What's A Hero? , Vigilante Iz...

By Damage_Kalateral

197K 8.2K 4.5K

Wolf Spiders are wild and crafty in their natural environments. So when a vigilante of unknown age, origin... More

The Wolf Spider
Vigilant In Action
Fire And Rescue
Feather Collection
Off To UA We go
Attack Of The Press
The Teachers
A Painful Save
A Poor Child
The Underground
Injuries, Friendship And Saving Others...
Heroes And Questions
Aizawa And The Spider
The Actual Heck You PPL?! (not Update)
Let's Jump To It
A Cat And A Flower Pot
Q And A
The Principal And The Pro
Visiting the heroes home
Surprising Class 1A
Undercover Mission?
I need your help- not a chapter
New Version Posted!!

Sleep Paralysed

5.7K 273 163
By Damage_Kalateral

It was three weeks ago that Wolf Spider broke out of the hospital. Only a handful of heroes have seen him since, though he's still been an active vigilant all of that time, constantly capturing villains and stealing missions before the pros even got there. Yet, Aizawa wanted to know if the kid was safe. Yamada wanted to know if he was safe. Especially after what happened last week.

Yamada was one of the few to encounter him during his free time. The voice hero had been ambushed and outnumbered, he remembered like it happened yesterday.

Yamada was walking away from his station, his 'Put your hands up' radio show just came to a close and he was heading to Aizawa's to stay the night. There were few people out and about at this time, which wasn't unusual for the man's late-night walks.

Turning the bend, his face came into unforeseen contact with a manhole cover, shattering his glasses against his face and unceremoniously pushing him to the floor with a strangled yelp. Yamada landed on his butt, the frames of his now broken glasses hanging from his ears with the sound of blood dripping to the floor.

A woman stepped around the corner to face him, a sickening grin plastered on her face as she held the cover on her shoulder; over-confidence glinting in her red eyes. "Yo, Shnyde, looks like the broker was right. I've got Present Mi-" Her shout was cut off as Yamada released a quirk-amplified "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH!" directly at her face. The woman dropped the cover with an echoing clang as she was skidded back a few metres, only to be pushed back again as a man with a blue glowing aura shoved her away from the hero.

Hizashi staggered to his feet, lingering dizziness from the metal plate ringing in his ears. A feeling of warmth crept across his face as the familiar taste of blood touched his tongue, his glasses hat cut into his face when they were shattered. His sight wasn't terrible, but it was bad enough to make long distances a little blurry. He took a fighting stance as several more people turned the bend, three had guns.

Two villains charged at him, and Hizashi desperately wished he had called for backup while he was down. It was obvious that the thugs were trying to overwhelm him, but he took the attack head-on and spun, delivering a roundhouse kick to the pair's head's and smashing them into the wall. The alley wasn't crowded, the walls had at least four meters between them, but the walls on one side were made out of concrete without anything but a single pipe that ran into the ground.

The two thugs groaned as they slid down the wall, not quite unconscious but completely dazed. A quiet click drew the hero's attention, and he held his breath as the gun was fired towards him, with no time to move, all the pro could do was brace for some description of pain.

After a good five completely silent seconds, Hizashi opened his eyes to find there was no pain, and a small hooded person was stood in front of him. Hizashi noticed the criminals gawking at the person before the glowing guy muttered, "Shnyde! Wasn't he in the hospital?! Why is Wolf Spider here?!".

Hizashi felt his body stiffen, did a run-away kid just take a bullet for him? The boy's arms dropped to his sides, though the hero couldn't see his face, he felt the hostility and tension coming off the boy in waves.

"Yo." His tone opposed his emotions, and his voice was filled with a calmness that didn't quite fit the situation. "Why are you trying to abduct Present Mic? And where did you get these bullets?" The boy put up one hand, showing off an oddly shaped piece of metal, pointed like a needle at one end and tinted red with a covering of blood.

The villains didn't move for a moment, before the guy at the front seemed to break out of his daze and took a menacing step forward. "What's it to you, kid? We just want our money, you don't have to get involved." both the hero and the vigilant noticed the man's fingers elongate and turn into long, sharp needle-like points. "Though, boss did say he'd pay extra if we found you a couple of weeks back. I'm sure that the offer's still open." That made his followers smile, and the seven before them blocked off the exit to the main street. Some mumbled sentences like, "Shnyde's right." and "How much was his price again?"

The vigilant shifted ever so slightly, and Yamada (who was still behind him) saw the phone that was being held behind his back. He didn't even know where the phone had come from, let alone when he got it behind his back. However, Wolf Spider's phone was on and had a very clear notification visible on the screen.

Are you sure you want to send your location to Tsukauchi Naomasa?

Present Mic caught on, the vigilant somehow knew that Mic had no backup, so Yamada carefully reached forward and tapped 'send'. Yet Hizashi missed some of the conversation, as shortly after tapping the screen, something cannoned into him. His back slammed into the wall as another thug sprung at the boy from behind.

Hizashi was sure this blue-skinned weird lookin' guy was still in a daze a moment ago, sitting slumped against the wall, but, obviously, he hadn't kicked him hard enough. Wolf Spider was ducking and dodging as villains came at him from both sides, and a cut-off scream from another villain drew the attention of the man pinning Hizashi to the wall.

Yamada took the distraction in his stride and drove one of his boots into the other's shin and ducked to shoulder him in the chest. The man wheezed as he hit the ground, spluttering out a few weak coughs before falling unconscious due to an amplified exclamation in his ear. Three other villains were knocked out due to his quirk and Yamada was somewhat glad the vigilant kid was struggling back to his feet in the thick of the group. Wide-eyed and bloodied but nevertheless resilient.

Suddenly, much to Yamada's despair, the villain with the blue aura lunged to his feet and barreled right into Wolf Spider. The boy hissed as a knife was plunged into his left shoulder before trying to wrestle said weapon out of the man's grasp. The larger, more bulky criminal slammed him into the alley wall as two villains attacked the voice hero.

Two gunshots fired out, both directed at the boy. On shot one, the same needle-like bullet embedded into his arm, and the second caused blood to fly across the walls. Hizashi couldn't tell if the boy was alive or not now, three armed villains kept him occupied.

Unlike Aizawa, he wasn't familiar with close combat fighting moves and relied on distance for his quirk to work more effectively. Hizashi could hear the taunting of the two other thugs and took it as they were talking to a hopefully still-alive vigilant. He caught some snips of what they were saying as he tried to back away, they were saying things like "idiot, gonna a get a hero caught with you" and "boss will be so happy to kill you" .

Yamada knocked out a female with a penknife and got a glimpse of the blue aura man holding Spider to the wall by the throat; Wolf's fingers desperately clawing at the man's hand, like he was suffocating. (which he probably was, Hizashi realised bluntly.)

Yamada broke away from his fight and attempted to kick the stocky villain in the head, but the man's free hand caught the hero's boot and just stared as he held him there. Now Yamada could see the boy. Blood soaked his hoodie and there were three very notable tears in his costume. A torn-through hole where the blood was darkest on the right shoulder, a still embedded blade in his left that seemed to have been twisted around-judging by how the fabric of his costume was twirled around the knife, and a gouge through his outer-left thigh. His left leg hung limply a good ten inches from the asphalt while the other swung in a weakening attempt to kick him. The villain's hand was wrapped around the boy's throat, large enough that he held the sides of the hood that was over his head to his skin as well.

The scoundrel with long fingers seemed smug for some reason, and it made Yamada sick to his stomach. The pro hero couldn't pull his foot away, the thug's crushing grip would not allow that. And to add to the humiliation, the other villain was snickering at them while pulling an unnaturally long index finger down the vigilant child's face. Blood slowly dripped from the hairline cut, like rivulets spilling from an overflowing cup.

Wolf Spider's hands lowered and for a terrifying moment, Yamada thought he was dead. A flash shone from the sturdy villain's stomach and a clear gagging sound escaped the man's throat as he plummeted to the floor, electricity pulsing from his now limp body.

Yamada pulled himself free and immediately grabbed onto the kid as he also hit the floor. "Please tell me your okay!" Yamada gasped, afraid for the boy who'd saved him but suffered in return.

Spider gasped for breath, choking on the oxygen that came to his lungs too quickly. The boy's eyes landed on his face and there was a jumble of things hidden in those green depths. Yamada's body froze as Wolf Spider leant up and pulled him to the ground in a quick, startling movement. A gunshot whistled above them and yet another needle-tipped bullet hit the ground beside them. Yamada could see the shattered front of the bullet and guessed that they had aimed for the hero but missed, resulting in it hitting the wall. How quick was this child's reaction time?

"Quirk suppressing bullets... Don-... don't get hit." The shaky voice belonged to the vigilant next to him. Yamada stared, cursing that the boy had been hit twice already.

The remaining villains quietly encircled them, so Yamada wasn't only trapped against a wall, he was also trapped with an injured civilian (ignoring the fact that he's a vigilant civilian).

The needle-finger villain took a step forward, suddenly towering over the voice hero, and smirked. Though it was hard to see in the dim lighting, the man's skin was turning a shiny silver colour, as if his skin was turning into metal. "Now who wants to sleep sooner? The boy is bound to pass out soon, my quirk is 'sleep paralysis', so it'll be restless and nightmarish knock-out if you will. Just depends on how bad the wound I give you is-oh and give me that!" he cut off at the sight of a small metal device in Wolf Spider's hand.

The boy, however, had different plans. As soon as the man lent down, the boy thrust the device into his face and fizzling electric flashed over the man's body for a split second before the man pulled away and fell back. Hizashi recognised the flash as the same thing that took out the bigger villain and hastily attempted to shield the boy from any more attacks.

"Use your quirk... I'm behind you... Don't worry about hurting me." The same small voice mumbled behind him. Yamada went with it and shrieked "VILLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNSSSSS!!!" in the hopes that backup was nearby.

When he turned to check on the kid, he found a puddle of blood without its owner. Facing the villains in mild alarm, he recognised the small shape of Wolf Spider diving for a briefcase near the base of the alley wall. Yamada gathered his memories and recalled that one of the gunmen had carried it in with them, the same one who had fired each of the quirk suppression bullets and the same one who was now sprawled across the floor, unconscious.

Wolf Spider pulled the case up to his chest and scrambled for a foothold on the flat surface, trying to jump away from the villain who was closing the gap between them. Hizashi flinched as sirens blared in the background, catching the villain off-guard mid-leap. Instead of his claw fingers stabbing through the vigilant's neck as he obviously intended, they scored through the fabric of the boy's jacket, slashing his hood and shirt practically in half and exposing the four long lacerations in his back. Perfect fits for each finger on the hand of the criminal.

Wolf Spider stumbled out of reach of the villain and fell sideways into the wall, proceeding to hit the floor with a soft grunt. Hizashi was thankful that he had long legs and ran to the boy again. This time he kept his hand on the boy's shoulder as he continuously failed to stand up. It looked like his left leg had given out, the wound showing dark red flesh and dripping blood. Though when he looked at the boy's face, his eyes were unfocused and showing some sort of haunted darkness. Hizashi understood but was uncertain of what was happening to him.

Controlling his own panic, he lightly tapped the unharmed side of the boy's face. "Hey, hey. Listen. Come on, kid. Don't panic and take a couple of deep breaths for me okay?", he tried. The sirens were growing louder and he only hoped that other heroes would get here soon.

"Hahaha!" Shnyde cackled. Pointing a finger at the vigilant, he warned. "You'll be sitting ducks as soon as my quirk takes full hold of him! The police won't get here soon enough to get you both-" whatever he was going to say next was cut off as an all too familiar white capture weapon smacked his head into the wall.

Yamada sighed in relief and quickly tried to wrap the vigilant's wounds. There were two pockets on his belt which contained three rolls of gauze bandages each, and Hizashi couldn't help but wonder how many people he would've saved with the medical supplies he had on him.

In the faraway background, he could hear Shota running towards him and turned around while putting pressure on the gunshot wound in Wolf's shoulder. As soon as his eyes met his husband's, he felt the weight of the boy shift and disappear altogether. Whipping his head around, he saw the vigilant clinging to the drainpipe. If it wasn't a wonder how he got up there with a faulty leg, it was more of how was he dodging Shota's scarf with a faulty leg, damaged arms with an injured back.

Wolf Spider managed to grip the roof ledge before the police even arrived at the alley and was gone as soon as Shota reached the roof. The blood trail stopped at the end of that same roof and no leads were found to his whereabouts.

Where did he go and how would he do with those injuries? Hizashi couldn't get his haunted eyes out of his thoughts as he was taken off to the hospital.

Yo. I feel accomplished with this chapter. Two days of stressing work and I finalised a 2500 word chapter with an actual liking for it. Insomia is fuuuuuun!

However this event will extend over two or three chapters so be prepared.
I think that's all, thanks for reading!

Have a good day/night/evening/morning

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