get off me"Kathryn argues with him trying to fight him off.

Jesse walks over to Kathryn and the man and puts his arm on the man's sleeve.

"I suggest you get your hands off her and leave" Jesse warns the man allowing Kathryn to back away from the guy

"Or what?" The guy laughs, Jesse picks up his fist and punches the guy across his face then throws him out the shop. Jesse turns round to Kathryn and smiles.

"Are you alright?" Jesse asks her making sure she is okay

"Yeah, thank you for that" Kathryn answers him with her arms crossed not feeling as comfortable as she did before the man approached her.

"No worries" Jesse replies to her and begins to head for the door

"Can i get you a hot chocolate or coffee or something?" Kathryn questions him taking a step towards him

"Yeah that sounds nice" Jesse agrees nodding his head with a genuine smile on his face

3 months Earlier -

Jesse is sat on a bench in the park, he watches as the kids play on the play set and running around in the grass with no worries or cares. As he watches then Ophelia approaches him and sits down on the edge of the bench he is on.

"I believe you have done all your research on my daughter" Ophelia mentions to him as she looks out at the play park. 

"I have" Jesse with a slight head nod but neither of them look at one another. 

"Your next mission is to bump into her. Come up with some kind of plan that makes you look heroic and make her fall in love with you." Ophelia orders him having a plan in her head. 

"I know you are expecting things from me but i don't know if i can do that. You said it yourself in the past your daughter isn't easily impressed" Jesse reminds her having doubts within himself. 

" You are charming, good looking and funny. If my daughter is anything like my teen self she would fall for the guy she believes is trying to protect her, who is going to love her and care for her. If she trusts you it means she loves you. I have faith that you will be able to sweep her off her feet ." Ophelia opens up to him seeing parts of Kathryn in herself from when she was young. 

"I will try my best" Jesse tells her.

" No you need to do more than your best. I need you to protect my daughter at all costs" Ophelia shares with him looking at him with worry on her face. 

"Why?" Jesse turns his head to look at her  looking confused with a raised eyebrow.

"Jesse you don't know the world like i do. There is dangerous people out there, people who want to hurt her because of who she is and who she is destined to be." Ophelia mentions with a sorrow in her voice "I need you to promise you will protect her" the sorrow in her voice soon turns to pleading.

"I promise i will make your daughter fall in love with me and protect her at all costs"Jesse promises her and then shakes her hand.


Jesse awakens from his sleep, the sheets on his bed wet from his night sweats. He stares up at his ceiling thinking back on that day when him and Kathryn met.

"You love her, so why do you hurt her?" Stuart asks his son from through the mirror

Jesse sits up from his bed and looks at the mirror glaring at his father.

"I don't love her" Jesse shouts at him

"It's funny you say you don't but we both know you do. You try to prove you don't , Think about the day the girls went shopping you could have warned her. You had every chance to tell her but you didn't. You sat in that car that was trying to run her over but you didn't really want to kill her, you never have. I'm guessing your orders were to hurt her, to kidnap her and take her to a remote destination where no one was going to find her. But there was a flaw in the plan, you didn't anticipate Dallas. You underestimated him. You thought he didn't care about anyone but his job was to protect her and that he did. The funny this is you saw the switch of cars take place but back then you still had your soul. You still loved Kathryn and yes i said loved because you do love her even if you are too blinded to see it. Instead of going after her and Dallas you went after the bodyguard car and you blew it up and went the extra lengths to impale them in the chest to make sure they died just so they didn't figure out your identity.... Then again it wouldn't be the first time you killed someone so they couldn't spoil your plan. You managed to get back to the school before Kathryn and you cleaned yourself up and when she came back scared and shaking you played the role of the caring boyfriend and you held her close in your arms. You were happy she was still alive. " Stuarts hits him with the reality of things. 

"Stop it" Jesse shouts at him. 

"Or how about the time when you were at the coffee shop and Marly approached you and she flirted but you stuck by your girl . You've never wanted to hurt Kathryn. Then you saw Ophelia in the car and you left the coffee shop and got into she same car where she thanked you. To some people that would be confusing, why would she thank you for saving her daughters life? The one person who she is trying to kill. She thanked you for going after the wrong car because part of her does care about Kathryn and what was the words she said "There is a bigger picture" and you felt a relief that day. That perhaps the emotional pain you were causing on her might just keep her alive. 

"Enough" He yells out to him

"or how about even though every inch of you wants to rip into her neck and drink her blood you resist like the day when you found her parents dead. You could have drunk their blood from the ground and you were inches away from Kathryn's vein to which she was provoking you to take a bite but you stopped yourself. Why would you stop yourself? Because you love her. That doesn't go away just because you sold your soul. Even then you had the chance to drink her blood, you pierced  the skin in her neck and when Wilson attacked you could have devoured her. After all he is weaker, he didn't stand a chance but you stopped and attacked him.You were protecting her until the minister's wife came along then all of a sudden you sell it and she becomes your worst enemy. What do you feel every time you see her drowning on water? Do you feel pleasure watching the person you love die. Do you feel pleasure knowing you are killing the only person in this world who truly loves you. What do you feel when you see the life disappear from her eyes? Yesterday when she begged you to stop that part of you that loves her came back... You have to fight this son" Stuart advices Jesse not wanting to see anymore people get hurt.

Great Hall- 6.43pm

Kathryn sits in the great hall and sees the thick fog from outside and looks over to Alice and Ella who are sitting talking to each other.

"Do you guys not find it strange how every day at the exact same time the thick fog has rolled in so bad that you can't see one foot in front of another" Kathryn points out to the pair they both look at Kathryn and nod their heads

"Yes i have noticed it as well" Alice agrees with her

"I've been watching out my window, i think there's people sneaking outside of the gate" Ella shares with them both

"Have you also noticed how the boys always sneak off at the same time too" Kathryn mentions to them also finding it suspicious

"The boys have been acting different" Alice agrees with what Kathryn is saying as she look at the window

"I think we should go investigate" Kathryn suggests to them with a smirk on her face

"What are we waiting for" Ella says standing up off her chair and walks towards the great hall doors.

Kathryn and Alice both get up and follow her, the girls don't bother putting on coats and sneak out of the front doors and make their way to the gates where they see Danny, Dallas, Zackery, Jai among others fighting a group of what appear to be vampires.

"Should we help them?" Ella whispers to the girls, the girls observe them and see they appear to be winning the fight

"No, let them do it" Kathryn shakes her head 

"We can't tell them right now about what has been going on" Alice mentions to them shaking her head

"Not until we find out what they are up to" Ella agrees with Alice thinking there is more to it than what they know.

"Look" kathryn says pointing her finger into the distance as more Vampires come out of the shadows.

"Screw this" Ella says and charges out of the gates and begins to help the guys fight off the vampires.

Alice within seconds follows Ella's lead, Kathryn considers if she should help but feels like it could only lead to worse consequences but see's a iron pole laying on the ground beside the gate and picks it up and helps them out. The boys turn around and see the girls there and look at them in shock and anger. Dallas walks over to Kathryn and grabs her arm with a tight grip. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dallas asks her with an angry tone on him

"I could ask you the same thing" Kathryn answers him and throws the pipe into a vampires chest killing him instantly.

"How about we all argue about this later" Danny suggest to them wanting to focus on the fight ahead.

"Oh yeah we sure will argue about this"Alice replies to him feeling as angry as ever that they have been keeping whatever this is a secret. 

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